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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. hes one of my friends all those pictures are my friends they like being on theinternet for some reason
  2. iGuest


    he used Photoshop
  3. Yes, that's what I got! It was a link from someone I knew well, so I clicked it without thinking... *stupid mistake*
  4. ohh thnx!!!You have saved my computer!
  5. I love macromedia dreamweaver too !!
  6. HiI like a gmail invitation too.My email: rneto@eresmas.comThanks!!
  7. nice one, at the moment im getting feedback like 2 our of 3 people like it. aint that bad really. and normally the people who dont like it are over 40 lolso maybe i might make it, maybe i wont lolwell see
  8. I'm using DreamWeaver from Macromedia. That is quite good. It has support for HTML, PHP, ASP, JSP, ... It has a integrated FTP engine. It's a good choice, but it is not free.DreamWeaver is good for layout and so on. But if you are thinking in seriously development, I suggest moving to a IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Eclipse. It has all kind of plugins to support (HTML, PHP and ...) The best thing about Eclipse is that is FREE.
  9. iGuest


    I hope we will still be staff :?
  10. oh man...its so easy to reconfigure the apache's httpd.conflets work!
  11. Hmm, I clicked it , but I didn't open it or save it.
  12. I realy like it...In my opinion 8/10 would be good :wink:
  13. Anything Zelda on the GCPerfect Dark Zero Hour on the XBOXTime Splitters 3 on all formats
  14. iGuest


    yea, i finally got in the cpanal
  15. Hi cloud03, I could solve your problem using javascript like god said. You just need to put a little javascript inside you targeted page. For example, if you have a link to a main.htm page in your menu and you like that the main page calls a menu_main.htm in your menu. You need to use the following code inside the main page: <html><head><title>Main page</title></head><body><script language="JavaScript">window.open("menu_main.htm",'leftFrame');</script>Main content ...</body></html>This little script just open you menu_main.htm in the leftFrame. I hope you can solve your problem now. See you around.
  16. iGuest

    msn beta

    I've got it, it's still a bit buggy, but MSN know this. Looking forward to the release, the new features like nudge are really useful.Shame you still can't send folders over msn.Hate having to zip everything, especialy when its over a gig.Come on msn sort it out.
  17. Know of any good mixers I could download? Whether it's free or not I'm mainly looking for ones with good effects...
  18. Personaly I thing Gmail will open up soon, just cause there are thousands of invites floating about.Anyways, I dont like gmails GUI that much anyway,
  19. random, I can't believe that this Java applet would slow your comuter right down. Check that you didn't have anything else running at the time.Also check that you have the latest java build installed.
  20. iGuest


    The new name will be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've bought FNH out right.But seriously, surely it will be for the best?
  21. I've seen two variations of this virus already and have alerted everyone on my network here.I think they send with the opening line"omg this is funny"Just be careful
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