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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. Singer Amy Winehouse has died at her London flat aged 27.Her death was caused by her alcohol and drugs addiction.The death of a human being always touches people, and we always feel it as a loss, however, in this case, it is once again a self inflicted death, given all the treatment and rehabilitation the star had, which many ordinary people would be denied because of the expenses involved in it.There is also the fact that this news is now going all over the planet, although a fate like that touches many people and their families, people who never make it into the media because of it.Nevertheless, I would like to say "RIP Amy Winehouse".

  2. In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to learn to play the Blues.


    A short historical insight:

    The Blues first started during the days of slavery, in the 19th century, from African-American communities of primarily the Deep South of the United States.

    The genre found its origins in spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and the lyrics were made by rhyming simple narrative ballads.


    The style was originally used to express sadness, hence the terms "I've got the Blues" or "I am feeling Blue".


    The structure of the Blues.

    One of the reasons for me choosing the Blues as topic for a tutorial is its simplicity.

    All you need to learn is three chords(*), and then play those chords in the right places over just twelve bars(*) and you have the foundation to start playing, singing, composing and improvising your own Blues songs.

    The other advantage is that, once you master the Blues, the road will be open (in the beginning just by changing the tempo) to playing Boogie Woogie (a sort of "piano Blues") and even Rock 'n Roll as those styles have exactly the same stucture.


    Explanation of some terms.

    (*)A chord: a number of notes being sang or played at the same time.

    (*)A bar: (Not the place where you go for a beer) Music is divided in equal parts, those parts are called bars.


    The chords

    As mentioned earlier, only three chords are needed to make up a Blues song.

    I will now show you what those chords are and how to learn to play them:

    The notes on a keyboard instrument are arranged as follows:

    Posted Image

    1) The 'C' chord:

    Called C because the leftmost note (the root note) is C, on a keyboard instrument the notes are arranged as follows:


    Posted Image


    Practice this chord with your left hand, the principle is basically: start on C, and play one, miss one, play one, miss one, play one.

    (Please do remember to try and play the notes at the same time, use little finger for C, middle finger for E and thumb for G.


    2) The 'F' chord:

    Posted Image

    Practice this chord in the same way as C.


    3) The 'G' chord:

    Posted Image

    (In the picture, the rightmost note (D) is chopped off a bit, nevertheless, the same principle (play, miss, play, miss, play) still goes.

    practice the G chord in the same way as the two others.


    After you manage to play the three chords individually, try to play them in the following way:


    4 times C, 4 times F, 4 times G, count along (keep the tempo regularly while going C C C C F F F F G G G G.


    Instead of counting, you can also use a metronome or set the rhythm unit of a keyboard to a Swing or Blues rhythm at a tempo of about 70-90.


    In the next part I will show you how to get the Blues together with the chords in the proper places, and I will also show you a simpler way of playing the chords.


    Have lots of fun practicing.

  3. First of all, good to see you again, anwiii.Well, it were 2 .avi files (I had downloaded them as a torrent).I then burned them on one DVD using Nero vision 10 and burned them on therfe as 2 separate films. (The download was two separate avi files, put into one torrent).The first part played flawlessly, the second part began to stop and freeze near the end. I was playing the DVD in the DVD player, when i played it on my laptop, it did exactly the same.Being the stupid idiot I am, i had already erased the files from my hard drive in order to save rrom, so i will have to download the files again to test them.Can't find the writing speed right now, but I believe m DVD-RW drive burns at 32x.

  4. I was wondering if there was a certain program with which you can check the quality and playability of films before burning them onto DVD, but without watching the whole film.I think it spoils the pleasure of watching a new film on DVD for the first time, but, on the other hand, I feel some possibility of checking is necessary, as I burned a film on a DVD, and everything was great, until, all of a sudden, near the end, the film stopped (picture froze) and only got forward a little bit when forwarding.I would obviously like to avoid this in order not to waste any DVDs, but I would like to be able to check for faults without watching (eg. by use of a program) in order not to have to waste, let's say, two hours before I can burn it because I have to watch it, and also, because it spoils things a bit if you have already seen the film before watching it with the family.Does anybody know if such a program exists, and, if it does, I would love to hear about it.Thank you very much in advance.

  5. The story about a people on the move: the Flemings.A nation in being: Flanders.The Flemings want their independence from Belgium, and have never been closer.Every year on July the 11th, they remember the Battle of the Guilded Spurs.It has become a symbol in the fight for Flanders' freedom.Read on:On July the 11th, 1302, the battle of the Guilded Spurs was fought on the Groeninge field in Kortrijk.The Flemings had rebelled against the king of France, Philip the Fair, because he bled the rich county of Flanders dry in order to fund his own wars and life of luxury. Furthermore, Philip had broken his word time and again when Flemish noblemen went to negotiate the situation with him.He had also kept the Count of Flanders, the aged Gwijde of Dampierre, in captivity in France. This did obviously not please the Flemings at all, and more and more unrest started, while they felt even strengthtened by the support they received from their leaders, the Deans of the Guilds. Not surprisingly, their dissatisfaction came to an outburst during the Bruges Matins on Friday, May the 18th, 1302. During the nightly attack by surprise, led by Pieter De Coninck, members of the French garrison, together with a lot of French nobles and Leliaarts (Flemings who have taken the side of the French), are killed in the city.Jacques de Ch?tillon, governor for the French king, also liege lord of the County of Flanders, had occupied the city shortly before the riots. He could escape just in time.Lodewijk van Velthem, a Brabant writer at the time, called this occurrence "Good Friday" and described in a few sentences as follows:?This day is called 'good Friday' in Bruges because of this deed Lots of evil came from it Within the city are slain certainly 24 soldiers as well as knights? children and sergeants of France, and many of other countries of which I cannot guess the numbers?.THere is, of course, no doubt that this slaughter induced the wrath of the French king, Philip the Fair.He decided to punish the rebellious Flanders and sent an army of 8500 knights to Flanders.The Flemish army was about the same size, but mostly comprised Guild members, freemen and farmers, strengthened with about 350 noblemen, while the French professional army, partly because of its vast amount of armoured horsemen, was of a much stronger quality.The battle was to be fought on the Groeninge Colter at Kortrijk on July the 11th, 1302. The Flemish army organised themselves in a huge U-shape behind the Big Brook and the Groeninge brook, with the city of stad Kortrijk to their right and the Leie, which took a turn there behind them. Three ?wings? were formed: the "East-Flemings", the left flank (led by Gwijde of Namur), the Bruges citizens on the right flank and in thet middle, where the Big Brook and the Groeninge brook joined, were the other "West-Flemings" . The army of Ieper (about 500 men) guarded the castle of Kortrijk where a small garrison of 334 French soldiers was still residing. The Zealand reserve army of Jan of Renesse was placed behind the three front lines. They had to make sure. First and foremost, that nobody retracted or fled and kill them if that was needed. The order of the Flemish army leaders was "Kill the enemy. Hit out at the horses especially" "Vlaanderen ende Leu" (Flanders and the Lion) is our oncry. Although there were 350 Flemish horsemen (of which some were put there by Jan of Namur and some hired knights from the side of the Meuse and the Rhine region), all Flemish warriors fought on foot. Even William of Gulik and Gwijde of Namur dismounted their horses, took a morningstar and a pike and mingled with the warriors. Only Jan of Renesse watched over the fight on horseback from the back lines. Many Flemish warriors were after revenge : farmers who had suffered gravely under the lootings of the French army in 1297-1300; knights, especially Gwijde of Namur, who had family members living in capture; William of Gulik, whose older brother got killed in 1297 near Veurne during fights between the English army and the French, led by Robert of Artois.Robert of Artois had to know this region quite well, as he was raised in Kortrijk by his aunt Beatrix, the widow of the older brother of Gwijde of Dampierre. Also Raoul de Nesle had warned him to be careful and to lure the Flemings out of their favourable position. Jean de Burlats, the leader of the French crossbow archers, suggested to shoot at the Flemish ranks the whole day. Also Godevaart of Brabant (who distinguished himself in the battle of Woeringen in 1288) shared those opinions and uttered the Fleming would get tired and discouraged. Robert of Artois, with his reputation of feared leader, did not agree with those opinions and claimed his army could easily handle the opposition, while a bit of resistance especially provoked a challenge.Robert of Artois then let his troops move on from the Pottelberg to the Big Brook and the Groeninge brook. Opposite the Bruges citizens along the Big Brook, knight units (bataelge) and crossbow archers under Jean de Burlats took place, as well as the Brabant units. The troops under Raoul de Nesle and Trie stood facing the units of the Bruges Freeland and the other West-Flemings. The units from Normandi?, Picardi?, Hainault (led by Jacques de Ch?tillon), Lorraine and Champagne stood along the Groeninge brook, under direct orders of Robert of Artois. He kept his own troops in reserve behind the units from Lorraine.Around noon on July the 11th, the battle began. At first, some arrows were shot from both sides. The Flemish archers got through their provision of arrows very quickly. The enormous amount ofFrench foot soldiers (the bidauts) moved forward and crossed both brooks, and they threw stones and spears at the Flemish front lines. Those were caught by the big shields and caused no significant losses among the Flemings. Then the Vlemings moved forward and it looked like they were going to push the French foot soldiers into the brook. Since this would make the attack by the cavalry a lot more difficult, Robert of Artois ordered the withdrawal of the foot soldiers and the trumpets blew the start of the attack. The French knights attacked immediately. But a part of the foot soldiers had not heard the order. The myth that the French knights would have crushed their own foot soldiers seems exaggerated. Most of them could move away to the flanks.The left wing, led by Raoul de Nesle, stormed to the Big Brook, but there they had to slow down in order to get across the 3 meter wide brook. After most of the horses had reached the other side, there run was too short to be able to a gap in the Flemish lines.A charge by such a force of knights was an impressive sight. But it is especially a psychological test with the intention to make the opponent flee. But this time the Flemings did not budge. A novelty for this time was that lots of foot soldiers in this battle were armed with morningstars. They stood in closed position with always a man, armed with a lance or a pike standing next to them. The pike was planted into the ground and aimed forward at an angle in order to make the approaching horses fall. THe morningstars then struck to kill the horses and the knights.The foot soldiers kept their closed line of battle and successfully caught the cavalry. The horses and riders are being beaten and hacked on. Godevaart of Brabant tried to forcer a break-through but he had a fall and got killed. Raoul de Nesle, the leader of the left wing, was also killed during this first charge. Many other French riders and pages got killed during this first charge. On the Flemish side, the leader William of Gulik was badly injured because an arrow had pierced his chain male outfit and he was led away from the front lines. The attack by the left wing has been stopped. The French riders on their horses at a stand still cannot defend themselves with their swords against the Flemish foot soldiers with their long pikes. One after one they get slaughtered.The centre of the Flemings, a bit further from the brooks, did get into problems: the French cavalry had a longer runway there and here and there they broke through the Flemish lines like a battering ram. Some of the Flemings flee. The was becoming critical there. The chance the French army was going to break through the Flemish lines zou breken and attack the Flemish troops from the side and from behind was very real. The reserve atmy of Jan of Renesse came to the rescue. There were fights going on all over the lines within a short distance. The cavalry was not powerful enough for such a situation and was slaughtered. The troops of Renesse did not only stop the attack, they also made the French retract. The battle finished in favour of the Flemings after the French commander in chief Robert of Artois got killed when he, with his reserve troops, comprising three batailles, tried to come to the rescue. He was hit off his horse by William of Saeftinghe, a lay brother of the abbey Ter Doest in Lissewege, and after that he was slain by the Flemings with their morningstars.At the right hand side, the same scenario went on. The French riders with the counts of Eu and of Aumale, Mathieu de Trie and Jacques de Ch?tillon could penetrate a bit deeper but their charge was still warded off. Here too, the French riders are slaughtered with the morningstars one by one. Most probably Jacques de Ch?tillon got killed here, but not one chronicler thought this was worth mentioning. In the Flemish ranks, according to Velthem, Boudewijn of Popperode (the viscount of Aalst) and the Zealander William of Boenhem distinguished themselves. The French garrison of Kortrijk, led by the viscount of Lens, tried a final charge with a number of knights, but that was caught by the troops of Ieper and they were driven back into the castle.The French foot soldiers and the left over knights were driven back to the brooks. The riders stood so close together that the back rows were driven into the brooks by their own people. In the end they tried to flee. Many knights on horseback got stuck in the brooks because of their heavy armour and were slain there. The Flemings refused to accept their surrender, against the habits of those times. It became a mass slaughter : apart from Robert of Artois and Pierre Flote (advisor of the French king), seven of the eight French leaders were killed.Beforehand the Flemings had agreed not to take prisoners and not to collect any loot. This was very unusual in those days. According to the rules of warfare at that time, a knight who was hit off his horse was captured, but not killed. Captured knights were worth a lot of ransom money. When the French saw their knights were being slaughtered, they fled. Only near the end of the battle, a few French knights, such as Raoul de Grantcourt, were captured out of respect for braveness and he was being protected by a Flemish knight. He was passed on to the Ghent nobleman Jan Borluut by William of Gulik, the former collected the ransom.The last French reserve troops, led by the count of Saint-Pol, the count of Boulogne and Louis de Clermont could not cross the brooks anymore as the Flemings were waiting again in closed ranks. But they no longer attacked. The soldiers from Bruges saw this, crossed the Big Brook and attacked the French horsemen. Some of them, led by Jean le Brun de Brunembert, defended themselves but were slaughtered. The rest of them fled. Many were cut off on their run and killed. Others, such as the Leliaard William of Mosscher, were pursued up to their camp on the Pottelberg and slaughtered. The few Brabant knights, who had fought under orders of the rebellious Godebaart on the side of the French, tried to save their lives by shouting "Vlaanderen ende Leu", but Gwijde of Namur ordered that they?d all be killed. Their bodies were mutilated.The few French who were left now fled in a panic. Velthem described they were pursued up to ten kilometres from the battlefield. They were hunted until Dottenijs, Zwevegem and Sint-Denijs with more fatalities as a result, foot soldiers as well as riders. The gates of Doornik were locked, to stop the French from seekng shelter there. The count of St. Pol had to spend the night at the nearby Saint-Nicholasabbey. The naked corpse of Robert of Artois remained on the battlefield for three days. The body was found by a minorite from Atrecht, who buried it in the monastery of Groeninge. He had found thirty injuries on the corpse. Even his tongue was cut out of his mouth. On Christmas 1304 Robert of Artois was buried solemnly by his daughter Mahaut in the Cistercian abbey of Maubuisson. Thus far the recapitulation of this historic battle, next you get an analysis of the impact this had and still has on the present day.Sources: Wikipedia, De Guldensporenslag by Karim van Overmeire, Spiegel Historiael by Lodewijk van Velthem.The consequences for nowadays.The battle in those days (Anno 1302) showed parallels, but also differences with the current Flemish struggle:? To begin with it was, just like today,a battle against an occupier, who wanted to limit free trade and to freeze the Flemish economy,and get rich on the back of the Flemings.? However, it was, contrary to taday, not so much a struggle between the populations within one country,Flanders was a kind of ?mini state? of which the leader (the Count of Flanders) was a vassal of the French crown, however, with plenty of rights and privileges of his own.? Also, there was no linguistic struggle whatsoever, given the fact that many of the nobles who fought with the Flemings came from the current Walloon area and many of them could not speak any Dutch (then called ?Diets?) at all. Even the going language in the Count?s entourage was French.? Nevertheless the fact remains we may remember this battle with pride, in that the Flemings had the courage to call for an ?enough is enough? situation and they had the courage to take their fate into their own hands. They did not even fear one of the mightiest armies in Europe and they fought like lions until the enemy was beaten. The fight was also a symbol of the struggle to safeguard our rights, soil and economy. Further proof of this is also the fact that at the beginning of World War one (when we were deemed good enough to give our lives for this rotten country we live in), Albert I, the monarch at the time, referred to the battle when he launched the appeal ?Flemings, remember the Battle of the Guilded Spurs?. (The promise after the war, in which he promised equal rights for the Flemings, was never honoured). ? Also in those days we had traitors, then called ?Leliaerts?, who, for reasons of personal gain and to show themselves as being more aristocratic, sided with the french. (Franskiljon Flemings are unfortunately still great in number today). However, there has to have been a much greater feeling of unity among the Flemings then, something we desperately lack these days.Finally:After Bart De Wever?s refusal to accept Elio Di Rupo?s proposal a strong, though completely correct signal was sent to the Walloons.Of course, De Wever had the knife on his throat, knowing fairly well he was feeling the breath of Vlaams Belang in his ncek and that, at the slightest concssion, the politilandscape could look completely different at a next election.Therefore, Flemings, stay united and fight, make clear to the other Flemish parties to form a real Flemish front this time, and go till the bitter end to finally achieve what so many before us even gave their lives for: A free and independent Flanders.Wishing you brilliant July the 11th celebrations.Keep going strong,

  6. It is always good to watch out what is happeing at the till, especially in a shop where you do not go usually or when there is a new cashier, but, if you are not certain about your regular shop, it is still always best to keep your eyes open.However, the law says (here in the United Kingdom anyway, I am not sure about anywhere else) that any item must be sold at the price which is advertised on it.It does not matter if they say "there was a promotion on this item yesterday, but we forgot to take the tag away", it is their resposibility and their responsibility alone to take the amended price tags away when a special offer ends.The law is very clear on that: the price you see is the price you pay.Even if an item has a price sticker on it, but there is a tag on the shelp that says "Now 50% off the regular price" or "?0.50", while the sticker on the item says "?1.50", then it is the price mentioned on the tag that counts, and they do not have a leg to stand on.Trading Standards would be very happy to hear about that too.So, if any cashier tries to ring up a different amount than what is on a "special offer" label, just stand your ground and insist they do things correctly. Ask to see a manager if you have to, and just remind him of what the law says.f they cannot be bothered to check their price list and labeling properly while stacking shelves, then it is entirely their problem, not yours.

  7. Thank yu, anwiii,I have gone through all the links you sent me already, but none were any good to me.Either you had to have Adobe Flash to use it, one led to a broken link in the end, and one was by Brothersoft, which sends you round in circles and ends up leaving you with rubbish if you do not install their spyware toolbar.As I said, I do have Adobe Photoshop, but you know how user-unfriendly Adobe programs are and how obscure their help files all, and as for support, well, it is practically non-existent. (For programs that are so expensive).That is why I barely scratch the surface with Photoshop, I know how much can be done with it, but being able to do it is quite another matter.I also have Swish Max4, a program to make Flash animations, and although a lot easier to use than Adobe Flash, and much more helpful to the user, it does have its own difficulties.There is a 3D wave effect in there, which you can apply to a single image, but getting the parameters of the effect right to achieve the correct kind of waving is a nightmare.It also seems like Java is getting more and more obsolete (and, like I said, many people turn Java off in their browser anyway, for security reasons),but there are tons of place that used to have great java applets some years ago, but which now seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth.Anyway, I'll go on looking, I might just get lucky.Thanks for your reply anyway.

  8. I am looking for a script with which I can turn a still picture into a waving flag.
    I have Googled all over the place, without any luck.
    I had something in mind like a Flash script or a Javascript, although many people turn off Java in their browssrs, so not everyone might see it if it is a Java applet.

    I do have SwishMax4, which contains a 3D Wave effect, but I am unable to set the parameters right to achieve the desired effect.
    I also have Photoshop CS2 and have tried some tutorials, but none were to my satisfaction.
    Or does anyone know of a free plug-in for Photoshop that can achieve the effect I am after?

    Any of the above will do, as long as I can take an image of my choice, set some parameters and watch my flag wave away happily.

    Are there any kind people out there who can assist me in finding a solution for my problem?

    I would be very much obliged.

    Thank you in advance.

    Obviously, if there are people who can recommend a program that will do what I want to achieve, that will be fine too.

    It does not have to be anything too fancy, as the waving flag effect is the only thing I need really, so, even if it is a freeware program that can do it without putting any watermarks on the end result that would do me fine.

    Just something small and simple would be good enough for me.
    So, any suggestions, please let me know.

    Thank you in advance.

  9. I am looking for a script with which I can turn a still picture into a waving flag.I have Googled all over the place, without any luck.I had something in mind like a Flash script or a Javascript, although many people turn off Java in their browssrs, so not everyone might see it if it is a Java applet.I do have SwishMax4, which contains a 3D Wave effect, but I am unable to set the parameters right to achieve the desired effect.I also have Photoshop CS2 and have tried some tutorials, but none were to my satisfaction.Or does anyone know of a free plug-in for Photoshop that can achieve the effect I am after?Any of the above will do, as long as I can take an image of my choice, set some parameters and watch my flag wave away happily.Are there any kind people out there who can assist me in finding a solution for my problem?I would be very much obliged.Thank you in advance.

  10. Well, I have a serious problem with the internal preview of CoffeeCup's "The HTML Editor", whether I have saved my page or not.I always use HTML 5 and CSS3 these days, and it seems like the compatibility with the newest browsers does not exist yet in the internal preview.When I look at a page using the Coffeecup preview, everything looks out of place, while it works like it should in all the browsers I use for testing (Firefox 5 as my default browser, IE 9, Opera (latest version) and Google chrome (latest version too).).I looked through the support pages and saw something in the Preferences setting, which I do not seem to have, although I use the latest version of the HTML Editor: a dropdown menu which lists the possible versions of Internet Explorer (although, as far as I am aware, I have only IE 9 on my hard disk).However, the internal preview is not doing its job like it should.Am I missing something, or, if not, can the Coffeecup team do something about that, please, as it is a lot quicker, when you have to have a quick peek at the preview of your page, to use the internal preview, rather than to wait for the external browser to load.I have attached a picture of how it looks in the internal preview in the HTML Editor, and one of how it should (and does) look in Firefox 5.Is there anyone here with some familiarity with the software?It is the latest version (12 build 373) of The HTML Editor by CoffeeCup (http://www.coffeecup.com/).post-46682-0-53402800-1309883279_thumb.jpgpost-46682-0-66294200-1309883298_thumb.jpg

  11. Well, I don't know what happened, but it has certainly never happened before:I had a look here this morning, and my credit was still at 94.11, the ticket has also been raised, but no reply as of yet (By the way, on anwiii's advice I put it as "ATTN Opaque").Anyway, when I looked here just a few minutes ago, believe it or not, my credit had all of a sudden changed from 94.11 to 91.7 (in the next dollar, of course, I do not mean it has decreased).Now, as I said before, this is the first time ever my credit has made such a leap, I guess it was because it had remained unaltered for quite some time, although I had contributed by posting (like I normally do).But, no matter what, it has never happened to me before that my credits jumped up almost a whole dollar, could it have had something to do with a delay that I experienced on my MyCents account?No idea.In any case, I shall now await a reply to my ticket I submitted and se if an explanation can be found there.By the way, to the Americans on here: I wish you a happy Independence Day.

  12. Right then,I think it will be justified to raise a ticket on the matter, especially now that I see I am not the only one facing this problem.I will do so after finishing this post and I am grateful for anwiii's suggestion to add "ATTN Opaque" to it, obviously hoping he will effectively get to see it, especially since he is the only one, being the maker of the script, qualified to reply to matters like this.(Although, to be quite honest, the 'ordinary' Xisto staff does not seem to be very qualified to reply to tickets lately, let alone offering solutions, as I have just looked at my tickets and one of them has been closed for a second time without giving me a satisfactory answer or solution). Anyway, I am glad that someone experiencing a similar problem posted here too, if only to show I was not just "jumping the gun" (won't mention any names on that one....).So, I shall go and type my ticket now and see what they have to say, with thanks to anwiii for the tip of putting it to Opaque directly and while also expressing my gratitude to k_nitin_r for sharing his experience in facing similar problems with us.I will keep you posted on the outcome.Thanks again.In the mean time, the ticket has been submitted, so I shall wait and see now.

  13. OK,if length is one of the quality criteria, the I mentioned it a few times in my original post (although, maybe not 100% clear, as it is not easy to explain).However, as I said, my posts are usually the same length 9sometimes longer, rarely shorter), the length I referred to I took the field in which ou write your post as a yardstick.My post usually spans 1 fieldful of that (although I have never calculated how many words/sentences that would be).So, when the post is finished and appears on the screen, it is about half a screen full.Also (if that makes things a bit clearer, when I type my original post, it usually goes on until the scroll bar at the side appears, and usually goes on until the bar scrolls about 2 sentences.I know, my explanation probably looks and sounds stupid, but that ia the best way I can try to make clear how long my posts usually are.

  14. I am not jumping the gun, I made an assumption, which, in my book, is a different thing.To answer your questions:1) I have recently after I began to assume something had changed.2) I always look before posting wheter ther is a post count in the subject.3) Could you explain what exactly is meant by "the quality of posts", what exactly the criteria are? (You are not going to tell me every post gets read to be given a quality label, are you? :) )So, is the "quality" about the number of words in the post, or about something else?I could then, myself, be able to give a clearer answer if I knew.(After all, I think "quality" is not a very well chosen term, unless there is some sort of "quality control").

  15. I am a bit confused and surprised when I look at how my MyCent credits go up lately.It could be my imagination (although I don't think so), but it looks like my credits are increasing slower than they used to.I still post regularly, but it seems to take an incredible mount of posts to get me into my next dollar.An example: I used to have to make two, three at the most, posts of about one screen long (edit screen, that is) to make it into my next dollar.I have noticed recently that, after making about five posts, some a bit shorter, but two or thre the usual length, I am stil within my same dollar.I notice that my credits do increase, but, the last post I made, I was then at 70.74 MyCents, was the usual length of just over one edit frame long, and when I looked before I posted this post, it had gone up to 94.11 MyCent credits while, in the past, two similar post would have broughr me from one dollar to the next and now, they just seem to increase my amount a bit.Am I mistaken or not?Or is there a temporary fault on the MyCents system, or have the credits per post been decreased?If anyone has experienced something similar, I would love to hear about it.At the risk of repeating myself, I could, of course, be mistaken, in which case I would like to apologise, but I don't think my senses are playing tricks on me.So, if anyone is in the same boat, please let me know.Thank you in advance.

  16. Hello,I am having a problem uninstalling a program, when I try it via Control Panel (I use Windows 7 Ultimate, by the way) it tells me "INSTALL.LOG cannot be found" and when I try to use the program's own uninstaller I get exactly the same message.Yet, in the latter case, when I am in the folder containing the program, the "INSTALL.LOG" file is staring me in the face, and it is not an empty file.The other thing that bothers and surprises me is that it is a legitimate program, nothing cracked, patched or illegal about it.The other thing is that I have another program, made by the same company, and I have the same issue with it, coincidence or what?Is there anyone who recognises these symptoms, and, evenbetter, knows a cure for it?Or would it be all right to just delete the appropriate folder(s) and then clean up my registry to get rid of the traces of the program(s)?Any expert advice will be gratefully accepted as this issue is driving me mad.Thank you in advance.

  17. This is one of the most confusing things that happens to people at a certain age (during puberty): not knowing what exactly their sexual orientation is.It is quite a common (and normal) thing to happen, after all, during puberty, your hormones go all over the place and quite a few things get mixed up inside your body and mind.It is of course simple to say not to worry about it, because most people do, but in the end, people usually find what they really are.As I mentioned before, the hormones doing their job at this stage of life, and, with people also being at an age where they are sometimes unsure about the ins and outs of sex can lead to a desire to explore sex and relationships from all angles.The best thing is to let nature take its course, eventually you will know what you are.I have often known about people who felt attracted to people of their own gender during that stage of life and later had a 100% heterosexual life.I have also noticed that a majority (not all)of the people who felt they were attracted to both sexes, usually went on to be lie the people I mentioned above, quite often (although not a "rule" as such), people who turn out to be gay seem to feel more for people of their own gender than the opposite sex, even during puberty.Also, being bisexual can also come out later in life, some people who have had a gay or heterosexual relationship (or a number of any of those) for many years can all of a sudden, at any stage of life be srruck by the desire for relationships with the opposite gender too.As you can see, it is a very complicated matter, and no two people are the same.Also, as Baniboy mentioned, be careful, you are only twelve years old, make sure nobody takes advantage of you when they know about how you feel (and the things that can lead to physically and psychologically).So, don't worry too much, growing up will lift much of the shroud.However, if it does not, then there might be a problem, as an example I will mention the English actor Kenneth Williams (although he was a very mixed-up character in general) who never really found what went on inside him, who was gay, but didn't want to be, he really couldn't handle it, which made him take a fatal overdose in 1988.However, I must say this is a rare and extreme case of a mixed-up sexual identity.Like I said, don't worry, and let time sort things out.

  18. That was probably useless though, if you know how the font-family property works.

    Well, no, Baniboy, I wouldnt say that.It is good that the people sending help my way are giving their explanations in some detail.

    It either shows me things I didn't know, or sometimes, it is a good refresher too.

    It also sometimes reminds me about things I used to know but that got pushed to the back of my mind over time.

    But, yes, some valuable things that I have read about typography, at least I am learning every step of the way.

    Thanks again.

  19. I have downloaded and installed the latest version of Google Chrome, and here too, the site seems to display flawlessly.So, I can consider now (or at least, so I hope) step number 2 (maybe the final step): adding some cosmetic tweaks.I am very grateful to everyone who put me on my way, and if you feel you hav missed out something, please do not hesitate to keep the advice coming.Thank you again.

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