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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Anyone here play it? Im looking for some1 to hang/play with
  2. I know this isent about free phpbb hosted forums but I go thru http://www.greatboard.com/ they have alot of themes an I have had no trouble.. easy to use an setup ... FREE phpbb forum
  3. iGuest


    I'm a (web) designer
  4. For some reason when some1 visits my forum it wont save your PW.... I don't know how to set the cookies.. any help would be apreciated :-)
  5. i hope they fix this problem fast :oops:
  6. iGuest


    would someone please move and / or close this topic?
  7. windy would you please stfu? you aren't really making these forums a nice place to hang out you know...
  8. When I was around 7 or 8, I was playing in a warehouse, climbing boxes that were probably stacked 2 stories high, in which I happened to grab a box that was unstable and ended up pulling the box on me and I fell and somehow on my way down, I sliced my arm on something, don't know what it was but the ripping pain and blood everywhere is what I remember most from this. Then it was the usual doctor stitching me up and commenting to get strength back in my arms I should take up an instrument, and that's when I started to learn how to play the guitar. So that's the real story behind the scar and given that name by the band. MC
  9. i did not upload yet mine but still i have considering the fact devian is cool
  10. dreamweaver is good but asp is more better
  11. Hi people, Someome please come to my rescue...My site... I could not watch it This is my site. I chmodded the folders www[or]public_html to 755. I also chmodded the folder tmp to 777. I don't know whether to chmod them like that or not. But, doing that should really help me. Is there any problem with the servers? Did anyone face this problem? I didn't come to internet for a long while now and when I returned, this is the problem, I am getting
  12. You guys really know whats in photoshop i hope i can also give samples of mine see yah
  13. Those are pretty cool. I wonder if there are more :shock: But for some reason, i couldnt get the random quotes one to work. the about box would close when i click on protected by
  14. thats cool but a little on the dark side maybe. good job!!.
  15. iGuest

    msn beta

    I'm using the MSN 7.0 beta. But I can't transfer files with my friends' MSN 6.2. I guess version is the reason.
  16. I use MS Office, because it's stable and the most popular.
  17. I love yahoo messenger and use it everyday. It's convenient to have mail alert and access my yahoo mailbox. BTW, I think yahoo mail is the best free mailbox.
  18. I like phpBB better than IPB.phpBB is free. I like free things.
  19. I still like to use IE. Firefox is not bad, but it's not compatible with some software.
  20. I vote for Windows xp, but I think Linux will catch up someday.
  21. iGuest


    Yeah..I kinda wondering about this... :shock:
  22. Np...make some rules..later I'll open it..
  23. iGuest


    Freenukehosting.com is going to be merged with another web hosting company. All accounts will stay on the same dual server nothing will happen but the company name will be changed.New scripts new update instant setup all coming soonWTH Whats the name of the new company? Is this why our servers have been down?I'm one very confused person right nowTim :twisted:
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