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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Any cinema 4D tutorials other than pixel2life.com?thank a lot
  2. I'm looking forward to the 4th movie - the Quidditch world cup would look cool on the big screen!
  3. Is it true that Tom Hanks will play Robert Langdon? I think he would be good at that character.
  4. I cant wait for the new book to be out in July! I might have to put a copy on order so I dont miss out!
  5. Me too - I started with The Da Vinci Code and then went on to read the other 3. I think Angels and Demons was the best tho!
  6. well.. here some mine : ; this one OP's you, assuming that there is ChanServ, and that you have access/opme /msg chanserv op # $$me ; it says how long you're online/onl /me is [ON]line for4 $uptime(server,2) $+ .; if you have XP, and you ever encounter one of those shutdowns (MSblaster or something); it will disable shutdown, but the system will remain unstable. This way at least you ; have time to save your work./noshut //.run C:WINDOWSsystem32shutdown.exe -a this are just some basics... there is more in another thread I've opened... but that's a bit more complicated... you can find it here
  7. ok im still waiting its taking awhile to load
  8. The free service is shutting down. Backup your stuff and find someone else. Sorry. :|
  9. Alright, can you get on the FNH chat? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. has anyone gotton there free hosting back up or no....just wondering cuz i'm seeing people are saying that their's never went down or mine is working...cuz mine isn't working so i just wanted to check up on this...thanx.
  11. Can you get access to the database containing the information for the PHPNuke? If so, I can guide you through hacking (in the good sense) the database to add a new superuser.
  12. i somehow deleted myself from being the superuser of my phpnuke siteso now there is no superuser and i was wondering if there was any way to add one i really need help with this because i cant do nothing with mysite untill this gets fixed
  13. them idiots they can never stop counterfeiters its impossible!!!
  14. don't know... never liked full scripts. It's always better when you install the clean mIRC, and then stuff it up with home made addons/snippets :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  15. But wont that take too much time but good idea.
  16. Or we could plug in to the actual stock market.
  17. "What's all this about? Corrupt audio discs (also known as "copy-protected CDs" or "copy-controlled CDs"): * look just like normal audio CDs * are sold in the record shops alongside normal CDs * might be labelled something like: "Will not play on PC/Mac" * or might have no label at all These audio discs have been intentionally corrupted by the record companies to make it harder for people to get them to play correctly on computers. The record companies are doing this to try to cut down on MP3 file-sharing and CD counterfeiting. However, these corrupt CDs can have problems playing on: * car CD players * game consoles (PlayStation 2, X-BOX, etc) * DVD players * portable CD players * digital home cinema systems * even some 'normal' CD players On computers, they can: * simply refuse to play * lock up your machine, forcing a reboot * or in extreme cases: refuse to eject, stop your machine from working entirely, and require you to take your machine to a dealer to get it working again (details) Some forms of CD corruption: * reduce the scratch-resistance of the disc, making its average life-span shorter (details) * make the quality of the sound degrade quicker as the disc gets older (details) * can cause early failure for older CD players (details) As you can see, the cost and inconvenience for the consumer is huge. But is the "copy-protection" doing its job? Actually, it isn't: * Even with the most complex corruptions devised, there are always some computer CD-ROM makes and models that have been found to read the disc perfectly. * All a professional counterfeiter would have to do is to try a disc in a number of different PCs until one of them worked. * Even if that fails, a "copy-protected" CD could still be copied using normal phono leads from the back of a CD player. * Actually, home users have already started to find other ways to get these CDs to play normally in computers -- by covering up the corrupted areas of the disc using sticky labels or lines from a marker pen. So, what is this so-called "copy-protection" really achieving? "Nothing" is the short answer. But you try telling that to the record companies. They are convinced that they have to do something about MP3s, but they don't know what. This is the best they have come up with, and it is a truly hopeless solution. It is making them look like idiots, and yet they keep on going as if they really want to upset all their customers and lose all their business. Perhaps they think that they will get away with it, and that people are just going to accept all these problems with their CDs. Certainly, many people are unaware of the issue and probably don't understand why their CDs aren't working, but I think we can do something about that. IF YOU WANT THIS SITUATION TO CHANGE, NOW IS THE TIME TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. You can make a difference." (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) Sincerely, The Undersigned To sign the petition click link http://www.petitiononline.com/
  18. That's pretty left-wing, but you can go start a NEW left wing And when you implied that the election was rigged because of who's the governor of FL, I'll assume you meant the 2000 election, because, lucky for us all, FL was not a deciding state in this past one. There's more I'd like to respond to after reading this thread, but, meh. I'll just say that I'm UBER conservative and I support Bush, because he puts Americans first.
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