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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I am rapping hear to tell you about my story once I was at the top of the glorry and I am still ,even if I sometimes get ill . I am writting here because you asked fot a verse to go with ur beat so back off every body and have a seat . and here are the verses that you asked for :johnny mustaklem is a name you should remember because I am a proud palistinian who will never sourender this verse which made for djluki who is so ****ing lucky to hear the words of me the palistinian rapper ,johnny mustaklem-johnny mustaklem
  2. At the microsoft page where you can see how to make stuff for msn like winks, backgrounds and emoticons, they clue at the end, the work have to submited to them to check it out and then convert it in a package final users can install in their machines. Making dynamic content for msn its not meant for final users but for companies who want to advertise their products in msn. Thats because msn is a chessy aplication which can be very vulnerable and exploitable and ms devs doesnt plan to improve it.-Horacius
  3. The reason by Hoobastank (Or whatever that is >.>) isn't really depressing...In my opinion, it's somewhat boring...
  4. Gamemaker is the bomb but I'm not sure if I should learn gml code or not and I need a good tutorial if I am gonna learn it-Hue Janis
  5. Naruto real parents are the 4th Hokage and woman from the Land of the Whirlpool named Kushina Uzumaki. She is presumed dead but no one knows.-allan
  6. I don't really understand what to do with dialogs, and how to do skills, and why is the defense in classes and races don't work?
  7. I got it, but if you can explain me how to use it faster, because I don't wanna spend hours on creating all the armors and rings and all this thingys.-Korinton
  8. U's are a bunch of little children you don't have a clue about anything yet and AI is only as smart as people make it and even if we did make an AI that is as smart as a human it would not just go on a huge rampage it would probably have the sense to talk or negotiate this topic is completely useless because it could never happen. this is impossible and even if there was some tiny slight chance if the robots did rebel and take over we would just EMP their asses-Samonsuke
  9. I think adsense is a total rip, I've been with it for to years now....Switching to an alternative program....how 140 clicks only got me $3.00 I'll never know!
  10. I agree. It's like you're in a train hurtling forward at an extremely high speed, that can't stop, and you ask the driver if he can go back and let you off at a previous stop.
  11. Well, there are wysiwyg editors, but they really mess up the html and make it look like crap, and also, you can always tell if it was made in a wysiwyg editor. You should find a good webmaster.
  12. Actually you can use everything on both systems and that but Nintendo just promote the Lite seeing as it is the later system they are the same just they want to make it seem it only works on it as it is newer. Other then that all things for the DS Lite will work on the original DS.-Tidus0
  13. Well, I think now there is a way to do it. You may search over the Micro$oft site. I think they have new language packs since Vista, but they also have some XP ones!-Mecanologo
  14. Do you need a wireless card to use with a router? I have a wired router and my daughter uses her laptop off of it. It went out on us about 3 weeks ago, and I can't get it to reinstall to save my life. I think there's something wrong with it. So, should I look into wireless cards or get another router?
  15. Name:watcher7who says Israel wants to make peace?? they are the one who made the trouble, conquering the Palestinian land, & killing thousands of innocent people. The poor Palestinians try to defend their homes & families. Palestinians friends around the world also trying to stop the Israelian cruelty. That's why there were suicide bombers & thats' the only way to teach Israels supporters.-watcher7
  16. I used to love neopets but I stopped playing when everything changed. it's true, neopet has become like all the other lame virtual pet sites that only care about money, not about the actual players. neopets is just for n00bs now! the old players don't like it anymore.if some people like the new version, fine, they should be able to have it, but for those who want the old version back, we should have the choice...-samantha
  17. I've used airfare.com once and will never use them again. We had to cancel our plans and they said they would give us credit for our flight but it's been a year now and their customer service is useless. They always give us the runaround - and thus, we are out $1500. Do yourself a favor and use a reputable online service - not Airfare.com.-OrangeCounty
  18. My eyes change colour. if I'm in a sunny place surrounded by blue (eg sky) they turn BRIGHT blue. if I'm in a sunny place surrounded by green (eg grass) they turn BRIGHT green. if I'm in a dark place they turn brown/grey. usually, they're turquoise with brown around the middle. I get a lot of compliments on my eyes. does anyone else have the same changing-eye-colour-thing?-luciara
  19. my website has this code,..you've given but I'm still having no luck,...theres also a concern about hiding images when viewing with IE, does anyone have a good resource.heres my site that I need no scroll bars on the lower (frame, yea I hate frames too)redescape.net/dj_hertz/index.html -dave
  20. Guys I don't agree wiht any of you the legend of zelda twilight princess is the best!!! 1 player, so many options, extras, secret gifts, and of course evil kool ganandorf and zelda. it's sooooooo awsome!!!-hannahlizzbeth
  21. I - DavoII - arsenal_davies@hotmail.co.ukIII - Hey Guys, I have a comment. the school blocked our internet service fully, so we could not access the internet at all. me being a nerd, I unblocked my mates and my internet, and surfed freely. if you need to surf the internet, without being spotted, use this http://www.fsurf.com/ basically, what the school does is registers and saves each websites IP Address that people MAINLY visit, so proxies are designed to HIDE the IP Address of the website you wish to view. I Figured that http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ works pretty well. Listen to my advice INADVANCED users! â?¬ Davo â?¬"Hold My Stella Artois! I'm Going In!" - Davo
  22. Well this isn't a cheat but I saw some one ON the ceiling!And to get to the next level,fight monsters under YOUR level xp.By, the way it works cos with that I got to level xp 11.
  23. To all of you, that are rabbiting on about 7.0GHZ+ processors, It is a load of crap. The greatest record ever archived, (and it has been confirmed) is 6.57GHZ and that was running in BIOS. Later they tried it on DOS6, and managed a staggering 6.82GHZ, then they tried win98, and received a feeble 5.44GHZ. they did not test XP, as that would have slowed it down even more. I think they experimented on RAW BINARY and received something close to 7GHZ, but it has been confirmed, that no matter what specs your os, or system is, It would be defying they laws of technology to exceed the 7.03GHZ limit. There may be processors available with that power, but nothing to challenge them into showing their true potential. Intel Claims to have a 7.6GHZ Quad Core, but that is highly unlikely, as it would take about a gallon of LN per second to cool the flipping thing. Trust me, there is absolutely no reason to continue this discussion, it has been concluded. I do not post comments for fun, I research everything I find interest in, and pardon me, but I am obsessed with Processors, and their power. Thanks for reading. Reece.PG Tech OnlinePcgenius.co.nr-Pc Genius
  24. I don't think that humans can evolve anymore. Natural selection calls for the survival of the fittest, but with humans there are invalids everyday being born and kept alive and integrating into our societies. If only the most athletic and intelligent of us were to live on and mate, surely evolution would progress. But since invalids continue to mate with others, we will remain stagnant in the evolutionary chain.-brandon
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