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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I don't have any problems with this theme
  2. Why can admin not offer free hosting on the same server? Like he did before xerox-hosting.com?I'm not great when it comes to understanding all this stuff about servers etc, but surely this would be possible?Anyway, lets hope admin can find a way!
  3. I can't realy say. Halo 2 owns in multiplayer but is not very good in singleplayer. I haven't played Half-life 2 yet. I am going to play it soon, and see wich one is better.
  4. Here is a list of racing games:Gran Turismo 4Midnight Club 3: Dub EditionCrash Clash RacingNeed for speed: Most WantedForza MotorsportsThat is all I can say
  5. Yup this is correct. It works cause I am all powerful!
  6. Well. Bungie is doubling their team for the next Halo. So I think it will be pretty good.
  7. PC:Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2Amd Athlon 1400+1400 MhZ Speed128 MB RAMNes, Snes, Playstation 2, Game boy (original) and Game boy Color.
  8. Yes. Battlefield 2 is only for pc. With supreme graphics.There is a Battlefield: Modern Combat for playstation 2 and xbox that is coming soon.
  9. iGuest

    GTA 6

    That is indeed al true. 5 new GTA games have already been registerd. I hope this will be 10x bigger and better then San Andreas
  10. Here some quick info: Title: Timesplitters: Future Perfect Nr. in series: 3 Platform: Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube Genre: First Persoon Shooter (FPS) Developer: Free Radical Design Publisher: EA Games Players: 1 - 16 Online: Yes (playstion 2 and xbox only) LAN Gaming: Yes Releasedate: Septembre 2005. Check the official site for alle gamefeatures and more: http://www.ea.com/games I am sureley going to get this game. In the netherlands, this game will be shipping septembre 17th. Especialy online multiplayer and the improved mapmaker and story mode are soo very cool
  11. i dont read bibles:S
  12. i think the flash help files and flash actionscript dictionnary are very useful. (click help on the main menu bar)
  13. I go to the cinema once in 2 months but most of the time just wen there's a good movie.
  14. Timesplitters 2, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Tony HAwk Underground 2 and Crash Nitro Kart
  15. iGuest


    hi again, thanx for all those info.i've installed and configured:- Apache 2.0.53- PHP 5.0.3- MySQL 4.1.10and even PHPMyAdmin 2-6-1after struggling with the configuration, i am now able to create a database, a table and retrieve info from it, add it, update it, which is exciting!!!BUT now, i have troubles with things related to the internet e.g. i cant open my hotmail account anymore, when i want to launch the help files of Flash, Flash freezes. What have i done wrong? Could it be that i configured it a bad way?Thanx for helping!
  16. Gran Turismo 4, it plays good but it is actually realy fun with friends and for racing fun. The Graphics are master. They took everything the Playstation 2 can handle to create perfect graphics.
  17. The movie is way to cool just like the name says an incredible movie. The kid how runs so fast that's very cool, I would be in notime at school :wink: I agree about pixar, they're very good.
  18. It is too bad. But life is hard (so buy a helmet).I will still have fun on the FNH forums, and that is all that counts :mrgreen:
  19. LotR: Battle For Middle Earth is a goed game, but I like armies of exigo to in that game you have an above the ground and an underground world that gives new gameplay elements in it.Another good but very old game is Heroes of Might and Magic 3 it's not beautiful but its good gameplay.
  20. iGuest

    phpBB 3

    There some cool features in it http://forums.xisto.com/ :wink:
  21. what sort of character do you have, race, class? What sort of characters do you al have?I have a dwarve hunter I choose the hunter because of it's great oportunity to control animals (after lvl 10)
  22. so if i give u 50$ i get back 59$? why how does this work? why are you doing it? whats the point?
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