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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. i am upset when i hear the words that "justice has been served" because in my eyes, justice will never be served.

    I do take your point there, anwiii, justice has indeed not been served, and, yes, probably will never been served, but you could say that monster has faced justice.

    As someone (rightly in my opinion) stated in a readers' letter in the newspaper I read: "I am glad he got shot without any form of trial whatsoever, as a dirty dog like him did not deserve a trial".

    I do agree with that, I must admit, but, that does not fully serve justice.

    i understand the emotions of the american people while waving the u.s. flag, but to me, it is ridiculous to celebrate a man's death when so many other people were involved in attacks on u.s. and non u.s. soil. to me, this is a time for mourning those people. not to celebrate one man's death. this is a time to reflect and mourn.

    It would indeed be better to hold serene services to mourn the people who were killed in the atrocities, but human emotions are funny things, I bet there are people among them who 'celebrate' Bin Laden's death with a burning pain in their heart, because of lost ones close to them, or because of the overall pain the atrocities of 9/11 have caused, but simply let out their emotions, resulting in what looks like a celebration, let us not forget, some people cry when they are happy too.

    Although I am sure there will probably be some kind of initiative soon to remember the dead now the brain behind their murders has been brought to justice. (This would be appropriate to say the least).

    it is also a time to prepare for other attacks and not be so complacent within this so called celebration when common sense tells me there will be vengeful actions and attacks after u.s. military was the sole purpose of killing the founder of the al-queda. it's not over. it's FAR from over. more people will die, and people are celebrating.

    I too, think it is far from over, I think revenge is already being prepared, but, as I said, people celebrating, that can of course be due to human emotions, or the "relief" of suddenly hearing that, if not justice, at least revenge has happened.

    It is, however, time to be very vigilant from now on, even me, as a non-American, live in a country that has suffered terror attacks (7/7 for example), and I too think we are on thin ice now.

    osama bin laden is dead. after nearly a 10 year man hunt. justice ISN'T served, but it is a nice victory in the war on terrorism. good riddance you scum sucking mother *BLEEP*er bin laden!

    Justice has not been served, but I would call it "at least Bin Laden has been brought to justice", or, "at least there has been some form of revenge".
    I agree with the end of your sentence too, and would like to add: "May he, instead of getting 77 virgins, burn forever, preferably in pig's fat".

    Finally, what are they complaining about?
    He wanted a death as a martyr, didn't he? Well, he has had what he wanted now (at least from his and his organisation's point of view).
    Some martyr, urging people to blow themselves up to kill other people, promising them life in heaven with 77 virgins, but going into hiding himself, the dirty coward.

  2. My problem is quite difficult to explain, but I will give it a try anyway, as it is a very annoying problem.It all started after Xisto had a suspected server session error, one day, about two weeks ago, none of my forms on my website worked anymore, and other PHP scripts would not run properly neither.The reason why I mention the suspected server session error is because I sent a log of the error messages my form pages generated to the author of my form building software, and he replied they clearly indicated a server session error.Anyway, now for the problem itself:In most of the scripts it was resolved automatically, but, before, when I had a script involving a login screen, it pre-filled my username field with login names that belonged to other forms, and nothing I could do to change it, when I typed in the correct username, it automatically reverted back to what was pre-filled, obviously leading to a "Wrong username or password, please try again" error message.Now, this morning, I tried to log in to a section of my site which I had not used for a while, the username for that particular section is "admin", yet, as soon as I touch the username field, it gives a drop-down saying "Admin".When I go back to the field and change it to "admin", it stubbornly keeps reverting back to "Admin", hence leaving me unable to login.What I was wondering now is: would this be due to a cookie that started playing up after the server error?It looks like that to me, as, as far as my knowledge goes, cookies are a means of remembering data for a certain website or part thereof, so, could it be a cookie of one part of the login data that has taken over for all of them?Does anyone recognise this problem, or has anyone experienced something like that before?If anyone knows a solution, I would be very grateful to hear about it.I apologise for not being able to explain matters more clearly, but I tried to describe the error to the best of my ability, due to my limited knowledge.Thank you.

  3. Yes, indeed, I will try all the solutions you mention, I do agree the solution can sometimes be in a very small corner.Just to re-iterate, all the print is clean, nicely crisp and black (it is a monochrome print, by the way, forgot to mention that), no smearing or streaking, except for a sentence hear and there which seems to be left with "no feet" :rolleyes: meaning the lower serifs seem to be gone, but once again, there is not a single trace of smearing of any kind in those sentences.i do seem to remember I put the cartridge in there over a year ago, and as I said, the inkjet is not my main printer, I only use it for copying and scanning, so, unfortunately, it is difficult to say when the problem DID NOT occur last.But, a good tip, I will try to clean the print head a bit more thoroughly by means of a paper towel, and see what happens, and I will also go through the other things you advise if i have no luck there.Anyway, thanks for all the good advice, I shall try it all out and i will keep you posted on my progress.Thanks again.

  4. I have a HP Deskjet F2200 All in One (Inkjet printer, Copier, Scanner).Since I have a Canon Laser Printer too, the HP is only for secondary use, and gets mostly used for copying and scanning.It has come to my attention now that, when I print a document, in some sentences (not all of them) the bottom of the letters seem to be 'chopped off'.My initial thought was that, due to the secundary use of the printer, maybe the ink had become a bit dry, so I did some maintenance by cleaning the print head.(I forgot to mention that the ink level indicator tells me both the black and colour cartridges are still all right).First of all, the test image came out rather 'streaky', but that got better after further maintenance.After the last run-through, when the test image had come out quite clean, I tried again, and the text was nice and crisp and black, but, once again, some sentences were still missing their bottom bits.Has anyone come across something similar in the past, or even better, does anyone know a solution for this problem?The reason why I ask this question here is: HP are very fast and eager to sell, but once they have done so, the customer is of no further value to them, it seems.They require, in order to be able to contact them, that your device is still in guarantee, otherwise you have to pay for support, and can't even send them a simple email.Some customer service.Anyway, if anyone would be able to help, I would be very grateful.

  5. A friend and I wish to use the same email address from two separate locations/computers. Can this be done and if so how?
    Thank you for your time and response.

    The best thing to do would be (if your ISP has the feature) to set the email address to receive as IMAP rather than POP3.
    Then just enter the same server and login details on both computers and you are good to go.

    If you ISP does not offer IMAP access, then he other solution is to (a bit crappy, I know, but at least it helps) instruct Outlook to leave the mail on the server, then it will appear on both machines.
    (Obviously, you still have to set the server and login details on both computers).

    Hope that answers your question.

  6. It is quite simle to send an automatic confirmation email to people after they have filled in a form on your website.I was wondering now if the same would be possible via SMS, so, instead of confirming their submission by email, doing it by text message.The idea occurred because they have a system at my doctor's surgery: whenever you have booked an appointment, you get a reminder SMS 24 hours prior to the appointment.Are there any scripts, or is there any code to put your own mobile phone in action in this way?I know there are certain websites from which you can send a free SMS by filling in the recipient's number and the message you wish to send, so there are probably scripts available to achieve wha I wish to do.The only thing I would like, of course, is that the sending of SMS's is free.I wouldn't wanted to be presented with a hefty bill just for providing a service to people (or at least testing such a service for a while first).Also, would the opposite be possible, could I put a form on my website where people can contact me via SMS without me having o reveal my mobile phone number?Would a script for that be available?I have had a look on hotscripts.com, but have not really found what I was looking for there.Can anyone come up with some other suggestions, please?Thank you in advance.

  7. 1. Just listen me , convert to .ogg , and read the whole post. I said you should specify sources for best compatibility.

    Yes, that is advisable, however, I saw it happening on Youtube, and the one doing it only embedded the .mp4 video, but he was using Google Chrome, that probably had something to do with the fact it worked immediately.

    The film can be seen here.

    2. Ermm you are beginner at HTML. Closing tags means for example <b> needs to be closed with </b> , img should be closed as <img src="blabla" /> so you can see that "/" at the end of the tag.

    Yes, of course I know about the "pairs" of tags (<i></i>,<script></script>,<object></object> etc.), I had missed the absence of the "/>" at the end of the video tag, though. (To err is human).


    3. Codecs are mainly problem , but HTML5 is more than stable. It just needs to be cross-browser.


    As I said, it is probably because of the use of Google Chrome the whole thing worked, I started with literally taking his code, but had no luck with it.

    Maybe the man making the HTML page in the film should have been a bit clearer about the use of the browser, and about the fact that certain codecs only work with certain browsers.

    (Which is why the conversion is necessary, so ou can use one of the formats for older browsers too, browsers which do not yet support HTML5).


    However, like I said, the man in the video could have been a bit clearer and could have explained things a bit further.


    Finally, why do you object against using <center></center>?

    That is exactly what happens in the video.

  8. It should work if you have HTML5 compatible browser. Did you tried it to encode it in .ogg? That might be the problem.

    I do have a number of HtML5 compatible browsers, but the code runs in none of them.Converting to .oog is an option, but is mainly to overcome (in)compatibility problems.

    Also MIME types could be the problem. Did you tried to add the Video/SV_A0010.mp4 in your URL bar and test if it shows something?

    Yes, added it to a URL and it played perfectly.

    Second , video tag is not closed.

    Where do you see that?
    <video src="Video/SV_A0010.mp4" controls="controls" width="500" height="300">
    It does have a beginning and an end tag, or am I mistaken?

    Anyway, thank you for your reply, but I do have the impression HTML5 is far from stable yet, or the browsers that are supposed to support it anyway.

  9. I would be very interested to see the menu in action.However, when I click on the link you provided I am greeted with a 404 error (The page you are looking for cannot be found).Have you changed something or removed it?Like I said, I would love to check it out.(Just noticed the original post is a few years old, however, the person who posted last, less than a week ago, seems to have ran the script).I shall try to copy and paste the Java and HTML and see if I have any luck.OK, I tried that and it works.It does indeed look good.I will try, if I need to, to post here if I have any further questions, eg. for customising the script and things like that (since, as I mentioned before, the original post is quite old).Great job, though.Keep up the good work.

  10. Believe it or not, web_designer,


    when I went back to my sites this morning and started testing, all forms were present and every single one worked.


    Same thing, my E-card script I run had always worked with no problem up to yesterday, when i accessed it, it still worked, but was showing lots of script errors on top, although I hadn't touched it.


    It had also come to my attention that uploading did not work 100% as it should:


    When I used Filezilla the server always timed out and I had to try twice or three times (which never happened before, it even happened for very small files).

    When I uploaded from my HTML Editor it also took ages, and then I had to retry at least once to be able to uploadmy files.

    I rarely or never had problems with that in the past, and, once again that worked properly this morning.


    So, since everything works without me doing any work on it, there might have been a temporary fault at Xisto's end, and maybe it had stopped/been resolved at the time you tested your website.


    I will have a look on the Xisto website too to check if there has been any outage or disturbance or anything.


    And, yes, I do use the backup feature.


    So, I am glad things are back to normal.

    Thank you for your reply.


    Happy Easter.

  11. I was wondering if Xisto have made any changes to PHP and/or MySQL.(version, SAFE MODE or whatever).The reason I am asking is because I have a number of forms running on my websites, most of them send the entered information to a MyQL database.It has now come to my attention that some of the forms (might be all of them, have not had ime to test them all yet) have stopped working and just leave me with lots of errors.All my forms used to work flawlessly, as they were all tested thoroughly before going live.Or, if no changes have aken place, could it be a temporary fault with the system at Xisto, or would thr fault be my end (I can't really see that, as, like I said before, everything used to work perfectly, and I have not made any changes at all).If anyone has (had) similar experiences or knows anything more about the matter, could they please enlighten me?Thanks in advance.

  12. In my case, that is Dutch, English, German, French and Italian.We had to learn 4 languages in secondary school, and I traveled a lot and worked in a lot of different countries, so that was useful for me.I also learned a bit extra by self study.Because of doing karate and most of the instructions from 1st kyu being in Japanese, I began to develop an interest in that language, but it is burning on a very low flame at the moment (Until I have a bit more time).Due to working in Greece (and having studied classic Greek at school) I also learned a bit of modern Greek, but the problem is, if you do not maintain those things, they easily get forgotten.An Iraqi friend of mine also started teaching me classical Arabic, but he moved away, so I am stuck, although he said that I would begin to speak it soon since I picked up the grammar quickly.Maybe it will happen one day, who knows.I am and have always been a language maniac, unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day.

  13. Hi,
    I was testing a bit of HTML5 today, and attempted to embed an .mp4 video into a web page, using CoffeeCup HTML Editor (which normally supports HTML5.

    I used the following code:

    <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">  <head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <meta name="generator" content="CoffeeCup HTML Editor (http://www.coffeecup.com/)">    <meta name="created" content="Sat, 23 Apr 2011 10:50:37 GMT">    <meta name="description" content="">    <meta name="keywords" content="">    <title>HTML5 Video Test</title>        <style type="text/css">    <!--    body {      color:#000000;      background-color:#FFFFFF;    }    a  { color:#0000FF; }    a:visited { color:#800080; }    a:hover { color:#008000; }    a:active { color:#FF0000; }    -->    </style>    <!--[if IE]>    <script src="http://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>    <![endif]-->  </head>  <body><center><h2>HTML5 Video Test!</h2><br /><video src="Video/SV_A0010.mp4" controls width="500" height="300"></center>  </body></html>

    As you can see in the very first line, the DOCTYPE is set to use HTML5.
    Then, for the embeddding iself, I do not see any syntax errors in the <video src=...... line, nor does CoffeeCup indicate any.

    Yet, when I open the web page, no matter whether I use Firefox 4, IE 9, Google Chrome or Opera 12 (although I believe that one does not fully support HTML5 yet), the screen shows up, the controls show, but there is a grey X in the middle of he video screen, and, obviously, nothing plays when I click Play.

    Also, the folder containing the film exists, the mp4 film exists and plays when played on its own, it is in the correct folder and the path to the folder/file is also set correcly.

    Does anyone see something here I might have missed?

    Thank you in advance.

  14. Yes, that is a good idea.It might not be that easy and a lot of trial and error, but some planning and calculation will make a lot of difference.However, I am already on the Logic Pro Plan (the $6.66 a month one), so I don't see myself running out of space/bandwidth for quite some time to come.But thank you for the tip about the upgrades for $1 a month extra etc., as this is not very clearly indicated on the Xisto customer site (or maybe I looked in the wrong place), I will definitely bear that in mind.Anyway, thank you for the useful tips.

  15. i have embedded videos in different file formats on my websites. my first concern is how the video looks and how i need to give the play, stop, pause controls to my visitor. the annoying videos i come across on other website is where no controls are given to the visitor except for maybe a pause option if you click the video itself.

    One of my concerns too, but flowplayer deals with that quite well, which is obviously one reason why I use it.All controls are there, including volume and full screen.

    if you upload the video yourself, your two concerns would be space and bandwidth. the only way around this is to upload your video to a video sharing site and embed from there. you wont use up resources, but you will have to use the skin provided by the video sharing site. for example, youtube. this can look less professional though so it's not recommended for business websites. for personal websites, this would be the solution.

    The less professional look of the Youtube skin is exactly one of my concerns too.Granted, no resources are used.

    unfortunately everything is give and take.....so when you're getting something good from one option, you are giving up something else so in the end, it's about personal preference. there is no right or wrong way. it's based on personal preference, and yours seem to be to limit the resource.

    A consequence of the imperfect world we live in, I guess. :(

    now you can also limit the quality of the video when uploading to your server, but i highly don't suggest sacrificing the quality of the video. at least that would be MY preference. you would do this through whatever video editing software you use.

    No, I do not feel much like doing that neither.As I said, I am not aiming for HD quality, but it has to be watchable.

    flv is a good format. i use that and mp4....

    I do like to use flv too, but, I might be mistaken, but I have the impression mp4 videos are quite a bit bigger in size.
    Or maybe, if push comes to shove, I might try to find (and experiment with) a file sharing site, store my files there and then let flowplayer link back to those.
    (The place has to be reliable, of course).
    Would that be an option, until I get the Ultimate Linux plan one day?
    Although, as I said, web space and bandwidth are not really an issue to me (yet, but it would be when my number of videos increase).

    Anyway, thank you for your explanation.
    Had a feeling it would be a no-win situation.

  16. I embed video clips into my website regularly.I have my own way of doing things which works without any problems (meaning it gives me no problem embedding it and watcing it), however, I am concerned about a few hings.My first concern is web space.Although I have a generous amount of web space, video clips can take up quite some space.Then comes compatibility.As I said, I never had a problem watching any video, but that was on my system (Windows) and with the browsers I have available (Firefox4, Google Chrome and IE().Here is the way I work at the moment:I have HTML5 available in my HTML editor, but I don't use it fully yet, because of browser compatibility issues.I also find it somewhat clumsy to upload videos to Youtube and then embedding them, eg. for all the Youtube logos splattered on your video as one objection.I use the free Flowplayer and upload the videos to my web space in .flv format, and then just let them play in Flowplayer.Would anyone recommend this kind of method or would there be certain objections, the argument being there are much better methods of doing things?I will gladly take any advice on board, as adjusting is not so much an issue to me, all the software I have easily allows me conversion to practically any format.Like I said, my main concern is saving web space (since I am not a great fan of uploading to Youtube), and I think the quality in .flv is reasonable, it does not exactly have to be HD quality, as long as it is clearly watchable.(Even if you think always using .wmv might save space, fine, as long as the quality is not as if it is playing on one of the first 1950s television sets).So, if anyone can guide me further on whether to keep doing things as I am now, or advise a change, I will be glad to listen.Thank you in advance.

  17. I think there is a semantics problem here. When you say "universe", it automatically contains everything (I think). So there can't be multiple everythings... Just correcting the words here. Correct me if I'm wrong.


    No need to correct you, because you are not wrong. :)


    The broad definition of Universe is: "All matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole".


    However, talking about semantics, if the starter of this topic had said "Can there be more than one galaxyor more than one solar system?" (which I assume is what he really meant to start a discussion about, especially when I see his words):

    We have not gone anywhere outside our own solar system.

    Yet some scientists, in which there is greatest among the greats Sir Einstien also, believe that there is more than one universe in which we can go by passing through a worm hole.

    I think he would have left much more room for discussion.

    Since galaxy and solar system are part of the universe, but by no means make up the universe itself as a whole, I think the scientists might have had a point for their hypotheses.


    After all, we might have achieved a lot in exploring more and more of our own galaxy/solar system due to improved technology and knowledge, we are still only scratching the surface (and scratching it very lightly, I would even say).

    So far, we have always learned there are 9 planets.

    From Earth, five of those can be seen with the naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

    The other three (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) become visible when we use a telescope.


    This is, of course, only with the help of our (may I say) limited senses, and by means of (forgive me if this sounds a bit derogatory) low-tech equipment.

    Attempts have been made to discover more detail regarding all this by means of rigorous research and the investment of billions of whatever currency in hi-tech equipment and the improvements thereof, and the training of human investigators.


    Although considerable progress has been made in this field, it has never been proven that astronauts have reached any limit/boundary of our galaxy or solar system, nor has it been proven or disproven that such limits/boundaries exist.


    Also, the most sophisticated machinery has thus far not reported any sort of border to a galaxy, or evidence that it has spotted any other occurences of things such as planets, stars, suns or even life outside our solar system (once again, due to that same reason it has not disproven there is nothing more out there).


    Let us not forget, something that can't be seen or heard or felt does not automatically mean that something is not there/does not exist.


    Scientists are well aware of the fact that, due to our limited knowledge, and the limited possibilities of our equipment (no matter how sophisticated) that they cannot be conclusive about the existence of other solar systems, planets (other than our 9 known ones) or life forms elsewhere in the universe. (This time I am using the word, because of the holistic approach).


    However, I would like the answer to the question to the people who are much morespecialised than myself, and who are constantly being trained and train others themselves to find out things like those.


    I just thought it might be interesting to add a few thoughts, and to point out that there might indeed be a semantic issue here, rather than a scientific one.

  18. like you don't have any chip on your shoulder with this forum or with me at all. i really love the way you word things haha

    Haven't we all got a chip on our shoulder from time to time?Looks like you have a huge one constantly, must be hard to carry.
    Glad you like my choice of words, even if you are being sarcastic.

    anyway, if it's any consolation,i haven't received any mycents in a couple weeks. obviously the script is failing to run.

    Once again proves my point there is something wrong.Didn't know about the script not running so I enquired, if you want to call that nagging or complaining, that is your problem.

    see there? it really isn't as bad as you're making everything seem. heck. if worse comes to worse and you find yourself needing hosting, just pay the $30 a year of hosting and domain. even a teenager without a job can afford that. life doesn't have to be as cruel or complicated as you make it out.

    Yes, I gathered that.
    Forgive my angelic ignorance, oh great oracle, and Patron(ising) Saint of the forum.
    It shall not happen again.
    End of discussion.

  19. Also, in case you missed it, I started this thread to try and ask what I thought was a legitimate question.In my ignorance (not ashamed to admit I am a novice at certain things) I thought the errors I received were an indication something was happening on the forum, which is why I posted to ask a)if work/maintenance was being done on the forum (see the topic title) and b)if a hacker could be at work.I don't see any complaining in that, and I would also like to know if it is still allowed asking a simple question (although the answer might have been obvious to others and although it might not have been a FIR although I assumed it was because this error message experience was new to me).And then, a further thread in the post, I was mentioning errors beginning to occur which I had not experienced before, such as my MyCens not having been updated in 5 days (it have been 7 days in the mean time, this never happened before, which is why I mentioned it) and the forum constantly forgetting my login details, these errors were indeed new to me, but, of course, if it is a crime to mention that, accept my most humble apologies.Anyway, nuff said, if you doubt my intentions for the use of this forum, do a search and look at some of the things I have posted here, you will find there is quite a variety from seeking help and support over taking part in social and political discussions and more, so my MyCents have come from other sources than just repeating myself.But from now on I will obey your command and not ask any questions about the forum anymore, even if it is something like asking how a certain feature of the forum works.At least I will not commit any sacrilege then.

  20. You thought you complained a lot?Well, yes, you do.You have not stopped flaming me yet, even for saying things which are 100% true.Never mind, if I have something to say, I will do so, and if things are not working properly I will mention them and no one is going to stop me from doing so.By the way, are you a member of "the powers that be" here now?If I go somewhere else, it'll be my decision, not because you urge me to.

  21. Thanks again for your reply, rvalkass.I do appreciate and understand where most of (if not all of) the errors come from, I also appreciate that none of us have any control at all over the things that are happening.However, that does not alter the fact that most of those things are incredibly annoying, and the fact that SOMEONE should be able to do something about them (but does not seem interested to do so).I will definitely get in touch with Xisto and submit a ticket if my credits do not get added in the next one or two days, as that is something that SHOULD work properly, how else are we going to get payment for our hosting together?I remember that (in my case anyway) the MyCents system tended to be a bit irregular when it came to updating, but I think five days is a very long time, especially if you have been posting every day during that time.Anyway, we will see how things go, and if I have to submit a ticket, I will see what Xisto have to say for themselves.I really hope things can get sorted and start working properly again for a change.Anyway, rvalkass, thank you for your contributions to the forums, people replying seem to have become an endangered species here.

  22. Sorry I have to jump in here again, but I was wondering if anyone has noticed things seem to be getting worse here.


    My MyCent credits have not updated for five days, although I have been posting every day.

    The PHP errors are now constantly appearing at the top.

    When I read a certain topic and I come back to the homepage, I seem to be forgotten by the forum and have to sign in again.

    Sometimes I have to try five or six times to open a topic for reading.

    These are things I have began to notice from today (apart from the MyCents one, of course).

    I would really like to know if other people are experiencing similar things, or if I will be the vilain again for posting about problems with this forum.

    Another thing I need to mention: as I am typing this message, my cursor is completely invisible in this window, I am not sure whether that has anything to do with the forum, it is happening, nevertheless.


    How I wish someone would sort this place out so it, at least, works properly, surely Opaque/Xisto must be losing business the way things are going, or don't they see that or don't they care?


    I thought a web hosting company (or any company for that matter) existed in the first place to make a profit, not to drive customers away.

    (Not that I am trying to interfere in the day to day running of Xisto, but I am just pointing out that things the way they are going cannot be good for business, it is obviously their problem, not mine).


    By the way, as I mentioned in another post, I attached a screenshot of the favicon that appears while the site is loading, before going on to the familiar blue triangle:


    post-46682-094270300 1303205768_thumb.png

  23. Thank you for that explanation, rvalkass.So, it was idle hope that someone was trying to do some maintenance here, as my initial thought was that a bulletin board which was up and running and working would normally not generate any script errors, just because of the fact that everything was ok in the script.At least, people still get a polite answer from you, without any sarcasm or flaming, who said ignorance was bliss?Thank you again.

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