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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. My domain name is pointed at the Xisto (or Xisto - Web Hosting, if you prefer) nameservers (obviously).


    However, I also run a forum on my website, but it is a free forum which is hosted elsewhere (so, the databases and all that are on their own servers).


    As a result of this, my domain name does not appear in my forum URL.

    However, it is possible to use your own domain name with their forums, if you point your domain name at their nameservers (and they mention 3 of them).


    I obviously need my domain to keep pointing at Xisto - Web Hosting, as I need them for my website hosting, but I would also like to use my domain name for my forum URL.


    I asked a question about this on the forum of the forum providers, and they sent me a reply which I do not understand 100%.


    This is what they sent me:


    You can fully control your DNS


    Either via your current name servers or with an account on our name servers.

    We recommend against our own ad then two systems are needing to sync control it does generally work but it seems simple tho avoid the issue.



    Can anyone make a bit more out of this reply than I can, and, can I also just go to my control panel at my domain registrar and just add the nameservers of the forum providers to the DNS records that already exist, in other words, make the domain point to more than one place.


    Does anyone know if this would work?


    Please, advise me further if you can.


    thank you very much in advance.

  2. I had a similar problem with my laptop before, what happened was:

    it started with my screen flashing, and going dark eventually, but coming back on after a few seconds.


    This evolved to a stage where I had to give my laptop a gentle :lol: tap in order to make it come back on, and I assume you guessed the rest of the story: it ended up not coming alive at all.


    The thing is, laptops have a light tube that sits just underneath the screen, it is quite simple, remove the screen bit and it should be found at the very bottom of your display, it is like a long, thin stick.


    (You could compare it to a mini version of a fluorescent light tube).


    The possibilities are that


    The tube has come loose.

    The tube has had it.

    If it has come loose or a wire/connection has become detached, you will easily spot it.

    It is also a fairly easy job to re-connect the loose bits or to put the light stick back into its proper place (no need to mention, of course, that you should not apply too much force or pressure and you should handle the light tube carefully).


    If, after a little bit of gentle rocking and wiggling, the tube does not come back to life or if it is completely, or for a good part, black (in other words, burned out), then you know it is curtains for your light tube.


    In that case, do not despair, you can either contact Acer (the manufacturer of your laptop) nd ask them to send you a replacement, although they probably might be reluctant to do so, after all, their engineers have to make a living too. ;)


    Or, you can, like I did, look for one on Ebay.

    The item to look for is either CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent lamp), or Backlight lamp for Laptop / Notebook LCD



    You will usually find them quite reasonably priced (IIRC I paid Ł6.99/US$11.00 for it).


    If you decide to do it that way, you could save yourself quite a bit of money compared to (I assume your laptop is out of guarantee already) paying for the part plus paying the engineer's wages on top.


    Good luck, and let me know how you get on.

  3. I must agree with darko100 here.While the intention might be good to let people produce a Flash banner with a few clicks (after all, not everyone is a graphics whiz, let alone a highly skilled Flash programmer, which takes a lot of hard work), the result is, at its best, mediocre, i would say.The options darko100 mentions are indeed preferable.It would indeed be a good learning process, if you want to get creative your self, to look at some tutorials and to do a bit of experimenting, you might even end up becoming a competent graphics designer through self-study, or, if you need something really professional, and you feel doing it yourself is beyond your reach, it might be an idea to invest in paying a freelancer (although, nowadays, you still have to be careful with those, too), so, make sure you can see samples of the freelancer's work first, ask for a portfolio and things like that, so you do not throw any money down the drain.

  4. Hello there, Dude,welcome to the forums, as Sheepdog mentioned, we do indeed discuss about anything here, from computers to dogs is as good a way of expressing it as any.You told us to feel free to ask if we had any other queries, well, it is always nice to, apart from getting to know the new member, it is also good to learn a bit about his/her interests, so we know what kind of topics or discussions would suit best.So, if you are willing, let us know a bit more about your profession (or studies), hobbies and interests and more like that.I am sure you will have a great time here, and, obviously (but I assume you know that) you can also get hosting here if you are looking for it.Anyway, I wish you lots of fun here and hope you will meet lots of interesting people and make a lot of friends.And since this is the place to ask questions, or look for solutions of problems of whatever kind, don't hold back to fire away, there are people on here who are specialised in about anything.

  5. Well, funny enough, Quatrux, what I was seeing when a page was not found was, instead of "Error 404, this page cannot e found", "Welcome to nginx", nothing more.There were no footnotes, no copyright announcements, nothing, just that plain announcement.The odd thing is that now, after reformatting my hard drive, I do not seem to get that message anymore when a page cannot be found.The message that appears now is "Oops! Google Chrome could not find http://xxxxxxxx.xxx.uk/;, so, that seems to indicate some sort of change to me.I wonder on which occasions and under which circumstances the nginx server really steps in.Anyway, thank you for your explanation, Quatrux.It is very much appreciated.

  6. Yes, electriic ink, what you describe works, but is there no a simpler way?


    Rather than using two different programs to do the downloading and the extraction of the sound track afterwards, would it not be a lot simple to use Youtubedownloader, a program which does exactly the same as the one you mentioned, ie. it downloads videos from Youtube, and it does so as a .flv file, however, after downloading, with the same program, you have an option of converting the file to whatever you like, which are (if I remember it all correctly) .AVI, .MPEG2, .MPEG4, .GP3 (for mobile phones and Ipods), there might be more formats, I don't remember exactly, but there is also an option to take the audio from the downloaded video and to convert that to a number of formats (I believe .mp3, .wav and .ogg, not sure on all of those).


    I have experienced in the past the converted .mp3 files sounded OK, and you could even set the bitrate you wanted.


    Not that I want to run down the possibilities that other people are using here, after all, we all have our own preferred way of doing things, and the one I mentioned is the way I usually do it, I just had a thought it is easier to do it all with one program rather that downloading the film with one program, then opening another one to do the extraction/conversion while you can do the whole job with using two simple steps in one handy and easy little program.

  7. The "hanging" (or "freezing", as I used to call it) can have a number of reasons.


    In case of ransackthenation, if it only happens when he plays Ragnarok, it might be (as I look at his specs) a lack of memory, I see ransackthenation only has 1 Gb of RAM, that is not a lot for the ever more and more demanding OSs, programs and games we get these days.


    I think it would be worth trying to at least double your RAM, making it 2 GB, or even more if you have the space (slots) and/or if you can afford it, although, 1Gb to 2 Gb sticks cost next to nothing now, while 4 Gb sticks have also come down considerably in price.


    However, as for the freezing some other people are talking about here, there could be a number of reasons:


    A hardware problem

    A piece of software causing problems

    A RAM corruption

    Computer overheating

    Problems with the BIOS

    For the first one, obviously always make sure your Antivirus/AntiSpyware software is up o date and check regularly.

    Although, there is a trick for more drastic cases:


    I had a problem, when I clicked on Google, I got sent to advertising websites, and on top of thet, my Windows Update refused to work.


    I was advised (as you would imagine) to scan for viruses and spyware (which I did regularly anyway), the problem was, all my scans came back clear.


    I was then advised to download the Windows malicious software removal tool from Microsoft's website, start up my PC in Safe mode and run the tool.


    Mind you: if you have a PC with lots of programs installed on it, and lots of files on the hard drive, this might take a long time, so, better to start it late at night and to leave your computer on overnight.

    However, when I did as advised, ie. boot up in Safe Mode, then run the Windows malicious software removal tool and doing a full scan, when the scan was finished, I got the message that malware was found and cleaned, and the whole problem was forgotten.


    I explained what fault my PC had developed, but it is worth taking a measure like that if you suffer from a freezing PC too.


    Then, for the hardware bit, first of all check your Device Manager and see if it gives any errors on any hardware, if not, if you recently installed new hardware, try removing it and installing it again.


    The software one is a more tricky one at times, but the obvious place to start is if you have recently, before the fault began, installed some software.

    If so, check it out, and, if you have to, follow the same route as you went on with the hardware: uninstall and re-install the (what might be) the offending bit of software.


    In the case of a RAM corruption, download a RAM checker from the Internet (do a Google to find one) and run it.

    If it gives no errors, take your RAM out, give it a gentle wipe, blow out your RAM slots and put the RAM back, if not, get in touch with your RAM manufacturer/supplier.


    In case of overheating, it might be wise (even if you don't see any problems with the fan and/or system temperatures) to download Speedfan and install it, so you can monitor your system's temperature.

    i too had to replace a fan with a stronger one because the one that came built into my PC when I bought it proved to be no good and caused my system to freeze from tie to time. (Among other faults).


    Then, the final one, this one might be of interest to the person here reporting the problem after he only bought the PC a week ago (might, might not).


    Some years ago I bought a PC on Ebay (can't really call it new, but it was a web shop of a man who custom built PCs.

    When I go it, it was a robust machine, lots of room for expansion, decent fan etc., however:


    Every so often, the thing froze, so my only option was to switch it off and switch it on again.

    As if that wasn't enough, because of the freezing my Windows OS often became corrupted (I used Windows XP at the time) and I had to re-install.


    I tried all sorts of things like reformatting, sending for an engineer to look at my PC ("he was only specialised in hardware and didn't know much about software", he claimed), I obviously got in touch with the man who sold me the PC and got nothing but *BLEEP* and bull stories from him.

    Then I read (while I was posting about the problem on these forums here) something about a BIOS problem that might be the cause.


    I looked what make and model and date my BIOS was, and, lo and behold, when I checked online, there was a newer version available, so i decided to flash my BIOS.


    A word of advice here: if you are not sure about things, do not do the above before you have taken proper advice, the step is not that difficult, but if you are not 100% sure, try to ask someone who is first.


    I flashed my BIOS, started up my PC again, and I never had the freezing problem again.

    (BTW. Flashing your BIOS means as much as updating it).


    Hope this post has been of use to some people.

  8. Yes, Russ,that is roughly the way to go about it.The doctor will usually give you pain killerds and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), remedies like ibuprofen or naproxen are best.It is also important to keep your lungs healthy. As you heal, practice taking deep breaths. It is important not to be afraid of taking the pain medication as prescribed, because keeping the pain under control is important for taking strong, deep breaths.The doctor examinig you may, on diagnosing broken ribs (or, a broken rib), as he did with you, Russ, send you home with a tool to encourage deep breathing. The tool is called an incentive spirometer. It measures lung capacity so victims can see how well their lungs are recovering as the broken rib heals. In Laurie's case, of course, it seems to be "a couple of broken ribs", which would obviously need a longer convalescence time.Also, more than 3 broken ribs at one time is potentially life-threatening. Since the only way to know for sure is to get an x-ray, it's important to go to the emergency department anytime you suspect a broken rib.However, the above is what they do these days, in the past, treatment for broken ribs included wrapping the chest with a wide band often called a rib belt. A study in 1990 found no benefit from wrapping victims. Displaced rib fractures caused more problems in this study when they were treated with the belt than when they were not. Most emergency physicians today don't wrap broken ribs.There is good news and bad news about treating simple broken ribs. The good news: It will heal on its own and probably not develop any additional problems. The bad news is it hurts a lot and there's really very little you can do for it.However, either way, no organs seem to have been affected by the broken ribs in your case, fortunately, most of the time, the broken rib is only broken in one place, and is an "incomplete fracture," meaning not all the way through the bone.Completely broken ribs may or may not move out of place. If they do move, they're called displaced rib fractures and are more likely to puncture lungs or damage other tissues and organs. Ribs that stay in place -- usually ribs that are not completely broken in half -- are called nondisplaced rib fractures.That, fortunately, seems to be what happened to you.So, just go on taking your pain killers and anti-inflammatories and take it easy.Certainly do not forget your regular breathing exercises as they are vital (though painful, but stick to your medication) to put you on the way to a full recovery.

  9. That is kinda interesting since bani had the same problem a while ago. Are you able to add the image to your gallery and then link it to this post at least? I used the attach file option. Or you could try linking the image by first uploading it onto an external image hosting site maybe? Hopefully we get to see your design :)

    I tried all three possibilities:
    When trying to link to my Gallery, or trying to link to an external site, on both occasions I got the same message, the one I mentioned about not being allowed to upload files with that extension.

    I also tried to attach the file a number of times, but the upload keeps failing.
    Worse even, after waiting for ages to submit the post then, I get sent back to the homepage of the forum, where I am asked to sign in again.

    There surely are strange things going on here.

  10. I have tried a number of times to reply, but I keep getting a red band on top, with in it the text: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board.".

    I have originally tried to put a .png image in here, trying the tags, followed by a .jpg image and using the same tags.
    No change, I keep getting that message.

    Why is this happening?

  11. I was wondering if there are people here who know the ins and outs of Twitter reasonably well.I am asking because I am hoping someone might be able to help me out to find a Twitter plugin/widget I am looking for.I have Twitter installed on my Blackberry, and get faithfully informad when a Tweet comes in.I also have a Tweet button on my website, with which I can announce changes/additions/updates to my website.However, one thing I have not found thus far (maybe I looked in the wrong place), is a Twitter widget or plugin for the PC, which notifies you when you receive a Tweet.I seem to remember my son had something in the shape of a little bird that flew onto your screen when you had received a Tweet, which is what I am looking for.It does not have to be the birdie especially, but a little plugin which informs me via the computer when I have a new Tweet.Has anyone got any idea where I can find one of those and how I install it?Thank you.

  12. OK, Jonny,

    first of all, I am sorry to hear about your beloved pet.

    However, it might help if you could give a few more details:


    Are the symptoms still there?

    Has there been any change (for the worse or the better)?

    Is the watering from the eye clear?

    Is there any swelling around the eye or is it shut to some extent?

    When sneezing, is a watery mist produced, or is there a discharge?

    Is there any swelling of the nose?

    Has the cat lost interest in food (lost appetite)?

    Apart from the symptoms, does your cat appear unwell (lethargic, meowing uncontrollably, appearing to be in pain)?

    Is there any sign of fever?

    I am asking those questions because there are (obviously) a number of possibilities:

    If the symptoms have stopped, it might have been something innocent (a small allergy or irritation), which leads me to another question: does anyone smoke in your house?

    However, it is best you monitor your cat's general well-being and look out for any re-occurrence or worsening of the symptoms.


    If the symptoms are still there, and even get worse, eg.

    like the discharges mentioned above (green or yellow substance),

    ulcers in the mouth and/or on the tongue,

    signs of gingivitis (gum disease),

    if your cat seems to be uninterested in the things that usually interest him/her

    Your cat coughs and/or drools (which can sometimes cover most of the animal's fur in saliva, and the coughing may lead to retching).

    If any of the above is the case, you might have a problem.

    Also, has your cat had all her injections (vaccinations)?


    Let me give you the symptoms of both diseases your cat could be suffering from if any or more than one of the above are true (but swift action can get her back on her feet fairly quickly):


    Feline HerpesVirus (FHV-1):

    Swollen eyes often accompanied by a discharge. Sometimes this can lead to the development of corneal ulcers.

    Sneezing and inflammation of the lining is of the nose (rhinitis). Discharge from the nose is initially clear but becomes green and thick as cat flu develops. Your cat's sense of smell may deteriorate significantly, thereby leading to a lack of interest in food.

    Your cat will clearly appear unwell and may develop a fever. A loss of appetite is very likely and dehydration becomes a real risk.

    Feline Calicivirus (FVC):

    Mouth ulcers are a very common symptom of feline calicivirus and this ultimately triggers off drooling and loss of appetite.

    Ulcers can affect various parts of your cat including the tongue, palate, mouth, tip of the nose and the lips. One particular strain of FVC is even known to lead to ulcers in a cat's paws.

    Your cat's nose and eyes are likely to be runny and gingivitis may affect the gums. A fever may also develop and your cat may start to limp as a result of pain in the joints.

    As I said, both viral infections above are perfectly treatable, but swift action is in order.

    Also, about the vet bill problem and being on benefits, you have my sympathy 100%, I don't know what country you live in, but here in the UK, it is really pathetic.


    People would say you are breaking the law if you do not give your pet adequate medical attention, yet they do not give you a chance to.

    If you do live in the UK, I might be able to give you a few telephone numbers where you could get assistance with your vet bills, however, when I do give them to you, do not get your hopes up, as some places may tell you they no longer receive any funding, or other reasons not to help you.

    However, let me know, and I will still give you all the information I can.


    In the mean time, I hope your moggy came through by herself, so you will not have to go through all that, and I wish you the very best with the poor animal.


    Also, try to put a little bit of money away every week (if you can) to save up for inoculations or a pet insurance (some of which are quite affordable).


    Good luck, and keep me posted.

  13. I have a program for generating online quizzes which makes nice looking pages and gives lots of possibilities for different kinds of questions/answers.


    Unfortunately it does not support putting the results into a MySQL database, unless you set up a quite expensive account with the makers of the software.


    Adding my list of users and their details to a MySQL database is simple enough, but what I am looking for is a small script (preferably with a form) to update the scores (and maybe the number of quizzes taken), but which leaves all the other elements alone.


    For example: John Smith has taken 1 quiz and scored 8 points in that, he takes anew one and scores 10 points.

    I just want to be able to call up his record and enter that he scored 10 points, and see those 10 points added to his 8 he already had, making it 18 in total. And maybe also that his number of quizzes taken increases to 2 (although an auto-increase should be able to do that, I guess).


    I then want to be able to display the quiz ranking on my website, that is simple enough, and, if I am not mistaken (correct me if I am wrong, please) there is a function in PHP which allows you to sort a database table in a certain field (that would be the total score then) ascending or descending, so if I am right, that would be simple enough to achieve too.

    (It would also be nice if the ranking place could be shown).


    So, before and after an update, the display should be something like:




    Place Name Quizzes taken Total

    1 Alice Jones 1 9

    2 John Smith 1 8



    (John scored 10, Alice scored 8)


    Place Name Quizzes taken Total

    1 John Smith 2 18

    2 Alice Jones 2 17

    Sorry if I express myself in a clumsy manner sometimes, but I am a novice (trying to learn more) in PHP and still need all the help I can get.


    So, if anyone can give me a few pointers to solve this little problem (I assume it is not that difficult to do, but as my knowledge is quite limited....) I would be very grateful.


    Thank you very much in advance.

  14. There has been nothing but trouble with our branch of that chemist.



    The dosage is wrong.

    Medicines are missing from the prescription list.

    The repeat prescription is late or not ready

    We can now add to the list (as that was a new one): the medication supplied by them is wrong.


    There was never a problem when their previous pharmacist was there, but after he died, there have been a number of temporary pharmacists there who never seemed to get things right.


    I must say the last pharmacist beat it all, when he had to, after issuing the wrong kind of insulin, had to check in a book whether there was a difference between the two.


    Add to that the fact that in the past (but they must have been put into their places by head office after our complaint, as that seems have stopped) the staff used to look down their noses at you, and you can imagine what a great service we have been receiving.

  15. Right,that is very plainly and clearly explained.Thanks for that, first of all.So, if I understand correctly, having to switch modes on my applications for File Transfers might have had something to do with the fact that I changed from Windows Firewall to ZoneAlarm, am I right in thinking that?I think you do not have sufficient control over Windows Firewall anyway, the main things you can do with it are switch it on or off, and add or block a program in it, while control over ports and web sites are a real nightmare (well, that is my opinion anyway).I still think I did the right thing in changing Firewalls, in spite of the few problems I had to make FTP work properly, however, if there is any further advice available on better solutions, or better firewalls, I am always open to suggestions.Thanks for the explanation.And thanks in advance for any further advice I might receive.

  16. I was wondering if someone could explain to me what exactly "Passive Mode" is, and, given the name, what exactly is "passive" about the connection you are establishing.


    I am asking because there is (there probably would be, if one exists, it probably has its proper opposite), whenever I use an FTP client or a built-in FTP module (eg. in a HTML editor) usually the following choice:


    Active Mode

    Passive Mode

    Default Mode

    So, since there is a default mode present as well, this either tells me there is a mode that is neither passive nor active, or that certain servers are set passive or active by default.


    So, the first reason why I am asking this question is because I am curious what is active or passive about what happens during the file transfers, but there is another reason too:


    As long as I can remember, whenever I used an FTP client or a program with built-in FTP in the past, the program was always set to passive mode by default, and that always seemed to work fine.


    However, lately I have began to run into problems using the following programs:



    CoffeeCup HTML Editor

    Simfatic Forms

    I am sure everyone knows the first one, the second one is, as the name implies, a HTML Editor, which has, like all HTML Editors, a built-in upload manager, and the third one is a program for generating web forms, also with a built in file transfer manager.


    As I said before, like I had always known, all my FTP programs were always set to passive mode by default, and that always worked great, however, with FileZilla, I have began to experience glitches in the transfers for a while, and changing from passive mode or automatic detection to active mode seems to have helped.


    With CoffeeCup, I had been having trouble uploading for quite some time, either it took ages for the file transfer to start, or the transfer timed out altogether, the advice on their forum was to try and switch off passive mode and see if that made any difference.

    I did that, and in the beginning, it wouldn't even let me connect to the server, but after trying again, it has made a slight improvement.


    With Simfatic Forms, everything used to work perfectly, uploading went nice and smooth communication with the server and MySQL happened with no problem, until recently, it all happened after a reformat and hence a re-install of the program.

    I had the greatest troublr uploading, often had to resort to manual uploading, uploads would time out or not be able to connect to the server at all, I tried everything, until, just a gamble, I must admit, I unticked the feature "Passive Mode", and, HOP, problem solved.


    So, I am still wondering why everything always used to have Passive Mode by default, and that was also what was recommended, while now, recently, it seems like Passive Mode has become really "passive" (in that it does not seem to do much anymore).


    Has anyone got some explanations for me, please?


    Thank you in advance.

  17. Allowing RSS feeds from a non-CMS website


    My website is mainly text and graphics based and uses no CMS whatsoever, no Wordpress, nor Joomla nor anything else.


    I have made one of the pages (the news page) available on Twitter, mainly because that is quite simple to do.

    However, not everyone is equally interested in Twitter, or there are people who prefer to use something different, or people who are not familiar with using Twitter.


    Therefore I would like to know if it is possible to add an RSS feed to my news page so that people can be informed if anything changes or anything gets added to the page.


    I must admit I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to RSS feeds, as I use them very rarely myself, however, I have been told that there is a lot of interest in them and people who follow sites like to use them a lot.


    Now I was wondering if it is possible to add an RSS feed to my page by using either:

    A script (PHP or other)

    A Java applet

    Some HTML code

    A simple link to a page that provides RSS services

    For the specialists among you, if it helps, you can always go and have a look how exactly my page looks and how it is laid out by clicking here.


    (I don't know whether that would be relevant to decide whether it is possible to add an RSS feed to my news page or not, I just thought it might be useful to mention it, just in case).


    If there are specialists among you who can decide whether or not it would be appropriate, relevant or possible to add an RSS feed to my news page, and if it is, who can point me into the right direction of how to do it, I would love to hear from you.


    I also hope I was right in posting it under the topic Telecommunications, since I see utilities like Twitter, RSS, Del.icio.us, Digg and the likes as forms of telecommunications.


    I am looking forward to getting input from people specialised in those matters.


    All advice will be gratefully accepted.


    Thank you.

  18. I don't blame Opaque for not giving out his source code neither, because I never asked for it in the first place.Although it might be interesting to see the source code of such a, what I assume to be substantial, script, it is obviously true that it could lead to lots of abuse and looking for holes which could help not so correctly minded people to abuse and/or damage the system.Second point is, it is Opaque's work, so, obviously the source code is his 'secret recipe' so to speak.What I did ask for was a detailed description telling us, for example, the length of posts needed to earn certain amounts of credits, the frequency with which the script goes through the member database and updates the credits and things like that, so, simply things which could be informative and useful to the members.I understand that no one in his right mind (not even me) would ask a programmer to reveal all the hard work behind his scripts/programs.The source code (even if it did appear here) would not be of much use to me anyway.I probably would not have the patience to go through thousands of lines of coding and jumping back and forth to look at the subroutines the script refers to, and I am also not competent enough to analyse and understand a script which goes beyond the most basic commands (I am aware of it, since I was recently told I need to learn to code a website).So, no harm done, all I was looking for was a bit of further information, which could have helped me and other members to increase the quality of their posts.

  19. Nanna,you are very welcome to the forum here.Hope you will have a good time here and also learn a lot by posting your questions and/or problems.I also look forward to you starting your hosting with Xisto - Web Hosting and reading the work you put down here in the shape of a website or blog.Have lots of fun, and keep posting.

  20. First of all, forgive my ignorance, and do not see this post as a sign of paranoia or a whine or a useless complaint.I merely want to ask a question, because I am not sure how exactly the system works on that particular issue.Anyway, here it goes:Two days ago, I made a new member on the forums here and then (the day after, because I wasn't sure how it worked) I also registered her with Xisto, with the same email address that was used to register her here. (As far as i know, that is the correct procedure).Since the MyCents credits had updated this morning, I decided to go and have a look at one of her posts, but there was no mention of a credit amount there yet (and, the new member has only written two posts so far).Now, I was just curious how long roughly it takes before the accumulated credits are shown for new members, or, if it only happens after you have reached a certain amount of credits, or, more importantly, if I have followed the procedure correctly and not forgotten anything).It is especially the last point above that I am thinking about, what I did was, I registered her for the forum here, she made her posts and then I also registered her with Xisto with (as is required) the same email address that was used to register her on the forum.As far as I can see, I did everything correctly, but, if I have missed something out, could someone be so kind to point that out to me, please?Any further advice will be very welcome.Thank you.

  21. Yes, maybe that is the case, the fact that the MyCents script is ran manually (looks likely, now that you mention it).Another thing which I must agree on is the fact that it does seem a lot more difficult to accumulate credits than it used to be.I found this statement on the fact that I have noticed a few times that, when I am on a total of about halfway (¢50), or even more (¢70 and more) and I make a number of considerable posts, with which I mean four to five posts of about one screen long, I often expect I will get into the next but one dollar (meaning, if my grand total is $1.50 at the time, I sometimes expect to make it to the $3 mark or more, but every time I only make it into the next dollar, with about half a dollar to spare).So, yes, I knew times when it was somewhat different, and while I understand that this is probably a sort of strategy to make sure people write posts of better length and quality, it does seem a shame that, where effort, judgement and some planning for decent work was needed in the past, it now seems to be required to write about a whole chapter from a novel to get a nice amount of credits.Now, and I apologise in advance if something like that does exist and i have missed it, but I think it would be good if we could find a detailed explanation of how the CURRENT MyCents credit system works somewhere here on the forum. (One written by Opaque, since he is the one who coded the whole MyCent script, so he will probably be about the only one who knows the script in every nook and cranny).Such a post would also help us to plan our posts even better and give us an idea how substantial a post really should be in order to get certain amounts of credits.

  22. The only thing that has changed is that the myCENTs are harder to come by and so you have to post a lot more to get the same amount in myCENTs.


    Yes, they certainly seem to be, however, what I still do not understand (I have mentioned this a few times, but never had a satisfactory answer) is why the update of the MyCents credits seems so irregular.


    Sometimes my credits get updated in a very short time, sometimes it takes three to four days before anything moves.

    It is really odd, i know there is a special script in place that deals with the whole MyCents system, but you would think that, within that script, there would be some code that says "Update credits every day at 12 noon", or "Update credits every three hours", or something similar, but that does not seem to be the case.


    And, I don't want to be told I am seeing ghosts or something, I can only observe what I see, and that is what I have noticed.


    I am not saying the credits do not update, nor am I saying the credits are not being paid in a fair manner, it is just that irregularity of the MyCents credit updates that still puzzles me.

  23. Hello Ret,welcome to the forums.I am sure you will learn a lot here about designing your own web pages.Any questions or problems you might have, just post them into the appropriate forums.It will also help to have a good read through the forum topics concerning HTML and web design, and like sheepdog saya, by posting here you will be "earning" the space to post your website on.Have fun here.

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