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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. Hello,I am experiencing something weird in Windows 7.Whenever I open a particular program (Cubase 5 to be exact), a screen pops up over the splash screen saying "Cubase5.exe there is no disc in the drive. Please insert a disc in drive F:", then there are 3 buttons, "Cancel", "Try again", "Continue".Firstly, there is no F drive on my system.Secondly, the problem has only started today, it stops for a while after a reboot.I seem to remember I had a similar problem when I was using Win XP, but then, the program in question would not run as far as I can remember.But now, after clicking any of the buttons a few times, the program continues to load and runs normally.Even though the program still works, it is obviously very annoying having to go through this.Has anyone had a similar experience, and even better, does anyone know a cure for this?Thanks in advance.

  2. Well, that's it then folks.As Julius Caesar would have said: "Alea Iacta Est" (The die has been cast).I first tried to re-install my software, some worked, some did not, some would not even let me install it properly.So, I went for the only alternative thatwas left.I reformatted, re-installed Windows and then re-installed all my software (except ZSoft Uninstaller, of course. :) ).A big thank you to everyone who contributed.

  3. Well, all my icons are still on the desktop, all programs are still there, but when I try to run a program, I tried Adobe Audition, it opened, but just went on and on trying to load a project (had to stop it via Task Manager), Cubase says there is no dongle in the system, AVG antivirus does not open, the 1st time I opened Windows Live Mail, an installer screen came up, but it seems to run now, browsing seems to work in Google Chrome, and as for ZSoft itself, it says it can't display in English anymore, but the list of programs still comes up.Have not been able to try for log files (I am posting from my laptop now, by the way).Some programs seem to open up normally, others do not open at all, and some run very erratically, see above.

  4. I used ZSoft Uninstaller 2.4.1 in Windows 7 (Ultimate, Full version), it worked with no problem.However, when uninstalling 1 program, it asked me "This program is in the "C:\Programs\" folder, do you wish to remove that folder?", it also said (very scary) "This is irreversible".With 1 second of distraction, I accidentally clicked "Yes".Now, Windows still boots normally, the folder in question is stil there, all the things that were in there are stil there, but hardly one program runs anymore.i have tried a number of System Restores, the restores were successful, but the problem still exists.Can anyone please tell me how I can fix this without having to reformat and save me a lot of time, hassle and embarrasment?(If that is at all possible).Thanks in advance.

  5. I use Cubase SX v3.I would like to ask how you can select tracks (MIDI tracks, that is) and use their volume sliders on the mixer simultaneously.I know you can create a group track, but that only seems to be the case for Audio tracks.I also remember there is a way to do what I am looking for (used to do it years ago) but I forgot how to do it. :) Any help will be much appreciated.I also tried using a group track, had a look through the manual, but the bit on group tracks might as well have been written in Chinese.Can't make heads or tails of it.Update:I found now what I was looking for (the method I was using long agao).I remembered that you had to <CTRL> click on the channels you wanted to select simultaneously, but I had forgotten that you had to right click then and select "Link Channels".That is what I wanted to achieve.

  6. Hi BuffaloHelp,

    thank you for your reply.

    I doubt very much that Madasafish allows PHP include, they only offer the very basic sort of websites.
    Forgive my ignorance, but you mention iframe, that term rings a bell, but I am not 100% sure what it is.
    Is it a special way of using frames in HTML, or is it a special feature which resides somewhere on the Internet?


    I lost you on this one but let me guess what you are trying to say. Are you asking if you can host Madasafish domain name without doing anything at Madasafish hosting/DNS so that you can use Xisto hosting as PHP, CGI or other server side programming that Madasafish doesn't allow you to run? And you don't what to forfeit Madasafish's domain name by doing this?

    Yes, that is what I mean, if I do succeed to point their DNS servers at Xisto (which might not be the case), they might see it as me taking my domain away from them and having it hosted by someone else, so I might forfeit the domain name.

    Obviously, I would rather put my website on Xisto because of all the possibilities they offer.

    Anyway, thank you so much for your help you have given.

  7. Not 100% sure if I am posting this in the right topic, but this seemed the closest one to my question I could find:I own a domain name which is always free of charge, it was given to me a number of years ago when the British company Freenetname (now taken over by Madasafish) started up and gave all their new members a free domain name.The domain name also comes with web space and the other things you would expect from an ISP, however, their web space does not give any Server Side facilities, no PHP, no MySQL, not even proper cgi.This means I cannot put a lot of interactive content on my site, all I have is a basic online form, from one of those cut 'n paste sites, which Trap 17 would probably not even allow, i get more spam put through it than anything else, as i can't even secure it or add a Captcha.My question is now: is there a possibility of pointing the domain name at my Trap 17 website, without having to change the DNS details at Madasafish, as a) They don't seem to give you a possibility to do so, and :P Even if I managed to do this, I fear they might scrap my free domain, as they are offering it free of charge, but probably only do so when you keep it hosted with thier company.Can anyone advise me if there is a possibility to use my Xisto space with the existing domain?Thank you in advance for any information.

  8. Hello,I was wondering if anyone could point me into the right direction.I have a very good program to make web forms (Called Simfatic Forms), however, I have now developed a form, and I would like to display the data visitors have entered into the form nicely formatted (probably in a table) on my website.Since I am not very fluent in PHP programming I am looking for a program (preferably freeware) which would help me achieve that.It does not have to be anything very complicated, as the database table only contains 3 fields, and I only want to display 2 of those per record.But, as I said, it is a bit too difficult for me to write such a script myself.Any suggestions from anyone?I will be very grateful for any useful advice.

  9. Hi mrdee, (hope I got it right)I did a clean install on an AMD machine this morning. Tried repair and no go. this was because the keyboard froze. During the repair, the mouse froze. It is a public access computer.
    It's possible that your computer may have some kind of conflict with Windows. Could be a device, could be who knows. Windows is an unstable os.
    I had a machine spit out four Windows installs.
    I would suggest that you go with Ubuntu 9.04. I use it on 2 public access computers and it works fine. I have no trouble with it and I like it.
    Sometimes, with Windows, you don't know what is causing the problem.
    I have 2 more Windows machines to fix and one is an emachine that's a pain.
    Good luck and let me know how it works out. I will check back tomorrow and if I can help I will certainly try.

    Thank you for your quick reply, Maude.
    Although Ubuntu looks OK to me,I would have a problem, as a lot of my specialist software (Cubase SX for recording music among other things) is Windows only and I would not be able to get it to run on Ubuntu.
    (This is only to name one example).

    In other words, much as I regret, i am as good as dependent on Windows.
    I really hope a solution can be found to get Windows, and hence the machine, up and running again.
    (As I write this reply it has gone through 100% of the format, now copying files, fingers crossed).

  10. My PC, Fujitsu-Siemens SCALEO P, with Dual Core 2.66 Ghz, 1 Gb RAM, Windows XP SP3, all of a sudden began to shut itself down constantly.Then it even began to grind to a halt during bootup.I knew the processor tended to get quite hot, so I cleaned the dust out of the fan to let it run unobstructed.However, the problem persisted, so I decided to try if I could do a Windows repair.I put in my Windows CD, and had the greatest trouble before I eventually got it to boot from the CD.Yet, when I put in a Linux (Ubuntu) CD, the machine booted up and even kept running without shutting down once.When the machine finally booted up on the Windows CD it said it could not do a repair as a previous attempt had already been made.I then tried to reformat the drive and re-install Windows from scratch.Same problem here, the greatest trouble to get it to start up, and when it finally did, it got through the copying of files, but then shut itself down again during the actual Windows installation.Then, my son tried to install OSX on my PC, once again, it was a success.The PC booted from the CD, OSX was successfully installed and the machine ran it without shutting itself down once.Then, another attempt was made to re-install Windows XP, same problem again, during the setup, the PC shut itself down again., and another CD (of which we know it works) was used too, all to no avail.So, has the PC all of a sudden developed a problem with Windows, or what?Why does it accept every other OS with no problem but does it play up when working under, or even trying to install Windows?If anyone can give me any tips on why this might be happening, I would be very grateful.

  11. OK,thanks for that.The thing is, so many bills come in, and most of them are paid by Direct Debit, so it is easy enough to overlook one.However, I should have looked more carefully and taken action sooner.By the way, it is not BT, it is the Post Office.But I don't think they can just do things the way they did it, it is not my fault they don't send me their bills, is it?

  12. Hi,


    I have my broadband account with The Post Office Ltd.

    (They also provide telephone services, which I do not have with them, but that still makes them a Telco).


    The other week I got a bill for ?132.87, with an accompanying letter saying "The post Office apologised to a small percentage of their customers (of which I was obviously one) because they had been unable to send out a bill to them due to technical difficulties".


    The first thing is, I cannot afford to pay that amount of money in one go, and it is not my fault nor my problem they could not send me their bill nor take their subscription fee.


    Also, on closer inspection, it says the bill is for June 14 2008 to May 19 2009, in other words dating back almost a year.


    I sent the Post Office a message, pointing out that I could not afford this amount all at once, and also making them aware how long their bill went back.

    They sent me an email confirmation of my message, but nobody got in touch.


    Then, yesterday, I got a letter of "Overdue Bill", saying I had not paid the requested amount of May 19 (I did not receive the letter until May 30), and that it might be necessary to restrict or suspend my services in case of non payment.


    The fact is, I seem to remember being told and reading years ago that a telco could charge you for a period of up to going back 6 months.

    I also got in touch with the Office of Fair Trading, but i have as yet not received a reply from them.


    Is there anyone here who could inform me further about the rights I have in this case?

    Surely they cannot just do that?


    Any advice will be most welcome.

  13. Hello,I wish to connect my camcorder to my laptop to do video capture and editing.I have, however, no Firewire on my laptop, nor do I have any slots which would allow me to install a Firewire card.I bought a USB to Firewire cable on Ebay, when connecting it to my laptop I got the message it was not recognised.Then I connected my camcorder to the cable, I also downloaded the drivers from the Samsung website and I got the message the drivers were installed correctly.Yet, when I tried to connect the camcorder, I once again got the message the device was not recognised.My son also tried it on a PC and on a Mac (the description said they were PC and Mac compatible), but it did not work on any of them.According to what I read (very quickly) on a forum somewhere, those cables do not serve the purpose I want the cable for.Is that true?If it is true, could anyone tell me how I would be able to get a Firewire connection on my laptop in order to connect my camcorder?By the way, my laptop is an Emachines E520 running the preliminary version of Windows 7, due to lack of drivers for that OS, I downloaded the Windows Vista 32-bit version, which has so far worked for other devices on Windows 7.Any help will be gratefully accepted.Thank you in advance.Or maybe I should rephrase my earlier question and break it down to something simpler:Since I do not have any Firewire connections on my Emachines E520 laptop, is it possible to connect my Samsung Digital-cam VP-D351 to it by whatever means?The camera only has Firewire connection available to connect to a computer.So, is it possible to connect it to the laptop in any other way to allow me to do video editing?

  14. I have recently bought a laptop with Windows Vista Home Basic on it, and I networked it to my PC, which runs Windows XP SP3.The networking has worked, on both machines, the other machine is recognised, however, when I try to copy a file from my PC to my laptop, and I do it from the laptop, I invariably get a popup which says I need permission to perform this action.When I log into my laptop from the PC, I can copy any file with no problem.On the laptop, the file sharing is set to on, and I have also selected to allow anyone with network access to share files and folders.The PC asks for a username and password, and then lets me through, on the laptop, there is no login screen, I have immediate access, but further access to the files is blocked.Sorry I cannot be more specific, but I am very unfamiliar with that Vista rubbish (don't like it one bit).

  15. I was wondering if a GD2 library is running on the Trap 17 servers.(I am not really sure what that is, but if someone could explain...).I am asking because I run an E-card system on my website, and it has the ability of automatically generating thumbnails of a card when you upload the main image.In the support of the system it says that the thumbnails (or minis as they call them) can be generated when a GD2 library is running on your server.I remember that, in the past, ie. before the whole system got changed with the credits and the hosting plans etc., the system perfectly generated thumbnails of the main image automatically, but now that does not happen anymore.I also noticed I had to change the file properties of my folders in my FTP client, they were all set to non writeable, where they were set to give permission to write to in the past, so something must have changed.However, after changing the permissions, the auto generation still did not occur, hence my question about the GD2 library.Could anyone shed some light on that, please?Thank you in advance.

  16. Have support confirm that your MX record is set to Google. Also make sure that the domain is confirmed and things like that. Something similar happened to me.

    Oh yes, that was all checked and confirmed.Had lots of problems in the beginning with CNAME and MX records and all that stuff, but then I asked Xisto to step in.
    It just happened yesterday, and for some odd reason, on co.cc, my domain was classed as "available" and had disappeared as a result.

    But, as I said, at the moment things seem to be back to normal (touch wood).

  17. Hi,


    I was wondering if there is a problem on Google, meaning the addresses using a domain associated with Xisto.


    I have my email for 2 domains, both hosted at Xisto there, one is adminATvlaanderen-flandersDOTorgDOTuk, with some different aliases set up, and the other one is frankieATalanandfrankieDOTcoDOTcc.


    In case of the first one, I cannot log into my account anymore, it says no such account exists, yet I can still send and receive mail from my email client to and from that account, but I cannot receive email on any alias.


    For the second one, I still receive and send too, but I can't log into it. Also, my domain had disappeared, I had to set it up again and point it to the Xisto - Web Hosting nameservers again at co.cc.


    I have tried to contact google, but email support for free accounts is non existent, you have to sign in with an account that has the format ....@gmail.com, you can't sign into the contact us page with a domain Google email.


    Does anyone know if anything has gone wrong at Google, or if there is a temporary problem, or if the free domain emails have been scrapped?

    It looks like you cannot sign up for mail using a domain name anymore.


    I am asking this here since I have no way to contact Google directly, and also, to check whether the fault might be at Xisto's end, since I have been unable to log into the forum for a few days.


    If anyone could let me know I would be grateful, then maybe I would have to find a way to sign up for email with my domains at Trap 17.


    By the way, that completely unmetered package at Xisto, how much does that cost (Xisto are not very clear on that) and does that include email?


    But, please, could anyone who knows more about this urgently let me know what is going on, as I am desperate to get my email back.


    Thank you in advance.


    Latest update:

    It looks like the problem(s) has (have) now disappeared.

    However, I am waiting with concluding or closing this message until I am sure it is working permanently now.


    In the mean time, if anyone did know anything about Google problems, still feel free to let me know.



  18. OK then,I will give it a try.I have now ZIPped the MIDI file and I will try to upload it.All you have to do to listen is unzip the file and it will appear as a normal .mid file.For the ones among you who know the song, please let me know.(That is if the upload succeeds.)Weeeeeee-heeeeeeeee, it has worked.OK, keep the advice coming.It is there in all its glory.Thanks in advance.


  19. Hi,I am appealing to rugby fans and people who know a bit of song repertoire.I am looking for the title of the song (a rugby song), and the lyrics if possible, although I would probably find those on Google when I know the title.I have made a MIDI file of the song and I wanted to attach it to this post, but it is not allowed.For simplicity's sake, the MIDI is only the melody, no harmonies, no fancy instruments, just one part piano, in order to make it easier to recognise.Has anyone got any idea how I could put the MIDI File somewhere so people can listen to it?Thanks.

  20. Well, I wrote this post while I was having problems with my account.For about a year now I have had my main domain on Trap 17, and when i started using my web space I was advised to park my domain, which worked perfectly (and still does as a matter of fact).Then, later, I acquired a second domain, but that was a lot more difficult to set up, especially since Trap 17 stopped adding the email feature to your hosting and let you take Googlemail accounts instead (mind you, that works great too).However, the second domain i had and the Googlemail feature proved to be much more difficult to set up, due to CNAME, DNS and redirection settings that had to be set correctly.I could not manage to do it on my own, so the guys at Xisto stepped in and did some configuring.It took a long time before it all worked, and at first, my second domain was neither parked nor added on (I really did not have a clue how they managed to do that), but in the end I had one parked (my first) and one addon (My second) domain.So, it looks to me like what someone posted earlier in this thread is true: parked and addon domains are practically the same.However, it might be (for as far as my knowledge goes) that addon domains might be a little bit better, as now, the site I built using my second domain has all its files tucked away in a neat and easily recognisable folder named the same as my domain.

  21. Thank you for the explanations, Saint Michael.I am not 100% sure that spot is for resetting your cpanel password, I think it is to change your password to log into Xisto - Support.Anyway, I would rather not take any chances now, I have raised a ticket about this.I have no udea why, but Cpanel just keeps rejecting my login details, obviously I am frightened to try too often, because that might get my IP address banned again.It is bad enough I cannot get through to Cpanel or FTP to update my website.

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