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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest


    i don't have PS2, i'm playing GTA:VC
  2. It surely misunderstood and it shocked with the one that the account was deleted. :cry: Recovery efforts must hold out though think it is serious
  3. i liked it, it's very funny
  4. taegukgimatrixa tale of two sisterand more
  5. I haven't really built my site. I'm ready to face the shutting down. I'll start again from scratches. My only wish is that FNH will be back with free hosting... afterall all these members came here for the marvelous free hosting it has been offering..
  6. Any tips for me?I seriously suck at it! My high score is like 250 or something...
  7. Locked, once again due to spammers like you, Intermontano!Don't worry everyone... I have warned him... :x
  8. Close due to spammers like you... you have been officially warned!
  9. Yyyeeaahh, I'm not THAT conservative ;)I admire that he has such strong views, but I find that he is only good for a laugh anymore.I feel that the more objectivity you possess while still maintaining your own standards is what really sets you on either end of the spectrum.You can respect the views of a liberal and still be conservative. You'll disagree til your pee turns red, but you gotta take a step back and realize that this person is just as dilluded as you
  10. Has anyone paid attention to the classic Donkey Kong game? If so, you might have noticed the high score war between Windborn and I Pretty dramatic, isn't it? :wink: I can just feel the tension.
  11. Noooooooooooooooooooo! not no more free hosting. This sucks *bottom*. Oh well, if i had money (real money) i'd donate but i don't have any. :cry: :|
  12. lol, sorry... NO OFFENCE TO PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE WHAT I SAID! :mrgreen:
  13. Go invader jim. i agree with you 100%. Mr. Bush is a great leader. Have you ever read or listened to Michael Savage?
  14. What do u mean by SHUTTING DOWN? It is the server that is shutted down for a while, or the FREE hosting service is shutted down for ever? :shock:
  15. I have 50! PM me for an Invite
  16. exactly... just watch out for someone sending a link to a .pif file :roll:
  17. My sister has gone and deleted all the files she could from my site. I have a backup from about 1 or 2 weeks ago...All I need is someone to fix everything for me please ;)I will pay 100 FNH$ for someone to fix it, or you name the price! ;)ThanksEDIT: If you can help, please PM me or IM me. (IM's at bottom of post) :roll:
  18. considering that the server is shutting down shouldn't this post be locked? jwTim :twisted:
  19. Have you even hear about Zentri?Zentri is an open source web portal/content management system released under the GNU/GPL license. Zentri is similar to many other content management systems such as Post Nuke, PHP-Nuke, Mambo, Xoops, etc.. Zentri is a great solution for people who want to start a secure and modular website.Zentri is similar to many other CMS, just that it has lots of room for expansion and easy to use. Zentri was built based on PHP-Nuke, since most Zentri users are also familiar with PHP-Nuke.
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