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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Wwe is real and staged. Hitting the ring floor from 5 or 6 feet with power behind it hurts. Slaps on the chest hurt. Either way its good stuff.
  2. I have something simular going on right now, my right cheek area is sore and swollen around the the lower jaw and my right ear and right eye have sharp pains around them as well, though they are not swelling. Can anyone tell me what might be wrong please and any possible ways to help heal it? -reply by EternalDreamer
  3. thankyouEuthanasia Or Mercy Killing: Should It Be Legalized?thank you so much for having this article ,it helps me a lot..I'm a college student and I have my speech regarding mercy killing.I would like also to thanks all the people who share their knowledge and ideas regrarding euthanasia.More power... -feedback by johnson
  4. pioneers of aethoraWhat single player rpg.....Thake a look at the PBBG http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Still developing but already playble with an interesting battle and skill system. Don't miss it! -reply by yottadude
  5. Unlimited CategoriesCreating Cateories With Unlimited Sub-categoriesI've found it surprising that pretty much every example of categories,sub-categories, unlimited nesting of categories is using recurrsion inpretty much all the wrong places.Software engineering design dictates that one look at not only the task at hand but where its being performed.Most category management lay withing an administrative area of a website be that a eCommerce store, directory etc.Yet...Literally every recursive example I see wants to deal with output ofthe category structure. This is exactly the opposite of what is realityin most enterprise type environments.Instead... The goal is to use recursion to order categories when changes are made in the BACKEND.A category DB structure for this looks like:CREATE TABLE `categories` (`catid` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,'catorder' INT( 11 ) NOT NULL,'suborder' INT( 11 ) NOT NULL,'level' INT( 11 ) NOT NULL,`parentid` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,`name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,`description` TEXT NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY ( `catid` ));Theykeyword here is to KEEP the categories ORDERED by usage of the'catorder', the 'level' integer stores the nesting level and finally'suborder' contains the subordinate ordering of the categories, aka aroot or level 0 category such as "cooking"will have a ordering of say '1', a sub-category of it like 'cookierecipes' would has a subordering of '1', and 'drink recipes' asubordering of '2'... This provides the functionality to order, thenext level 0 category might be 'grills' and its ordering would be 2.This structure allows you to order all levels of categories, I can move"drinks" above 'cookie recipes'. This is the LOGICAL ordering.Thecatorder or category ordering is an integer list of the DISPLAYPOSITIONS. Thus when you do a 'SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BYcatoder' you are handed a recordset that is READY TO be directly parsedthrough for display FAST.Recursion is used in the BACKENDadministration when categories are added, moved, deleted to REORDER therecordset so as it can be output on the front end with NO NEED forrecursion which is 1. Slow, 2. A memory sucker and 3. Inefficient(especially in PHP) when considering how many users might be accessinga categorical menu arrangement in the front end. You instead limitthe recursion being done in the administrative backend using it toessentially build a structure that can be rapidly output with verylittle overhead.Sites that endure extremely high loads onapplications servers that rely on a heirarchial category mechanism inthe administrative backend usually go a step farther than this.Sincethe categories again are really only altered in the admin backend theywill as category additions, deletions, re-organizations occur again userecursive code to essentially rebuild the category structure as notedabove, but in addition to it being store in the database they willbuild out the front end menu HTML to be cached so essentially noprocessing is necessary. When changed in the backend, the DB and cacheare refreshed accordingly.It limits the recursive andprocessing intensive code to the BACKEND perhaps to a handfull ofpeople who do the admin work. On the sites end users side of things,they get a snappier performance, better system loading, etc.Essentially the database record breaks down all aspects, Logical ordering so the site administrator(s) can see, "This comes after that",physical ordering maintained by the catorder field... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...And the 'level' field letting us know our indentation characterstics.It offloads the category "building"to the backend when categories are altered and provides max performancein the front end where 10,000 people might be surfing pages with thatcategory heirarchy on each and every page.
  6. How can I disable the autocomplete feature in the Google search engine?Removing Information From Google Search EnginePlease, can someone tell me how I can disable the auto complete in the Google search engine. I found out how to do it in Firefox, but I cannot find it for Google. I find this very frustrating!! Thank you in dvance... William ------- Admin Reply Please go to your BROWSER settings and clear "Form data".
  7. C'mon people give up already! I'm not going to say that Link I ended up with anybody. But something I can say is that he sure as hell didn't end up with Zelda I. I mean there is so much evidence that he didn't that I'm laughing my *bottom* off when people say they did. "Gorillaz" and "ZerudaHime" you guys have nothing. And by the way; one of you said that Cermia's a pedophile for hugging Link. Then what the hell's Zelda? She's older than him (Which is a known fact). I mean he's 17 when she's 23 or something. (I'm not saying that women can't be older than men!) But c'mon he's not even 18 yet. Zelda doesn't see Link that way. It is obvious. And oh by the way. Link saves Malon (and her ranch for that matter!) without any obligations! He just saves her because she needs him. And he saves Zelda because she's in the way of killing Ganon. I mean he was already set on saving the world BEFORE Zelda's kidnapped or WOMEN-napped however you guys want it "Gorillaz" and "ZerudaHime" you guys just know you're wrong, that's why you get soooo pissed at people who are stating FACTS! Which is that Link I most likely ended up with MALON! And no Ganon does not agree on anything! He's the fu'king villain. He'll take Rauru if he stood there with Link and say the same the*and thing. Ganon: "I've taken your precious Rauru." Ha. And what the H*ll? That Sheik says something about love means nothing! I mean c'mon I talk about love to people I don't know and I don't love them. I mean dude... So yeah. I've said it before and I'm saying it again. People that say that Link and Zelda love each other got nothing. Cause Zelda don't see Link like that. Not in OoT or MM or TP. And by the way. In WW they say that Link has no connections to the real hero what so ever! I rest my case! -reply by estwst
  8. Bolt out of the blueBoltblue: Beware!This company needs to be eradicated. It is theft, plain and simple. If you get scammed by Boltblue, do something about it - report them to the Office of Fair Trading:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ more complaints the OFT get, the more likely they are to close them down. Boltblue are supposedly based in London:Boltblue International LtdPO Box 52769LondonEC2P 2UWHowever, as a PO Box number, I think it's rather unlikely that you can find the shady back room where these guys are hiding. Let the police do it and so send your complaint to the OFT! -reply by Washand
  9. Wow, interesting judgement without any expression of understanding the reasoning that I can discern. What would be the politics and economics of a government agency using a monoculture system rather than a variety of dozens of systems, which would then cover your belief that appeared to be that "MS Windows is too vulnerable"? From studying the SANs site site most vulnerable systems list what does that imply would happen of say Macs became the most popular distribution, and thus cheapest by the nature of scale. So there is calculation in cost of machines (how many million are we talking about with Gov?) as well as the cost of training machine users and administrators. It is not by accident the Ubuntu distribution of Linux is working overtime on "easy to use" systems. they are cheap enough - if you can get the dozens of program your organization has invested in, and thus committed to using - and you have hundreds of admins willing and capable of retraining in a speedy enough process to change your system over to one people are intimidated by. Some of the replies to your post indicates that some recognize they don't see the whole picture and even imagine that the Army has some systems going one that they don't know about. That sounds thoughtful and it also points to secret nature of security, which is insightful. Another angle is that there is also the the simple managing of resource and the choices that must be made when government mandates specific requirements of systems by creating new laws, which business can ignore with a level of impudence that the IG won't let government agencies get away with. I.E. More security mandates than funding and man power accommodates. It is sort of like hurry up and wait only more so and more complicated. Oh, and let mention that cronyism in government is as much the nature of the system in fact as it corrupt in principle. Remember that the previous administration ran a much on the theory of chronyism and even after it proved in fact disastrous for the FEMA and New Orleans and yet the American people elected the administration a second term - with significant oversight. Yes. Are saying America is stupid, no, is it Germany ( I don't think so) that is stupid or just armies in general? See what I mean? Here some of the basic as I understand them. As foxfire's distribution and market share increases, so does it's vulnerability, compared to IE. Like wise with OSes, While I am no fan of corporate domination, that is the primary reason that Windows has been found to be attacked more than other systems and thus with more effort put out by crackers (malicious hackers) thus the system becomes more vulnerable by the nature of its prolific use. Macs are thought of as high end and pretegious becuase of that. Your congressman is unlikely to okay the Arym to buy them evern 3000 at a time. Apple also decided to use a UNIX foundation for the Mac 10x system. They bought rights to system that had been gone over for more than 20 years by the opensource community in a similar fashion, although predating by 10 years as Linux has gone through in the past tweety or thirty years - I'm losing take of time, eh? Anyhow, as you can see, thoughfullness take time and I just got started here, it is process, like building defenses for zero day attacks. It also takes resources for an admin to update the computers under their responsibility. Studing Enterprise systems, I ahve learned that it is often not practical to give machines the freedom to update there antivirus just any ole time. It also is not some much in fashion of Systems Admins to continually educate their users on the timeing of their update systems. I worked in medical system with 1700 computers. Easily 10% of those boxed are turned off rather than logged off of - for a lot of reasons - so maybe that is 170 computers that are respreading infections - a pain in the a--? Sure, are the people dumb or is a culture issue that we can use to turn the Army into nationality or racial jokes to let off steam? Cheers
  10. Gmail Solution to aboveFree Sms E-mail AlertFor gmail: Sign into gmail online, click Settings > Forwarding and POP > Select "Forward a copy of incoming mail to" and enter your 10 digit number with the "email address" listed at LJ > Click "Save Changes" -reply by Carey
  11. Do we really need another mascara or lotion? is it worth thousands of animals rotting away and dying early painful deaths? the answer (in case your conscience is enept) is NO! I understand that these animals don't have a home but that doesnt mean that we can just abduct them and use them as our little lab project! Animals and humans are not the same! but they DO feel pain like us they DO feel lonely, they DO want to live! So lets boycott products that test animals together so hopefull in the future animal testing will be extint instead of another spesis on animals! -reply by An_eye_for _an_eye
  12. Help For My Seagate Sata Hard Drive! - hard drive stops working randomly, please help!Help For My Seagate Sata Hard Drive!CHKDSK is the worst thing you can use, it will chunk your files up into file1.Chk files. All CHKDSK wants to do is repair the file system, it doesn't care about your data. There is obviously a problem with bad sectors, the drive is dyeing. The trick is to duplicate your hard drive (see HD Clone.Exe free cloning utility that ignores bad sectors). Take it out of the USB enclosure and clone it to another drive equal or greater in size. Once you have the cloned drive, you can run GetDataBack from Runtime.Org. If you need additional help I can help, Data Recovery Lab. Or you can call me directly Joe (201) 261-2312 -reply by Joe Keys
  13. well.. Now that thang global doesnt work.. The site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ just redirect you to the other online game DEICIDE ONLINE.. which is not as good as thang... Hopefully the game maybe opens again.. Well.. -reply by addey
  14. HereWhat Is The Biggest Hard Drive In The World ?The new extra large drives they make in high end computers ARE NOT ONE DRIVE. They call it a "raid array" and it is actually 4 one terabyte byte drives. The problem is because it's 4 drives, the rate of failure is quadruple that of a single drive. They still don't have openly available 4 terabyte drives. My problem is EVEN if you could find a giant drive, the standard data rate is 300 megaytes per second for the SATA drives in peoples' comps. This means copying a full DVD to disc would take about 15 2/3 seconds. This is the same exact speed you'd get out of a 15 gigabyte drive. I also suffer much frustation over those "manufacturer's bytes". It turns a 1 terabyte drive into a 931 gigabyte drive. Grr. Also, on ebay they don't have better than like the 1.5 "terabyte" drives that are being put out. Worst of all, 1.5 terabytes is like 1.3 gigabytes. Like getting a car with 25 miles per gallon and it comes out to 19 m.P.G. Or something because they "standardized" the system.
  15. Photo ShareWindows Live Messenger 2009Where is this new photo sharing utility?If it is the one I found it doesnt work properly at all!I liked the shared folder and never had any problems with it, but this new online photo share only seems to upload about 6 pictures to it, and then the rest all come up with internal server errors.Any ideas how to remove the new version of messanger and put the old one back on so I can use shared folders again as this was the only thing I ever really used. -reply by Steven
  16. 95 escort fuel? problem95 Ford Escort Maintenance Help.Here`s my problem my car was driving fine. I was doing about 25m.P.H. And I hopped on the gas the car immediately died. Since then I have checked out the timing,fuses checked for spark ,swapped out the fuel pump,computer,blue box under dash,and the 2 relays? next to the computer. Nothings worked. Any ideas. Thanks -reply by robert v
  17. No matter what you do, I vote for trying Blender. It's amazing what this open source software can do.-reply by Faraday Cage
  18. Would anyone have an idea where I could get a ready made script Help Creating A Profile WebsiteWould anyone have an idea where I could get a ready made script to give an option to create Profile pages. I am making a membership site and don't know any programing. I know enough PHP to be dangerous not that I actually know how to do anything from scratch. -reply by JamesDNYC
  19. The Next World Superpower?The Next World Super Power? Unfortunately if you are thinking from the viewpoint of the peon, not the company, you can not know how a company will react. Companies in the US were driven to employ outside contractors by the government and Unions. Untill both see that a large company can not pay 1 man 100k to push buttons, there will be no change in how companies make a profit. Legislating that they do so, will only lead to companies being formed abroad, so even the profits from those companies will not find it's way back to the american people. I buy only US made goods. Do you do the same? This is the only way to change the tide. Pay more for better quality and the made in the USA sticker. Pride in our country and ourselves is the only way to bring the manufacturing back to the US. Already there is a trend towards this, I am an inventer and manufacturer in the US and have found it cheaper to buy premade parts locally than even from India or China. As for the USA stopping to be the world power, We are a very young nation still. We have never had more population than china and this is not why a country would be the stronger. China is centuries old, in that time they have devoloped one of the most corrupt governments on the planet. India is not far behind this. To determine the next (so called) super power there is only one question. Where are the smartest people in the world desiring to live? When you answer, forget your pride in your country, or your people's history. Do research, find where the people graduating with a doctorate are most likely to lead their families to. -reply by katana414
  20. Should have read all this before!!!My Review Of Megaupload.comAll of your comments would have been very helpful in my decision making which one to chooose from(rapid or megaupload premium account). I live in Germany and have a crazy fast connection, around 15700-DL and 980-UP. I thought this Site would maximize the speed of my connection but is does not. Like one post above states, it seems that it really does not matter whether your connection speed is lighting fast or turtle slow. I purchased a one years subscription with them which I now regret in some ways. Hope to you people out there that you find this before hand before making the Premium decision, because if I would have I might have changed my mind. -reply by Devin
  21. Bidvertiser SCAM!BidvertiserSCAM WARNING! Do not give Bidvertiser your bank account details, they have taken large amounts of money from my bank without notice or permission. Their phone support goes unanswered and no e-mail response. If you have given Bidvertiser your bank card details then I strongly suggest that you cancel that card immediately! Bidvertiser are nothing more than a common thief! -reply by mrvoodoo
  22. 2nd coming of JesusThe End Of The World By December 21, 2012The second coming was in the first century AD as predicted by Christ and the Apostles. Matthew 16:28 Matthew 24:34 Revelation 1:1-3 Rev. 22:7, 12, 20 Hebrews 10:37 1 John 4:3(antichrist already there) 1 John 2:18 (it was the "last hour" in their day) All these prophecies were fulfilled by the time Jerusalem was destroyed in AD70. The scripture is not "rubbish". People who interpret it by looking at modern events make it look that way. It should be interpreted on its own terms. Jesus predicted that "not one stone would be left upon another" (regarding the Temple in Jerusalem) Matthew 24:2 The temple was destroyed in ad70 by the Roman general Titus. The Romans then, had the practice of uprooting even the foundations of buildings when they sacked a city. Jesus' prediction was fulfilled in precise detail during THAT generation. ( Matthew 24:34) -reply by Rick Jones
  23. nothing to compareWindows Xp Vs. LinuxI thing there is nothing to compare between linux and xp. In every aspect linux is way ahead of xp. As there are hundreds of linux os and lack of popularity people are steal using xp largely.Personally I have seen after using just for one month my friends are quite ready to forshake linux. XP Iis only for gamers . Even in this respect linux OS likeMandriva , sabayon are including huge games like windows .In linux you will find lot of scope for experimenting with the very os .I personallyhave changed my mepis in a way that it is difficult to recognise as mepis . People with a xp choice should ask some basic questions of compuer hardware. I can bet they will give far bad answer than linux user because linux users have wide choise and wide scope of experimenting with their computer . -reply by Bilash
  24. I just applied for ADSENSE but got rejected twice. In the next day what I did was simple. I had a old adsense account in different gmail account where I got APPROVED before I get blogger bloger. Now I am using it and ads are being displayed now. Yes, you can get A adsense account approved even if you do not have A blog or website. this is true if you want you can just have a look at.http://sunonlinejobsinfo.blogspot.com/ -reply by ramesh
  25. its probably because you need to first convert the layer to a smart object, and then rasterize it, or just rasterize it first if it will let you do that. Then edit > stroke won't be grayed out.
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