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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. I use Adobe Acrobat Reader X version 10.1.3.As far as I know, the document is not protected.I have attached a screen shot of one of the images, rotating does not seem to be very helpful.(See second screenshot).Thank you for your input so far.
  2. I was wondering if there are people here who have a sound knowledge of Adobe Acrobat, or at least Adobe Acrobat Reader.I have the following question:I want to print out sheet music (in PDF format), but, as is usually the case for organ music, I want it to be printed out in Landscape rather than Portrait. What I am asking here might sound simple or straightforward, but it really is not.The problem is, when I click on "Landscape" in the Orientation part of the Print menu, it does indeed print out in what it thinks to be Landscape, but the file is printed in Portrait in the middle of the horizontal page, rather than being orientated horizontally, ie. evenly spaced over the horizontal page from left to right, rather than being squashed in the middle of the page.Is there anyone who has a sound enough knowledge of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat reader to tell me whether the thing I wish to achieve is possible at all, and, if it is, how it has to be done to get what I want.Any help will be very much appreciated.
  3. Crocque monsieur Here is one that is quick and simple, not many ingredients needed, and lots of variety possible. Mind you: you do need a sandwich toaster for this. First of all, the traditional crocque monsieur: Ingredients: Sliced bread Cheese, sliced or grated Ham Method: Butter the bread (2 slices) Put a slice of ham and a slice of cheese (or grated cheese) between the pieces of bread. Toast until ready. Alternatives: If you want a veggie crocque (a toasted cheese sandwich), leave the ham out. Instead of ham, you can also use sliced hot dog sausages. To turn the crocque monsieur into a crocque Hawai, do the ham and cheese variation,but add a slice of pineapple to the cheese and ham. To make a crocque madame, do the ham and cheese variation, but, when toasted, put a fried egg on top of the sandwich. You can also make a crocque bolognaise, once again, the principle is the same, but instead of ham, put bolognaise sauce (either my veggie version, see other cooking topic, or an ordinary bolognaise sauce) with grated cheese in the sandwich and toast. By the way (off topic, I know, but relevant), it is a terrible job again trying to post, with sentences breaking off in the wrong places when pressing <ENTER> and sentences being dragged down a line, there really must be a bug in the forum script.
  4. Ok then, Here is a recipe in order to honour Velma's request. Ingredients: (To serve 4 people). 350 grammes (12.35 ounces) of Quorn mince. 200 grammes (7 ounces) of mushrooms, finely chopped. 1 teaspoon of dried oregano. 1 cube of vegetable stock, dissolved in 200 ml (7 fluid ounces) of boiled water. 2 cloves of garlic, squashed and finely chopped. 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Parmesan flakes. 100 ml (3.5 fluid ounces) of red wine. 1 celery, finely chopped. 350 grammes (12.35 ounces) of spaghetti. 400 grammes (14 ounces) of canned chopped tomatoes. 1 tablespoon of tomato ketchup. 1 tablespoon of tomato puree. 1 onion, finely chopped. Some fresh basil leaves. 1 carrot, finely chopped. Method: Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onions, the carrots, the celery and the garlic gently for 5 minutes. Then add the mushrooms and let fry for a further 2 to 3 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes, the tomato puree, the red wine, the oregano, the ketchup and the vegetable stock. Cover the pan with a lid and let simmer gently for 8 to 10 minutes. Add the Quorn mince while stirring and let the ingredients boil together on a low fire for a little while, while the spaghetti is being boiled according to the instructions on the packaging. Season to taste. Drain the spaghetti and divide over the bowls. Spoon the bolognaise sauce over the spaghetti and garnish with some basil leaves and Parmesan flakes. Buon appetito.
  5. Here is a combination between genuine German, Italian and French food. This combination leads to a Swiss dish , as Switzerland is wedged between France, Germany/Austria and Italy, and, apart from their own Swiss language, French, German and Italian are the official languages, hence, their cuisine is a mix between foods from those three regions. This basically makes this dish a "Swiss hot-dog", or a "Hot-dog from the Swiss Alps". Ingredients: (Per 1 person serving). 1 Frankfurter 1 Panini 50 grammes (1.8 ounces) of Sauerkraut 1 slice of cooked bacon Grain mustard Italian spices 1 clove of garlic 1 teaspoon of beef stock 1 slice of French cheese Thyme, Rosemary, Bay leaf, Juniper Berries (optional) 1 onion 1 dl (3.5 fluid ounces) of white wine. 50 grammes (1.8 ounces) of butter. Method: Melt the butter in a saucepan and stew the onion and garlic in it. When onion is getting sautéed, add the sauerkraut, pour in the white wine, add the thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, beef stock and juniper berries and let simmer for about minutes. At the same time, boil the Frankfurter in a saucepan with water. When the sauerkraut and frankfurters are done, take a panini bread, cut it open lengthways and cover with sauerkraut. Put a slice of the bacon on top of the sauerkraut, a slice of the French cheese above that, and then put the Frankfurter on top. Shut the sandwich and toast in a Panini machine (Panini toaster) for about 10 minutes. Take the sandwich out of the toaster, sprinkle the italian spices on it, and serve with a generous dollop of grain mustard. To say it in the 3 combined languages: Bon appetit, Buon appetito, Mahlzeit. (In plain English: Enjoy).
  6. Ingredients: (To serve 4) 4 chicken legs 3 large tins of pineapple (keep the juice). 1 and 1/2 table spoon of mustard 2 table spoons of brown sugar 1-2 table spoons of corn flour (depending on how easily the sauce thickens). 1/2 liter of water 3 table spoons of butter. Pepper and salt to season. Method: Season the chicken legs with pepper and salt. Fry the chicken legs in butter. While the chicken is frying, start on the sauce: Mix the pineapples (all the juice is needed too) with the mustard and brown sugar and mix with a whisker. When the chicken is brown, transfer to a large pan and mix with the sauce and add the water. Let simmer on a low fire until the chicken is ready (about half an hour). Remove the chicken from the sauce, and thicken the sauce with the corn flour. When the sauce is properly thickened, put the chicken back in and let simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes. Note: It is very important, in order to let the sauce succeed properly, to have enough pineapple, mustard and brown sugar. So, if you wish, add a bit to the ingredients I have given, but do not use less.
  7. The first reason why we are more intelligent than computers is the fact we invented them.That being the case, we should know and understand how thy work and operate so we should be in control of them.Just to elaborate: people sometimes speak about "intelligent machinery", while a computer in itslef is basically a stupid, ignorant thing.All it can do by itself is add, subtract and compare, and if it has not been instructd in great detail by humans what to do, it will no be able to do anything.A few examples:Imagine a robot that has been programmed to understand voice commands, you tell it: "bring me the butter", it will pick up the butter and bring it to you without letting the butter go and/or putting it down in front of you.The command you meant to give it (and which you assumed the robot would understand, as humans have no problem with the command) was, "bring me the butter and give it to me", but the robot recognised and therefore executed the command "bring" and did just that.A second example: In som countries, traffic lights are referred to as "red lights", so, imagine a car with voice command abilities:you tell it: "drive up to the first red lights and turn left there", the car goes off, comes at the first set of traffic lights, but the lights are green, so it drives on.Only the 4th set of traffic lights it comes to are red, and there it turns left, much too late of course.The point being that a computer has to be told exactly and into the smallest detail what you want it to do, or it will not do it, or at least do it wrong.Rpgsearcherz also mentioned about computers "learning", I wonder what exactly they learn, they just execute a command that is given to them, and if a human changes that command (eg. a line in the program), it will execute it as the new line commands it to, without understanding that change or what it is doing.Granted, a computer "brain" can execute certain commands much faster than a human brain.However, all the above can also take away a lot of blame from computers too.We sometimes hear; "Due to a computer error your tax rebate will be two months late".NONSENSE!!!Computers do not make any errors, they do as they are told, and if an error comes out, it means the one who programmed the computer or the one who entered the data put the error in there.If the program is correctly made and the data are entered correctly, the computer will also do what it is supposed to do correctly, ie. do the correct calculation(s) and output the expected data correctly.Finally, thank goodness for what I said in the beginning of this post about us being in control of the machines we invented.Imagine they had, or started having a life and intelligence of their own, I daren't think of the consequences.
  8. Today, March 28th, our loyal dog Mozart is celebrating his 16th birthday. This means, if he were human, he would be 112 years old. For quite a few years now, er have been saying every year that the birthday he was celebrating would be his last, and every year he keeps proving us wrong. The thing is, he has never in his life been touched by a vet, and look what he achieved. Of course he is getting sluggish now, and his hind legs are a bit weak, and (just like a thing that happens with many old people too) he is getting a bit grumpy, but he does not seem to be suffering from anything, so we let him have his quiet old age. The puppies love their uncle Mozart a lot too. Happy birthday, my dearly beloved Mozart, and, for all i care, you can go on living to be a hundred. With all my love, and obviously, Nanna's, Gaston's, Marley's, Dido's and Lucky's too. I have attached 2 pictures of our tough old boy.
  9. I have a few questions too: If we decide to stay with our current plan, will that be possible? Will the above mean all we have is less bandwidth and a slightly slower speed than we would have with one of the new hosting plans? Just to clarify: I am currently on the Logic Pro plan, costing $6.66 per month. For that I get 10 Gb web space and 100 Gb bandwidth (please correct me if I am wrong). If I did change to the new plan, the same amount og web space and bandwidth would then all of a sudden cost me $29 per month, surely a hell of a difference. Even upgrading to Power Package 2 would increase the charge by $3.33 a month for less bandwidth and web space than what I have now, OK, things might run a lot faster, but, especially web space is something I can always do with. OK, it might be worth it from what I see, but let me add that, so far, I have been happy with my hosting plan, as it has always proven reliable to me, with rarely having occurrences of downtime, good facilities with the hosting (nice amount of MySQL databases, Cron jobs, etc.), but, what I have been less happy with is the way things are going to get your credits together lately, due to the fact that there has been a lot of non-activity, ie. sometimes it took a long time for new posts to appear here, or posts by people took weeks or months to get a reply or never got a reply at all (have had that with some of my posts), something which would never have happened during the past years I was here. When, some years ago, you posted about a technical issue, sometimes in minutes there were replies by, quite often, more than one person. Then there has also been the issue (don't know whether that has been resolved yet) of MyCents credits updating very irregularly (I know, I know, BETA version and all that). However, the point I am trying to make here is that lately I have had to struggle constantly to get my $6.66 together every month, so, if I upgraded to one of the new plans (except Plan 1 maybe), it would be like living in cloud cuckoo land. However, it does look interesting, but I think it would be best to stay with my current plan for a while, because I do not want to downgrade my amount of web hosting space. I did the tests, and the download went fairly quick, while both demo sites were fully loaded in about 2 seconds, so it definitely looks great and I will probably think about moving on to one of the new plans in the foreseeable future, provided I do not have to lose too much web space, and also provided I manage to get my credits together on time without having to talk to myself constantly.
  10. A bus crash in Switzerland has killed 28 Belgian and Dutch tourists, 22 of them children, as they returned from a ski trip. The vehicle smashed into a concrete wall of a tunnel in the Swiss Alps, near the border with Italy. Another 24 children were injured in the crash - which has been described as one of the worst traffic accidents in Swiss history. Six adults, including the two drivers of the coach, died in the accident. The bus, which was carrying 52 people, crashed on Tuesday night in the canton of Valais, an area of popular ski resorts. It was travelling on the A9 towards Sion when it suddenly swerved to the right, struck a kerb and hit the motorway tunnel. Parties from two schools in Belgium were on board the bus, heading from Val d'Anniviers back to Belgium. Most of the children were aged around 12, and the bus was one of three hired by a Christian group which organised the trip. Familes of the victims are being flown to Switzerland by military aircraft. An investigation to determine the cause of the crash is under way. No other vehicles were said to be involved in the incident. Belgium's Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo, on his way to the crash scene, said this is "an extremely sad day for all of Belgium". A statement from his office said: "The prime minister learned with dismay of the horrible accident that happened in Switzerland. "This is a tragic day for all of Belgium." "His first thoughts go to the victims, to the members of their family and their loved ones." Swiss parliamentarians stood for a minute's silence, as did the MPs in Parliament in Belgium. President Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, who will also be visiting the site, said the country would do all it could to support the families of the dead and injured. Jan Luykx, the Belgian ambassador to Switzerland, who went straight to the site of the crash, said: "This tragedy will hit the whole of Belgium." The impact of the smash was so severe many passengers were trapped in the wreckage and had to be freed by rescuers. Around 200 police, firefighters and medics worked through the night on board the bus, its front ripped open and broken glass and debris strewn across the road. Christian Varone, the head of police in the Canton of Valais region, described it as "a scene like a war". He said: "We have had a number of serious accidents in Valais but nothing like this, with so many young victims." Eight helicopters and a dozen ambulances ferried survivors to hospitals in the Valais region, as well as to Bern and Lausanne. Jean-Pierre Deslarzes, a surgeon in one of the hospitals, said: "All the rescuers were shocked by what they have experienced. "The magnitude of the accident is difficult to digest." The coach was heading back to the cities of Lommel, close to the Dutch border, and Heverlee in Flanders. Distraught parents and relatives rushed to Saint Lambertus School in Heverlee and the Stekske School in Lommel for news about their loved ones. Marc Carels, headteacher of Saint Lambertus School, which had 24 pupils, a teacher and a classroom assistant on the trip, said: "We know some of the children are ok, but we don't have names. "We asked the parents to come and we are trying to comfort them." Parish priest and Dean Dirk De Gendt said both the adults were killed. Of the 24 pupils, "16 suffered different injuries, some broken arms or legs, but they are alive," he said. But the school had "no news" of the remaining eight, he added. Deputy mayor of Lommel, Kris Verduyckt, said: "The first thing we did was gather the parents here and gave them the information we had. "A lot of people are calling us asking for more information." Peter Vanvelthoven, the mayor of Lommel, joined anxious relatives on a convoy of buses to a military base to be flown to the crash scene. Students on the fatal trip kept a blog about their "adventurous" holiday. "Today was totally the best," a pupil from one school wrote. "The adventurous walk was tiring but mega-cool. We won first prize for cleanest room. Tomorrow it's going to be colder. Byyyeeee!" One teacher posted a note to reassure parents that they were being missed. "For now we do not see much homesickness," the teacher wrote. "But from the reactions of the children we gather that they miss you a little bit." Belgian Transport Minister Melchior Wathelet said: "I'm at a loss for words. Terribly hurt, terribly moved." Mr Wathelet said the company that ran the coach, Toptours, based in Aarschot, central Belgium, had a good safety record. "The drivers had arrived the night before and had rested during the day before departure. It seems that the law on driving and rest periods has been respected," Mr Wathelet added. Switzerland's mountain regions have a history of deadly crashes. Tuesday's was the worst since 1982 when 39 German tourists were killed on a railway crossing when a train hit their bus.At the moment, the number of fatalities could still increase, as, when this article was written, a number of children were still in a critical condition, fighting for their lives. Last month, a British teacher was killed and several others injured in a coach crash in northern France, returning from a school skiing trip in Italy. It is also possible to sign an online register on the website of the Sint Lambertus school, which can be found here, just click on the link "rouwregister" in the white field on top of the website, and then enter your name, email and message of sympathy. Sorry, the site is in Dutch only. Sources: Het Laatste Nieuws, Sky News, Het Nieuwsblad, VTM Nieuws. Compiled, edited and laid out by Mrdee. My heart goes out to the victims and their lived ones too.
  11. Some months ago, I asked a question on this forum, a question about this forum, but I did not get a single answer to it. Since the problem seemed to have ceased (at least for most part of it), I let it go, but now the problem seems to be back in all its glory. My previous question was if there was some kind of bug in the forum script, as, every time I was writing a post, my cursor seemed to jump all over the place when using certain keys. Some examples: When pressing <RETURN> at the end of a sentence, the cursor jumps to the beginning of the sentence and puts that same sentence down a line. When pressing <HOME>, the cursor jumps to the beginning of the part of the sentence I have just typed, rather than to the beginning of the sentence. When pressing <END> the cursor shows the same behaviour as above, but the other way. It got so bad that some sentences (or parts thereof) even seemed to end up inside, or as part of, other (sometimes unrelated) sentences. As I said earlier, the problem then went away, now it is back, I am wondering if this has something to do with the fact that the forum was down most of the day yesterday. I was wondering if they have done some maintenance or have made alterations to the script, which triggered this "bug" off again. If someone could look into this, it would be really nice, as it is a very annoying situation.
  12. Some people go away from the topic title. With all the best intentions, some people on here quote scientific data and results of scientific research, that is fine in itself, but the topic title is "Is it racist if science shows one race has more intelligence than another?". So, without trying to answer the question about the intelligence itself (I am leaving this to scientists, or I am keeping it for a more appropriate topic), I will, however, give my opinion on the topic question: I do not think for one moment it is racist if science has those findings, and also makes those findings public (of course, backed up by the proper scientific data). The problem, however, is, that the left wing, in other words, the political correct squad, always try to muzzle everyone who has different ideas than them, even if those ideas are fully backed up and properly founded. They are always the first to come out with "freedom of speech", but, in their case, that means, "we are all for freedom of speech as long as you say what we want to hear, if not, you get your head kicked in", who said communism was dead? They also do not hesitate to stop results from proper research to be published, or to alter them until they suit their political correct ideas. If that does not work, they always resort to their magic word "racism" to try and shut people up. It is an undisputed fact that racism exists, but the way the term is used and especially abused these days is really going too far, as is also the fact that, according to the same "thoughts police", racism only exists in a one way direction. So, after my thoughts on the matter, my answer to the question is: if it involves proper and thoroughly tested research, showing a difference in ntelligence between different races is not racist, but realist.
  13. Fans of Chicken Tikka Masala claim it is the new British national dish. It can rightly claim to be a British favourite (although it is a curry, it is British). This Chicken Tikka Masala recipe is quick and easy to make. Adjust the amount of chilli powder to how hot you like it. 1tsp of chilli powder will give you a mildly spiced curry. This version of Chicken Tikka is very creamy. Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes Total Time: 1 hour, 5 minutes Ingredients: · 4 free-range skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2" /1 cm cubes 1" fresh ginger, peeled and grated 1 garlic clove, finely diced Salt and pepper ½ cup/small handful fresh coriander, finely chopped, plus extra for garnish Juice and zest 1 lime 3 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tsp chilli powder 1 red onion, roughly chopped 1 tsp ground turmeric 1 tsp ground cumin 10 fl oz/ 250ml light/single cream or plain yoghurt 1 dessert spoon tomato puree Juice of 1/2 lemon Preparation: Serves 4 In a large stainless steel or glass bowl place the chicken with the ginger, garlic, salt, pepper, chopped coriander, lime juice and zest with 1 tbsp of the oil. Stir then cover with a clean cloth, leave to one side for 30 minutes. After 30 mins, heat one tbsp of the oil in a large frying pan or wok add the chicken and cook for 8 -10 minutes until browned all over. Remove the chicken from the pan and put to one side. In the same pan heat the remaining oil and gently cook the onion and chili powder for 5 minutes. Add the turmeric and ground cumin, stir and cook for another minute. Stir in the cream and gently simmer for 5 minutes. Add the chicken and simmer for another 5 minutes. Add the tomato puree, stir then add the lemon juice. Cook for one minute more then serve garnished with fresh coriander. Boiled rice, warm naan bread or chapatis are delicious served alongside.
  14. Today I will post a typical British recipe called Toad in the hole. Ingredients: (To serve 4) 8 pork sausages(*) 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 225g (8 oz) plain flour 4 eggs 250ml (8 fl oz) milk salt and pepper to taste (*) Use good quality sausages, any flavour you like! Cook them in Yorkshire pudding batter to make this traditional dish that children love. Don't forget the gravy! Method: (Preparation time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 35 minutes). Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C /gas mark 6. Pour the oil into the bottom of a baking dish, and arrange the sausages over it in a single layer. Bake for 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, eggs and half of the milk until smooth. Gradually mix in the rest of the milk until a smooth batter is achieved. Season with salt and pepper. Remove the sausages from the oven, and ladle the batter over them until the sausages are 3/4 covered. Return to the oven, and bake for 35 minutes, or until the centre is risen and browned. Don't worry if the underside seems slightly soft, as this is normal.
  15. Hi IPE1202,of course you are welcome here.It would be nice to hear a bit more about you, things like where you come from, what your interests are, any special skills you might have etc.Whatever you are interested in, you are likely to find a forum here which is about your particular interest(s), a there are a wide range of topics covered here, from computing to music, religion, spirituality and much more.If you want to ask questions about anything, just post in the appropriate forum and people with similar interests will answer your questions.Also, if you want to have a website hosted, posting in this forum will earn you MyCents to pay for that hosting, you can also use your credits to buy a domain name and more services.Just have a look in the appropriate forum to see what is on offer.Anyway, I hope you will have a great time here, and I look forward to reading your contributions.
  16. i like Gmail too, and ads do not bother me, as I receive my emails in my email client (there is even a choice of POP3 or Imap) and I have my account on my Blackberry phone too.The only time I would go online to look at my email would be if I am away from home and I do not have my phone with me (highly unlikely), or if I need to alter any settings in my account, and then I might have a look at my emails while I am there.About the spam coming in: NO system is 100% foolproof, with Gmail, my spam is limited to an absolute minimum, compare the massive amounts of spam that would come in with Hotmail, for example.I used to get a fair amount of spam in my Inbox account too.I have not checked whether the fact that they do no longer accept new registrations is true or not, though.Another good one you can use is GMX too.It is also free, offers POP3 as well as Imap access (of course, webmail too, like all the others), and is very reliable.To be quite honest, I have not heard about any of those services needing invitations to be able to sign up.Just try to go to the GMX website and you will see you can sign up immediately without any problem whatsoever.And, like I said, if you do not like the ads, try to do what I did, set the service up in an email client or on a smartphone.
  17. On the 6th of March 1987, the ferry Herald of free Enterprise capsized after leaving the port of Zeebrugge in Belgium. The accident claimed 193 lives and occurred due to human error: the bow doors of the ship were left open, due to which the water came into the garage space and made the cars and lorries move, pulling the boat over on its side. I have compiled articles from various sources about the events of that day and turned them into an article to show such errors may never be made again and how terrible the consequences of that one human error were. At the end I also put a link to a video clip the BBC broadcasted 25 years ago. 1987: Hundreds trapped as car ferry capsizes Forty-nine people have been confirmed dead - and dozens are missing - after a car ferry capsized just outside the Belgian port of Zeebrugge. Rescuers say more than 400 people have been brought out of the ship alive. Many have been taken to hospitals in Bruges and Blankenburg suffering from cuts and bruises, hypothermia and shock. Divers are still searching the upturned hull of the Herald of Free Enterprise for air pockets in which passengers may have survived. But hope is fading of finding anyone alive. The tragedy happened just before 1900 GMT as the Townsend Thoresen ferry left Zeebrugge bound for Dover with 650 passengers on board, many of them Sun readers who had taken advantage of the newspaper's offer on a cut-price day trip to the Continent. No time to send SOS It is not clear how the disaster happened. Survivors say the boat went over in seconds and began filling rapidly with water. There was no time to send an SOS. The only way out for many was to smash windows and clamber onto the side of the ship and wait to be lifted off. Rescue helicopters, including two RAF Sea Kings, were at the scene within minutes. Dutch and Belgian boats in the area were also diverted to help in the rescue operation. Maureen and Frank Bennett, from Crawley in Sussex, had been on a day trip to Belgium with their daughter and her boyfriend to celebrate their wedding anniversary. From her hospital bed, Mrs Bennett said: "It was so cold...all we wanted to do was just get out. It was so frightening, it really was." She was being filmed by a BBC camera crew when a member of the hospital staff brought her the news her daughter had been found and was safe and well. She burst into tears and said, "She's alive, she's alive. Thank God." Human bridge Another woman told how her husband had made himself into a human bridge so she and her daughter could climb across to safety - but when she called to him to follow he said there were others who needed help getting out. He has not been seen since. The Queen has sent a message of sympathy. The Duke and Duchess of York have gone to Belgium on her behalf. The Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, has flown to Zeebrugge. She paid this tribute to the emergency services: "It has been a night of great courage and a night of great professionalism and of concern on the part of all the rescue services." Questions are already being asked about how the ferry tipped over so fast. It appears the water may have got in through the bow doors. Managing director of Townsend Thoresen Peter Ford said: "The doors on these ships are held by massive hydraulic rams... they don't just pop open." Sources: Het Laatste Nieuws, The Telegraph, BBC News, VRT nieuws Tanslated, compiled and edited by mrdee. You can watch a video from the BBC here. Note the typical British rudeness and disrespect, as the film mentions British divers, who, after all, appeared on the scene of the accident long after the disaster had happened, and the whole attention is focused on the work they did. Not a mention of or word of thanks to the local rescue services, who were at the scene almost immediately, and, due to whose intervention lots more fatalities could be prevented. At least the article in some papers mentioned their concern, care and professionalism. It raises the question , though, "What have people learned from this", when we think about the recent events with the Italian cruise ship.
  18. I found out it can be easily implemented into PHP scripts as well. You can go here for further details and the appropriate code needed to implement it in your own scripts.
  19. I have used some captchas in my day, and, as you say, after a while, it seems like the Spambots find their way around them. I have used the ones with the nasty, almost impossible to read coloured letters, I also used the ones where people had to enter the answer to something like a sum (eg. 2+3=), then I also used something similar, but where people had to answer a question, but the answer was case sensitive. I also used a captcha where the letters were struck through, but in the end, spammers found their way through. I have now signed up for Google's Recaptcha,a free service where words, scanned from old books or old newspapers have to be entered. It does look reasonably secure. However, I am not sure if it can be used anywhere, I use it on two PHPBB forums I run, and there it is simple to enter the two keys (a private and a public one) you get from Google. I am going to do a bit of further reading, as it is interesting stuff, and I will see if I can use it on more than PHPBB forums. However, I would heartily recommend it.
  20. mrdee


    Hi Heximal.Welcome to Xisto.Apart from earning MyCents to pay for web hosting and other things, you can find lots of interesting topics here, just about anthing.A good way of seeking and findinghelp should you have any problems, bu with the skills and knowledge you listed, it looks like you would be the one helping people here.This reinds me I posted a help request in Computers->Programing Languags->PHP programming, it is called "More advice needed from PHP experts".I am learning PHP at the moment, and I have not got beyond the novice level yet, and, as you can probably imagine, self-study is very difficult, so any help is very welcome.So, I wish you lots of fun and new friends on Xisto.
  21. How about: SpinaWeb CyberCreation WebSpinning WebWeaving WebWeaver ThreeDoubleUMaker We Weave Webs Suneer ('s) Web Design Suneer Media Let me know if you like any of those.
  22. OK. Glad to know that can be done (as a matter of fact, I have seen it in the odd post here on the forum). However, would it be possible to let me know how exactly it is done to embed a Youtube video into one of your posts? Thank you.
  23. The popular Italian singer-songwriter Lucio Dalla died in Switzerland today. The suspected killer is a heart attack. Dalla was 68, in ten days time he would have given a concert in Brussels. Dalla had had breakfast this morning at his hotel in Montreux, where he gave a concert yesterday. Dalla wrote songs for himself but also for others and he also wrote film scores. From his song "Caruso", 9 million copies were sold worldwide. He toured frequently, even in the United States. On Twitter, pop artist Jovanotti, among others, reacted to the death of the Italian star: 'No, please, say it is not true ... I can not believe it. " The song "Caruso" was sang by world stars such as the late Luciano Pavarotti and Andrea Boccelli. In the film below, you can watch and listen to the song "Caruso", performed by the composer himself. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Thank you for your advice, k_nitin_r. I put the line in, but I get even more errors now. This is what the PHP script generated: [b]Warning[/b]: extract() [[url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;: First argument should be an array in [b]C:phpscriptspracticebobspartsprocessorder.php[/b] on line [b]9[/b]Order processed at 00:53, 23rd FebruaryYour order is as follows:[b]Notice[/b]: Undefined variable: tireqty in [b]C:phpscriptspracticebobspartsprocessorder.php[/b] on line [b]15[/b]tires[b]Notice[/b]: Undefined variable: oilqty in [b]C:phpscriptspracticebobspartsprocessorder.php[/b] on line [b]16[/b]bottles of oil[b]Notice[/b]: Undefined variable: sparkqty in [b]C:phpscriptspracticebobspartsprocessorder.php[/b] on line [b]18[/b]spark plugs So, it looks like the code might be more outdated than you suspect. Like I said, hardly a way to get us to learn, is it?
  25. I am a novice, trying to learn PHP/MySQL. I have began to copy a script from a tutorial site, and entered it on my local machine (localhost). By the way, PHP, MySQL and Apache are all set up correctly and running. However, the problem I have is with the script: I am aware of the fact that in PHP, variables begin with a dollar sign. The problem is, I have entered a HTML page with a web form on it, the input in the web form passes on variables to a PHP script. Here is the code for "orderform.html": <html><body><form action="processorder.php" method=post><table border=0><tr bgcolor=#cccccc><td width=150>Item</td><td width=15>Quantity</td></tr><tr><td>Tires</td><td align=center><input type="text" name="tireqty" size=3 maxlength=3></td></tr><tr><td>Oil</td><td align=center><input type="text" name="oilqty" size=3 maxlength=3></td></tr><tr><td>Spark Plugs</td><td align=center><input type="text" name="sparkqty" size=3 maxlength=3></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Order"></td></tr></table></form></body></html> As you can see, the web form is supposed to pass on 3 variables to the PHP script "processorder.php", namely "tireqty", "oilqty" and "sparkqty". (in PHP, that would then be "$tireqty", "$oilqty" and "$sparkqty"). And here is the code for the script "processorder.php": ><html><head><title>Bob´s Auto Parts - Order Results</title></head><body><h1>Bob´s Auto Parts</h1><h2>Order Results</h2><?phpecho "<p>Order processed at ";echo date("H:i, jS F");echo "<br>";echo "<p>Your order is as follows:";echo "<br>";echo $tireqty." tires<br>";echo $oilqty." bottles of oil<br>";echo $sparkqty." spark plugs<br>"?></body></html. However, when I run the orderform.html page and enter some values, after submitting, I get the following errors: [b]Notice[/b]: Undefined variable: tireqty in [b]C:\phpscripts\practice\bobsparts\processorder.php[/b] on line [b]14[/b]tires[b]Notice[/b]: Undefined variable: oilqty in [b]C:\phpscripts\practice\bobsparts\processorder.php[/b] on line [b]15[/b]bottles of oil[b]Notice[/b]: Undefined variable: sparkqty in [b]C:\phpscripts\practice\bobsparts\processorder.php[/b] on line [b]17[/b]spark plugs Now, I assume that is because in HTML, the values do not need to be preceded by a dollar sign, and PHP does not recognise them, then again, the variables exist and are passed on to the PHP script by the HTML page, so where is the fault? If even people who write tutorials can't get their code right, how on earth are we supposed to learn? Anyway, any advice will be very gratefully accepted.
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