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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Yes and no. The reason why they did that is for maintenance reasons, You can bypass that by going to another page Gaiaonline.Com/mygaia -reply by Inqiury
  2. Limit Scope to Reduce Development TimeCreating A Game – Milestone 0 – Design PhaseI hear things like "50 people for 2 years" and "6 months to write a design document" and I just have to shake my head. I understand that there are lots of noobs who want to write a game. Advice like this is meant to give them a dose of reality. I certainly believe those numbers for A-list games. However, I doubt there are many game designers for A-list games that are reading this site looking for advice. What I think is needed is advice for novice game developers on how they can accomplish their goals given their limited resources. As a professional software developer (not any games yet) all this smacks of "Big Design Up Front". I haven't seen many successful projects succeed with that strategy. Instead, what I see succeeding more is to describe in rough outlines what you're trying to accomplish ad then pair it way down to decide "what's the minimum I can ship with and still be useful". I think on-line RPGs have the advantage that you can grow complexity. So while it might take you several years to "finish" your game you can still let people start playing much sooner. Then you can react to what you learn from your players. I like this article because it highlights the types of things you need to think about when starting a game project. I don't like the advice I keep seeing to write a document that's several hundred pages long. I'd rather start small and produce working code than spend a lot of time that saps your enthusiasm writing a long document that nobody may ever read. Working code is more valuable than documentation. -reply by Doug
  3. can you imagine your dog getting very sick and you want to find a cure for him so you decide that it is ok to test on your mom or aunt betty, becuase they seem to be the most compatabile to your dog. does that sound o.K with you? I would just like to point out that animals have a very different body chemistry than us humans, our metabolism, or immune system doesnt work like theirs. Eaamples: cats cant have ibprofin becasue of a chemical that they produce cant digest it, (but we can) Dogs cant have chocolate becuse its is very toxic to them (but we can). There are some diseases out in this world that humans can catch but animals can not. Example: dogs can contract the provovirus but it can not be contracted to humans or other animals but dogs. Humans can contract hepititus and pass on to one another but no animal can contract it I just pointing out that animals feel pain too and God (yes I said God!) put them here for a reason and I can tell you that he didnt put them on this earth to have us test on them, for our own benifit.
  4. AOE III, no big dealAge Of Empires 3to be honest, I expected more from this game, the game doesn't feel like AoE anymore, it feels weird, not because the game has changed of time (in game time, I mean ages), but because the game feels different, I know the creators of the game tried to make something better, they really made better graphics, I got an AMD x4 Phenom 3GB RAM, and a SLI system of Dual GeForce 9800 and running on windows XP SP3 and maybe its a bug, or I need a patch, but the game seems to be "lagging" whenever I move more than 40 soldiers at the same time, they move in pictures, but everything around moves alright except the army I got currently selected, and I realized the game its full of bugs, and to be honest, it is very boring compared to the old AoE games, and about the"lag" I really don't think its my computer, because I got a super computer, compared to what it asks...Which of course made me delete the game, because I consider it a waste of time to be honest, there are more games out there that offer more, like Red Alert 3, Empire earth II and III...AoE I and II are better, more confortable, less bugs, more fun and most important more accesible... Keywords: age of empires iii sucks
  5. Further toHamtaro's answer... If you do not want to add BR's in the string you could wrap your output in the PRE html tag. This will tell most browsers to display everything inside as preformatted text which maintains newlines. I.E. $string = "stuffand more stuff on another line"; echo '<pre>'.$string.'</pre>'; -reply by Author Name - e.G. John, MikeKeywords: windows linux new line issues email string php
  6. My Top 5 depressing songsDepressing Songs The Beatles - A Day In The Life Dido - Isobel Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends or Sounds Of Silence Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 you Sarah Mclachlan - Angel I prefer the layed back ones lol-reply by Alex
  7. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!How To Make A Scene Select Buttonyou have helped me fix a problem ive been stuggling with for days! thank you so so so so so so so so much! -reply by Travis Hodges
  8. Um that game that you don't know the name of with the magican and dragon armor stuff... I think that would be Lunar Legend. Or at least I played that game and it sounds a lot like what you were describing. Although since this is like 4 months after your initial post you probably figured that out by now =P -reply by Jenn
  9. Wrong codeMootools 1.2 Ajax RequestYour code actually has some issue in it. Your are attaching the event listener to a link with the ID of "runAjax" Every time you click on this, you are creating a new instance of the request. Not a good thing as it uses more resources than it should You should create the instance of the request, then in the eventListener just have req.Send(); return false; This will make just one instance of the request class no matter how many time you click it. The code you have you have would work if you are attaching it to a class, because a new instance may be needed due to having many urls but even then, there are better ways to do this. -reply by Adam Meyer
  10. why does my gmail new password keep changing back to my old password?Changing A Gmail PasswordEverytime I change my password, after about an hour, it changes back to my original password! What is happening and why? Thansk so much!
  11. Encrypted Files: Restored!Windows XP Folder Encryption Key ?In order to recover files (or folders) encrypted through Windows XP Pro's EFS (I cannot confirm this with Windows XP Home or other versions of Windows), you will need to have the Application Data folder applying to the account owning the files (or folders) in question to use this method. This folder contains information that can be used to encrypt and decrypt the files (or folders). In other words, if you're reinstalling Windows XP Pro and keeping your encrypted folders, be sure to at least back up the Application Data folders for each of the users on your system. This will back up the certificates for each of those users. Once you have your Application Data folder(s) backed up, download an EFS recovery tool. Advanced EFS Recovery Pro will search for all certificates and encrypted files automatically (though you can direct it to certain locations). It then stores all successfully decrypted files to the target specified by the user. Hindsight being 50/50, I backed up my Application Data folder to save my Mozilla news and email settings. This act alone saved my hide from the eternal, mocking laughter of Murphy. My files are safe and I am exploring alternate options to protect my data from prying eyes. Cheers! -reply by Ron Poulton
  12. Replying to (G)Tor Arne Hi my name is MatheaCooks I have a couple of statement, inquiries, questions,I just rcently have had my laptop stolen frome me around Sep 15th 2008, an todays date is Feb20th 2009 an around that time in Sep 15th 2008, I was at my apt in thee bed asleep an befor I went to sleep I had my laptop sitting on my kitchen table an it was ok at first than I feel asleep an when I woke up my laptop had became missing when it came missing I hurried up an called thee law inforcement an they came an took my statement from the laptop comin up missin in my home then they took thee report and than they told me from that point on that it was going to be in investagation an it has been ever sence but sence then I haven't had a feed back or anything after that if prayed an done everything that I could possibley do an I still haven't located my laptop back yet an now I'm sitting here hopein an praying that you all can help me through this an try to track/traice my stolein laptop down I have all thee information reguarding my laptop when I went to thee store witch was BEST BUY and I even still have thee reciept with me from the time of the purchase so please I ask of you I even begg of you please help me locate my stollen laptop back if you can whatever the cast may be I would love too pay you for thee search in return thank you for you attention Sinceraly Mathea Cooks, Thank you!
  13. you don't work at Pixar because there is no such thing as Maya "pro" there is maya complete and Maya unlimited. differences being that unlimited has fur and fluids. Renderman isn't an animation or modeling package its a renderer. it renders images you made in other packages. you can use it by yourself without a team of engineers. most big studios use proprietary software that they develope in house. but they also have licenses for maya when they need to hire extra help or freelancers during crunch time. 3D is hard! to you people who think you can pick it up in a weekend and be a pro, go find something else to do. Because your not going to stick with 3D. It's hard, tedious, repetitive and I love it. But its also misunderstood. People assume its easy because its done on a computer. Its not.
  14. FTP file size limitFtp File Size LimitThere are limits depending on the client you are using, AND mostly the filesystem used on the storage behind the FTP server. Most FTP clients will choke at 1GB+, the better ones will choke at 4GB+. I have not yet confirmed one that successfully sends above 4GBytes ... I got to try it ... If anyone has, please share your results. For filesystem limitations, on Windows machines, limitation on the system depends on the FileSystem used: - FAT16 = 2GB limit; - FAT32 = 4GB minus 2 bytes max limit. - NTFS = 2TB (that's terrabytes) excesseve - "excess in everything ! Moderation is for monks !" -reply by excesseve
  15. wanna play in a quiet place in Earth 2025 Earth 2025: Text Based War Gametill we show you how to war?...Or get big and win the game in NW? come to Infinity Forces United...Top 3 of the game and we CAN teach you very much about the game rules, and policies. Earth has been around for a very long time..Ive been playing for about 10 years now! So you can count on me when I say Earth has alot to offer in a text base game...But its alot more because its involved in every country, every race, and every emotion...You'll love the tension and the lay back...Its real time and a great time...So come to IFU and grow with us! WacmasterInfinity Forces United
  16. the file or directory is corrupted and unreadableHelp For My Seagate Sata Hard Drive!Run chkdsk /f For detail, please refer to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows by Frank TSOi
  17. Not because it will improve your life but because it will improve the lives of otheres. You must understand that you are as connected to the lives of others as we are all connected to the air we breathe and the water that washes over us. Believing in God and walking in that diection improves the air and water about you. You begin to breath better. You begin to see clearer. You smile a lot more. You are lighter in heart and in spirit. First...You must plant a tree under which you know you shall never sit. It is a very long road. Do not be discouraged. You will encounter as many bad days as ever but...Your enlightened spirit will see it clearer and you will not be controled by today. You will have greater vision, clearer vision, greater knowlege, and you will be released to some extent from the immeadiate. You will gain control over you..The only thing in this life we are given to be able to control. Long road man. Start now! Step #1: Take the MY out of your statement "Tell me believing in God will improve MY life" Step #2: Understand the difference between God and religion. Step #3: Plant a tree. Step #4: Go back to step one, keep going forward, learn to breathe better. Sincerest good wishes upon your journey! jeannieb
  18. Type 'calc' in windows command prompt to open calculator.
  19. why are they complaining? cause the end of book three says the story will continue and conclude in book 4
  20. diff b/w unix & LinuxWhat's The Difference Between Linux And Unix?!? Command-line-wise,Almost none, although this has been changing (for better or worse). Linux has aMuch larger market appeal and following than any commercial UNIX. GUI-wiseThere are also no major differences--Linux, as most other UNIXes, uses anX-Windowing system. The major differences: Linux is free, while many UNICES (this is supposed to be the plural of UNIX), are very expensive. The same for applications--many good applications are available on Linux free. Even the same commercial application (if you wanted to buy one) typically costs much more for a commercial UNIX than for Linux. Linux runs on many hardware platforms, the commodity Intel-x86/IBM-spec personal computers being the most prominent. In contrast, a typical UNIX is proprietary-hardware-bonded (and this hardware tends to be much more expensive than a typical PC clone). With Linux, you are in charge of your computer, whereas on most UNICES you are typically confined to be an "l-user" (some administrators pronounce it "loser"). Linux feels very much like DOS/Win in the late 80s/90s, but is much sturdier and richer, while a typical UNIX account feels like a mainframe from the 60s/70s. Some UNICES may be more mature in certain areas (for example, security, some engineering applications, better support of cutting-edge hardware). Linux is more for the average Joe who wants to run his own server or engineering workstation. -reply by Poonam
  21. Runescape rule 7 banCheating Runescape Ban AppealsI was banned for "breaking rule 7" today. I have not or would not use any third party software. First, it would likely put your computer at risk, and second, I am not a cheater. In fact, I am an award winning game developer and joined runescape to see what the 'competition' was doing.People being banned as a result of false accusations is bad enough, but Jagex keeping your money without substantiating their claim is inexcusable and likely grounds for legal recourse.Jagex may employ many great game developers and programmers, but the way they run their business stinks. They have insulated themselves from the public as much as possible and made it very difficult to contact them although I found a way and now have company details.So-called rules prohibiting people from discussing bans is a feeble attempt to cover themselves legally. You cannot enforce rules that result in violating the law.If you have been FALSELY ACCUSED of breaking rules and banned AND YOUR MONEY NOT REFUNDED I would like to hear a BRIEF description and get contact information. If you engaged in any other banned activity such as real world trading I am not interested.Please be advised that I am only collecting information at this time to determine what further action, if any, is warranted and make no guarranties. Send emails to normwhyte@comcast.Net with "runescape ban" in the title. Do not include any attachments or they will be deleted. reply by Draco
  22. Have the same problemWindows Xp Freezes At Welcome ScreenI downgraded from vista to xp pro and every now and then the system freezes at the welcome screen, what I have to do its to force it to shut down (holding on to the power button) and then it will start up normally, any ideas to why this happens? -reply by ALex
  23. Now to Dragonpurse I think you need to relax dude, the guy you were talking about was talkin about crouching and moving at the same time, in Metal gear you cannot stay crouched you will end up crawling on your stomach. Now Metal Gear is a good game but I have to go with splinter cell, I have played both games but splinter cell takes the cake because its more realistic. Metal Gear Solid 3 is realistic but up to a cirtain point I found it cool that you could heal your wounds and dig out bullets but that was more of a jungle area, now in splinter cell its more of a tactical thinking area you infeltrate and area pick locks interogate people(I kno interrogation can be done in MGS also) hack into computers, keypads, and retinal scanners. It deals with operation more on the inside MGS deals with out side areas, and you get more Hi-tech Gadgets instead of Metal Gear, Metal gear has a bigger variety of weapons but in splinter cell you get special goggles that can have Night Vision, Thermal Vision and EMF(Electro Magnetic Feilds) all in one you also get and OCP that comes with your FN 5-7 Pistol which they call the SC Pistol the OCP can jam cameras and lights for a short while and you get a Hi-tech Gun with attachmetns(in Double agent its more attachments). -reply by Spike
  24. I still do believe the standards of what the Bible states about the matter.But, in this modern world we have today, only a few would survive, and some even end up unmarried due to the perfectness of the standard.If in a circumstance that someone you like turns out to be an imperfect one, I think, the best thing to do now is to meet and totally understand the word "ACCEPTANCE", accompanied by the word "HOLISTIC" to the extent of respecting each others limitations... Because if this happens, there and then, you can testify that you are fully satisfied of the person you chose to be with for the rest of your life!That's how love is for me?()How do you call that?-reply by janna mae palma pelisco
  25. Not bad - maplestory private serverPrivate ServersWhat everyone choses to ignore is the fact that unlike some games, MapleStory is a FREE mmorpg. Creating 100% free private servers does not hurt the Nexon industry at all. Not only that but a couple of you don't realize that there is such thing as a GNU lisence that allows the "illegal" creation of private servers. And makes it legal. -reply by Cherry
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