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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. We do already. Can't you see the forum? It's near Chit Chat
  2. There has been no official announement saying whether our sites will be back up or not :S. Can someone just please say whether our sites are safe and will be back up or not... Just thinking, if its time to go searching for another host again . Thanks Yeah that's right, there's nothing in the announcment section reguarding anything that w're discussing here.
  3. Thanx in advancegintaras1986@hotmail.com
  4. i think it looks like *BLEEP*, and why aint it on fnh???
  5. I'm here sometimes I'd be glad to moderate a dutch subforum if you need me, admin knows my email
  6. try this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ::edit: you gave us a wrong link... anyway, just upload all your (html) files into the public_html folder and just go to your website, you don't need to type in /public_html/ ... do remember that your url is case sensitive..
  7. because the love of your life is alot older than you!!!
  8. uploads it again :roll:
  9. I have a questoin I have a couple of websites I'm paying for I use the FTP to upload my files. well I figure I can use those websites to host my pics and things for me becuase i have LOT'S of room to spare. (for me 8) ) the question is what would be the link to the pic? this is the order that the files are in Public_HTML>>>Images>>>JosiahsImages>>> then the picture name after that. so I thought it would be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but as you can seee that does not work? so what should I do?
  10. iGuest


    yeah very cool game thougt
  11. AU Tigers? More like...Roll Tide
  12. I have a suggestions, now if it's good or not I don't know LOL....My suggestion is to have a place for eveyone that is a admin, mod, account creater....etc just for us to chat.this way we can decuss the diff things that are going on and ask each other questions about the little problems that we might have. (i.e. if the server go's down and one of the admin know's why you can make 1 big announcement to all the admin/mods as of why it's gone down or somthing....) is that a good suggestion? I think it would be a great use.
  13. At least the cPanel and FTP is functioned... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. if someone want to play ragnarok wich no paying, just go to: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this is the control panel of the wog ragnarok's server. if you have problems, i will help, y play in this server
  15. I've played the yahoo manager one. It was alright I guess.
  16. There has been no official announement saying whether our sites will be back up or not :S. Can someone just please say whether our sites are safe and will be back up or not... Just thinking, if its time to go searching for another host again . Thanks
  17. I think that this topic should be locked now, since it has no relevance to the original post. If not deleted. Haz, if you would...
  18. I only have a question, when comes back to the normal one? Why my site now also is is off... :? :cry:
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