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streaming video freezes up, starts and stops.Online Films Freeze In Full Screen ModeI have read all these fixes, and I still have this problem on 2 different browsers Explorer & Firefox. Have deleted flash, explorer, firefox, and reloaded, disabled all backgroung running programs, scaned for viruses, malware, adds, reg, and nothing I do seems to fix problem. Win XP/ Dell 2400, Explorer or firefox, tried deselecting "hardware decel"- nothing, opened new window - nothing, cannot download it for same problems occures, Please help me. Sincerely, Norman
Well. . .A Debate On Animal TestingI am strictly againist animal testing, everytime I see those articles, or pictures, or even the videos I bawl my eyes out. Since I came across this for a school reseach paper, which I'm writing about being againist Animal testing, I thought I'd leave a comment. Now many people say they are againist this but don't follow through, like they'll still wash there hair with animal tested product and apply make up and what not. And I won't lie I am the same. We our only human, we think of ourselves more than others. When I think about the poor animals I try my hardest to find the truth of whats going on. Now this I found out that its way better than when it was in the 60s. There are more regulations and every animal has it own file and name. I learned that from a girl who has worked with her dad who does animal testing. Since animals like mice have 99% gene rate they do it on them because of the chance of death, which I'd rather have that not happen but would we give up our lifes for a fail product? It is sad we all know that but after awhile, like after this research paper, I'll probably not think about it because I know that I'd rather not be torture mentally about this. I know that this probably sounds messed up but I'll probably make up for it by being a Vet. I love animals so much I have 9 cats a dog and I want to adopted more so that they all have a life. I may not be able to save the ones in the lab but I can try and save the ones that are homeless or have medical problems. So I am againist animal testing but only to a extended amount. I'm sorry for them I wish they could speak our language cause I'm pretty sure if they could speak their minds that no one would test on them unless the lab people are for the holocaust. I hope that made sense. . .-reply by Xlexandra
2012 is probably the year that will begin to deteriorate the human race! It will be the start of millions of killing or to the great debate of a Third World War 3. We hear or rumors about wars that may start. The United States of America is already in two wars that cannot win and Iran as well as North Korea are two countries that despise the USA. They not only despise the USA but taking advantage that Obama is a weak President by taunting other countries and not listening to the U.and. Meanwhile we're with a weakling as a President, we'll witness more and more countries taunting the United States and there might be one that can open the gates to attack us. I am just saying, I did not vote for Obama. I did not like him. -reply by 2012
How Do I Move On To Next Relationship? with a cheated heart?
iGuest replied to Aaron J.'s topic in Dating And Relationships
Answer to How Do I Move On To Next Relationship?How Do I Move On To Next Relationship?I have recently gotten out of a 2 yr relationship. We both quit using drugs and started working a 12 step program.We were progressing at different rates, and as I was working on myself, she was remaining stagnant.We started to grow apart. Shestarted to show a lot of insecurity in the relationship. Her previous relationship was really bad, the partner had cheated like 100 times. Litereally.So when she started acting out at me for talking to my old friends from high school, it bothered me. Then she tried to say I was cheating on her with an old friend. And then she wouldnt listen to me anddecided that we were better off apart. Heres the kicker, I've been told that its all about recognising ONES OWN PART in the breakup. Theres always a lot of questions. At first I thought "this is my fault. If I wouldnt have talked to them, we wouldnt have split" but then I realized that it wasnt MY fault. It was her insecurities from her previous relationship. I could have been more sensitive to them and not spoken with them around her. But even that would look worse to her (like I was hiding something) so its been pointed out that the only way id have been able to save that relationship would be to drop my old friends. In a healthy relationship, you don't have to completely drop friends. So I was in an unhealthy relationship anyways. So my advice would be to sort out what was your part, make amends if necessary, then move on. Go hang out with your friends (don't ISOLATE) itll just depress you. And don't try to jump into another relationship until you've sorted thru al the emotional baggage from the recent relationship (or you're just gunna end up like me and my ex) Also, ina relationship, there is no right and wrong. There is HEALTHY and UNHEALTHY -reply by MovedOn -
Other to NoneThe Best 3d Animation SoftwareI can't voice it loud enough. I have been fiddling with Lightwave since 1996. Had my mind unleashed with Lightwave 7.5. Liked it better than 8 and 9. Though those have had better organization. All Hail Lightwave, Light Bringer and Seer of all 3D. I challenge you all to bear fruit with your little trinket softwares. I defy your labor and knowledge with the power of the light. It is not about money, It is not about how things are done. It is about righteousness and perfection. Nothing can beat Lightwave, on Earth. If you don't believe me, go on a quest and research some of the best work on the planet that has been done with Lightwave. There are so many, I need to dedicate a website cast in stone for it. I doubt you will find anything in its simplicity and perfection. The best things in life are in front of you, all you have to do is look!. If You think guys that I am blabbering, I would like to inform you, I have a portfolio going high as 4 GB in digital publications comprised of final render photos, not larger than your monitor's resolution. That is not counting the printing resources and scence and object models. Hahahahahaha. Mowaahahahahahaha. So, when you decide to counter my words, be sure to hold your sack well while I render my wrath upon thee. May Lightwave guide your way and may God guide you to Lightwave. -reply by xdrone
Google Easter Eggs things that google is hiding
iGuest replied to GuySpook's topic in Search Engines
ascii artGoogle Easter Eggssearch for 'ascii art' on google and see the logo -reply by Tan A -
Giving A Flash Button A Link i get errors
iGuest replied to crazymind21's topic in Websites and Web Designing
How edit a webpageGiving A Flash Button A LinkHi, I've successfully edit and made changes to a webpage, but one thing I cannot do is to be able to make a button go to a newly created page. All the instances where I've edited successfully were on existing pages. I suspect that in order to created a button which will point to a newly created webpage, one has to have the FLA file for the top root folder, which I don't have. Any suggestions ? I'm using CS4. Many thanks. -question by Madi Fox -
Hiring felonsHiring FelonsIs 26 years long enough? As a 19 year old youth who was one year removed from a orphange after spending his whole childhood there I went and got in myself in a street fight and was convicted of aggravted assault. And spent 7 months in jail. After my release I went to college got a degree and spent a majority of my life as a food service manager . After 9/11 happened things even in the food service changed applications went from have you been convicted of a felony in the last seven years to have you ever been convicted of a felony. I tried to get my record expudged 5 years ago today and after going through the court system the prosecutor was willing to through it out until the judge called him to the bench and explained that this was no longer a expudgable offense. My family was heart broken. I have been a active member of my church for 17 years , married for 16 , have two wonderful honor roll children who are 15 and 13. I have spent my whole life since this problem helping others coaching LL and youth basketball and I'm also a avid blood donor. I haven't worked in two years and it hasn't been for the lack of effort of looking I often get to the second and third interviews before I get the dreaded we can't hire you because you have a felony on your record speech. So tell me did I pay my debt to society? And once again is 26 years ago long enough? God Bless -reply by Darryl
How To Impress A Girl. Tips for Impressing Girls
iGuest replied to Adamrosso's topic in Dating And Relationships
NICE NICE NICEHow To Impress A Girl.Well I can say that girls are waste of time and if you want to impress any girl so that you have to show a nice behaviour to her and have a nice dress like a coat pant like a gentle man and have a gentle hair cut and don't talk so much only say a good things and a things which she like etc like if she like sounding that she is looking beautiful etc then say her that let's go for shopping and choose dress manually like !:-This dress will look awsome on you by the way any thing will look awsome on you because you are very beautifull your got charming and pay shopping bill youself. hope it helps you and 1 thing do you love her or just for time pass ? does she make you horny ? /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley5.Gif -reply by SCHELLE BETH -
Sleep Paralysis. For those who awake within themselves.
iGuest replied to Aeon's topic in General Discussion
I also had sleep paralyses, and I'm also Christian. I don't think it has anything related with deamons or something else. I had it twice in my life, I am now 22 years old. I always slept with the lights on, especially when my parents were away (I was 5 years old)So I wake up and notice that the lights are on, I can't move a finger, my legs, my mouth (it was if I had a choken trote), nothing. I indeed had a sudden feeling that something had me in its grasp, but I didn't see anyone. I tried to move with force but no results, I eventually got tired of trying to move and went back to sleep. In the morning everything was ok. Second time when I had this SP, I started to move from my fingers, then my arms started moving, I went out of the sleep paralysis by moving each part of my body in a orderly way. -
Not Working for me3 In 1 Dvd TutorialHi,It didn't worked for me...Its saying unable to create the folders even after reducing the bit rate.Please help! I really need and such a user-firendly and understandable languagePlease respond.Cheers.
How to write html code for local harddrive accessIframe Src = A Local File In My ComputerHi, I confess to not being a computer genius but have maintained web sites for many years. I want to expand my web site to include videos and mp3 files, but they are way to large to send up to my server and the cost would be prohibiting. So, I would simply like to run the videos from my hard drive but link to them from my web site. It "sounds" simple enough, but then what do I know. I am trying to build my own server to run from home, but the wealth of information seems to be way over my head, so a simple link code would probably work for me, at least for now. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,Robin
am seeking 4 becoming an arsenal academy player Arsenal Youth Club Academy Currenly Recruting Players ! !Dear sir, I hope fine. I hope all is well. Am UCHE OPARA DANIHO by name, I am a "Nigerian". I am a mid-fielder sir my ambition is to play for arsenal sir wish 2 jion so wat re d proceedures of registratin tnx am xpectin your reply 080-602-499-23 -reply by opara uche daniho
how to fix irqlBlue Screen - irql_not_less_or_equalmy pc wont boot and it turn to a blue screen it is the irql error. The problem is I cant format it with a new operating system higher than windows 98.How can I install windows xp to my hard drive -question by jeff
tibia is a really fun game, but you get bored while leveling up and most people stop playing, but if u level a lot and fast it will be lots of fun. -reply by MMORPGsrock
Wow...Space Exploration (nasa= Good/bad)Replying to iGuest Accually space exploration is 1% of what the US spends it money on... 30% is spend on poverty. So just saying...Not tryina critize u. Also those hard conditions are known by the men that go to space before they do. They know its dangerous and everything. They CHOOSE too and its thier descition. No ones forcing them at all...-reply by Just asking...
wipe my hard drive s along with operating system !How To Erase Your Hard DriveOK ... Got an older laptop, put used hard drive in, great condition ... Installed windows xp ... Pro sp2. Was working fine. Started to download software that I use (normal) and somehow virus of sort got imbedded in windows software ??? wiped disk with kill disc etc and it's still there .. That is why I think it is in windows OS and not data ... Completely clean ,,,,, download windows multiple times and "7's" automatically fill in EVERY program that has a spot for input ... Nad affects others as well ... Never seen anything like it. would like to COMPLETELY WIPE hard drive and start over ! any help would be greatly appreciated ! thanks ben -question by Ben Montesano
I hate FL Studio! It's so complicated... Garage Band is so easy to use, someone needs to put it into a file type for Windows... -reply by Damijoti
Nvidia Display Driver ProblemNvidia Display Driver ProblemDoes anyone know if a fix has been found for this NVIDIA DRIVERPROBLEM or if even anyone knows what is causing the problem? The only way I can use my 8500GT is with the STANDARD VGA DRIVER. I have 3 computers with 3 different motherboards and 3 different operating systems: XP PRO, VISTA 32 and VISTA 64 and everything with the latest updates including BIOS. I have tried every single driver NVIDIA has released for the 8500GT from the very first to the newest and they all have the same problems except that some end in a BSOD (Blue screen) and others freeze with or without artifacts acroos the monitor. I have also tried 4 different monitors (1 ata time) to no avail. Google shows this same problem has existed for about 4 years with NVIDIA video cards (ATI video cards have a similar problem) and many people have offerered many fixes, none of which work. IT IS ALMOST AS IF THE VIDEO CARDS (NVIDIA & ATI) HAVE BEEN DAMAGED by a windows update at some time as I have even installed both XP and VISTA on clean hard drives and the problems show up immediately, before any XP/VISTA updates are installed. I don't see any sense in spending more money for a new video card if I can only use the standard VGA driver. DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING FACTUAL ABOUT THIS PROBLEM? -reply by Richard
Motherboard/Graphix Card Compatability Help
iGuest replied to Darren1405241470's topic in Hardware Workshop
graphics card compatibillityMotherboard/Graphix Card Compatability HelpI have a new win 7 64 bit, has an on board video ATI Radeon 5200. I am not a gamer, but I miss my dual monitor capacity. Have been told there is not a graphics card I can use in a PCI slot or the express slot that will still let me have one monitor on the on-board video card. Am being told if I use the express slot it will disable my on board...I guess I could just get an express dual card, but I would like to just install a 2nd pci card...Any ideas? I guess I just need to know if a pci card that is not pci express will disble the on board video... -reply by AndieKeywords: win 7 64 bit compatible graphic cards with on board video -
Acer Customer Support Not exactly the best in the world
iGuest replied to rvalkass's topic in General Discussion
Probably should have gone with the SonyAcer Customer SupportYea horrible customer service... Why must they outsource? I called about my hard drive crashing after watching a dvd... I guess the thing overheated... But it took forever to get fixed and on top of it, they made me pay for shipping... If the thing was under warranty why couldnt they pay for it? Fml... Well after I got my machine back, I recieved my windows7 upgrade that my laptop was eligible for since I bought it close to the time when windows7 was released... I got the upgrade package in the mail and attempted to install the upgrade... First of all it said I could not upgrade because the versions were not compatible, even though I said vista home premium for 7 home premium... Furthermore, upon the last section for installation is prompts me to type in the product key, I did so... Then it says this is an invalid windows sku... ***... I am the only person to have this package, no one else and the product key is not valid? so I call acer and of course I cant understand them, but I tell them my issue and they say that its not their problem, its microsofts... So I have to call microsoft and I speak to two different people... They say its acer's windows upgrade department and make me call acer again... Acer tells me the same thing and says that it is not their issue... They have nothing to do with that... So I need to speak to another microsoft rep and they transfer me to another rep... That person finally gives me some different numbers that don't work again... And now I don't know what to do... I'm so tired of this company... I am a college student and needed a new laptop so I thought a little cheaper would not hurt much... Man was I wrong... The time and money put into this thing could have just gone towards a better quality laptop and company with better support... Screw acer -reply by fromaz -
if your talking clean then doesn't listen to thrash try power and heavy,and be selective,find a genre that will mix with your tastes try Stryper, Saxon, Wrathchild and the NWobhm, a lot of them have clean tunes