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Everything posted by Unknown_99

  1. Heh the very reason I'm building my PC right now is to run this game. Right now my PC just cant handle it but I'm sure a 4850 can handle Aion as it is now. Yes, I'm creating a budget PC. Anywho, the game looks superb in looks and just from reviews and from people's tongues I can see that the game wasn't at all rushed or just a "clone" of another game. I'm sure it will have the usual grinding as most mmo's do revolve around that but with such an exciting and vibrant world as it seems to have, I think you wouldn't really care. I think I'll be going all out on this game xD haha. But of course not in the sense that it conflicts with my personal life but at least a game I know I'll put my energy into.
  2. Nintendo had always been a very good console my opinion. This is how I look at things, The playstation excels in RPGs, the Xbox excels in first person shooters while the nintendo excels in games that everyone can play. Yes it doesn't have much adult series games but I dont think that was the reason Nintendo was created. The Nintendo franchise was created for families can play, meaning everybody regardless of age group. Nintendo has many hit games that I find to be remarkably great, and these are games that are always remembered by many for example Pokemon, Super Smash Brothers, Super Mario, Mario Kart and Zelda. Newer games are now coming out with even more fun qualities for multi-player, exactly the point of Nintendo is fun for everyone in a party setting.
  3. Only heard about it but never actually went ahead and tried to install 7. From reading the little information here and there is obvious that its a better system. I remember a little thread on the internet that Vista was released even though it wasn't completed, in a sense it was the beta to Windows 7. So 7 is my guess to be the final product of their work that is a big success. Hey I haven't swapped to Ubuntu yet like most users have, I just not ready for a switch in OSes considering most of all products are run for Windows. I'mma see if I can get a copy of 7 at least as I'm seeing some good reviews on it.
  4. My favorite OS would be Windows, Why? Because its the easiest to understand. We all know thats mostly due to Microsoft monopolizing most of the computer industry, well at least most computers that are released come with a copy of windows already preinstalled. People who have been living with windows have a much harder time transitioning over to Linux. I've tried a few linux versions but I still haven't gotten the simplicity of it yet, I guess It would take some time but for now Windows remain as my top pick as a OS due to ease of use.
  5. Funny thing XD I didn't know I could create myself into a Simpson! So yes <3 on this find, Ill be sharing this with my friends. Also nice simps pics so far guys!
  6. An 80GB Mp3 players really isn't required, I mean who fills up their iPod with 80GB of content?! Try get one of the new Ipod Nanos that should be enought, it also is much smaller meaning you can go running with it etc. It helps me a lot
  7. I'm definitely a Introverts and Extraverts type, I'm outgoing and when I'm around others I seem to be more energetic. But people seem to love me for these qualities as it lightens up the mood for everyone. Well this is very interesting to say at least it seems somewhat logical way of defining someone. : D Yay me I learned something new today, thanks.
  8. Never seen one but its always being advertised on the television as if it does actually exist. In truth I just think it may be some wild dog that attacks unsuspected animals or humans as they travel at night. But I guess there is no way to actually say this creature exists or not, just like people believe big foot exists xD Its just something you have your own faith and opinion on. Of course, I would hope a Chupacabra doesn't exist though as people say they feed among blood! ;A;
  9. Self confidence, a girl would normally like a guy who believes in himself and isn't always shy to share their feelings. Caring, you need to know how to sympathize and appreciate her. Don't be continuously making the same mistakes over and over and expect her to have the same trust within you as she started the relationship with. Keep your promises, it wouldn't be a promise if it wasn't meant to be kept. Also avoid having quarrels if it inst necessary, you wouldn't want to say something that you would regret in the long run.
  10. Favorite online game = FF11. Its not a free game and its been out for quite some time as its obviously older than World of Warcraft but this game has it all graphics when placed up, missions for the four different nations, different classes allowing a lot of diversity among players. Strong bosses to have something to strive forward to, especially rare items or equips. Most people on final fantasy 11 are good individuals who would like to help you, actually I haven't met one person a person could label as an "*bottom*". But I guess its just depending on your own personality. Also there is a sub-job system too that allows you to create builds of your own, really now adays I've seen people couple some new builds together just to get fun of their character. The game doesn't lag but its mostly dependent on your connection as if you play at Besieged, man that has a lot of players there and you may lag even if your computer is high end as the amount of players there the ping amount is very high. But other than that fault, the game is quite expansive, you have a whole world to travel and discover new things. I think thats what we all want in an online game, to meet and have fun with others else it would just be a solo game.
  11. I choose #2, I believe in God and my religion is Baptism. Ive been living about 21 years of my life attending church xD (so from birth lol) but it was mostly due to parent strong belief that children should go to church. But yes Im positive God exists.
  12. I don't think the PSP is at all a bad system, it does Music, online capabilities and can play videos. Plus it has a lot of titles that make it a decent console, look at Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core, Final Fantasy Tactics and A2. Well I guess my opinion can be bias on the fact that I'm a total final fantasy fan but dont bash it completly without looking at its good points.
  13. Hmm the link to the site doesn't work here but I can suggest a Pokemon Online that works almost just like the game. While I was browsing the internet I came a cross this site: http://www.pokemon-world-online.net/ It works just like the pokemon game, where you walk in grass an creature attacks, pokeballs, battle screens and last time I checked they were about ready to implement battle sounds and battle animations. So it seems to be a pretty win development and it must have taken the a lot of time in making. So if you can show your support to them and play the game and help them fix the bugs or glitches. I just started it and trust me it has even more, your allowed to SELL pokemon thats right, your able to buy, sell, trade and auction your pokemon. Well take a look and put your feedback, it isnt perfect yet but its the best emulation I've seen of a pokemon online game.
  14. That naruto game wasn't really fun ;A; I don't know it just doesn't click with me. well currently I RP on a roleplaying site for Naruto and its somehow more interesting than playing this. Not saying its a terrible game its just it lacks something. If Im able to find a decent Naruto mmorpg I'll place a post up.
  15. Hmm I think there was a recent MMORPG created by Cartoon Network called Fusion Fall, this game is a web browser based game that had been given several awards and even listed as a "WoW-light done right", meaning it has very good potential. Last time I heard it was around $5->$7 bucks for it so its rather affordable as being compared to other MMORPGs that are about double that cost. Ive tried the game while it was in its beta stages and it is definitely fun. Plus you get to re-live seeing your old cartoon characters back to life in a manga style which I think was a nice touch. But yes take a look at its as thats definitely a kids mmorpg. ^^
  16. Florensia, very good graphics take a look into it. It has a ship system and on sea battles also the usual adventure type travel on foot. Bosses of course and entertainment of side quests. =) That mounts up quite well to a nice WoW like game eh?Another would be DOMO (Dream of Mirrors Online), this game is probably the only of its kind. Its a celshaded MMORPG, which makes it quite attractive to the eyes. The battle system is easy enough to understand and there should be a decent amount of players on it.Third, Ragnarok Online, Gravity officially opened a free server so you wont need to go to a private server to have your character. Of course it may have some things different for instance how much exp you lose when you die and spawn areas but generally its the same game just that it WILL take longer to level up. Trust me ;A;/Fourth Ether Saga, the game created by Perfect World designers, really good game and have the cute characters. Pets, Missions and a decent player base you should try it!I'm trying my best not to name any private servers but if you like to look into Lineage2 its a very good game. There is a lot of private servers around that game and the population which most people worry about is normally high in it.
  17. Best RPG in my opinion would be Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, I mean who wouldn't love that game . Having all the loves of the Playstation version which was a big success but adding in new features like the law system to make the game more challenging. They also have different races and being it a creation of square enix your guaranteed a good story.Another RPG is Harvest Moon, yes its a farming game but its a game that can keep you busy for hours trust me. In the end its one of those games you feel satisfied with as you have generally lived your life as a farmer and accomplished his dream (I don't really want to say much about it since it may be considered a spoiler). Anywho, that is a must and if you having second thoughts about it just try it anyway! :XD:Third RPG would be Breath of Fire III, another great diverse world from ours. I liked it, actually it was the first game I had among the Advance and trust me took some time to beat it.Fourth RPG would be golden sun franchise, I havent beaten it myself but it was for for the time I had it. I'm sure many players would recommend this RPG straight up.Fifth RPG, Kingom Hearts Chains of Memories, great story and unique card system placed in. Characters we all know and grown to love <3 Sora.
  18. You can always try new games like Dragonica that I believe is in open beta at curren among the european gpotato site. The American site closed beta hasn't started yet but you can always take a look at those sires. Another free mmorpg that is worth mentioning is probably Ether Saga, it has all the elements you are looking for within an mmorpg, story, adventure and fun among other peers. Also the art isnt all that bad at all, I think you should give these titles a shot if anything ^^.
  19. I'm still in the pending process as well after purchasing earlier this morning but the servers seemed to be having problems today so maybe that can be the reason for most delay. I have negative Mycents too which is weird... o_O It suddenly became like this after I done the purchase.
  20. Hmm, do you have any links to this rpg lol? I'm just assuming that the characters are stick men XD probably funny looking D:
  21. If people doesn't stop pestering you, then try the "Do whatever the hell you want but I'll keep a blank face look act" and see what happens. After they do it, just go on your merry way as if nothing happened. When you see them again[public place or not], tell them that you don't have time for it later so out loud and you would rather have it now as you have other important matters to do...if you don't feel like doing that...... Just ignore and ignore until you graduate or decide to leave school, transfer or have a home tutor.......Whatever the case is, you probably can't hide from the fact that most, if not all, teenagers get a kick out of other people's suffering.....[either by insults/backstabbing/whatever way there may be.....]
  22. Yeah, I've been looking around for that tai chi thingers and found none, though I am sure there is a school here somewhere.....I have also been interested in Arnis.......Quite interesting but I guess you are right. I reckon I might as well try to go to the gym to improve my body built..........So, anything you might wanna suggest for a lightly build person like me? Scratch that, I'm scrawny....
  23. Being sick makes sleepy, want to eat more and more, and just want to turn the radio on all day........
  24. Simple.If you don't want her back, don't take her back.Its your decision. Relationships is a two way lane, give and receive. You can't just keep giving without receiving. If dams did that, it'd be out of water soon, ne?Keep a little something to yourself so when something happens, you don't lose yourself. Question?Do you trust her?Are you happy being with her?You can use the answers to the above questions as factors on your decision whether you want her back or not. It is your decision, not ours. All we can do is try and help you make up your mind.
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