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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Ok i have talked to admin. This is straight out of his mouth(technically fingers ) Well the fourms are staying here at FNH. Also the staff will be staying on to moderate the forums. And the free hosting will be back once admin has enough to pay for it in a few months. So when free hosting comes back, the account creators on the staff will be able to get back to work . The free hosting is temporarily going down. I said it might come back one day, and admin has confirmed this.
  2. sorry for really late reply but yes I am a Muslim and to give detailed info help others to know me a little better
  3. books :?: For a long time I did not read
  4. iGuest

    My name

    I voted for hazaa too
  5. My Favourite game is Multi Theft Auto a mod of Grandtheft auto (vice and 3)
  6. I can speak French (very well), English (not very well) and vietnamese :mrgreen:
  7. iGuest


    ive scanned my computer with 2 different anti-virus software, but nothing has come up. this might be nothing important but as i said, im so new to php that i kind of try to find the error anywhere:when i try phpinfo(), its comes up in the environment bit that my operative system is windows-NT while ive got windows xp. also, ive added c:PHP (the folder where ive put php5 files in) as a path in my computer but its not mentionned when it writes the different paths.php seems to be great when i read tutorials, but it seems that it doesnt like me... (or is it that im impatient???)thanx again for helping!
  8. iGuest

    My name

    i voted for just hazza because what the heck is the 3000 for???
  9. ill take care of informing them in a few mintues. Im thinking of a good way to say itand yes, that is straight from admins mouth
  10. The forum will stay - I have been told so by the powers that be.
  11. OK, I'm thinking of changing my username. I've narrowed it down to 3, just wanted to know what you guys think.If you pick other, please state what you think it should be.
  12. sounds like a good idea to me i just hope we keep a forum
  13. There is a very similar story by Asimov called "Cal". Cal is a robot whose owner is a writer. His owner decides one day that he wants Cal to write stories also. He brings a progarammer in and spends big bucks to get Cal re-programmed to write. Cal's first stories are very simplistic. The owner is not satisfied so he has Cal reprogrammed again. The stories progress to the point that the owner feels threatened by Cal. Anyway, I can get you a copy of "Cal", just pm me. (sorry to keep kicking dead topics, but it's so much fun) :twisted:
  14. Is this 100% right? Should we inform the rest of the community?
  15. Is this 100% right? Should we inform the rest of the community?
  16. Okay.... this is kinda awkward.... http://forums.xisto.com/= ...?!?
  17. Ok, well im talking to admin The forums will stay open, and the staff will stay on to help moderate the forums. THe free hosting will only be gone for a few months, until admin can pay for the servers again.
  18. Ok, well im talking to adminThe forums will stay open, and the staff will stay on to help moderate the forums.THe free hosting will only be gone for a few months, until admin can pay for the servers again.
  19. yeahi agree with bothmy grandad gave me davinci code to read and i loved it so i read othersand angles and demons was amazing
  20. Since you have a bkup y not just upload it again? Is you site some forum or something?
  21. THE SHOP ROCKS!!!! yeah maybe. but i cant even preview wat i wanna buy. I dont want to spend all my FNH$ if i cant see my own thing. Im running XP with IE 6 :arrow:
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