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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. I wonder if anyone could push me into the right direction:


    I would like to put a quiz on my website, which would allow the visitors to participate weekly, and then, obviously, after a number of weeks, the person with the highest score would be crowned champion.


    I know there is a lot of excellent software out there that does the job very adequately, for example, I have Camtasia Studio, with which this can be achieved, and I also own Articulate Quizmaker, a great program for the purpose.


    However, I have one problem with both of the above: it seems none of them support MySQL or some other sort of database management.

    As it stands, I obviously need the participant to enter his/her name, or log in, before starting the quiz, so I know everyone's individual score.

    Furthermore, I also need to be able to keep track of all the scores, so I can put up a weekly table with the rankings of all participants.


    Maybe it is possible to add a certain front/end for that purpose yourself, but I am not fluent enough in PHP/MySQL (yet) to achieve that myself.


    So, is there anyone who knows of a program which serves the required purpose, or of a script (or a number of scripts) that I can link to the aforementioned programs so everyone can log in and I can then display the weekly rankings?


    All help will be very much appreciated.

  2. Yes, I am momentarily very happy with my Blackberry.It is a Blackberry Curve 8520 Smartphone.I do use my WiFi connection too, but it makes no difference.I also set up a separate yahoo account, without the underscore in my username and that allows me to log in.However, I feel that is not the point, I would like to be able to use my original Yahoo account on the Blackberry, and I am beginning to believe that the fault lies indeed in the special characters which seem to present a problem to the Blackberry.I really wish they could get that bug out of it.

  3. That's what I thought too, about the latency using an E-MU, they are usually very good for that.The thing is, I use Windows 7 Ultimate and Cubase 5, and I have a low latency, not even using an E-MU, I simply use my M-AUDIO Audiophile 2496.But it would indeed help to see if there are newer drivers, if there are, that could already solve quite a bit of the problem.I don't use a "state of the art" PC, and it still works.I have a Packard Bell PC with 2.2GHz Intel-Celeron 1500, 2 Gb RAM (which will be updated to 4 Gb soon), and like I said, my M-Audio sound card.I never had any issues using the ASIO driver, my latency sometimes even went as low as 6 ms.I would also start with trying to update the drivers and then take it from there.

  4. Well, Giselle, you are right, there are a lot of blokes on the internet who only seem to use the internet to get sexually aroused and who, whenever they chat to a girl/woman, always have to take sex as the topic, and ask people about their sex lives, or ask them if they are willing to get undressed in fornt of their webccam etc.However, women are not always the completely innocent party as you seem to claim here, on a number of occasions I have come across women who, even when you accept them on your Yahoo/MSN/AIM or whatever from a reputable source (maybe they were your friend on Tagged or something like that), as soon as you accept their invitation to be their chat buddy, try to lure you to a site where they claim they give strip shows for their friends.Some of them just won't take no for an answer and will keep harrassing you until you finally end up blocking or deleting them.No need to say, by the way, that the sites they want you to go and visit charge a fee for joining, and, God knows (no idea, because I simply ignore it all) they might even overcharge you, or do credit card phishing, or steal your card details, or good ness knows what else.So, I think there is no need at all to come here with remarks such as "why are guys like that?", as some women have the same tendencies, and apart from the sex aspect, want to attack you in your wallet too.

  5. Thought I'd post a little update here:In the mean time I have found out that the Blackberry phone does not seem to like special characters, such as ampersand (&), underscore (_), percent sign (%) and more.The thing is, my password does not contain any of those, just alphanumeric characters (numbers and letters), but my username (musicteacher_99) contains an underscore as you can see.While it is simple enough to change your password (apparently, when you change it on your PC, log in on the Blackberry, and then change it back to your old password, the Blackberry will accept it), it is not so obvious to change your username.So, is there anyone who knows a way around this, or is it not possible for the Blackberry people to deal with that problem in their software, or is Yahoo more to blame (no idea), or why do the Blackberry and Yahoo people not interact and try to sort the problem out.Surely they must both know the problem exists.

  6. Thanks for your reply, sonesay.I did forget to mention that there is indeed a combination of numbers and letters that make up my password.However,although it is quite tricky to type in blindly (as your password only shows up as a series of asterisks) on a keyboard you are not yet used to, I always make sure I do get it right, byt typing in my password veryslowly and carefully, and I am sure I must get it right on some occasions.I have also tried to just type in my ID, as I do on the PC, and also typing my ID followed by "@yahoo.com", however, the result is the same every single time.

  7. Hi,first of all, Merry Christmas to everyone.Talking about Christmas: Santa brought me a nice Blackberry phone.I have set up a lot on it and already learned a lot about its use, but I am really stuck on one thing (or rather, two, of very close family).I installed a number of Blackberry Apps, set up emails etc., but one app is giving me a lot of grief: Yahoo Messenger.Whenever I try to log in (using the same credentials I use on my PC), I constantly get "Invalid user name or password", exactly the same happens when try to open Yahoo Mail from the browser.Yet, on the PC, there is no problem at all with any of those.I also managed to set up my Yahoo email among the email applications, that one is not causing any problems either.I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem, or even better, if any one knows a solution.All help will be much appreciated.

  8. It would certainly be interesting to know whether the original poster got something out of the suggestions that were made.Always good to leave feedback after you have gone through the posts in your topics, so that other users would know whether or not you got it sorted.If you did, then it is nice for other users to find out how exactly you did it, and if not, other forum users can always try to come up with further solutions and/or find ways to help you further towards a solution to your problem.

  9. You could try downloading a copy of Simfatic Forms.

    The website can be found here.


    Simfatic Forms is a program for designing website forms, but it does much more than just help you design plain forms, as it has some great features:


    It generates all the relevant code for you and is a doddle to upload your whole form.

    It has full MySQL database support.

    It has mathematic functions to integrate calculations into your forms.

    (Especially what you are looking for) It has full and flexible calendar controls.

    You do not need to know any programming.

    Forms can be integrated into an already existing website, and adjust the look and size of them for that purpose.

    Excellent and quick support by the author of the program himself.

    Well worth a look, I think.

    I have been using Simfatic Forms for a long time, and have made some worthwhile applications with it.

    Check it out, and maybe post back here to give me some of your impressions.

  10. OK,I think you are right.Thank you for your reply.But I have now seen my credit was updated.Maybe there was a change, because, if i remember correctly (I could be mistaken of course), there used to be an update every day.But, then again, I might be mistaken about that.Anyway, I have now seen that the system is working, so my question has been answered.Thank you for your contribution, Iniyla.

  11. First of all, my apologies if this is in the wrong place/topic, but while scanning the forums, this looked the most appropriate one to me.Now, my question is: I was wondering if the Mycents phantom is back.For the last few days, I have written a number of posts, and still I see my Mycents totals have not changed.For a while, I thought that problem was resolved, and, to be quite honest, I had not been here for a while, and now I wanted to add to my Mycents credit, and in the mean time do some reading and posting (see if I could help anyone), and what do I see?It looks like Mycents has stopped updating again.Can anyone tell me if the problem has started again, or if it is just a temporary glitch, or if the Mycents system has changed again (maybe different update times or something)?If anyone could enlighten me on the latest regarding this issue, I would be very grateful.

  12. Yes, that's right, Yegani.Funny enough, most professionals use Dreamweaver, but it is indeed very expensive and very complex to use in some areas.That is why I would think you could expect a program at that price and with a reputation like that to do the more advanced jobs properly.Especially when you think that it is a program by the same company that makes all the other software which you are trying to incorporate in your website and which turns out not to work properly.I would understand if you used third party plugins or accessories that Adobe would be less willing to make these work properly in order to promote their own software, but it seems that Flowplayer (also open source) does a much better job than the Adobe Flash Player itself.Of course, the price to pay is that all the code has to be entered by hand, where Dreamweaver enters it for you when you use the "Insert Media" feature in the program (or am I wrong there? I am a Dreamweaver beginner after all).There also seems to be an Adobe Media Player (I believe that is new), but I have not figured out how to use that yet, and in the help files, every example using that Media player says "Error: failed to load Adobe Media Player", which is of course very helpful to me).Anyway, if anyone has any further ideas, eg. with regards to using the Media Player, feel free to post them here.As always, I am very grateful for the input I get from other users.

  13. Can anyone check my site and suggest what should be changed or improved, the site's aim is to host video reviews (games/movies), video tutorials (currently on que for upload), scripting tutorials (php, asp and others) and database stuffs.
    Currently it is using a modified polkadot theme from zenverse, the side panel is about to be modified too and will soon have a small RSS buttons. There is a known issue on IE where the video preroll ad keeps on getting a left alignment problem instead of centered content (checked with IE8). In case you see a warning for javascript error on your IE (in case you are going to view it via IE), please if possible send/attach a screenshot of the error that will popup. I am tracing this problem and it is giving me a headache since 50% of the time it wont appear.

    Thank you.

    I would be happy to do that, Vhortex.
    However, it would help if you posted the URL to your website.
    (Or at least a bit clearer, later saw the "Vhortex.com" in the title of your post).

  14. Oh, OK.Thanks, Vortax.However, you would expect such a complex, and especially expensive program like Dreamweaver, on top of that a program from the same makers as the Flash player, to be able to do such a thing.Well, seems like it is best for me to stick to flowplayer then, with the consequence of doing all the code by hand, like I did in the past.Thanks Adobe.

  15. Hi,since yesterday I have started using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, so far I have always been used to Coffeecup HTML Editor.As is always the case with Adobe programs, the software is very powerful, lots of features and possibilities, but extremely difficult to use, while the help and support is practically zero.Anyway, I noticed (and, at the risk of repeating myself, I am a total beginner with Dreamweaver, and trying to learn the features step by step), I noticed it is fairly simple to embed a Flash Video (.SWF or .FLV) into you web pages using Dreamweaver, by just going to Insert, and then Select Media, and the appropriate format you want, then you just select the film you want to embed and Dreamweaver puts all the relevant code in place.That is fine, and while there are a number of options you can choose (eg. size, player skin and more), I cannot seem to find the feature I want, ie. making it possible for the page visitor to let the video play full screen.Thus far, I have been using Flowplayer (a nice free web media player) and that has a full screen button on the player as standard, or you can just double click the film, and it will play in full screen mode.I know this is possible with Flash player too, after all, eg. Youtube uses the Adobe Flash Player and switching to full screen is no problem.However, when I checked a tutorial, someone had asked the same question as mine, and the first line in the reply was:"make sure you select a skin that has the full screen button on it".I have searched all over, I seem to have 9 different skins: Clear skin 1,2,3, Corona skin 1,2,3 and Halo skin 1,2,3.The problem is: NONE of them have a full screen button on them, they just have the usual Play, Pause, Stop and volume control/mute button.Some of them have a time progress bar.I also know that adding a line in the parameter code does the trick, namely when you set AllowFullScreen to "true", I tried to add this to the code but it made no difference, it does seem to need (as the reply to the post said) a skin with a full screen button first.Does anyone know how I could solve that problem? Or is it possible to download further skins from the Adobe site, skins that do have a full screen button on them?If anyone could enlighten me on that, I would be very grateful.

  16. Well as a Brit I can detach myself from that, but not, of course, from actions that are at least as bad, in their way, over history.

    Like, for example, the invention of concentration camps, in South Africa?

    Who were responsible for those?



    which is just one more reason to support free speech and oppose any proposed restrictions...


    With that, I could not agree more.

    Nowadays, according to one side of the political spectrum, freedom of speech is holy, provided of course you say what they want to hear, and provided you belong to their side of the spectrum.


    Which is why, in a topic like this, people should be allowed to voice their opinion, if you deem what is said to be wrong, then nobody can stop you to try and, by using proper arguments, disprove the poster's statement(s).


    Now, coming back to the topic itself, I do agree with the fact that Hitler flipped completely and that the Holocaust should never have happened.


    However, coming back to the title of the topic, he did try to give the German working class a decent quality life, he managed to almost completely wipe out unemployment, the Volkswagen (meaning "People's car") was an idea of his for which he went to see Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, and requested that he design a car that would cost well below 1000 Deutsch Mark (in those days, that is), so every German working class family would be able to afford their own car (hence the name).


    He was also the one who ordered the construction of the Autobahn (motorway), to ensure effective and fast moving traffic throughout Germany.


    While I am not trying to defend any of the crimes the Nazi regime committed here (see what I wrote earlier), I am trying to point out a few things in accordance to the title of the topic.


    The intentions of National Socialism (until it all went horribly wrong) were in the first place to get Germany out of a total crisis, and, at the same time, making sure that included the working class as well.


    Let us also not forget that Communism took about 100 million lives, also in the name of "democracy".

  17. You are right, Saint Michael, the one with the link was resolved, what's more, I had made a mistake in my anchor name :blush: .However, the issue with the player image is somewhat more tricky:while, in other browsers, you resize the image of the player, in Google Chrome it seems to be trapped in a rectangle, and when you resize, the rectangle grows to reveal bits of the player, but it seems you have to set it to huge measurements to see the player image completely, and that would disrupt the layout of my site completely.

  18. Hello,I have a film (in .avi format) on my hard drive, and in the same folder, I also have a set of subtitles for that movie (in .srt format).I have renamed the subtitle file to exactly the same name as the film (except for the file extension, of course), so all the media players I have (WMP, VLC, DivX) therefore display the subtitles when I play the film.However, now I would like to burn that flm on a DVD, and I would like it to play with the subtitles displayed.I use Nero 10 as my main burning program, but that does not seem to burn the subtitles automatically along with the film (I use Nero Vision to burn films).I also have Windows DVD maker (I use Windows 7 Ultimate), Camtasia Studio 7 and DivX Player to burn films, but I am not sure any of them burn the subtitles along with the film, and I would rather not run into surprises using a blank DVD foe burning the film, only to see it plays without displaying subtitles.Can anyone advise me on what I need to do to burn a film to a DVD so that it plays with the subtitles displayed by default?All help will be very much appreciated.Thank you very much in advance.

  19. Hi,I use Windows 7 Ultimate, and for some odd reason, while trying to delete a subfolder from my D:\ drive (a second hard drive used for backups etc.), a great deal of folders were wiped off, while I only wanted to remove the one.I also made the mistake of pressing "SHIFT-Del", which wipes it straight off instead of sending it to the Recycle Bin, although I got the message "This folder is too large to fit in the Recycle Bin".Anyhow, I don't know what happened, or what mistake I made (sure wasn't paying enough attention at the time), but what I would like to know is: does Windows Explorer have some sort of Undo function for situations like that (Tried to go into "Organise" at the top of the folder menu, and then did Undo, but that did not seem to give the correct result), or will I have to resort to downloading a data retrieval program to get the folders back that were deleted by accident?Please let me know if I can rectify my mistake the simple way, or whether I'll have to pay for my mistake and do it the hard way.Thank you in advance.

  20. First of all, thank you for your reply, rpsearcherz.No, you have not misunderstood.What you explain is exactly what I want.I didn't know that aerials on the router could be used to cover that kind of distance, though (but, then again, if they are expensive....).I will have a further look into Rmote Desktop and see if that can help.Some interesting points you have made.Thank you again.

  21. I would like to set up a WAN between my home and my business partner's home.We live in the same town, about half a mile apart, and we both use Windows machines, although different OS'es (one uses Windows 7 Ultimate and one is on Windows XP).As far as I am aware, a WAN has to be set up over the Internet (please correct me if I am wrong, have used lots of LANs, both wired and wireless, but I am a novice when it comes to WANs), so, I don't know whether that would be a problem, but we both use different ISPs.Is it possible to make that WAN, eg. for sharing and exchanging files, even though we are with different ISPs?Since we are in the music and recording business, it might be that some reasonably big files need to be exchanged, eg. pdf files of whole music books, or hefty mp3 files with whole band arrangements and even video clips, which could come to several 100s of Mb.Also, if it is possible, how am I to approach it?Is there any special software needed to do the job, or will configuration alone do, just like with a LAN?If anyone has some useful advice, I would love to hear from them, all help will be very much appreciated.

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