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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Well I am unable to see the source, but all I suggest is that around line 1814 (usually this line or before it), a closing bracket has been forgotten which is what the error is suggesting.That's all I can say about this, without seeing the source, the link would not open.Cheers,MC
  2. And what do expect me to say? Yummy? Huh, I asked for sometool that will help me get rid of it.One more thing is that there is some kinda spyware/adware stuck on my system, it keeps opening a browser kind of window and asks me to download some sexy football girs, some dum **** software, etc. Its getting annoying. I am using Micro$oft Windows Defender and Norton Anti-Virus 2005. I ran a full system scan on both and it seems that both don't detect it (know dont tell to update my definitions, duh its updated). Do anyone of you here have any clue on this, it just started to magically appear. Oh my god it poped-up again, let me close it before my parents see it.
  3. Hey I too use this, and its a really great tool, every one should have this SiteAdvisor. But it does not stop or alarm you from entering porno sites, or does it? If anyone here has a freeware tool like SiteAdvisor but for preventing users to view such sick sites, please do mention it.Cheers!
  4. Funny topic, but it is required at times. The way I learned typing is bit odd. I asked one of my friends, who knew typing, to sketch the keyboard layout on a plane paper. This was the time when I was about to buy my first PC. I did not really feel the need to go to a type-school to learn typing. So my first practice began on a plane piece of white paper containing Keyboard layout. I went on doing long practice over that paper just like others do in a type-school using a typewriter. And when I got the PC (can't recollect, may be after couple of weeks), I really had no trouble to manage Keyboard. That's it.
  5. I have really serious problem with SMF. Its about some stupid message whhich keeps appearing everytime I load the "profile" page in SMF. Here is what it says: "Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting ')' in /home/ganesh/public_html/Sources/Profile.php on line 1814" This is source code for that "Profile.php" file. I am asking this because I relly dont know PHP very well, still learning. So is there an PHP coder for this problem, please help! Mods or admins please make this a new topic if possible. Here is the link to that profile.php file, I have copied the source code onto a text file. profile.php | profile.txt I suggest you to copy the whole php code on to a text editor (notepad) that shows which line you are reading. As there is about 2000 lines and the error is present at line 1814. Please post your debugged code, it will be of great help. Notice from twitch: I uploaded the Profile.TXT as attatchment so that thost for which the link didn't work, this attatchment should.
  6. Yeah, something I always wanted to try. But where, I dont have anytime, I dont have anytime to even log off. What the heck.When do you think your OS will be completed and by the way why do you want to make new OS when there are hundreds of them.If you ask me, I would say just to "kill time"!Hey there is a site I saw (http://iso.linuxquestions.org/) in which you can submit your OS for free! So that others can use it and see how it works, test, etc. and rate your OS. If it gets rated to a really high position, who know tomorrow we all will be using your OS. There is a problem with that site when it comes to your OS. I think this site accepts only Linux kernel based OS, but dont loose hope, give it a try and see what happens!All the best
  7. Does anyone know how to hide their IP address. I have this problem because I just screwed up my hosting account's Cpanel and the site does'nt seem to work properly (not Xisto). I wanted to sign-up for a hosting account again and start all over again. Now there is a problem in signing up. They say I have already signed up using my IP address once and it wont let me have another account. I need to hide my IP address and fool that system.So does anyone know a free IP address tool that will hide my IP address or atleast make me anonymous? Make sure its a freeware, I really dont want to purchase any nor do I want any shareware/trial/demo.
  8. Hey,This guy with username "mysyasir" seems to be advertising on this Free Domain Registration for that unreliable myshost.com. I did a check on his "Most Active In" and found that he seems to be interested only in adveritsing and that he has been active in "Internet and Websites" only. I dont know if he has any interest in this forum for its content or its hosting, I think he more interested in advertising his unreliable site.
  9. You can use WINE which can run some Windows programs, they aim to make all Windows programs run from it, but it's still early stages.Depending on what programs you want to run, WINE maybe able to do it for you.Cheers,MC
  10. Hey why does'nt this site open for me, do you think that this site uses IP banning feature. I am in India and I cannot open this site. I have tried this a hgell alot of times. Even using Microsoft Internet Explorer anb Mozilla Firefox, it does'nt seem to work at all, can any one help. I am talking about the myshost.com anyway!
  11. Hey nice one, I know this almost by-heart, I suggest you dont let all our friends know about the hackers language. Anyway I am a newbie hacker are you a hacker too? I said I am a hacker and not a cracker. I repeat hacker is guy who knows how to hack, but does'nt mean that he will hack for illgeal purposes, a cracker is one who does all the *bad* stuff.
  12. iGuest


    Hey everyone,Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a student from Florida (where it finally rained today...yay!) Um...yeah, well, I was in a Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society) meeting this afternoon, and the sponsor asked me to make a MAT website for our branch. So, after a bit of searching, and much hair-pulling, I found this lovely place. It's very cool, especially for being free. Free is good, since we have NO money in the MAT account, after the party we just had. But, anyway, hello, and I'll see y'all around!
  13. Just been looking at the screenshots for Notepad++ and there's really nothing impressive seen from the screenshots, so I take it, it must be the features it has?I would say Quanta Plus and Bluefish would probably be editors that come close to Notepad++, so there maybe no need to actually port Notepad++ over to Linux.I agree that KATE is not really a good code editor, but it is a simple text editor that has some syntax features that would make it acceptable, same would go for the Gnome Editor (gedit).Cheers,MC
  14. I agree with you totally, it is a debatable topic and with different clean-up drives that Google and other SE Co. are taking up every now and then, it has an ever green relevance. But regarding tips on designing, we seem to be more focussed on the content and to some extent on the layout. But I have not seen many on few more fundamental issues like color scheme to choose and implement. I believe that there must be some color-rule ( or color-grammer) that need be explained in much detail with examples. I, personally, try to use scripts to do everything for my website and really keep on guessing about what color will be the most appropriate one for my table header or like that. What I mean is that a site for Research Work can't have flashing colors. Most of the time, so far as color goes you have to rely on your own views. There is no harm in doing so if you have that vision, but what I intend to say is that, there must be some guideline for using colors, font size and all. If you know any link that can suggest color, font size and some other more fundamental aspect of web-design, please let us know that. Regards, Sid
  15. Thanks for your alert m^e, just now when i was logging in, the same dialog box appeared requesting for a download, though i did not download that for easily understandable reason.Regards,Sid
  16. 248 x 11 is 2728You work it out like so (hard to explain)The first and last number go outside, while we reserve two places e.g 2(?)(?)8Then you add the first 2 numbers together, which go in the first bracket, you then add the last 2 numbers which goes in the last bracket.You work it out, carry the 1's if any to the next number.2(2+4)(4+8)82(6)(12)8carry the 12(7)(2)8and that's your answer, 2728.123 x 111(1+2)(2+3)3= 1353Let's make it harder666 x 116(6+6)(6+6)66(12)(12)6=7326I've not tested this with all numbers but I believe this rule to work 100%, I explained the 11 times any double digits in the verdics maths discussion here at Xisto because I thought it may have derived from verdics.Cheers,MC
  17. Well I really dont know why this registration problem is happening with you. I registered two times, once for myself and once for my academy. Both of the times it went smooth and no problems at all. I dont know the problem with what is happening with you.
  18. Oh thanks for letting me know that ASP.NET can be written for linux servers too. I dont find any harm hosting on an IIS server. Is it gonna kill you? The servers are well maintained and guarded.So whats the problem with that host, its good and surely better than Xisto if it were not for its *pre* registered domain rule. M^E you will have to admit its better. (Dont ban me for this!)
  19. Hey I think, m^e should choose pyost's banner, its cool and blends in well with the backgound.
  20. I mean to say that you should have a domain registered with some registar OR you can register with them too. If you dont have a domain, then this host is a complete waste.And by the way they offer both Linux or Windows hosting. Diffrence is you have ASP, ASP.NET and ASP.NET2 on the windows hosting but you will lack these in the linux hosting.
  21. Hey man, you did not look at it completely, you dont have to register a domain with them, you just need to have a domain thats it. Click on the "manage sites" on the left side navigation, add your sites domain, now just change your domains pointing name servers and thats it my friend. You have gotta a completely free web host. Nothing more, nothing less, just free!I would say that you better read their FAQ before you post anymore here.
  22. Hey all you guys must be supporting for Xisto right, ok even I do. But guess what I found a better host, much, much better than Xisto. No need posting, no ads and a guranteed 100% uptime. I have not seen this host go down atlest once. Check out their features 3000 MB Disk Space 50 GB Web Traffic Unlimited email accounts Unlimited number of MySQL, MSSQL databases FTP / FTPS, WebFTP, unlimited number of FTP accounts Technical support Support for ASP, ASP.NET and PHP languages Daily System Backup Traffic and Web Statistics Unique Online Administration Linux/Windows Hosting And more... There is a catch! You need to own a ICANN and NIC supported domain, I mean not like those free domins like the .tk and .co.nr service, ya but the .be will do. This host is just amazing people! I just need one promise from all of you. Even if you leave Xisto you will promise me that you will be an active member at the forum, just like me! Here is the link to that great free web host. CLICK HERE
  23. I dont use Xisto for hosting my site, I use 4host.net/ for hosting my site which is actually made up of only a Invision Power Board forum. They dont offer anything great as such, they offer all the things that Xisto offers except for the webspace, they give only 50MB. Good part is that they dont put-up ads on your site, and they dont even ask you to post on forums. And yes they are nearly 100% uptime. I use Xisto only for its nice comunity and the forum which helps me get a lot of knowledge in computers.
  24. So when are you guys going to reinstall those group icons? Or are you going to install them anyway? You need to install them, they make the board a little more interseting.
  25. Yeah, thats right that guy who CRACKED into an government owned system is a cracker and not a hacker. A hacker is a person who ethically hacks into systems, I mean to say hackers are appointed by companies to test their security, so that a cracker does'nt crack and steal all the sensitive information or in other words hackers is a guy/gal who has a lot of knowledge in computers, he like a CyberGuru. I dont know how much I am saying is true but I have heard some rumors telling that anti-virus and security companies themselves make virus and other malacious programs, so I think its ok if the law catches all the virus makers because the anti-virus companies themselves make virii to keep them in the market.
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