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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. i know im active but i cant be active right now i over did my pounds on the shoulders to 100 so i cant hardly run that fast without my legs hurtin badly
  2. Lol, so I wasn't the only one who knew about it.**Goes to cry in a corner**Anyway, I vote we don't tell those who don't know. 8) And the wars have commenced! Who can come up with the most creative status?
  3. I'm 16, 17 in July and I'm quite slender because I'm very active athletically(soccer and track, both varsity). I wasn't insulting anyone here, just getting this topic back on track and under control. 8)
  4. LOL read this[ea]jughead: hi[ea]jughead: who are yougenesinkidizzy: higenesinkidizzy: are u Stephen from freenukehosting?[ea]jughead: why thatgenesinkidizzy: because u had ur xfire name tag on the forums so i was wonder[ea]jughead: ok genesinkidizzy: they are updating servers so relaxgenesinkidizzy: ok?genesinkidizzy: they did a patch with the mysql databases[ea]jughead: who r ugenesinkidizzy: it should be up in the morninggenesinkidizzy: im Dizzy from the forums[ea]jughead: lol its about that[ea]jughead: not*[ea]jughead: its a payment issuegenesinkidizzy: o[ea]jughead: why the *BLEEP* that ppl do not read entire postgenesinkidizzy: i did[ea]jughead: u forum hoe ?genesinkidizzy: dude it said that the server is basicly down most of the time[ea]jughead: its full on this forumgenesinkidizzy: u bet =Pgenesinkidizzy: i read it[ea]jughead: okgenesinkidizzy: i posted a reply to it[ea]jughead: sry im kinda mad now[ea]jughead: plus im *BLEEP*in tiredgenesinkidizzy: take a napgenesinkidizzy: ur gaming to much relax and forget about itgenesinkidizzy: then worrie about it in the moring[ea]jughead: lol im not gamig too much[ea]jughead: and this isnt the problem[ea]jughead: im noyt on the same server u guys r[ea]jughead: i paygenesinkidizzy: i know are server is down too[ea]jughead: ok[ea]jughead: btw its not my gaming its more job + traininggenesinkidizzy: i wanna get a jobgenesinkidizzy: its better than school[ea]jughead: how old r yougenesinkidizzy: 15[ea]jughead: lol[ea]jughead: fat nub[ea]jughead: 15 [ea]jughead: lolgenesinkidizzy: lolgenesinkidizzy: FAt?1[ea]jughead: stfu lil loser4genesinkidizzy: i weigh 160 pounds! LOL[ea]jughead: you make no sense[ea]jughead: look at yur replygenesinkidizzy: fat?1?[ea]jughead: it has nothin to do with servers beiing uyp[ea]jughead: u dam moron[ea]jughead: i remove u [ea]jughead: dam fat kidgenesinkidizzy: oh nogenesinkidizzy: lolgenesinkidizzy: im not fatim not fat im skinnier than u u scrub and yes i am 15 so wat about it i just dont like other people like pickin other people about something that isnt worth alot of time.
  5. hahahaha btw fat *bottom* dizzy that cant stfu even msged me on xfire .......wow what a fat *BLEEP*
  6. those r 15 y old kids ..........prolly some fat kids too
  7. If it's a java chatroom, I probably won't bother. But if it's IRC, I'll be there.
  8. Hmm, do I see an insult there? I seriously doubt you're old enough to have 'just about everything' you need right now, considering you're resorting to childish flames. He's not using free hosting, he PAID for his hosting. Don't butt in on matters you don't understand. And are such insults allowed? Or are the moderators turning a blind eye because of the nature of this topic? You were the one who started with the 'gay' insults first :roll:
  9. iGuest

    lo there

    thought so lol i guess i should leave it there.
  10. hi welcome to FNH enjoy your stay please refram from spamming. good too see we have a el33t gamer =P.
  11. iGuest

    lo there

    Yeah, welcome to the forums and do not spam like Dizzy has stated.Dizzy the word is "refrain" not "refram" 8)
  12. iGuest


    yep indeed so do i welcome!! please enjoy your stay but please refram from spamming ty.
  13. iGuest


    Thats crazy about the death rattle thingy. As for the movie it was pretty scary when I saw it in theaters, but at home it really wasn't. One last thing, THIS IS MY 300th post! Oh yeah! 8)
  14. iGuest

    lo there

    cool we have a gutiarist welcome enjoy your stay but please refram from spamming.
  15. welcome enjoy your stay but please refram from spaming and 5 posts count as hosting request.
  16. In the end it really wouldn't matter what type of chat room we have to me. But yeah, I voted yes. 8)
  17. I have Yahoo! Messenger on my computer but rarely go on it. I have mostly yahoo e-mail accounts. 8)
  18. this topic is about servers not dating this isnt a dating service stephen if u feel like u need a date go to some dating sites but dont pm people about dating GOT IT?
  19. wow, you paid and your having problems? how come they always say if you pay, ther are no problems... ;/
  20. Ok guys, your getting a little out of hand. What does dating and being gay have to do with this topic? Nothing, so please stop. 8) **EDIT** Thank you Dizzy
  21. Hey When i first got my free hosting it didnt go down so chill ur friggin *bottom* down before i make u with my fist NOW EITHER U CAN PAY OR LEAVE ITS YOUR CHOICE BUT DONT *BLEEP* AT THEM For there servers going down they are updating database's probly so relax give it a day or 2
  22. iGuest


    Zentri is much better (https://www.zentri.com/)
  23. Zelda series. They never cease to entertain me.
  24. No thanks, I think i have just about everything i need right now. But glad to see you would treat me just like i would expect to be treated. How was I trying to get a date out of you? At least I know how to use a quote box and i know how to spell GAY, not ghey. And I am not "ghey" I am actually heterosexual.
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