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Everything posted by Will.Allison

  1. Yes, the ignorance of people makes me angry as well. But not in the way you put it. The slang you were talking about, that does not indicate ignorance at all. People use it because it is internet slang. If you go to England for a while(if you're american, that is), you will start using English slang. It's the exact same with the internet. By making this thread, doesn't that include you? As for the schooling, people can avoid going to it because they know it is complete crap. Hopefully, this people will seek another type of education. This to me is the opposite of ignorance. But, the people that avoid schooling because they don't care about their future, or even worse, the people who don't do anything in their classes and fail all of them, are truly ignorant.
  2. I just wrote this in the past hour. It was really important to me because I finally found writing. No rules or restrictions. Just me expressing. You probably won't be able to understand most of this since its just me rambling about whatever came into my mind. But it is truly how I feel. No editing. Judge, ask, do whatever you want. I don't care. (I hope the language filter works, sorry if it dosnt)
  3. I would have to agree on all of these except maybe windows movie maker. Its not great, I know, but it can get the job done and it comes free with windows. Most other movie makers are ridiculously expensive. iMovie crashes on even good computers when the movie gets over 5 minutes. You pretty much have to have a top of the line mac to use iMovie for long movies.But yes, Windows is a terrible operating system. I wish it was not the best for games and the most widely used.
  4. It would be cool if we would start using cleaner energy than fossil fuels because right now, my science teacher told me this, it takes more gas to extract the hydrogen then it does to actually use the gas in a regular car. So until we clean up how we use energy, or find a better source of energy, this is not a good replacement for gas cars.Also, spartan, punctuation is a good thing.
  5. I thought it was pretty lame. They have way over done this mac vs. pc thing. Everyone gets it apple, now get over it.
  6. Yeah, i think you could run it. Try and download the demo. You can get a list of mirrors from the CoD site.Speaking of CoD, the demo was awesome and I can't wait to get it. I went to buy it the day it came out but the game store i went to was all sold out. I havent been able to go back yet. Has anyone played it? if so, how is it?
  7. What is halo wars? I have never heard of it. Is it an RTS? Do you have a link?Thanks
  8. I read about her a whlie ago. That would be awesome to be a millionaire by 17. Its really hard to get a site like that rolling and im very impressed she was able to do it.
  9. Its a bummer. I wish Colorado would have come back. They had quite the streak at the end.Anyways, congrats to the Sox for another awesome year. As for if they will repeat, I don't think so. They were nearly taken out by Cleveland and I doubt they will have as good a team next year. It's also really hard to go back to back.Now I'm sad that baseball season is over. Have to wait a few more months before it starts again
  10. Jesus. Imagine getting that machine for free. Over $20000, although the case cost $16000. But still, I want that computer so bad.As for the show, they have a lot of lame stuff they say but its a lot less lame than pimp my ride. I liked it overall and I'm jealous of that guy.
  11. You are using the transitive property poorly there. There are arguments against God being good, and God is not described solely as "good". Therfore, the transative property does not apply. I have seen a brain. I know they exist. I can feel heat and cold. I do realize that there is more than just physical things but physical senses proves their existence to me. I know there is more than what I can sense, but not necessarily God. How do you know God is responsible? Why do you believe he is the one that did those things? And also, how do you explain the bad things? Is he testing your faith or is it just something that came from free will? Just to clear things up, I am not an atheist. I just don't believe in God. There is a difference.
  12. I'm gonna have t go with SM on this one. His is the blended the best. No edges are sharp or anything.
  13. I seem to have been foiled by your superior logic. I don't know why, but that still dosnt change my mind at all. I think part of it is I have seen what religion can cause, I don't want to be a part of that. And also that I see no benefit for my believing. But now I'm being a hypocrite and even if I did see a benefit that wouldn't change my belief either. It would just change the circumstances. It's a confusing subject that I don't think I will completely resolve for quite some time. Also, thanks for the conversation. I enjoyed it immensely. Anything else you want to add?
  14. They have been supported by historical evidence. Multiple references from many different people at the very least. And even if they were not supported by this evidence, believing in them would have no effect on my life. By believing in God I would be saying that there are things that effect me that I cannot control, which I do not believe(please be rational with this statement, there are obviously exceptions). Believing in the people stated above has no effect on me. One may argue that God is supported by this evidence as well. The evidence for God comes from very few people in very strange circumstances that could have many variables. True. But what I meant by that is do you see him only as a creator.
  15. So you believe in God for fear of the consequences? Interesting. I don't think I've ever heard someone admit to that. This is a logical solution to a illogical(at least to me) problem. But, believing in God and fearing the consequences are two totally different things. I do not think this qualifies as beliving if this is your only reason.
  16. I do not believe in God because I have no proof of his existence, as of right now I have no need for God's existence, and I do not believe anyone is watching over us. I am a logical person. It is hard for me to get past something that cannot be proven. I do realize that I cannot disprove his existence either. This is called pseudoscience because it cannot be disproved. I do believe someone or something created everything. I do not believe in the fundamental description of God. I do not believe God is watching over us or has any control of what we do now or after this life. Now that all depends how you define logic. Yes, it may answer all your questions but does that make it true? Again, if I offend you, I am extremely sorry. As I said before, I am just curious. With the same logic, how can the ugly things be? I am not talking about aesthetic appeal. I am talking about the natural things that occur that are so damaging in so many ways. Or even the unnatural things like the horrible things people do. Do you believe God set all these things in order? Do you think God meant for all this to happen? I agree with you that our universe could not have just appeared. But is your description of God only a "creator"? Or do you think God is watching over you?
  17. Personally, I do not believe in God. I do not think there is someone watching over us that changes or even effects our lives in anyway. What I am curious about is why people began to believe in God. I believe people now do it because they want to have faith in something and they want to know there is something more than this life. But how did this belief in God come about? There are many different beliefs n what God has done or what God is. Why did people believe their relgous leaders? Now we are a lot less religous than we first were, there is no longer peer presure. But many still believe without any proof.I am not trying to say you are wrong by being religous. I am just curious. Why do you believe?
  18. Ok, thanks for all that. My next question is will Wine/Cedega be able to run any game that comes out? Or does someone have to make an update or something to include new releases?
  19. Yeah San Andreas is the best I've played. They made a bunch of different ones after SA that didnt have much change. Just a different city pretty much.I heard they were coming out with a new one though. I think ive seen a trailer for it and the main character is Russian. Whats the name of it and is it out yet?
  20. I want to use Ubuntu instead of windows. I know its a lot better in pretty much every way except gaming. I know I could run Wine or some other program like that but I know the performance is considerably lowered. Now I could use Ubuntu for everything else and just restart to windows when I want to play games but that would be tedious. Anyone have any arguments that could change my mind and convince me to use Ubuntu?
  21. The things he explained are basic emotions every child goes through. They learn by complaining they can sometimes get what they want and so they abuse that. It is simply logic that they have acquired before developing any morals or manners. Every child has and will go through this stage. Parents should have the common desensy(sorry, no idea how to spell that.) to not bring there child when they are going to do this to places like restaurants or movies. But, I still can understand their point of view because finding/paying for a babysitter can be hard and its even harder for them with a small child to enjoy themselves at all.All in all, this is how it is and this is how its going to be. Get over it.
  22. On weekdays, i get 6-8 hours of sleep. On weekends, i get somewhere from 4-10. Wide range of hours depending on what I do on the weekends.
  23. I have the orange box. Team Fortress is an awesome game. Portal is an awesome game but it could have been longer. The puzzle can be very challenging. I havent played Hl2 E2 yet but it looks pretty neat. Sometimes the puzzles in that are ridiculous and that takes away some fo the fun an thats why i have been kind of avoiding it. Anyways, if you like these types of games, I highly suggest the orange box.
  24. Its alright. I havent seen much improvement except it looks a little bit better.But Microsoft is actually making their software compatible with other OS's???? Hell must have froze over. This is a very good sign for Microsoft. If they continue this way, they might become less of the worst company ever. To sum up, not big improvement in software but a big step for Microsoft.
  25. This is a very bad idea. It is encouraging people to make babies even if they are not ready. This could lead to terrible parenting and a damaged child. People usually wait until they know they're ready unless its an accident or something. Terrible idea.
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