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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. You mean incorporate the link? Or should we put in a place for the Java applet?
  2. I may be some time...3 or so days probably.
  3. I have a .net domain, but I wasnt sure what the difference was when stating your domain or yourname.vaio-hosting.com. What would be the difference? When I requested free hosting I went with a subdomain, what would have happened if I would have put my own domain down?
  4. good luck with the new server
  5. Maybe look for a flash shout box? They seem much more cooler .
  6. Exactly my view... Seems like no one is working on fixing problem, or even if it is going to be fixed :S. One post is all thats needed. I don't want to switch free hosts again, FNH seemed good .
  7. Right, I will sort something this sat evening or sunday - depends on when I go home.I can't access the IRC client thing from here, the network admins have blocked that port or something - don't ask!Anyway, here is my plan. I will set up an IRC room so people who use mIRC or the likes can access it that way - and I'll also put a Java front bit on - I'll add a link to it from the forum too.Should be up by next week - should help cut the spam around here to.Anyways, for those of you who are doing the competition - try and incoporate this into your design.
  8. But if a admin is working on it couldn't they come in here and say they are then maybe everyone would stop posting about and maybe they can say when the sites will be back up?
  9. I was staying out of this one - I thought I would let the kids fight it out. Also I was hung over so I was not in a state to read through 4 pages of spam.:mrgreen: You naughty naughty kids
  10. I don't think scene-star is interested anymore
  11. You can not upload an avarta here. you need to link to it - sorry
  12. my bad it is http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/ and i want a ladder script.....i want to make a website like the link that i have said in this post go there and u will see what i'm talking about.
  13. Thanks for the PM APX004.......
  14. GMail will always be free...im almost sure of it... ANYWAY-- Get a domain and email @yourdomain .com and foward it to GMail so it LOOKS like you dont use a free email service Hope this helps! -- Mike
  15. the best MP3 player is definately iPod
  16. iGuest


    i like the iBook
  17. if your site is using php you can try and php include it onto your site or wherever you want it I believe that this is the php script...but im not sure because im very forgetful sometimes lol <?php include ('url'); ?>
  18. i use sothink, its not that great but it has a web design thing where you can move tables w/o messing up anything. http://sothink.com/
  19. Please calm down... FNH is giving excellent hosting services, so if there is a downtime or a bug, please don't come and complain 'cuz admin probably works hard to fix this and he probably saw the downtimw before everyone in here... Sorry, I had to say it... I'm bored of people who just complain without knowing that the admin is probably working hard to fix bugs... See ya !
  20. Is this on the FNH forums, or on one of you own?
  21. I don't think the Java chat room will work out, but it can't hurt to try.
  22. This is a "The System is Down"-*BLEEP*-a-bout-free zone post your non- "The System is Down"-*BLEEP*-n'-HelpMes here Here, I'll go first: Hi, My name is VampyeVein... *You all monotone* hello vamyrevein I'm havin trouple uploaing my avatar? (from my machine) I get some php errors : header (screwed up n' such, can't access and blah)...help
  23. You might be a redneck if: You mow the lawn and find your car Look out your window...did you have a choice of windows? Look out your window...is your barn bigger than your house? You might be a gothic redneck if You mow the lawn and find a herse When you get in your car: forget it, you're not a redneck. Get a pickup truck, don't worry, I'll be here when you get back When you get your pickup truck Do you consider your biggest family trip a ride to the supermarket? What the *BLEEP* are you doing at the supermarket? Grow yer own durn foodstuffs! Lol.
  24. when free server has be OK ? I waiting and waiting but i can't father waiting :wink: I hope it problem has be repain :DSorry for my english :roll:
  25. People to stop you from flooding the board with stupid questions iam gona asnwer themNo the data from youre Sql databases is not deleted, the sites are coming back when the admins fix the problem and theres nothing to do about it right now. No your site is not hijacked. P.S. To see if youre site is safe login to youre cpanel and chek the FILE MANAGER and c if the folders are there (taking that you can log in) it works fine for me its just sayn that the mysql is offlinehope i was heplfull
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