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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest


    I thought spammers get a warning. Do they not???
  2. Gezzz... you guys do not like us or something????It seems like you guys are going to try to segregate yourself from the rest of the commoners...
  3. That is so true. People will continue on starting new topics about this. Like I said in other threads, if the admin who owns this place just come to post an announcement on this... the crowd will be settled down. This is the first experience for many people to have their website down, therefore they panic. And this is my first time too. I panic.
  4. iGuest


    Yeah, I took my girlfriend out to see this movie on opening day. I was rather suprised at how good it was. Now, for me.... it wasn't anything monumental or anything, but it was definatly a whole lot better than what I had expected (I'm not much of a Will Smith fan [though, I do like Kevin James alot, heh], nor am I much of a romance-movie fan).
  5. I think that is where alot of the members are concerned that we can be in this stale state where our website is down. If the admin who owns this place can just come and post an announcement saying that he is working on it, i believe the members will have no excuse to post threads like this. Even you are not sure if we are getting our websites fixed. Therefore since there is no assurance that our websites are being work to get running again, many of us panic. We post threads like this. For the staff here, please do sympathize to why many do that. And you can recognize that many who post these threads are having their first experience with this kind of problem.
  6. I wonder why stuff like this isn't deleted. Anyway, like said, just transfer all your images into the /public_html/images/josiahsimages folder (create them if they don't exist). Link will be yoursite/images/josiahimages/WhateverImageYouHave
  7. I see what you mean.. Here is what it said. Warning: copy(./images/avatars/7836945234227b506681d8.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/freenuke/public_html/forums/includes/usercp_avatar.php on line 227Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/freenuke/public_html/forums/includes/usercp_avatar.php:227) in /home/freenuke/public_html/forums/includes/page_header.php on line 477Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/freenuke/public_html/forums/includes/usercp_avatar.php:227) in /home/freenuke/public_html/forums/includes/page_header.php on line 479Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/freenuke/public_html/forums/includes/usercp_avatar.php:227) in /home/freenuke/public_html/forums/includes/page_header.php on line 480
  8. There has been no official announement saying whether our sites will be back up or not :S. Can someone just please say whether our sites are safe and will be back up or not... Just thinking, if its time to go searching for another host again . Thanks Man! I am really tempting to go find another webhost. I see other free webhosts just as good as FNH, with one that gives out unlimited everything if member get 1000 posts. The other ones I see are more community like. Their admin who owns the webhost is active on his own board. Since I already gotten to know made friends to the few here, I will stay for a bit. I will see how it is. But I am thinking about paid webhost. Just wondering now how I will get the money....
  9. Yes, that's exactly what he means.
  10. yeah i happen to have a flash shoutbox, i'd be happy to share it with you, pm me if you are interested
  11. It doesn't matter. It's the same for all phpbb forums. Or at least the ones I've been to.
  12. So Protocool, you are using paid plan???I am using free.... now with this kind of stuff, I do feel much tempted to find financial support to get paid plans with other webhost. Because there is really not given answer from the Admin about this situation. The other people that run this place do not contact the admin, so they can say all this to us. But they do not know what is really going to happen for sure.
  13. Lol save your breath. People will still continue to start new topics asking the same questions.
  14. They used an earlier version of the same rotoscoping program
  15. when i have money i will buy an Ipod Shuffle. it's small like a gum pack... (and easy to lose i guess lol)
  16. Im kinda skeptical bout using chat rooms. Forums are better I say.
  17. it took me like 2 weeks to learn a ton...more than i need! you should only really need to know the basic commands...if you run into a problem or a tag you dont kno than search on google for it...remembering all of html is close to impossible. :wink:
  18. i like iPod mini...why do you need more than 1000 songs? i would only put like 300 on there at most.
  19. i have played fifa 05 but i dont have it...i only have 04. 05 has so many more tricks and moves tho. does anyone play soccer?
  20. So do you mean, all i would have to do is change my nameservers? and then this would take care of the hosting?
  21. Right.Domain name: You must own, as in "https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl". We can then give you webspace, you would then link your domain name to your webspace.Subdomain: For people who do not own a domain name. We give them one, but it is like in a sub directory, hence yourdomain.vaio-hosting.comDoes that help?
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