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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I think it has been answered, but you can rip cds in iTunes and then put them on the iPod and iPod Shuffle my 3gb library proves it.
  2. iGuest

    Sony PSP

    Right........ I will not be buying either - don't have time to use them.
  3. lol doom, I would agree. Nice comparison Stoner. HL2 really does kick royal *bottom*. I havent completed it yet however due to me getting scared.
  4. The situation has changed and free hosting is on hold for a few weeks (estimated). Shall I leave this as an announcement?
  5. its going down completly until admin can pay for it. As far as i know its just the vaio hosting one though. The paid hosting, and the one for fnh is staying up
  6. I will donate FNH to the member who can create me the best sig. Donation will be at least 100$ but possibly more depending on how good it is.Sig must include my username - as i'm in the process of changing it, please make 2 designs. One with the username "haz" and one with the username "hazaa".ThanksHaz
  7. iGuest

    My name

    HaZaA - Pretend your KaZaA although it sucks .Haz sounds a bit naff
  8. iGuest


    Me? 20,000 now ;)Rising, up up and away
  9. Not really, image ready, which comes with it can be used to make a website from a graphics.
  10. Yes please! I'll be a king
  11. Would it be possible to give access to say account staff who could check peoples accounts to check for illegal files? -Just a thought, not sure if it's even possible-
  12. iGuest


    Hey, now that you mention it, if you take CSI and add aliens and a global governmental conspiracy you WOULD have X Files!! Oh yeah, and add a few unique plot lines while your at it. And, well you get the picture.Not really. Similar that is. Yeah.
  13. iGuest

    Sony PSP

    Well...Sony might be good at a handheld but...Its their first time...We'll see how they do...
  14. It turns out you can hold more than 250 songs on it... That sux lol
  15. iGuest


    Hmmm I don't know why but...Sony Vaios were always my favorite laptop brands.
  16. I cant have free hosting on paid hosting server just for 1 reason and that is: Last time I did that The datacenter closed the server because illegal files were hosted. Most of the illegal files were found on free hosting accounts. (THEY CLOSED THE SERVER AND I LOST MANY PAID CUSTOMERS)Thats why I have to get 2 servers 1 for paid hosting and the other for free hosting.I might buy another DUAL server from dell.com and colocated at theplanet datacenter or any other I will only have to pay $60 a month for co location I think that will be better.
  17. This is extremely interesting. It is quite dangerous too...I saw a person once do it...Jumping from building to building.
  18. Half Life 2 is soo much better than Halo 2...Here is a mathmatical Version:Half Life 2 > Halo 2
  19. iGuest


    It seems like a good idea...I have 0 lol..........
  20. Hi to everyone, I just made my first layout, but I don't know how to expand the content box & the ads menu if I type alot of text. I am even not sure if I sliced it correctly? Here is picture of it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I see there is a problems with the link, so you can just copy and paste the URL in your browser. Can someone please help me here or refer me to a tutorial? Thanks in advance.
  21. I was wondering, is there an estimate of how long it will take to repair this situtation?I am currently enrolling in a program in which my visitors/members need to access my files.
  22. is it just the vaio-hosting thats going down or all the freehosting because my website is hosted on the freenukehosting.com server so i was wondering if mine will stay up or not
  23. and what about image ready then? that goes with photoshop and it creates tables and then can be edited in html...
  24. It's a very good film even knowing that Keanu Reaves acts there, it's millions times much better than Matrix in my opinion
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