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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I have a few questions and inquiries i need help about. Private Server Ro .It seems that the RAR file I was supposed to download is not there or it does nto exist. I was wondering If I could have a proper link or some help. Here are my questions. What would I link to people so that they may register an account to play in my server? Each private server has their ownwebsite and youcan register an account. Where can I Find this? How can they download my server? On other peopels private servers, they have a download link for sakray, rag, and their server. If they have rag and sak, How can I give them my server? -Insomnia
  2. Im looking for a client that has both AIM and Skype. Is There An Adium-like Im Client For Windows?Is their a client/program that allows for both AOL Instant Messenger and Skype to be used in one for Windows. It's a pain having both AIM and Skype opened at the same time on my computer. Its annoying and slows my computer down by the amount of memory they use. If someone knows of a solution for this problem, and that would work for Windows, I would lovw to hear about it. Thanks alot. -reply by gilgamesh
  3. Sharing Files And Printer Between Windows Vista And Xp - Networking ProblemSharing Files And Printer Between Windows Vista And Xpmagiccode9 solutions worked for me! he said to do the following... "It seems again be the computer browsing services issues.Try this step to see if it works. Create a shared folder on Windows VistaOn Windows XP computer, type the following command to access the foldor on Windows Vista Computer.Start Menu -> Run -> [windows-vista-computer-name][your shared folder name] and press enter. This should work without any issues." thank you magiccode9 after hours of searching you simple yet highly effective solution worked! Cheers!
  4. Have same problem you did with XBOX 360 MTUNeed Help Changing MTU Settings For XBoxReplying to FeedBacker I also have the same modem as you do and I am having an MTU problem. Do you mind telling me how you got yours to work? Doug
  5. baki.cfgConfig.cfg FilesUnbindallBind "TAB" "+showscores"Bind "ENTER" "+attack"Bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"Bind "SPACE" "+jump"Bind "'" "+moveup"Bind "+" "sizeup"Bind "," "buyammo1"Bind "-" "sizedown"Bind "." "buyammo2"Bind "/" "+movedown"Bind "0" "slot10"Bind "1" "slot1"Bind "2" "slot2"Bind "3" "slot3"Bind "4" "slot4"Bind "5" "slot5"Bind "6" "slot6"Bind "7" "slot7"Bind "8" "slot8"Bind "9" "slot9"Bind ";" "+mlook"Bind "=" "sizeup"Bind "[" "invprev"Bind "]" "invnext"Bind "`" "toggleconsole"Bind "a" "+moveleft"Bind "b" "buy"Bind "c" "radio3"Bind "d" "+moveright"Bind "e" "+use"Bind "f" "impulse 100"Bind "g" "drop"Bind "h" "+commandmenu"Bind "I" "showbriefing"Bind "j" "cheer"Bind "k" "+voicerecord"Bind "l" "showbriefing"Bind "m" "chooseteam"Bind "and" "nightvision"Bind "o" "buyequip"Bind "q" "lastinv"Bind "are" "+reload"Bind "s" "+back"Bind "t" "impulse 201"Bind "you" "messagemode2"Bind "w" "+forward"Bind "x" "radio2"Bind "y" "messagemode"Bind "z" "radio1"Bind "~" "toggleconsole"Bind "UPARROW" "+forward"Bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"Bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"Bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"Bind "ALT" "+strafe"Bind "CTRL" "+duck"Bind "SHIFT" "+speed"Bind "F1" "autobuy"Bind "F2" "rebuy"Bind "F5" "snapshot"Bind "F6" "save quick"Bind "F7" "load quick"Bind "F10" "quit prompt"Bind "INS" "+klook"Bind "PGDN" "+lookdown"Bind "PGUP" "+lookup"Bind "END" "centerview"Bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"Bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"Bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"Bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"Bind "MOUSE4" "+duck"Bind "MOUSE5" "+speed"Bind "PAUSE" "pause"_cl_autowepswitch "1"_snd_mixahead "0.1"Ati_npatch "0"Ati_subdiv "0"Bgmvolume "1.000000"Bottomcolor "6"Brightness "4"Cl_allowdownload "1"Cl_allowupload "1"Cl_backspeed "400"Cl_cmdbackup "2"Cl_cmdrate "100"Cl_corpsestay "600.000000"Cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50"Cl_crosshair_size "small"Cl_crosshair_translucent "1"Cl_dlmax "128"Cl_download_ingame "1"Cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"Cl_forwardspeed "400"Cl_himodels "0"Cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"Cl_lc "1"Cl_logocolor "#Valve_Orange"Cl_logofile "lambda"Cl_lw "1"Cl_minmodels "0"Cl_radartype "0"Cl_righthand "1"Cl_shadows "1"Cl_timeout "35"Cl_updaterate "100"Cl_vsmoothing "0.05"Cl_weather "0"Con_color "255 180 30"Console "1.000000"Crosshair "1.000000"Fastsprites "0"Fps_max "500"Fps_modem "0"Gamma "3"Gl_dither "1"Gl_flipmatrix "0"Gl_fog "1"Gl_monolights "0"Gl_overbright "0"Gl_polyoffset "0.1"Hisound "1"Hpk_maxsize "4"Hud_capturemouse "1"Hud_centerid "1"Hud_draw "1"Hud_fastswitch "1"Hud_saytext_internal "1"Hud_takesshots "0"Joystick "0"Lookspring "0.000000"Lookstrafe "0.000000"M_filter "0"M_forward "1"M_pitch "0.022"M_side "0.8"M_yaw "0.022"Model "gordon"MP3FadeTime "2.0"MP3Volume "0.030000"Mp_decals "300.000000"Name "-=choriso=- #Fatality5"Net_graph "3"Net_graphpos "1"Net_scale "5"R_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"R_detailtextures "0"S_a3d "0.0"S_automax_distance "30"S_automin_distance "2"S_bloat "2.0"S_distance "60"S_doppler "0.0"S_eax "0.0"S_leafnum "0"S_max_distance "1000"S_min_distance "5"S_numpolys "200"S_polykeep "1000000000"S_polysize "10000000"S_refdelay "4"S_refgain "0.4"S_rolloff "1.0"S_verbwet "0.25"Sensitivity "1.650000"Skin ""Spec_autodirector_internal "1"Spec_drawcone_internal "1"Spec_drawnames_internal "1"Spec_drawstatus_internal "1"Spec_mode_internal "4"Spec_pip "0"Suitvolume "0.250000"Sv_aim "1"Sv_voiceenable "1"Team ""Topcolor "30"Viewsize "110"Voice_enable "1"Voice_forcemicrecord "1"Voice_modenable "1"Voice_scale "2"Volume "0.2"Setinfo "_vgui_menus" "1"Setinfo "_ah" "1"+mlook+jlookExec userconfig.Cfg -reply by baki
  6. Sooo...Reservation Rewards - A Scam!It seems like $12 is the magic number. I just found a pending charge in my account this morning for that amount from Reservation Rewards. Luckily my bank is awesome and helped me figure all of it out. They cut of my card and plan on sending me a new one... I wonder how many people this has happened to and how many of them just let it slide... -reply by kiki
  7. how to get out of her??How To Get Out Of Love?I am a boy studying in India and came from kuwait to do my graduation... while I was in college I fell in love with this girl...Wen we started dating I then got to know that she is from a poor family...She just lost her dad in a train accident...She had never seen life ,then way she should be enjoying it and other things like that...She wasa in a group of 6 from that 3 guys and 2 girls including her...All those 3 boys liked her but just because of non-caste they never approached her ever... eventaully as time passed by I started showing her few decent restaurants,cinema halls,pubs and many more entertaining place in and around the area.. she was well know in her area too that she is seeing me and stuff like that...Got a lot of respect from a lot of people becuase she is my girlfriend... after spending 3 years wd her in college,we started working together in the same place,...I was so happy for that...But now all of a sudden after earning good bucks she is acting smart with me...Irriatates me by talking and sticking to other guys and ignoring me to the core...Not bothered to know wat I'm doing ...I cant live like this ...What should I do here please advise me what is to be done...Should I leave the job or what is to be done...Please help me urgently... -reply by Colin
  8. just mine pures and put them in bank then keep on doing it or get oak planks and put them in plank then keep on doing it.
  9. Religion is just another weaponA World Without A Religion?I see it like this, religions have all been created for no other reason than to be used as a weapon. To control people, to install fear into their followers. Throughout history the worlds leaders have all been massively religious, surely no one sees this as a coincidence. The whole and only reason they are the leaders is because they have used religion to put themselves there. This is quite understandable back in the day when we knew no better, who ever wanted to lead needed to create a weapon that would put the same fear into people as todays nuclear weapons, we as a race had no understanding of where we came from or what made us so as soon as some one gave an explanation we believed and religion was born. What seems crazy to me is that in this day and age, where technology and science are so much more advanced and has been able to provide the true answers to the questions of our existance people are still being led and controlled by religion. adam
  10. Am I being stressed or depressed?Can You Go Back To High School?I've always wondered to myself what has been my problem. For some reason I can sense when I'm going to fail. I don't know if I just don't believe in myself just as much and I set myself up to fail or how it is. I'm 19 and I'm going to be in high school for my 6th yr. I always first start up to be strong but I end up feeling lazy and just end up bring myself down and dropping out. I am a little over weight and I see myself being the worst daughter sometimes which hurts me the most. I work part time. I'm a good worker. I work hard. But for some reason I don't tend to do that with school. I don't know if my job is getting in my way or what. I want to go to college and being someone very important.. Soo I don't know whats stopping me really... I get depressed very easliy. I get kicked out of schools because of my attendance only. Other than that I'm a great student I do my homework and classwork. I have a good social life. I'm very friendly and always carry a smile upon myself. Noone would image how bad I feel inside. I think I should go see someone but I don't know. -reply by Marilyn SUGGESTION BY ADMIN: Sort the problems and things bugging you right now on paper. Choose Work over School only if it gives you a lot of opportunity to learn new things regularly :-) else focusing harder on School is a wiser option.
  11. man habbo has been around so long, the only one ill really go to is the uk once. I'm just more use to the people on that one. Lol I live in the you.S. So its just kinda funny. Its cause its the orignal...Damn I rember goin there when I was like 16. Man I'm 19 now...Holy hell
  12. Barnes & NobleReservation Rewards - A Scam!I recently (around 30 minutes prior to posting) ordered some books from Barnes and Noble. At the end of my order I notice a link saying I'd received a reward from B/and for $10 off my next purchase. Since I'd seen this sort of thing before in a legitimate form from ticketmaster (at one point they gave you free iTunes downloads with a purchase over a certain amount), I decided there would be no harm in clicking it. However, as soon as I read over the site (never entered any personal information) I realized it was likely a scam. A quick google search confirmed this. Hopefully, since I didn't put my email in they won't try charging me. Besides, I used only gift cards to pay so they wouldn't get much from me anyway. My point: if anything looks even REMOTELY suspicious to you google whatever it is you're looking at followed by 'scam' and that will usually tell you right away whether or not it's legit. -reply by Michael
  13. how can my dog got more milkDog Questions my dog is a yorkshire terrier she just gave birth 3 days ago,now she loose appetite she got 4 cute little puppies what kind of food we are going to give to her to make her strong and have more milk? pls help me terry
  14. where i can download new up grade for sr-x95 usb and it open the multi vision chanel in hotberd?Sattelite,reseiver(star Sat),coding ....where I can download new up grade for sr-x95 usb and it open the multi vision chanel in hotberd? -question by amin
  15. Photoshop Used?A Beginners' Tutorial For Forum Signatureshey, awesome tutorial, but I was wondering... Which version of photoshop did you use? Like, what was the name of it, because I couldn't follow your instructions perfectly well because my settings and tabs are in a different place than yours. Please email me, or just message me back on this, Thanks, Curtis -reply by curtis
  16. How to assign the Permanent Hardisk ID name How Do I Remove This External Storage From Showing?Madam/Sir, How to assign the Permanent Harddisk ID name to USB harddsik of Size 1000GB. Regards, Ravi Shankar
  17. I also recieved that message and I am now a power user as well, I researched it and it seems legit -reply by dyoung
  18. Gmail got EVEN BETTER!Gmail: Simply The BestIs it possible... For probably THE most popular mail provider to get... better! well it happened! now gmail has themes! so if your a ninja fan, choose ninja! a cartoon fan, choose bus stop! a "home dog", choose graffiti! and now chatting and inviting poeple to gmail is even easier! you type in an adress above your chatting box thingy, clik invite, and clik send. How easy is that? and, its soooooo easy to use. Gmail=10++/10 keep up the good work google! -reply by cooliomasterman
  19. For you DoanDisable Crash Recovery Restore Session Option On Firefox 2 Always restore sessions on start By default this feature is off, but can be turned on from the Options/PreferencesMenu. In the Main panel, under Startup set "When Firefox starts" to"Show my windows and tabs from last time". This will have FirefoxRestore your tabs and form data to their state when Firefox closed (theRelated preference is browser.Startup.Page). If you want Firefox to restore multiple windows you need toClose Firefox via "File -> Exit" ("Firefox -> Quit Firefox" onMac OS). Closing the windows one at a time will cause Firefox to onlyRestore the last window that was closed. -reply by Marty
  20. want to get informationMotorola RazrI want to buy motorola (motorazer v3) soon as my new year gift. So I want to get its full information. I have a motorola phone before, but unfortunately it was broken. I want to buy it again. I am in my job now and much work due. So I have no time to go mobile store. My friend is ready to buy it for me. I want to know its full details with photos. So please guide me to buy it and send full information. I am waiting. Deepak Jena
  21. well I need a better "scene" name aha. my names artisha but I go by tisha. so yeaaa. and not all scene names have to be like that alot of scene kids I know have their names as something catchy like "run (name here ) run!" or like "oh shoot! its (name)" so like run tisha run or oh shoot! its tisha. -question by Tisha
  22. Reservation RewardsReservation Rewards - A Scam!The same thing happened to me. I realized a $12 charge on my debit card. When I checked my last 3 months transactions this charge had taken place on my account for the last 3 months. I called Reservation Rewards and talked to the customer service representative. Apparently when I had booked Super Shuttles on the internet, Reservation Rewards had somehow automatically signed me up for a 12/month membership. I was clearly not aware of this. The customer service representative initially didn't want to refund me my 3*12 dollars but when I argued she agreed to. She also cancelled my membership.
  23. Replying to GrinningKittieI induce a few lucid dreams a week. I found it difficult if not impossible to read while dreaming. So I?ve tried the last couple of nights and I was able to read ?fourteen? and ?eleven? (in letters), and when I tried reading it back, it had switch order (eleven and fourteen). Usually, most of the words I make out are gibberish, have weird characters or the letters change constantly. Is anyone successful in reading while dreaming and if so, what is your technique? talleyrand
  24. connect pc to tv wireless.[tutorial] Pc-pc Home Networking.I read your article of connecting pc to pc via lan , I have'nt tried it yet. But I wanted to ask you how to connect a pc to a tv wireless to see all the files of the pc on the tv. Please try to help me on this . Thank you. SATYAM
  25. Setting up a NEW HP Pavilion DV5-1235dx Laptop with a WRT310N Linksys RouterHaving Problems Connecting To The Internet Etc. On Another LaptopConnecting a new laptop to the internetQuestion: I just bought 2 new HP Pavilion DV5-1235dx laptops and I also bought a WRT310N Linksys wireless router. I'm trying to set up the laptops to accept an internet connection from the wireless router but for some reason both laptops won't connect. The first problem is that both laptops when connected directly to the comcast modem by the ethernet cord recognize a connection but when I try to log on to the internet it won't work. The second problem is installing the wireless router. Apparently something isn't loading correctly to allow me the ability to have a secure connection.
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