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Everything posted by wassie

  1. i deleted epox post. There was a commotion about it. so thats why i did it.please go own with your conversation.
  2. wassie


    hi, and welcome to Xisto webhosting.enjoy your stay, and feel free to ask moderators/admins for help.if you see any spam or misbehave in topics please help us out, using the report button. Also when your own post isn't correct use the report and we will fix it for ya.and stay active!greetingswassie
  3. i think a whole different way about love at first sight. I think when you look at a girl who is really pretty... and you go like "Wow she's hot!" Its a bit like love... (maybe if you get to know her she might be a real pain in the *bottom*, but still) I think when you get a first expression of some1 and its a real good one, that you think, i can fall in love with that girl. (and then you automaticly try to fall in love with here). That is what i think about love at first sight.
  4. my advice it to make a really wierd company name, then people will look at it quicker. A friend of mine has a company called "Scrotum-design" i think its hilarius... but that way you will have more custommers... so think about "Smelly-Creations" or "Mine-Design".
  5. i heard even a kindergarden was set on fire...5000 cars where set on fire, and 34 police man were injured.kinda bad situation there...
  6. i took away the credits that he would earn with the post,and i'm now closing the topic.thanks bureX for reporting this./closed
  7. it does look good... maybe try a render and it will be only better
  8. hehe, im pretty suprised that people are still posting here :Pnot that i mind tho
  9. good job looks nice, but the right part of the render needs some smudge so it blends more into the background.
  10. i allready found the problem, a friend helped me with it.my primary harddisk was a "Nfts" that is a harddisk type from windows 2000/xp/ect. but my other was a FAT32and that "FAT32" was from back in the days of DOS, so you coudn't transfer more then 4 gig. But i converted it to a NFTS, so no problem
  11. here is the problem:i got 2 harddisks. 1 is olmost full, so i wanted to copie somethings in my second harddisk (wich i never used before) But when i cross the (About) 6 gigabyte... the disk says that its full... but it can hold 93 gig. And i checked the particle thingy... and cleaned the disk... nothing works...help me!!!
  12. lol... i'm not english, my grammar isn't perfect
  13. this is just a short poem i made last night: Where does love exually park? as for some of us its light, and for others its dark. Love, for everyone different to see, as we adapt, to what we want love to be. Some want it fast, others slow. Maybe love needs time to grow. Sometimes we even end up quick, as we see your love spiral down, like a burning stick. Thinking when will i find 'That One', remembering you thought you found it, when you just past love begon. As the myth of the 'One Love' grows old, It is in our hearths where its only beginning to unfold. so did you like it?
  14. lol i dont got any,i do got like a bunch of those pokemon cards left...who wants to buy?
  15. this topic is becomming full of spam.closing topic
  16. yeah i would also say something like:calling goldfish Xisto.calling mother Xisto.dreaming of Xisto.write Xisto on walls.poo the Xisto letters.smash your goldfish to the ground because the mysql-databases are down.ect.
  17. pretty nice signature :Plittle strange tho, that the render is blended in at the bottum but not at the top.
  18. i also made a post like this but then like 1 year ago...and no1 posted any names...and now buf makes a post and whoppie...ah well... Notice from BuffaloHELP: HEY! Do not spam! My original post was referring to wassie's thread but I did not revive that topic since it was an old post. I'm sorry wassie that I forgot to include where credit is due when I made this second post.
  19. yeah i thought of that too... but what should i turn it into then?
  20. yep, olmost cant read the text...and the render looks to much cut out. With a little toutch of smudge it will look better.
  21. i'm going to buy that for sure,its looking nice
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