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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Well the shop.. you can also buy items to other members. see this is wat i get when i go to the shop >>Little Brother has changed your title to Little Brother owns me. If this is inappropriate, message an admin.
  2. How'd he get to it? He shouldn't be able to change your title without logging into your account.
  3. iGuest

    My name

    Make it hazaa, haz is too short.
  4. well yeah. this guy is mental. and he thinks it was made to play with it. I know it was made to change tittles but the thing is that he dint ask permission first. He thinks this is funny. I did PM the admins. :arrow:
  5. Man.....you are some sick guy. they put it for a reason i kno but without my permission nahhhh ??? I dont even kno you. anyways this tittle is to *person* for me to keep so I just send a pm to the admins about this. Hope this is still funny to you. FNH dont need little mental guys like you. :arrow:
  6. yea we are, just wanted to do it to u n e ways :-P
  7. What's weird is that it just changed again, did he do it again? Because before it said "Little Brother owns me" :? :? :? 8)
  8. oh well that sucks and it does stand for anime music video
  9. never heard of this kinda games
  10. any ideas were to get them to play it online?
  11. ok...now i know what you were talking about.. sorry about that :arrow:
  12. iGuest

    Sony PSP

    Yeah, personally I dont really use portable gaming systems much, but if i was getting one, it would definately be the DS cuz of the design. Nintendo is rumored to be releasing a new gameboy in December too.
  13. I now have all the referrals I need, and im waiting for the verification of my offer (should take about 3 more days). Once i get past that point, ill keep you guys posted. So far, no problems
  14. Ravenholm is sooooo freaky. Thats the part you're talking about, right?
  15. lol stoned thought we were on the same team
  16. iGuest


    that r0x0rZ my s0x0rZ
  17. ur right, that is kewl to use
  18. thats what the shop is for.. no1 has to agree with anything ... they put it in the shop im gonna use it
  19. iGuest


    I think is too calm ...But i love the rest! :shock: |8/10|
  20. You can't use scripts like javascript. However, if you're just trying to insert an image, can you post the code you were trying to use?
  21. How would I backup my MySQL db if i can't even access my cpanel. Is there a way to download it off teh FTP?
  22. Yeah wat ever. Wuda be funny if it wudda happened to you?? funniest thing ever? yeah right. Thats just gay. and this person musta be gay. Mods please respond to this....
  23. LMAO, that has to be the funniest thing ever! 8)
  24. Little brother haves change my tittle. This is not even cool and how he do this. I need the tittle i had last. He dint even PM me to add this to my tittle and i dont even know this guy. This is the message i get....Little Brother has changed your title to Little Brother owns me. If this is inappropriate, message an admin.So i did and need the rank i had.
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