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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Could say admin then? and yes all better
  2. iGuest


    I think the game really rocks. I mean the lights and all is great. But the race is not stimulating. Its beautiful but boring!! BDB
  3. Why did you quote someone and not add anything =/ would that be spam?
  4. we cant say "We're working on it" because "we're" not Admin probably is.And we recognise there is a problem.All better now?
  5. i ve been plyaing console games an dpc games from 10 years and i have to say that zelda series and warcraft are the best game ever.. they are so complex and fun .. you cant miss any of them,,,
  6. There has been no official announement saying whether our sites will be back up or not :S. Can someone just please say whether our sites are safe and will be back up or not... Just thinking, if its time to go searching for another host again . Thanks
  7. I have got HALO 2 it's pretty funny! and I also get it whit 2 months free xbox live but I don't want that because it issn't funny without headset
  8. SO WHAT! that dussn't make sens! If you want to make a game with licensd cars you must spend allot more money on a game!
  9. I hope we can get it in India too. BDB
  10. I don't think that this topic belongs in the game forum but in the sports forum...
  11. I haven't seen a more horrible movie. And the ending just sucks!! BDB
  12. My vote would go to the serie of HALO and GTA
  13. iGuest


    is it a comedy???
  14. iGuest


    Well I saw the movie about hald an hour back. It was scary at times ...but the storyline was poor. And what abut the ending? Good talent wasted away.BDB
  15. I like the 2 movies of Card Captor Sakura and Spirited Away.
  16. I waana be in gmail can give me a invate my e-mail adres is dexter@sppsp.com plz
  17. well you guys are just exchanging picture as an avatar so... there is not problem.... lol3 girls here.... that's scary.
  18. iGuest


    Looking at his posts, he placed a spam topic like this before :? http://forums.xisto.com/
  19. Would like to have one. Prefeerably IRC ...somethings better than nothiung.BDB
  20. Yeah the site's been down for the last few days,I'll post back when it's back up
  21. Its called that staff forum o.O you should be able to see it your in the Modertor group
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