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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. I think I have sussed out what the problem in the above post is.It is simply that my newsletter software and HTML editor both show their preview based upon that browser from that company worth billions, the company that always know better.My e-mail client (Windows Live Mail, made by... yes, you guessed it) is of course no different.I have even (only for testing purposes, mind you) downloaded the beta of version 9 of that almighty browser, the one that claims it can now handle CSS3 (it even mentions rounded corners especially), it also claims to support HTML5 now.To be quite honest, I have not seen much of what they claim.I even tried to do what they advise: ie. not to use a vendor name in front of your "border-radius" line, so, instead of coding "-moz-border-radius: 30px;" or "-webkit-border-radius: 30px"", you are just supposed to put in "border-radius: 30px;".Tried that, did not make the slightest bit of difference.It also appeared that in the past, you used to have to preceed the code with "-ms", so "-ms-border-radius: 30px;".Tried that, guess what, no luck, of course.The browser version might still be in beta stage, but it already claims to support CSS5, well, I can't see it, or maybe I am using a different kind of PC.Note to the mods: this post has been written a few minutes ago, and I got the message it will need to be approved first, please ignore it, it happened because I didn't realise I was not signed in when I posted.Thank you.

  2. You have definitely been very helpful, Baniboy.

    Of course, at my level, stupid things like defining the same thing twice are to be expected.


    One thing does surprise me, though:

    as you can see from the screenshot, I had my box nicely centered.

    When I adjusted HEIGHT from 500 to auto, it had all of a sudden jumped to the left.

    I also tried to add float: left; but that does not seem to make any difference.


    I shall post my latest version of the HTML again, hoping you might be able to see where I went wrong.


    But, in the mean time, thank you ever so much for the help you have already given me.

    I have really learned a lot.


    <HTML xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/;

    <HEAD><TITLE>Untitled Document</TITLE>


    <META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type>



    <BODY bgColor=#ffffff>

    <CENTER><H2>The new Berkshire Music Institution Newsletter</H2></CENTER>

    <DIV style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 30px; MARGIN-TOP: 50px; PADDING-LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 650px; PADDING-RIGHT: 30px; BACKGROUND: #d4ffd4; HEIGHT: auto; FLOAT: center; MARGIN-LEFT: auto; MARGIN-RIGHT: auto; PADDING-TOP: 30px; -moz-border-radius: 30px; -webkit-border-radius: 30px">


    <DIV align=center><STRONG><U>Boom boom</U></STRONG></DIV><BR>

    Unlike kobra500 said, you don't use CSS Selectors for inline CSS (unless for things like :hover or :focus), what he probably meant was you use property: value;. Probably mixed them up. Selectors are ways to target elements (for example I use "div {...}" to target div elements) and you use properties to modify the elements behavior. Properties then contain values, for example: "background: white;". Here "background" is the property and "white" is the value. I know you probably didn't need this, but the terms are damn confusing anyway, someone else might find this helpful if you don't.<BR>

    First of all, thank you for your quick reply, my friends.


    I appreciate that some email clients do have problems with displaying styles correctly, as do some browsers.

    At the moment, none of the code I have mentioned has been uploaded to any web space, I have the HTML and CSS stored on my hard drive for testing purposes, and when I open the HTML page in my browers (Firefox, Google Chrome), it works perfectly.


    As I mentioned in the beginning, Internet Explorer seems to be ignoring a great deal of the CSS, but, that is of course not unusual.

    (Although, it appears that the upcoming version of Internet Explorer, version 9, will support CSS3).


    It is a good idea to put the newsletter online, as well as in the email, I have often seen that in newsletter emails where it said "If this newsletter does not display correctly, please click here", where th hyperlink then sent you through to a web site where you could read the newsletter in all its glory.


    However, there is one thing that might need a bit more clarification (forgive my ignorance if the following question sounds dumb, but I am not an expert, certainly not on CSS):


    Kobra500 mentions the following line of code:




  3. Gentlemen,


    this has really helped me so much.

    Thank you so much for putting up with my probably idiotic questions and having the patience for posting such accurate and detailed replies.

    This has really made so much difference, I have now managed to code a centred box with rounded corners with text inside it.


    Maybe my coding still looks clumsy, but at least I am on my way to achieving what I was looking for.


    I have one more question now: I shall post the code below, like I said, I have made a box with rounded corners and text in it, the only thing that bothers me slightly is that it has "preset" sizes, which is ok for me where the width is concerned, but what I would like is for the box to have a height that grows or shrinks as more or less text is put into it.


    So, below is the HTML code, like I said, it might still look clumsy and unstructured, but at least it works.


    I hope there is enough information to help you help me.

    Here it goes, hope you can see a way to finish off the trouble I have already been through.

    And, once again, thank you ever so much.


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/;


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

    <title>Untitled Document</title>



    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

    <div style="background:#D4ffD4;













    <div align="center"><strong><u>Boom boom</u></strong></div><br />

    Unlike kobra500 said, you don't use CSS Selectors for inline CSS (unless for things like :hover or :focus), what he probably meant was you use property: value;. Probably mixed them up. Selectors are ways to target elements (for example I use "div {...}" to target div elements) and you use properties to modify the elements behavior. Properties then contain values, for example: "background: white;". Here "background" is the property and "white" is the value. I know you probably didn't need this, but the terms are damn confusing anyway, someone else might find this helpful if you don't.<br />

    First of all, thank you for your quick reply, my friends.


    I appreciate that some email clients do have problems with displaying styles correctly, as do some browsers.

    At the moment, none of the code I have mentioned has been uploaded to any web space, I have the HTML and CSS stored on my hard drive for testing purposes, and when I open the HTML page in my browers (Firefox, Google Chrome), it works perfectly.


    As I mentioned in the beginning, Internet Explorer seems to be ignoring a great deal of the CSS, but, that is of course not unusual.

    (Although, it appears that the upcoming version of Internet Explorer, version 9, will support CSS3).


    It is a good idea to put the newsletter online, as well as in the email, I have often seen that in newsletter emails where it said "If this newsletter does not display correctly, please click here", where th hyperlink then sent you through to a web site where you could read the newsletter in all its glory.


    However, there is one thing that might need a bit more clarification (forgive my ignorance if the following question sounds dumb, but I am not an expert, certainly not on CSS):


    Kobra500 mentions the following line of code:





    And there is also a screenshot to show what it looks like.

    post-46682-043410000 1297027697_thumb.png

  4. AbduRahmanL, you have made my day!I regularly eat home made couscous (although more Middle Eastern style, recipe will follow).However, my only problem was: the couscous spices.Here in England they are not easy to find, maybe in the Arab shops in London, but they will cost an arm and a leg there.Sometimes my wife got them from an annual French market they hold in my town, they sometimes sold them due to the fact a lot of North Africans live in France.But now I have seen your spice mix, I will try that out, they are all things I have in my cupboard and they cost next to nothing.I too, use chicken thighs, but from the end of this month I shall be trying it out using Merguez (which I shall be making myself) and spicy lamb mince meatballs.(For the people who don't know, Merguez are spicy lamb sausages, they are red in colour, and especially popular in North Africa, eg. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and even Egypt).Since I am not an Arab, it is no problem trying couscous out with pork, although you will usually never find any Arabic food containing pork, so I haven't tried it yet.Now, for my version of couscous (An Iraqi friend of mine taught me):the main difference is that I use a pan and steamer, so, I cook the meat and vegetables in the pan, and when that is boiling nicely (near the end before serving) the steamer with the couscous goes on top of it, so, rather than being boiled, the couscous is steamed in the steam of meat and vegetables.I do prepare the couscous prior to steaming by adding a tiny bit of lightly salted water and kneading it together a bit, so it gets firm and sticks together a bit, to prevent it disappearing down the steamer.Now for the rest:heat some oil, and then add a chopped onion to it, add the chicken thighs and let them go brown.Add chicken stock, let simmer for a while, and then add the rest of the vegetables: sliced courgette, a quartered potato and 1 tin of chopped tomatoes.Also add the couscous spices if you have them, or the spices our friend lists in his opening post.One more important thing: add the seeds of a dried lime or use a quartered lemon, washed but not peeled.(You don't have to et the lemon when it is ready (I do), but it makes so much difference to the taste).Let everything come to the boil and then let simmer for about 30 minutes, and about 10-15 minutes before serving, put the couscous on top.(If you have no steamer, you can, of course, do your couscous like AbduRahmanL does it.Well worth a try, I would say, as it is really yummy.And I will certainly AbduRahmanL's couscous a try too.Let me know how you go, please.

  5. Hi everyone,

    I am ooking for the name of a certain font, which I use on my website (unfortunately, only in graphics files, so they would be visible by everyone).

    Due to a change to a new machine, I lost the font, and I have looked everywhere, Identifont, Whatthefont, myfonts.com, and I have also spent hours to try and locate the correct font, with no success.

    What makes it extremely difficult to search is the fact that I am not sure what search criteria to use, there are quite a few categories the font could come under.


    I was wondering if anyone would recognise this particular font:


    Posted Image

    If anyone recognises the name of the font and knows the name, please let me know, as I am so desperate to find it again so I can make further title graphics for my website.


    All help will be very much appreciated.

  6. First of all, thank you for your quick reply, my friends.


    I appreciate that some email clients do have problems with displaying styles correctly, as do some browsers.

    At the moment, none of the code I have mentioned has been uploaded to any web space, I have the HTML and CSS stored on my hard drive for testing purposes, and when I open the HTML page in my browers (Firefox, Google Chrome), it works perfectly.


    As I mentioned in the beginning, Internet Explorer seems to be ignoring a great deal of the CSS, but, that is of course not unusual.

    (Although, it appears that the upcoming version of Internet Explorer, version 9, will support CSS3).


    It is a good idea to put the newsletter online, as well as in the email, I have often seen that in newsletter emails where it said "If this newsletter does not display correctly, please click here", where th hyperlink then sent you through to a web site where you could read the newsletter in all its glory.


    However, there is one thing that might need a bit more clarification (forgive my ignorance if the following question sounds dumb, but I am not an expert, certainly not on CSS):


    Kobra500 mentions the following line of code:


    So, would that mean that I can do the following:


    <HTMLELEMENT style="curvedCorners-finished.css: curved1;>CSS and HTML code here</HTMLELEMENT>?


    Is that what you mean I could do to let it do the trick?


    I'll do a bit more experimenting too, but, for the time being, thank you so much for your input so far.

  7. Hello,


    I found some stylesheets for making tables with rounded corners.

    Everything seems to work well (except in Internet Explorer, of course, but that is no big surprise) but I have one problem:


    In the HTML code, within the <head></head> tags, there is obviously a reference to the CSS that goes with the HTML code, and the code looks like this:


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><link href="css/curvedCorners-finished.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head><body>...... (rest of the HTML code)

    As you can see, the CSS code is not written in the same page, but is called with

    <link href="css/curvedCorners-finished.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    That is fine for using in a webpage, where you have the CSS code in a folder on your server, but what I would like to know is:


    How can I integrate the CSS code in that same page?


    The reason I ask is: I am trying to use that code in a newsletter, which I send as a HTML email, so I don't really see how I can refer to that folder, or should I just attach it to the email?


    I tried the following:

    I changed

    <link href="css/curvedCorners-finished.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />[/quote] to [quote]<style type="text/css" />relevant CSS</style>
    but when I previewed the page that did not work.


    So, is there a way of integrating the CSS code into the same page as the HTML, and if so, how do I do that?


    If not, how can I make the correct style appear in my email?


    All advice will be very much appreciated.

  8. I have been with them too (Free Hosting, that is), and my advice is: Stay well clear.Apart from the fact that they use the very obscure and user-unfriendly Vista Control Panel, they put restrictions on the sorts of files you can upload,when they do that, it is practically impossible to make proper websites, imagine you want to put a video clip or a piece of music on ther (even if you own the copyright), you are not allowed to upload the files.If I remember correctly, even a PDF file came under the banned category.Further, when trying to use their MySQL database, it has restrictions on it as well, I use a very good form creating program,with which you have the option of storing the data sent to the form in a MySQL database, well, sometimes even the simple form would not work, a form with nothing more than Name, Address, Phone Number and Email in it, because the database stopped the script from writing data to it.So, what is the point of having a host where you get a database (or a number of databases, don't remember) which you cannot even use properly most of the time.I also seem to remember that you could not connect to your MySQL database more often than you could.So, unless you want to make a very simple website, and a small one, I would just leave that company as they are.BTW. If you are looking for proper hosting at the right place, why don't you hand your site over to Xisto?I can assure you you won't regret it for a single minute.

  9. Of course I do agree with anwii, to learn a language you also have to able to hear the words so you know how to pronounce them correctly, but, that could indeed be overcome to post some videos or mp3 files with the words, sentences or short stories that are being learned at the time.There is another great resource for that too: it is called the Internet :D.There are a great deal of sites out ther to which links could be posted for pronunciation purposes, eg. WikiPedia also hosts some pages like that.The reason why I am a bit vague here is because I don't know the URLs of the sites in question from memory, but, if any of the people here need any help, I will be more than happy to look a few things up and post the proper URLs (if and when needed) here.But, obviously, if the people teaching the languages want to make the teaching a bit more personal, sort of, less robotic, they can also shoot their own videos and upload them, or record the words or phrases they are doing in that lesson and post them in their tuition too.For the technophobes: this can even achieved with a simple mobile phone, so, don't think you will have to invest a fortune itn recording or video equipment.Anyway, I still feel it is a great idea, and as I said before, obviously we will all have to come up with some ideas about methodology, resources etc., which is exactly what we are doing now.So, I would say, anyone interested, let your suggestions roll in.Thank you.

  10. I too think this is a brilliant idea.

    However, things will have to be thought out carefully with regards to how to go about it.
    What I mean is: there is not much point in working like this:

    Pupil: How do you say "I love you" in Dutch?Teacher: "Ik hou van je".
    Pupil: "Thanks, and what is "to eat" in Dutch?"
    Teacher: "eten".

    It is, of course, all right to include vocabulary and asking for the meaning of words, but there should be more to it than that.
    The learning of a language obviously has to include learning some grammar rules, some spelling and other rules of the language.

    Word lists are obviously an important part of learning a language, but not everything.

    I think some short pieces should be included for the student to read and try to understand, pieces of text which gradually get longer and gradually increase in difficulty.

    It would also be good if the teacher gave the student some exercises.

    But, yes, I think it is a brilliant idea, and if it ever gets off the ground, you can definitely count me in.
    i would be able to help out with Dutch at any level, and French and German at beginners' level.

    Would it not be a good idea if we started with compiling a list (either here or start a separate topic for it), with people willing to help, also indicating what language(s) they can do and which level.

    Why don't we get the ball rolling?
    Let me know what you think.

  11. Well, you can install Mac OS X on any Intel computer. You just need to make sure that you have mac compatible RAM, graphics cards, and other hardware. You might want to check out 'hackintosh' building instructions, they will teach you how to install Mac OS X on your Intel computer.

    I don't believe he means installing OS X onto a non-mac, rather whether his official mac with a Core Duo processor is compatible with Snow Leopard.

    The answer, meanwhile, is yes. Snow Leopard requires an intel based mac, PowerPC macs are out. That said, a Core Duo is more than capable of running Snow Leopard, but apps will run in 32 bit mode, aside from that, as long as you have enough RAM, you will get pretty good performance, due to the optimisations which have been performed on the code.

  12. Yes, chinu,like k_nitin_r says, your MyCents system is definitely up and running. Just make make some more posts to get up to the 100 mark (it really goes quicker than you think if you make a few good quality posts) and then you will have your first dollar.Then try to add 95 cents credit to that and you are ready to order your logic plan, which gives you everything you need (and more for some people)for top quality hosting.I see k_nitin_r asked the question where your web pages are hosted now, well, if it is a paid host, look at what it offers you, and look at the plans Xisto are giving, and all for virtual money rather than real.Even if you have a free website host, look if you are getting the most out of your MySQL database(s), if you are allowed to upload all the important kinds of files, like .avi, .flv, .mp3 etc.Some hosting companies (especially 'free' ones) do not allow you to upload those kinds of files (just to name a few), so there is a lot you miss out on when you want to put multimedia on your site.Here you can do it all for a measly $1.95 a month, which you accumulate just by posting in the forums.And, furthermore, if you are hosting your website on a paid web host, I can never see it being as cheap as it is here, while giving you all the features you receive here.IIRC, the cehapest hosting I have seen (apart from Xisto) was $2.29 excluding VAT, but only gave you the basics.So, it is well worth thinking about moving your hosting to Xisto once you have enough credit to do so (and believe me, it will not take long to get it, just get posting).But, rest assured, your MyCents meter is running, just keep going.And, welcome to Xisto, by the way.

  13. I would say I learned HTML for the most part by doing it.I remember in 1998, when I got access to the Internet for the first time (still on my good old Atari ST), I could only use it for emailing, BBS systems and reading newsgroups, because the browser software Atari had (called CAB) let you surf the net to some extent, but you had to try and go for mainly text-based websites, as the spec of the Atari was not 100% up to scratch for seeing PC type images, Flash, Java etc. and besides, you had to have a hard drive and a lot of cache and a very appropriate monitor.However, when I saw the things I could see, my interest was immediately roused in the sense of "Hey, i would like to put my own site on there too".Then, at Christmas of the same year, I got my first PC, and I was amazed at the things the Internet had to offer.I don't remember how I had it, but my OS on my first machine was Windows 98, and for some or other reason (did it come as part of Windows or what?) it had Frontpage on it.I started fiddling with Frontpage a bit, and after a few days, my fist website (or, rather, attempt at a website) was born, mainly due to the WYSIWYG and drag-and-drop features in Frontpage.I used to ask people in news groups to rate my site, and also how I could achieve certain things in HTML, and got lots of useful tips from there.However, using Frontpage, one of the regular criticisms I got was "Microsoft always know better, the way you do this is nor standard HTML". ( you will see something later in this post too about the things people posted about Microsoft).Anyway, apart from looking at my site and just changing things through WYSIWYG, i also started looking at the HTML code, and found there was a lot of logic and self explanatory stuff in it.I was, of course, not ye fluent enough in HTML to just start using Notepad or something, i still needed help from WySIWYG features, but having had all the input by newsgroup and forum users, I started moving away from Frontpage, and started using demo/trial versions of other professional packages, and also freeware programs.A combination of the latter, and the things I learned from analysing my code and, once again the input from other people, made me more and more proficient in correcting my HTML code by hand, doing better bit by bit.I then got across a company called "Coffeecup", and they make all sorts of website design software, going from a HTML editor to a form maker, a shopping cart application and much more.I liked their HTML editor from the beginning, maybe not the most professional program under the sun, but, hey ho, I am not a professional website designer either, and it did everything I expected of it.Then, because of the /11 atrocities, the company gave away a free copy of their HTML editor to all demo users, and I have used it ever since, the good thing is, you own it for life, never pay extra for updates, and there is a better version at least every year.I have also tried my hand at Dreamweaver, that program can do practically everything you would expect from a website designing program, but, as it goes, like all Adobe programs are IMVHO, it is incredibly difficult to use and very user unfriendly.So, i have stuck with my Coffeecup, which is now also HTML 5 compatible, however, with a new version of HTML also comes a lot of new learning.Nowadays even, I still check newsgroups, forums and tutorial sites (now far less than I did before, but I still do on occasions) to see how to perform an action using HTML.A word of warning too: with the new standard of HTML 5, over time, some features of HTML 4 will be scrapped, and you will be forced to switch to HTML 5, the only problem with that (at the moment) is that not all browsers support it yet, some not fully, some not at all.And, believe it or not (yes, here we go again), the browser used by most people, Microsoft Internet Explorere, does not seem to suport HTML 5 at all yest, as I noticed a few days ago when I put a simple and short song online, using HTML5, I used a number of browsers, but the only one that would not display my media player nor play my song was..... Internet Explorer.Anyhow, the best advice I can give o people wanting to learn HTML is:use some different browsers, use WYIWYG by all means, but look through your HTML code too, visit newsgroups, forums and tutorial sites, and, like I did, buy some simple books about HTML.I won't say that the sites I made are the bees knees, but, they do the job I want them to do, and, IMHO, they do look rather attractive, without lots of flashy features on them (always remember too much of a good thing is not really that good).And furthermore, like I always hungered for and highly appreciated help from others, I am always willing and ready to help other people.

  14. OK, thank you for the help so far, everyone.I have had a lot of useful input from my fellow forum visitors here.The funny thing is, now that I think I am getting somewhere, it seems the program itself is beginning to play up, it won't run properly anymore.Even support are ignoring my tickets now, well, if that is their attitude, they know what to do with their software.You might argue, "why didn't you try to get an explanation from support to solve your PHP problem?"Well,of course I tried that, but all I got was answers that either were beside the point, or that had completely nothing to do with my questions. An example: whenever I uploaded a quiz, with the option of letting pipe.php display a report, I was told "files could not be uploaded", while the log showed me it could not upload pipe.php.Yet, when I looked via Filezilla, the appropriate folder was there, and the pipe.php script was in it.It alo said to CHMOD the folder to 777 or 755, which it already was (777, tried 755, didn't work either).As a result, when trying to get a report, it said "cannot connect to the server".After putting that question to support, I was asked to send the quiz source file, which I did.Then, I was sent it back (however, they had made modifications, but did not tell me which ones or how), but still no joy.Then they asked for my upload info, which I then reluctantly gave to them, they uploaded the quiz, and it worked, yet, when I tried myself again, same problem.Me back on to support then, where I got, "I'll upload it again and check your new source file, just to see if you're not making the same mistake again".WHAT MISTAKE????I only followed the instructions, uploaded everything as was required, but kept getting an error message, and, if I did make a mistake, why did they not tell me which one then?Then, as I said, all my further support tickets were just ignored.To some people, people are just good to get and use their stuff, but when they need help, it becomes quite another matter.Anyway, I am thinking of ditching that program now, I have found another one,freeware even, it might not look as flashy, but it does the job. The only thing is, the report system works on a Perl script, which I know even less about than PHP.So, I'll probably be roaming the Perl topic now.However, before I do, "is Perl fully supported by Xisto hosting?", also, is Perl not a bit outdated/old fashioned, or is it still fully and actively used?Anyway, thanks for your help everyone, and should there be any update with the original program, I will let you know.

  15. Hey thanks for uploading the files. Unfortunately there has always been this problem with me not being able to download files from there.


    Posted Image


    Any ideas why it happens?


    No idea at all why that could be.


    Maybe you should check with one of the forum leaders, or maybe send a ticket to Xisto.

    As far as I can remember (mind you, I have not worked with attachments on these forums a great deal), it seems to work for me to get the attachments to download/open.


    Or maybe you might have to check your firewall settings.


    You can also, if you wish to do so, PM me an email address where I can send the files to (They are not big anyway).


    In the mean time, thank you for your help so far.

  16. Well, I must admit (without trying to be derogatory to anyone) that there have been lots of changes here since the Trap 17 time, and not always for the better.I do remember, quite some time ago, that they apparently had changed the whole MyCents system, but the thing was, it wasn't updating anymore, your credit remained as it was, while they kept saying they were working on it, but the change never seemed to happen.It even happened that I emailed Xisto - Support, and they just added credit to my MyCents system as a gesture of goddwill, as I had told them I had made a number of posts, but thus far never received any credit for them.Now, the MyCents system is up and running again, but it does take somewhat longer than it used to before your credit is updated.Howvever, the main thing I have noticed is: (I don't know whether it is a lot of people have turned their back on the forums or what), whenever you used to post on these forums, it never took long to get a reply, and you used to get quite a few, not only from ordinary members, but also from people like a jlhaslip, SaintMichael, Opaque, BufalloHelp, just to name a few.Now, it has happened that I posted questions here, which just remained unanswered, something which would NEVER have happened in the past.Also, since they encourage you to post as much as you can in order to get your MyCents credits, why do they try to restrict your posting on the other hand?It is not the first time I have seen "You can make 50 more posts here", and don't tell me that is a measure to try and reduce spam.Further, we all make mistakes, and we all forget something from time to time, so, why can't you edit your posts anymore after a certain time?Sometimes something important you forgot to put in your post springs to mind, or you notice a mistake which might have an impact on the context of your posting, but, after a while, there is no more possibility to edit your post.So there clearly has been some change here, and something is obviously not going the way things used to go.Another thing: where is the cosy shoutbox gone, which we used to have at the top of the forum?Don't get me wrong, when I have certain problems I need help with, I will still post them here, also partly because I am in need of my MyCents credits, if only because I am happy with the hosting Xisto provides, and there might be some nostalgia, because of the way things used to go on the good old Trap 17 forums.However, I want to appeal to everyone, can't we all do an effort to try and raise the standards again, and to make Xisto to the same level of fun, friendship and knowledge we used to find on the Trap 17 community?Let us not forget, the hosting Xisto provides is good, and don't say otherwise, their support might be slow, but they do help to solve your problems, and besides, I have rarely needed their help.And then the main point: the price for their hosting is right, where else will you find such generous hosting, no ads, fully working MySQL databases without any restrictions, uploads not restricted, and all paid for by just posting in the forums often enough?Would you people really like to go with other hosting companies, where either, you pay an arm and a leg for hosting not much better that Xisto's, or even free, but where half of the stuff you put in your MySQL databases is not working, or where you are not allowed to put certain file types on your website (eg. no more video clips or songs on the site, even if they are completely your own)?No, I would like to resolve it differently, instead of leaving, why don't we all stick together and try to make Xisto the place Trap 17 once was.I, for one, am always willing to help.

  17. OK then,I can send you a few of the PHP scripts that come with the program.The program also creates an .xml file which is then read back and shown as a result in the program itself.However, the PHP is fully customisable, and all I want to store is the quiztaker's username, number of quizzes taken, and score. I will also upload my display script.Thank you for your help so far.






  18. Yes, I do as a matter of fact.
    After you have taken the quiz, you get sent to the following place: Quiz Ranking, which shows the ranking of the people who have taken part, with their name, how many quizzes they have taken so far and the total of their score.

    The only thing I am looking for is the right PHP code so I wouldn't have to do it all by hand.

    Like I said, my problem has nothing at all to do with Flash or anything whatsoever, I know the PHP scripts in conjunction with the program work, I am only looking for the right code to achieve getting the data into the MySQL database, because I am not a fluent PHP programmer (yet, I am working on it).

    So, basically, all I want is the PHP code for adding 1 to a number (every time someone takes a quiz, the figure for the number of quizzes they took gets increased by 1), and the code for adding the score of the new quiz to the already existing score (a player had 80 points, takes the new part of the quiz and scores 20, so, that 20 gets added to his previous score, 80, making it 100).

    So, basically, all I am looking for is a few lines of PHP code, so I can complete the script.

  19. Thanks for your input.The program does keep track of scores, but within its own GUI.That means only the one who made the quiz can read the tables.they also have their own space on the net to display the tables, but there is a charge to use that.You can, hovewer, let the program go to a PHP script to put the results in your own MySQL database.And this is what my question is all about: to get help putting that script together.

  20. I have began to work out a few things for myself, but I am still far from there.I was wondering if there is a PHP command (some people wight say "look it up", but what if you are not sure what keywords to look under?) which lets you add numbers to a number already in the database?What I mean is:as you can see from the post above, my table has 2 numeric fields, ie. "Number_of_quizzes" and "Score".Now, every time a participant has taken the quiz, these have to be adjusted, the Number_of_quizzes field has to go up by 1, and the Score field has to have the score in the new quiz added to the already existing score (eg. a candidate had 80 points in his score, and in his new attempt scores 20, so, that 20 needs to be added to the already existing 80, making it 100).Hoping for a bit of assistance.

  21. A request for help from PHP programmers/specialists on this forum.

    I am looking for a small script (unfortunately I am not (yet) fluent enough in PHP to do it myself) to achieve the following:

    I use Tanida Quiz Builder to put a quiz on my website.
    You can use your own scripts for the scoring/ranking system, and I have already managed to set up a MySQL table, which only needs 3 variables for every participant, they are "Name, "number of times played" (since it is a weekly quiz) and, obviously, "score".

    I put some test data in the MySQL table and wrote a small script to display the ranking, and that all seemed to work.

    That script looks as follows:

    <html><head><title>Quiz Ranking</title></head><body><?php$database="mrdee_reloader";mysql_connect ("localhost", "mrdee_mrdee", "********");@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");$result = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM Quiz ORDER by Score DESC" )or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error());$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);print "<center>";print "<h2>";print "Ranking.<P>";print "</h2>";print "<table width=400 border=1>n";print "<th>"; print"Name"; print "</th>";print "<th>"; print"Number played"; print "</th>";print "<th>"; print"Score"; print "</th>";while ($get_info = mysql_fetch_row($result)){print "<tr>n";print "</center>";foreach ($get_info as $field)print "t<td><font face=arial size=3/>$field</font></td>n";print "</tr>n";}print "</table>n";?><div align="center"><a href="index.htm">Back to the beginning</a></div></body></html>
    No problem so far, the data display nicely, and are sorted from highest score down to lowest.
    What I need now is a script which, after a participant takes the quiz, adjusts the number of times the participant has taken it by adding 1 to the number of times, and adjusts the score, by adding the new score to the previous.
    Obviously, when a participant takes the quiz for the first time, he/she has to be added in the table, along with the relevant data.

    Also, is it advisable to do it like I set it up, or is it better to get the name data from another table, called "partic", which contains the first name, last name, username(the one I want to display), email address and password of the participants?
    (No problem setting up that table, I do that with "Simfatic Forms", a program that lets me put forms online and saves the entered data in a MySQL database).

    I really hope someone can help me, as I need a working script, but it will also help me to learn more about PHP/MySQL.

    Thank you in advance.
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