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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. Could someone explain to me what the following things are ? (They are all features of hosting plans, but with a somewhat difficult terminology):


    -Shell Access.

    What exactly does that do or what benefit do you get from that?


    Then, next, as taken from the Xisto billing site:

    Shared Web Hosting Features:-


    * Multi-Core Processor Server Network

    * Powered by XO Communications

    * Automated Monthly Backups (That is clear enough)

    * On-Demand Backup Weeky Database Backup (This I understand too)

    * Supports Joomla, WordPress, VBulletin, Invision, phpBB, Gallery etc. (That is clear too)

    * Special Optimizations for WAP sites. (That is clear too)

    * Secured Client Area for Billing & Support Queries (That is clear too)

    * 365 Day Forum Support (more than 50,000 Members) (That is clear too)

    * Credit System v3 Support* to earn Credits (pay with virtual money) (That is clear too)

    The first two features in the above need a bit of explaining (to me anyway).


    I posted this because I am trying to find out whether upgrading my hosting would give me a bit more protection against all the problems I had to face so far.

  2. However, the quickest way to get your IP unbanned is to send a support ticket to get it resolved and thats about it.

    The quickest way? Is Xisto - Support 24/7? I believe they are in a totally different timezone (India I believe).It has not been too bad the last few days (a good few hours wait), but sometimes I waited for an answer for days.
    Also, their LIVE Support does not seem to work anymore.
    Although it says "Online", it will do a number of attempts and then display a form to fill in.

    or you can change it on the billing site now I believe.

    Are you sure, I don't think you can, only your login password to Xisto, I believe.

    Well the quickiest solutions I can think of because this has happen to me several times is first to delete your cookies, browser cache's and history folders, then flush your DNS through command prompt and wait about 4-5 hours and try again. By doing this your resetting your computers IP access and that should be able to get back in. However, just make sure during that 4-5 hour waiting period you don't visit your site or any other Xisto site or you restart the process all over again.

    Have tried that at times, only, how do you flush your DNS through the command prompt?
    I usually reset my modem.
    Could you explain the command prompt procedure, please?

  3. I see.While I do understand about people using brute force and that, what option do you have but to try logging in quite a few times in a row when your cpanel will not let you in?Also, when, like has happened to me a few times, when you enter your login details and they will not let you in, even though you know 100 % sure you have used the right username and password combination.Also, I would understand if they ban an IP that is unknown to the system, eg. when you try to log in from a PC at work and you are unsuccessful a few times, or, indeed in case of a real hacker trying to get access to your space.However, I always log in from my home PC, and whiule I do not have a static IP address, sometimes the last figures change, and sometimes I do get back on by resetting my modem, sometimes I don't.

  4. I was wondering why Trap 17 sometimes bans IP addresses of their own site owners.I have read about this a few times here on the forum, and I believe I have become a victim of this a few times lately.I assume that was the case when, on a few occasions, everyone but me could see my sites.The thing is, I have not exceeded my bandwidth, not posted unsuitable or forbidden content, I do not have a single warning.So, could someone explain to me why this is sometimes done?The only thing I know is that it is highly annoying when that happens.I wish I knew why.

  5. I was reading through the knowledgebase on Xisto earlier, and one thing caught my eye:


    It was in the section where they explain which content is not allowed on the hosting, obviously, warez and mailbombing and that are off the list.

    But I was very surprised to read the following:

    FormMail.cgi, FormMail.pl from Matt's Script Archive are not allowed.

    I assume Trap 17 probably have their reason(s) to ban that content, but has anyone got any idea why?

    I used to use those scripts myself in the past:


    On hosting which did not run Server Side apps

    Before I had my own software to create forms and all that.

    (Never used it on Trap 17, though, I hasten to add).


    It looked to me like the script did the job, and I don't think there was anything malicious (spyware, viruses or hacking) involved.

    So, I was highly surprised you are not allowed to run those scripts on your Trap 17 sites.

    Does anyone know the reason(s) for that?


    I am only asking this question out of curiosity.

  6. Bluebear,I am in a similar situation: I have a bilingual website, and I am experimenting with Wordpress at the moment, and once the test phase is done I will then launch the 'face lifted' website, and I will then also be able to give you further instructions.however, what i want to post here is somewhat off topic, but I noticed something that causes me some concern:I clicked on the link to your website underneath your post, and then i saw it just displays a list of files that are on your site.I might be wrong here, but are you not exposing your site to potential hackers?I am certainly not competent enough to do something to your work, and maybe some more knowledgeable people than me here on the forum would say I have it wrong (I really hope so), but the best thing to do is to create a file in your public_html folder called 'index.html' or 'index.htm', with links on it to your other pages.That way, when someone visits your site, they will not just be greeted by a directory showing the files that are on your website.I am not trying to scare you here, or trying to cause a panic, and as said earlier, other people might, and I hope they do, say I am wrong, but prevention is still better than cure, don't you think?

  7. Thank you for your help, Saint_Michael.There was a small mistake in your post, however:I had to UNtick "Place Headers and Footers on new page", not tick it.But, the bottom line is, it works now, this annoying URL and filename have now gone.Thank you ever so much for your help, I have looked for that for years, the soluion does not look that obvious, does it?Anyway, thanks again.

  8. I was wondering if someone would be able to help me.I use Adobe Acrobat 9.0 pro.Whenever I convert a document or web page to a PDF file, in the case of a web page, every page shows the URL on the top right, and in case of a document, the file location on my hard drive is shown in that same place.As most of you probably know, the Adobe help files are about as useful as ice cubes are to Eskimos, and I have looked through the preferences to see how I can stop this from happening, however, without any luck.I am quite sure it must be possible to stop that happening, as you never see that on PDF that you get eg. in your email, and besides, it does not look very professional with that whole string of text there, does it?(Besides, it can give information away you really don't want to disclose).I know it is possible to erase that text, but try doing that when you have, say, a 100 page document.Has anyone got any suggestions?All help will be much appreciated.

  9. Fairly simple, do more resistance training and less cardio.Meaning: do more stuff in which you have to rely on physical strenhtg, eg. lifting weights, but not too much stuff that raises your heartbeat too much such as running etc.Also make sure you get enough calories inside yourself every day.

  10. Has anyone got any idea how Xisto manage to do this:On my Trap 17 hosting, I have made a folder for a second website, for that website I also use a separate domain name as opposed to the first one.However, my first domain, I had to park on my trap 17 hosting, but the second one, Xisto set up for me, it works, the site is accessible, but the domain is not parked nor added on.So, how have they managed to make it work then?I had initially added on the domain, but it did not seem to work properly, now it works without any of that.I am really puzzled.But, it also makes me think about two things:-I had the domain verified by Google Apps, as I signed up with them to get my email for the second domain from them.Is verifying my domain and activating my email going to work without the domain being parked or added on?Also, I tried to set up the guest book from the Script Library in my Cpanel, in the drop down list with the choice of which website to display your guest book on, only my original subdomain and first domain appear, there is no trace of my second domain, although a working website exists for that domain.Could that have something to do with parking or addon, and more importantly, how could I make the guest book point to the right website if I were to set it up?

  11. First thing Tramposch: Why you posted link in this form?


    You could have posted something like this http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/, as this open very clearly for me. I can see your site.

    Tramposch did not post like this, I did it.

    I simply do this to stop Internet Spam Robots to get a grip on my site, although it is more important to post email addresses in this form.

    Don't tell me you actually tried to access a site using the 'DOTcom' format.

    Any child would see this is not going to work.

    When you see such an address again, simply replace 'AT' by '@' and 'DOT' by '.'.


    And please, when it is the case you come across addresses like this, Please do not repost them in their proper form!!!


    People do this for a reason, so do not undermine this by correcting their hidden address and posting it to give the Spambots the free hand.

  12. Thanls.
    I have two further questions now.
    I added on my second domain, and it seemed simpler than it looked.
    Although, when I try to reach my URL, I get this:

    Connection ProblemsSorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

    When I type the long URL (A direct reference to the folder and the index.htm file of the second domain) the site appears.
    Could it be it has not properly propagated?
    I then also took off my addon domain, I had also set the DNS servers to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com, but before and after I made that change (since qupis seems to use the same dns servers) I now get the following when trying to add on or park my domain again:

    Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:,
    Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS

    servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers

    or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the

    proper A entries on that remote nameserver.

    Then my second question about applying for Google Apps for my second domain:
    I already have Google Apps for my first domain, but the only possibility I can see is to create a domain alias, but if I have read correctly, the mail is only going to appear in the mailbox of my first domain, without having the proper domain name allocated to it.
    Is that the way to do it, and if not, do I just sign up for a second account with Google Apps?


  13. Thank you for your explanation, BufalloHELP.
    I have scanned around a bit for further info on Addon domains.
    While i know it is possible to have more than one domain on one hosting packet (we have 5 parked and 5 addon domains available), it looks a bit complicated to set up the right folders to point to your different websites.
    And, more importantly, if what I read is correct, you don't seem to get separate email for your second domain.
    Just to clarify: my 1st domain, hosted on trap 17 is vlaanderen-flandersDOTorgDOTuk, and for that I now have my email through Googlemail as whateverATvlaanderen-flandersDOTorgDOTuk.
    My other domain is alanandfrankieDOTcoDOTcc, and I would also like to have email such as sometingATalanandfrankieDOTcoDOTcc.
    From the posts I read that does not seem to be possible when you have both domains on one hosting package.
    Is that correct?

    Also, is there a topic or tutorial (a search did not lead to anything) where I can learn how to put more than one website in different folders, and then being able to find both websites by just typing http://www.mydomain.com/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in the address bar of the browser, without having to do eg. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or something like that.
    Please forgive my ignorance, but the matter looks somewhat complicated. :)

  14. What I would like to know is:now that the Credit system has changed into MyCents, is it now possible to buy more hosting, eg. an Xisto account or even a second Trap 17 account?The reason I am asking is:I have my website hosted with Trap 17, and I have another one hosted with Qupis.I was told by Xisto - Support that on the MU server, which is used by Qupis, email is disabled to prevent spam.Because of that reason I could never get my email to work properly.That being the case, I would then ask Qupis to delete my account and buy web hosting from Xisto or Trap 17 (if that is possible), so that I can have my site hosted and have reliable email (probably provided by Google) at the same time.(Email is something I definitely need with my websites).Does that possibility exist?I find it far too much hassle to park 2 domains, and host 2 websites on the same hosting package.Please let me know what my options are.Thanks in advance.

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