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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. It is definitely true that, all over the globe, quite a few places still lack proper access facilities for the disabled.While, in most of the places that I know of anyway, there are clear signs sayng "No dogs allowed (Except guide dogs)" or something similar, the other facilities are lagging behind terribly, or at least, the whole concept is overlooked.I used to teach a course for disabled people at a college, where most of the facilities had been put into place, however, they had overlooked access to certain rooms.For example, there was no way a wheelchair user could gain access to the computer room or the recordng studio, due to lack of proper access features, and due to the way the rooms were built, and the place in the building were they were built.So, it looks like there is a lot of work left to be done, and yes, I do understand it does take time before every shop, school, college and whatever else is ready to comply to the rules.On a funny note, however: in a place I have to visit now and then, you have to take the lift to get to your destination, and in the lift, there are instructions on the wall, telling you what to do in case of a breakdown.The good thing is, the same sign is also there, written in Braille, and, no matter how good the intentions, my question is: "how is a blind person going to know that sign is there?", even though it is written in a kind of writing they can read? I just thought that lead to some thinking.
  2. Right,in that case they have changed the system then.Like I said, after having been here for four years and never having needed additional hosting, I hadn't really followed the evolution of certain things.I remember when I signed up, you had to have a certain number of posts first, then you had to post in a certain topic where you had to give a number of details and apply for your hosting.After that you had to wait for approval, you got an email about ths (If I remember correctly) and it was posted in a special topic too.Well, it has surely become a lot simpler now.Thanks for the explanation.
  3. Like the title of my post says: I apologise if I am in the wrong place here, but I have been here for more than four years now, and since that time I never needed to set up a new hosting account but now I do.I have had a look round the forums, but once again, after such a long time, I couldn't find what I was looking for, even after typing in some search terms, so, could someone here either poin me to the right place, or answer my question?I am trying to find out wht the procedure is for starting a hosting account.I seem to remember that, in the past, you had to accumulate a number of credits, and then apply for your hosting.Has that changed at all, or is it still the same?(I want to help someone start hosting their account at Xiato).Could someone point me to the right place on the forum, or briefly explain the correct procedure, please?All help will be much appreciated.
  4. Well, I think the death penalty should exist and be brought back in the countries/states where it was abolished. Like sheepdog says: I obviously tend to agree with that, it is barbaric to, like they do in some countries (or used to do in some countries) to hang someone, just because he/she said something that sounds disrespectful to the president or prime minister, but for a (mass) murderer or child molester or someone who has committed similar horrible crimes, why should they still be allowed a place in our society (I have seen some examples of people like hat who were let loose on society again after their crime, and who commtted exactly the same crime), only to be a danger to everyone again, and, why should we, the tax payers, have to pay to keep them in jail, feed them etc. especially in a jail that has more of a luxury hotel than of a prison. Also, as for the death penalty being a deterrent, inea said: I am not so sure this is not fair to the people who committed a crime, is it fair for them to commit the crime in the first place, destroy the lives of whole families, put the people of the community at risk? It is indeed true (although we are on thin ice here) that the death penalty could be a deterrent, however, that should not mean that (like in some countries), people should be excuted for almost nothing, that is no longer a deterrent, that makes the death penalty sheer terror by a dictatorial regime. However, it might make some people (except true psychopaths, of course) think twice before committing certain crimes, just thinking of the consequences their crime might have for them. It is, on the other hand, also true, that the death penalty can be exploited politically, as I said in the opening bit of this post, however, this works both ways, people being executed just to get a political opponent out of the way, also creates martyrs, which then, in turn can speak against the concept of the death penalty, however, in cases lke that, it is safe to speak about a death penalty without just causes, a killing for settling a difference between people, which says a lot more about the one ordering the execution than about the executed him(her)self. It is indeed a very complicated matter, and although I am in favour of the death penalty (only in certain cases, of course), I do have my reservations against death penalty in certain cases, without proper evidence, or just a death penalty with no crime, eg. to get rid of people who get in somebody's way. But nevertheless, if the law is very clear, and people are only executed for the most horrible of crimes (and yes, not just to make an example out of them, otherwise we get situations like the ones in the French Revolution, to mention only one), then I would say "Executioner, proceed".
  5. Yes, I can see some slip through the net.Mine certainly has.Just makes it look as if we are not posting (enough).I wonder when they are going to pull their finger out here.
  6. I wish I had thought of doing it the way anwiii suggests before.For a good number of days now, I posted a reasonable short post, no copying and pasting, no spam, a legitimate question about something happening n certain browsers, only, I had the misfortune (or should I say "I was silly enough?") to post it in "The Internet", which requires approval of the posts these days.I have known in the past there could be a bit of delay here before posts that needed approval appeared here, but, about 4 days at least is a bit too much of a good thing in my book.Are there really no moderators here who visit these place regularly, or can't they just be bothered anymore to read through new posts and approving them where needed?There certainly was a time when I saw things happening differently here.
  7. I was wondering why I get "Welcome to nginx" when a page cannot be found?Is that something new or a replacement for the old "404 This page cannot be found" error message?I usually get this in Google Chrome when a website refuses to load (Sometimes in Firefox too).Is it normal for that to appear, or does it indicate a problem?Does anyone know anything further about this?Thank you.An update: I have now learned that "nginx" stands for "Engine X", but I cannot say the explanation makes me a lot wiser.I also need to re-iterate that I only get this when a page cannot be found while i am using Google Chrome to browse.It never seems to happen in Internet Explorer or Firefox.The main thing that I would like to know is "is this an nnocent announcement of a 404 error as used by Google Chrome, or is it something more sinister (malicious, malware or something the like)".
  8. I am afraid I have to agree.I, too, have spent nearly four happy years here, with great hosting features, a great uptime of the sites, great and helpful support and more.Then, about this forum itself, it used to be full of competent, knowledgeable and helpful people, and, more often than not, if you ever posted about a technical problem here, chances were you had a bunch of answers in less than half an hour.Now, most of those people do not seem to be here anymore, spam is growing quickly here, the forum is incredibly slow to load and as fr the Xisto hosting, I have had two tickets where I had a reply the senior management was looking into my problem, and after weeks of that, the problems are still there.No, things have defnitely changed here and at Xisto, and certainly not for the better.
  9. Thank you for your reply, Nnnoooooo.I just burned the folder on to a DVD in Nero Vision and that did the job.However, someone else also advised me to burn the whole folder on a DVD as a Data DVD, and that will work too, since that type (a VIDEO_TS folde) is just a copy of a shop bought DVD.Do you know if that is right?Thanks.
  10. I would like to know if it is possible to do something to a hyperlink so it only works once.The reason I am asking is because I am trying to organise a sort of online "Name that Tune" competition, ie. people click the link, and the piece to be recognised is played for 20 seconds.Obviously, just like on the live show, people should only be able to listen to the sound clip once, rather than keep clicking to hear the sound clip again and again.Is there a way to achieve that?Thank you.
  11. I use Nero Multimedia Suite 10 to do my video burning.However, now I have to burn a DVD, but the source file(s) use a format I have not used in a very long time.I have a folder, called VIDEO_TS, containig 28 files, there are three kinds of files in the folder: .IFO, .BUP and .VOB.I have burned films lke that in the past, but i have completely forgotten how to do it, and the Nero manual is not very clear on the matter.Is there anyon here who can help me out, please?Thank you in advance.
  12. Yesterday, August 18th, 2011, disaster struck at the pop festival Pukkelpop in Hasselt in Flanders. Something which had to be a fun and happy event turned into a living nightmare. All of a sudden, the weather took a turn for the worse when it started raining, this rain was soon followed by massive hailstones and wind which reached speeds in excess of 100 kilometres per hour. At the time, the group Skunk Anansi were performing, and singer Skin,being in the middle of her song, tried to go on as if nothing was happening, but when things got worse, the wind literally blew her off the stage, which is when the performance was stopped. Afterwards, Skin declared: "In the middle of our set we had to run for our lives when the hailstones started falling onto the stage and when the wind was tearing open the cover sails of the stage". Three of the stages, along with some food and drink tents were completely destroyed, either by being blown to pieces by the mini-hurricane, or by uprooted trees that fell on them or by a combination of both. In the chaos that arose, the moble phone traffic got supercharged, as everyone tried to get in touch with their friends and loved ones who were also present at the festival, or the people present tried to phone home to let their relatives know the latest developments. Yet, mobile provider Proximus stated they had increased the capacity of their network and put two extra portable aerials at the place of the festival, none of the aerials were affected by the weather, the network just could not handle the excess traffic that arose because of the circumstances. The sad outcome is five people died, and 35 are seriously injured, of which three are still fighting for their lives and are either in a coma or are kept in an artificial coma. Although the festival was attended by people from all over the world, all people who got killed are Flemings. It was immediately decided to cancel the whole festival altogether. The transport companies laid on extra trains and buses in order to get people home quickly, and the airline companies have decided to validate the tickets of international visitors immediately, rather than have them wait to return home until Sunday. Since many people lost their camping equipment, or simply had no more room to stay at the scene, friendly people from the neighbourhood made their spare rooms and garages available to accommodate those people and give them breakfast in the morning. The festival committee announced in a press conference that, out of respect for the dead and wounded, the festival will not continue, which is a financial disaster for them, but they think the respect for the victims should have priority over money, which I personally think is the only correct decision too. Some shocking pictures can be seen in the following links. WARNING!!!Those pictures are not for sensitive viewers. Youtube link 1 Youtube link 2 Youtube link 3 Youtube link 4 Youtube link 5 Youtube link 6 Youtube link 7 Youtube link 8 Let us also spare a thought for the innocent victims.
  13. OK, some people might feel this is vulgar, but I just felt I had to add the good old Spaghetti Bolognese to the list. Ingredients: 250 grammes mince (beef, pork, or a mix of both). 1 good sized onion. 2 cloves of garlic. 1 tin of peeled tomatoes. Tomato puree. A knob of butter or a dash of olive oil. 1 red, green or orange pepper (or a mix, once again). 150 grammes mushrooms. 500 grammes spaghetti. Pepper and salt. Optional: 2 slices of ham, 2 dl of dry white wine. Start with frying the onions and garlic in the butter or oil until lightly brown. Add the mince and brown it while stirring occasionally. When the mince is nicely brown, add the sliced pepper(s) and mushrooms, let cook further. Bring to taste with pepper and salt. When the mushrooms and peppers are tender, add the sliced ham (if used), the chopped tomatoes and the tomato puree and stir everything. In the mean time, put on the spaghetti in lightly salted water with a touch of butter or a drop of oil in it (against sticking). Obviously, if so desired, some basil can be added to the sauce too. Stir the sauce until the chopped tomatoes fall apart, if you use it, add the wine and let simmer until you have drained the spaghetti. Pour the sauce over the spaghetti and sprinkle Parmesan or Mozzarella cheese over the top. Buon Appetito.
  14. Yes, the address I gave you was the one I signed up with and it has never changed.Also, I am not saying anyone is implying anything, I just did not know about the original post appearing at any page (nor did I notice it) until anwiii pointed it out.
  15. I am even more confused now.The post above the last one is an EXACT copy of my opening post, it is there as if I posted it.I NEVER just copy and paste my own post, except for bits of it to quote to either set a reminder or to argue a point.So, could someone explain to me why my post has been duplicated in my name?Also, I have no warnings or anything, I am sure that would be the case if I did something like that. (Or would it????)I have also noticed my credit has gone from 32.02 to 70.04 (or back to 70.04, I don't know) after a number of posts, while my total credit amount has remained at $5.92.Obviously, there is no way to check, but have some credits been taken away from me, or has my credit (in spite of about 3 posts) only gone up <40 cents?But the first thing I would like to know is how that post got copied and pasted word by word, and under my own name.Further, I have not yet received any email at all from Xisto when my credit amount changes, as I have never had from day one.
  16. Well, the thing is: I AM on GAMMA.However, I did not talk to Shree.He responded to a ticket that was submitted long ago, and I lost my wick and told them they had written they were going to look into it and let me know when they had a solution.That was about a month ago, and I told them so.That is when I got Shree's reply.
  17. I certainly did not make any major changes to anything, nor did I delete any of my posts.If a mod did something like that, I certainly got no notification nor any warnings. I am definitely outta luck. What a load of rubbish this has become.
  18. Thank you, anwiii, but, I'm afraid that does not make me much wiser.According to the diagram, ALPHA and THETA both have a green tick for HTTP, FTP and POP3, SIVA is not even there, but so does my current server, which is GAMMA.Also, THETA has a server load of 2.56, GAMMA of 2.05, while ALPHA's server load is not available.Also, ALPHA's Uptime is not available.Since what they said was "that you can check response of following servers :-" it does not show me anything about response time, unless they mean the server load, in which case GAMMA (my current server) has the lowest figure.Nicely explained by support how or where I am supposed to check it.
  19. Another funny thing now:Yesterday I was on 78.41, with a total balance of $5.92, today I am on 32.02, which means I must have moved up to the next dollar, yet my total balance is still $5.92, how do you work that one out?
  20. I received an email from Xisto - Support today: OK, fine, the only question is: "How do I do that"? How can I check data on a server which contains no data I own (ie. which I do not have access to)? And, that last sentence is not exactly "customer-friendly", if they need to move data because something is not working properly, then they should not complain about the amount of data, but get on with the job, or are they reluctant to do what they are paid for now?
  21. Yes, now that I learned those emails exist, I find it very odd too. I am 100% sure they do not end up in my spam/junk box. In the mean time, I have PM'ed you with the information you requested. Thank you.
  22. Hi, k_nitin_r.The thing is, my only means of checking my total of MyCents credits is, as you say, the Xisto portal.I click on the number of my credits to the left of my posts and then I can see the number of dollars I have accumulated on the Xisto homepage..As I mentioned before, I did not believe what I heard when you said you get an email from Xisto to update you on your credit amount, as I have NEVER EVER, received such an email.Also, how much do you pay Xisto for buying a domain, and how much for hosting one?That is not mentioned anywhere on the Xisto website neither, and I have asked it in the past via a ticket, but that question was never answered.So far I only have my Logic Pro plan at $6.66 a month, I had considered buying some more domains too, but if Xisto cannot be bothered to advertise their prices properly, or to answer you when you ask a question about the charges for their services, why should I go through the trouble?The only way I could see how much they charge was by entering a dummy domain and following the first step to an order, which shows me they charge $12.95 for a year for a .com domain.Impossible to see, though, how much to transfer a domain to Xisto, as my domain ends in .org.uk, which is not in the list, so there is no way I can see the charge for that, I don't even know whether it is possible to transfer my domain to Xisto.However, the main issue here was the irregularity of the updates, and now (since I was informed about this by another customer), the lack of notifications at credit upgrade time.As I said (surprise, surprise) the only email I get from Xisto is every month when my new invoice is due.
  23. OK, it seems like lately, the credits have been updating at a more regular basis. What intervals is the script set to for updating the credits anyway? Because, when I say "a more regular basis", I mean, "not like I have recently experienced", but still at irregular intervals, it seems. To clarify: sometimes I post in the forum, and when I go back an hour later my credits have been updated, sometimes, it takes about two days, or maybe, in the former case, I am just lucky to catch a time when the script is just updating the credits.
  24. I am a user of Pinnacle Studio 15 Ultimate.Yesterday, I downloaded a film from Youtube, which someone had posted there in 11 separate parts.Since they came from Youtube, they were in.flv format, so I converted them to.AVI using Youtube Downloader. They all turned out in 11 completely normal looking AVI clips. However, when I imported them into a Pinnacle poject and dragged hem onto the timeline, only the first clip had audio, all the rest had a completely blank audio track.Yet, when I played the separate AVIs in WMP or VLC Media player, they played completely normal, including audio.Has anyone got any idea what could have happened to my audio, or how I could get it back? Also, the spec on the clps seems to be different, on the 1st one, it says "MPEG-2", on the othes MP4, DivX (Don't know whether that is relevant). Any help will be gratefully accepted.
  25. By now, you should be somewhat familiar with the three chords needed to play a Blues pattern. A quick recap: the chords are C, F and G, and, for all three of them, beginning with the root note (the note which has the same name as the chord, you play one, miss one, play one, miss one, play one (just have another quick scan through Part I if you need to). We are now going to learn how to slot those chords into their proper place so they fit into a Blues pattern. "The Blues", or "a Blues song" is sometimes referred to as "a Twelve bar Blues", the simple reason being (as I mentioned in the previous part) a Blues song is made up of ony twelve bars (which can obviously be repeated a number of times, depending on the verses if it is vocal Blues, for example). Below, you see the scheme of a Blues structure, as you can dee, there are twelve squares, where every square represents one bar. (Do not forget, every bar in a Blues song has four beats, so in every bar you count 1-2-3-4 while playing your chords). While doing the counting and playing the chords, just follow the diagram, and you will find yourself playing the chord structure of a "Twelve bar Blues". In other words, you should be playing: C-2-3-4, C-2-3-4, C-2-3-4, C-2-3-4 (Top line) F-2-3-4, F-2-3-4, C-2-3-4, C-2-3-4 (middle line) G-2-3-4, F-2-3-4, C-2-3-4, C-2-3-4 (bottom line. I will also show you a simpler way (some people find it simpler) of stringing your chords together: Earlier, I mentioned the root note, which is tha note bearing the same name as the chord. This means, in a C chord, C is the root note, in an F chord, F is the root note, and in a G chord, G is the root note. If the leftmost note in the chord (as in the diagram below) is the root note, the chord is said to be in root position. When you are playing a Blues song at its usual tempo (which is usually fairly slow), it is mostly not so much a problem playing all 3 chords in root position, however, if you want to speed up your song in order to turn it into a Boogie-Woogie or Rock n' Roll piece, then the switch from one chord to the next might become a bit problematic, since switching from C to F (especially) in root position can prove to be a bit of a leap. That is where the use of "inversions comes in. An inversion is when you move the root note from the bottom to another place: eg. while C (in root position) has the notes C - E - G in it, the 1st inversion will be E - G - C (The root note has moved up to the top) and the 2nd inversion will be G - C - E. What is the advantage of using chord inversions? As I mentioned earlier, it will avoid having to do a big leap from one chord to the next. Let us have a look at the following: Above is the root chord of C, below is the 2nd inversion of F. While, when playing in root position, you had to do quite a leap to get from C to F, as you can see above, you can now just leave your finger on the C in place, while the fingers that played E and G in the C chord only have to move one note to the right. You can then complete the whole thing with playing G in second inversion, as shown below: It is, of course, up to the individual to do as they feel what is best for them, but, try to experiment with the system of both root only chords and inversions, and see what makes life easier for you. There is some more practice stuff for you then. Finally, in order to avoid people getting bored, a little word about the right hand: When you feel you are beginning to master the chords with the left hand, you can begin to add a basic right hand pattern to experiment with (and when I say "basic", I mean it is only meant to help you on your way, it definitely WILL get better). What you can do in the right hand, for now, separately to begin practising if you wish, but, later, in conjunction with your left-hand playing, is to use "broken chords". That is, as the name implies, simply, instead of playing the notes of a chord together, break the chord up and play one note after the other. For example, when you have the first four bars, which all contain a C chord, play "C - E - G - E / C - E - G - E / C - E - G - E / C - E - G - E", and, while doing so, you can nicely maintain the rhytghm of every bar, as all broken chords go in a 1 -2 -3 -4 pattern. The same obviously goes for F, where you do "F - A - C- A", and G, in which case you play "G - B - D - B". I have now given you a whole shedload of practice material, get practising, and look out for the next part of the tutorial, where I will make things a bit more interesting to play and to listen to. Happy practising.
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