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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. I am aware of the fact that there has been some kind of crash the day before yesterday and the day before, when we were greeted with a database error when trying to access this forum, but it seems like a few things have not been resolved yet.Once again, the MyCents credit system does not seem to do its job properly:I was owed a number of MyCents credits dating back to before the crash (or whatever caused the issue), this was after I was informed that a BETA version of the script is now running, and i understand there had been some delay because of that.Anyway, after the MyCents issue, I received my credits, and then posted some more, which is why i say I am still owed some credits.But then I saw the crash, so, i obviously expected nothing to happen during that time.I even added some posting right after the crash just to make sure.However, for the last two days, nothing has changed to my credit again, although I was told that the fact that MyCents does not run on a certain day is a myth.If it is, where are the latest updates then?I owe Xisto some money (not even a dollar, not a huge amount), but had MyCents done its job properly, that would not have been the case.So, can someone please look into the MyCents script and make sure it starts giving credit where credit is due?I have the impression mine is "somewhat" overdue.

  2. Yes, that is right, if your computer has a built-in card reader, you can just slot your memory card in and the computer will treat it as a separate drive.

    (You will see it appear in "My Computer" as another drive with a letter one higher than the normally highest one).


    I mean, if your CD/DVD drive has the highest letter (for example "D"), after slotting in your memory card, you should notice a "Removeable Drive 'E'" has appeared in your list.


    However, I am not sure why your system would refuse to recognise your camera.


    What OS are you using?

    (Normally Windows Vista and Windows 7 automatically recognise new hardware and automatically install drivers for the new hardware).


    Have you tried going to the Samsung website and looking for drivers?


    Anyway, I had a look for you, and a driver, along with a manual and even firmware (be careful with that) can be downloaded here.

    Mind you, it is the UK website, but the software should make no difference.


    If not, try the American Samsung website.


    Give it a try and let me know how you get on, please.

    Oh, before I forget, Happy New Year to you.


    Oops, just notice the driver is for Windows 98, but you might be able to run it in compatibility mode.

    Is the S860 an older model?


    Anyway, hope that helps, please let me know how you get on.

  3. Hi Andy (I assume that is your name).Welcome to the Xisto community.Please tell us a bit more about yourself, like where you come from, your hobbies and interests and some more general information.You will be even more happy here when you have been a member for a while, when you have met some nice people on here, found answers to your questions and/or solutions to your problems.Also, once you start to collect MyCents you will see how rewarding it is, you can use them to pay for hosting, domain names and more.Let me assure you the web hosting is well worth having, very generous and also very reliable.i hope to read lots more from you here soon, and i wish you lots of fun on these forums.

  4. I was wondering if there is a (small but annoying) glitch in this forum.It often happens that, when I type and have finished a sentence, upon pressing <RETURN>, the cursor has moved to the beginning of the sentence I just typed instead of staying at the end.This means that, when I press <RETURN>, the sentence I typed moves down one line instead of the cursor going down one line.Has anyone else experienced this problem?As I said, it might be just a minor glitch, but it can get very annoying and time consuming when it starts happening too often.

  5. It is still winter and the worst might yet be to come.


    Apart from the storms last week, everything has been quite smooth here in the UK, but it would not be the first year we get snow and ice late in the winter.


    In that case, you need to get some decent food inside you which helps you face the elements if you have to be outside.


    So, here it goes, not only a winter warmer, but also a yummy yummy dish called "Corned beef Hash".




    To serve 4 persons.

    1.5 kilo (3.3 pounds) of potatoes.

    2 big onions

    500 grammes of beef (steak) mince.

    1 can of Corned Beef.

    25 grammes (0.90 ounces) of butter.

    1.5 liter (52.5 fl. oz.) of water.

    2 OXO cubes



    Peel the potatoes and cut them into four.

    Cut the onions into pieces (does not have to be finely chopped).


    Melt the butter and fry the onions until nice and brown.

    Add the potatoes, Corned Beef and mince and crumble the OXO cubes in.

    (Instead of OXO, you can also use beef stock paste).


    Add the water and bring to the boil.

    Let it simmer on a very low fire for about 2 hours.


    If so desired, you can also add gravy granules or add a jug of REAL coffee (no instant mix) to make the whole dish even more nice and brown.


    Do not be put off by the idea of making a jug of coffee and adding it, it gives it a nice brown colour and you do not taste the coffee at all.


    Serve with bread (if required, can also be eaten by itself) and feel yourself break out in a sweat.

  6. Obviously, the question "is it correct to kill/beat..." is ridiculous, as it is never correct to do this, for whatever reason.


    However, I do have some thoughts, and strong points of view when it comes to the subject of racism:


    To start with, there is obviously no denying that racism really exists, and no question about the fact that it is wrong, unfortunately, it is a term that gets used and especially abused more and more lately, and it is a term that is never seen in its proper context.


    It is beyond doubt that many people play the race card in order to get what they want, or to get away with wrongdoing.


    A few examples:

    A teacher who fails a non-white pupil is often branded a racist

    A policeman who gives a non-white person often ends up being called racist.

    A business man who hires a white member of staff after interviewing a white and a non-white candidate often gets the same treatment.

    What is more, these situations often arise because the law and the gone mad political correctness helps and encourages non-whites to act in this way.

    Unfortunately, racism is also something which, according to those things mentioned above, only works one way. According to the political correct squad, only whites can discriminate non-whites, the opposite is never possible.


    I can give an example of the first point I mentioned:

    When I was teaching a year 7 class (11 year olds), I had already made a number of remarks to a half cast boy in my class who was constantly misbehaving and disrupting the lesson.

    When I gave him a final warning, I got from him "You're only doing this because I am black", I hadn't even punished him, just warned him.

    I am sure if children did not hear those things at home, they would not say them.


    However, because of situations like that, and the race card often being played in certain situations, it has already come to a point where non-whites are being treated with kids gloves, because people fear being branded racist.


    Then, about the one-sidedness of things, an incident that happened just two days ago here in England:

    Diane Abbott, a black MP for London, in other words, a woman in a function where she should set an example, the first black woman who was ever elected for Parliament, found it necessary to send a tweet saying: "Whites love to play divide and rule. Do not play their game".


    Obviously, Ed Milliband, the Labour Party Leader, defended her through thick and thin, but still made her apologise.

    Just imagine the shoe had been on the other foot, the country (especially the PC squad) would have been up in arms, and the politician in question would almost certainly have been sacked.


    It is, by the way, not the first racist comment the woman gets away with.



    The same thing for positive discrimnation: by law, companies are now required to have a certain number of staff from ethnic minorities, which means, they have to bend over backwards to hire non-whites to meet the quota, there is obviously nothing wrong with hiring non-white staff, as long as they are the best persons for the job.

    But, the law almost forces companies to discriminate whites in favour of non-whites, while it should be, the best suited candidate gets the job, irrespective of his skin colour.


    In other words, when you look at "positive discrimination", there is still that one word in it, yes, you read it right, positive or negative, it is still discrimination


    The fact is: nobody is born a racist, but by taking measures like that, the powers that be just create and induce racism.

    It is like the Afro-Caribbean friend and fellow musician I know: he went to record in a studio which was ran by Jamaicans, and, he himself said "i am never going back there, as the owners of that place are as racist as anything, especially against whites".

    Now, these words were spoken by an Afro-Caribbean, does that not tell you something?


    I just thought I had yo reply to this post, just to put a few things into context, not to justify racism (I said in the beginning it is wrong), but also to show it is not as black and white (pun intended) as some people want to make it seem.


    Therefore, it is high time some laws were revised somewhat, and high time it stopped trying to give people a guilt complex because things like electoral gain warrant it.

  7. Another good one I use is QIOS Pelican, a program made specially to deal with newsletters.

    The best thing about it is: it is free.


    One slight drawback for some people might be that you have to set up your subscription to your mailing list yourself, for example through a form on your website, but once that is done and you have some subscribers in your database, you are good to go.


    As for databases, QIOS Pelican can handle a wide selection of those.


    They are:

    Microsoft Access Database

    Microsoft Excel Sheet

    Microsoft Exchange Server via WebDAV

    Microsoft Outlook Mailbox

    Microsoft SQL Server

    Microsoft .NET DataSet over HTTP

    Oracle Database

    MySQL Database

    Text File

    Custom OLE DB Connection

    Custom ODBC Connection

    The program also contains an editor for your email, allowing both text and HTML.

    If you newsletter uses a similar layout for every one you send out, all you have to do is open the editor and change the things that are new in the newsletter.


    After that, you just let the program look at your mailing list which is in your database and let it send out your newsletter to all subscribers in the list (although it is also possible to untick names to exclude them from the mailing list).


    More information about the program can be found here.


    Although it is a free program, the staff at QIOS always answer your queries and requests for support, and they run a forum too.


    Go and have a look, I have used the program for a number of years now and I am quite happy with it.

  8. Yes, I agree when it comes to Indian food.I like an Indian curry now and then, especially the kofte (meat balls, or is it kofta?), a nice chicken or beef curry is great too, and I am also very keen on (apart from kofte) a lovely prawn curry (told you I like seafood).About the eels, it is quite possible the restaurant did not do them properly, plain fried eels, for example, are great when done the right way, ie. fried with some onion and lemon.And then there are all the varieties you have on the dish: eels in cream and pepper sauce, eels in plain cream sauce, eels done the way of the chef of the particular restaurant you are in, the varieties are endless.The only one I don't like are "eels in green", which are fried eels in a sauce of all green vegetables (spinach, charvil, parsley etc).I can assure you if I cooked eels for you, you would remember them for some time to come (and, yes, for the right reasons :P ).By the way, if you can ever let me have a recipe for a vindaloo, I wouldn't mind doing one of those.

  9. First of all, a very happy new year to you, Velma, and the whole of Xisto.I did indeed receive my credit update today (a good one, I must say :D ).So, it seems I was right about something not working.I am glad Opaque has now upgraded the script, and even though it is still in the BETA stage, upgrading scripts regularly can only improve things.This reminds me (talking about scripts), by the way, is there a script available on Xisto that keeps track of certain events (eg. like keeping rankings or something)?The reason I ask is because, for a while now, I have been playing with the idea of posting something like a weekly music quiz (just for the fun of it).It would of course be perfectly possible that I post the questions and that the people either post their replies or PM their replies to me, but then I would have to keep track of the scores manually or enter them into a spreadsheet or database or something, it would, of course, be a lot handier if I had something that added the scores automatically and set up the tables with participants.So, if you are interested (many people would probably like to take part in a regular quiz) to have a bit of fun on here, please get in touch, i am quite willing to spend a bit of time on a fun project.

  10. I don't know whether it is the holiday season or whether MyCents has been celebrating a bit too extensively :unsure: , but I started posting quite a number of posts on Sunday, all of considerable length, and none of them in "No post count" topics, but it is now Wednesday and my credit has still not changed.Has the script stopped running temporarily or something?I think it is unusual for the script not to update the credits in three days, OK, sometimes it can take a day or two, and, according to what I read somewhere (I do not know whether it is true or what) the script does not work on one day of the week, but it is strange for the updates to take that long.I was wondering if the powers that be are aware of this.

  11. People who know me will by now probably have got used to the fact that I like posting a recipe now and then.


    I will now share with you a delicious Flemish recipe, simple to make, but ever so delicious.


    The reason why I did not post the name of the meal in the subject is because it needs a few words to explain it.

    The dish is called Gentse Waterzooi. There is no translation for the word "waterzooi", so, translated in English, the dish would be called Ghent Style Waterzooi.

    (Ghent being a city in Flanders).


    It is a kind of broth, based on chicken, or you could also class it as a velouté.(the French term for a creamy soup, somewhat thicker than a normal soup).


    Anyway, here we go:



    (Serves about four).

    A whole medium-sized chicken or chicken pieces (thighs and legs).

    30 grammes (1 ounce) of butter.

    30 grammes (1 ounce) of plain flour.

    500 cl. (1 pint) of milk.

    500 cl. (1 pint) of chicken stock (made from your chicken).

    4 carrots.

    4 leeks

    1 stick of celery.

    chopped parsley.



    Boil the chicken until really tender.

    Cut your vegetables into a julienne (thin strips) and boil in water in a separate pan.

    When the chicken is really tender, remove from the pan, keep your stock, and let the chicken cool so you can take the skin off.

    (If you are using a whole chicken, cut it into pieces).


    Melt the butter in a pan and then add the flour bit by bit, stir to avoid lumps, when all the flour has been added, let the mix boil dry a little bit to get the flour taste out of it.


    Pour your milk on the mix bit by bit, raise the temperature and keep stirring until the sauce begins to thicken.


    When thickened (not too thick), pour in your stock and stir thoroughly.

    Remove the vegetables from the water and add to the sauce.

    Add the chicken pieces.


    Let simmer for another 15 - 20 minutes.


    Serve by putting some chicken in a bowl, adding the liquid and sprinkle with chopped parsley.


    Goes well with bread.


  12. OK,

    I tried to install (or rather, re-install) Adobe Flash, but that made no difference.

    But then, after noticing a plug-in crash, I also re-installed Adobe Shockwave and that seems to have improved a tiny bit. (It has not solved the issue completely, however).


    I am also still stuck with the Microsoft Silverlight issue: when I try to play certain films, where the film is supposed to play, a screen from Microsoft comes up, inviting me to install the latest version of Silverlight.


    The thing that really hacks me off is: "I already have the latest version of Silverlight", nevertheless, some films keep asking me to install the latest version.


    Looks like I am in a no-win situation here.

  13. I want to show you how to make pasta with cheese sauce and ham.


    Any pasta can be used: twirls, penne, tagliatelle, macaroni, spaghetti or whatever kind of pasta you like.


    You will need (for 4 persons):

    300 grammes (10.5 ounces) of cooked ham.

    100 grammes (3.5 ounces) of butter.

    100 grammes (3.5 ounces) of plain flour.

    0.5 litre (1 pint) of milk.

    250 grammes (9 ounces) of grated strong cheese.

    750 grammes (26.5 ounces) of pasta.



    Preparation: Cut the ham into small pieces.


    In a large pan, melt the butter, while you boil the pasta in water in a separate pan..

    Add the flour until it forms a thick mass and let heat up a little bit.

    Add the milk bit by bit and keep stirring, make sure there are no lumps.


    Let it boil gently until it becomes thick, then add your cheese and ham.


    Keep it warm on a low fire and then add your pasta, stir everything thoroughly so it gets mixed nicely.


    Ready to serve.

  14. I have a problem that seems to be caused by my laptop, as my wife's laptop does not have the issue.When I want to watch a video online from certain sites, the films keep buffering forever, and never start.The funny thing is, it did not happen before, and, as mentioned before, the films play fine on my wife's laptop, so the cause of the issue must be with me.This morning, when I wanted to watch a film, the first thing that happened was that I was asked to install the latest version of Microsoft Silverlight, which I did.There is even one film which just keeps asking me to upgrade Silverlight, even though I have the latest version.I use the latest version of Google Chrome and Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate as my Operating System.I tried using Firefox, but I have the same issue there.I cleared my cache completely, all to no avail.Can anyone help me sort this out, please?Thanks in advance.

  15. I like most fruits and fruit juices, but I too do have a dislike for tomato juice.I love fish and seafood, but I am not keen on fresh water fish (trou, carp etc.), i think they taste sort of "muddy", there is one exception, however, i like river eels.Most meats are fine for me too, except if they have to much fat and/or sinews in them, for example, I love a juicy steak (rumpsteak etc.), but do not give me sirloin, which is full of fat and has sinews running through it all over the place.Just like Quatrux, I would not eat anything like snake, rat, scorpion, frogs legs, snails and the likes, and certainly not (like they do in some parts of China and the Philippines) dog meat.Unlike what velma said, a combination of sweet and savoury can be nice, for example, a great one we often eat is roast chicken with chips and tinned peaches (not fresh ones), give that a try and I am sure you will feel like you are in heaven.This is, however, a difficult topic, because tastes differ so much from person to person, but it is neverthelees nice to compare what people do and do not like.

  16. I remember when I had a free account with Byethost, which I used for testing purposes.Obviously, it was some time ago (around 2004), but the account seemed to be determined NOT TO let me do my testing.With this i mean, I could upload sites and alter and edit them with no problem (the basic stuff), but when I tried to upload the data for even the most simple web form, everything hopelessly failed.Any sort of script, no matter how simple, simply either failed to upload properly, or if it did get uploaded, it did not work and left me with loads of error messages.Apparently this happened because PHP Safe Mode was turned on, OK, that might be a security measure, but that was obviously no good to me.Also, since the PHP mail() function was (is) disabled, it was quite obvious that scripts which were supposed to send out emails were not going to work.Further, there is the Vista Control panel (this is a matter of opinion, of course), but I do not like it one bit, I find it very user unfriendly (of course, there will be people who swear by the Vista Panel, like I said, a matter of opinion).I do not know about the paid for version, but in my very humble opinion, Byethost (at least the free version) seems to be adequate for beginning webmasters, or people with a simple website with just text and some graphics, but if things get too sophisticated, it is best to take your business elsewhere.It is nice to know that Byethost are ad-free, however.

  17. Hello, Ajeesh,welcome to the Xisto community.It is indeed, as was mentioned in a previous post, a fun place to be, and there are lots of people on here who are specialised in all kinds of things, so i you ever have a problem with something, you probably wil find help here by posting about your problem.Then, about your work and your magazine, this is a great place to make your work known and to enlighten people, I, for one, have always been interested in alternative medicine, so I would love to hear about your work.Why don't you start with posting an article about Ayurveda, explaining what it is, what it can do and what treatment methods are used.It could lead to people asking you all sorts of interesting questions which could lead to great articles in your magazine.In the mean time, you can also (if that is your intention, of course) collect lots of MyCents credits, which could contribute to earning web hosting here, you could even use that web space to set up a website about your work.Anyway, once again, a very warm welcome to Xisto, and I am really looking forward to reading about your work.

  18. I have a Packard Bell PC with the following specs:

    Intel Dual Core processor 2800 Mhz.

    2 Gb of RAM

    1 TB hard drive

    Running Windows 7 Ultimate Edition.

    I was given 4Gb of RAM (on one stick) for Christmas.


    Since the system indicated my PC can take a maximum of 8 Gb of RAM, I took out one of the 1 Gb sticks which were present in my PC and put the 4Gb stick in. (Which should then leave me with 5 Gb of RAM altogether).


    I must say things were slightly against me, leads in my way inside the PC, the cat annoying me while I was putting the RAM in, however, when I switched the PC on it just gave me a continuous beep (usually a sign of a RAM problem or ram not being slotted in properly) bt what worries me is that I smelled something burning.


    Since I experienced that smell, I pulled out the plug immediately and I then started taking my time.


    I put the leads nicely out of the way and put in the RAM properly, and as a security/testing measure, I just put back the old RAM, ie. the two 1 Gb sticks.


    When i switched the PC on again, all I get is the long continuous beep, no smell of burning, but nothing more, the PC just will not start up.


    Does anybody recognise that kind of problem?

    Would it be a case of having to insert the RAM properly, or cleaning up the gold connectors on the module or would there be something more serious going on (that burning smell is still playing on my mind).


    If anyone recognises the symptoms, please get in touch, as I would obviously like to bring my PC back to life (including the increased EAM) without (hopefully) having to fork out a hefty repair bill.


    So, please, if anyone can advise me further, let me know what my options are.


    Your input will be very much appreciated.

  19. I am not sure whether or not this is a hardware related problem, but the hardware is one of the suspects in this problem, so I am posting it here.


    I have never known anything like that before, and I wonder if anyone has, the main question here is:


    "Can a switched off computer switch itself on again"?


    Well, according to my experience, it can.

    Here is the full story:


    I have a Packard Bell PC with the following specs:

    Intel Dual Core processor 2800 Mhz.

    2 Gb of RAM

    1 TB hard drive

    Running Windows 7 Ultimate Edition.

    Sometimes, there are times when the machine does not get used for a while (sometimes for a few weeks at a time).


    I assume (correct me if I am wrong, please) part of the problem might have something to do with the above, as sometimes, when I switch it on after a period of inactivity, it costs me a number of attempts to boot the machine up.


    What happens is, the machine starts up as normal, but before it gets to the Windows login screen, it seems to reset itself and starts again from the very beginning.

    Sometimes it starts up normally after a few attempts, sometimes it gives me a screen advising me to do a Windows repair, which I attempt to do when asked to do so.


    When the machine does boot up eventually, it just works good as gold and carries on to do so for the entire session.


    However, the weirdest occurrence of all is the following (it almost makes me think there is a sort of ghost living in my PC, hence the title of this topic):


    Sometime, I go into the room where the PC is located, I turn on the monitor, and what do I see?

    The monitor shows activity as if the PC is attempting to boot up, I don't mean I am greeted with the Windows login screen, but the screen once again shows the screen giving me the option to start Windows normally, or do a repair.


    How on earth is that possible?????

    How can a PC that has been shut down, and shut down properly, switch itself on????

    I would understand if you shut down, and the PC did not actually get to shutting down properly, but, in my case (because I am aware of the problem) i always wait until the PC has shut down properly and completely.


    Has anyone else experienced anything similar?

    If so, does anyone know the cause of the problem and even better, a cure for it?


    I will be very interested to read stories from people who have gone through something similar.

  20. I would like to set up an address database in Access 2007.

    This is normally a fairly straightforward job, however, things are never that black and white with me. :P

    The problem is, I need to add addresses from different countries (UK, Australia and Belgium), and they use slightly different formats.

    For example, in UK and Australian addresses, you write the house number first and then the street name, eg. 123 Somestreet, while, in addresses from Belgium, you do the opposite, the address there looks like Somestreet 123.

    There is also a difference in how the post codes are formatted:

    In the UK, the post code is made up of letters and numbers (eg. SL3 8BY) and this is written after the town name and county name, eg. Slough, Berks, SL3 8BY.

    In Australia, the post code is a four digit number (eg. 3190), written after the town name, eg. Frankston, 3190, Victoria.

    In Belgium, the post code is also a four digit number, but it is written in front of the town name, eg. 8400 Oostende.

    My question is now, how can I set up the database so the addresses display, and especially (that is my main concern) print out correctly on envelopes, so that all addresses in the different countries come out right, something like:


    Mr. Smith

    12 Station Road



    SL3 8BY


    Mr. Jones

    198 Kangaroo Street

    Frankston 3190



    Mr. Janssens

    Prutsstraat 124

    8400 Oostende

    If anyone can point me into the right direction, I would be very grateful for any relevant advice.

  21. 't Is the season to fill tummies.

    I am going to give you a lovely recipe: Vol au vent (French for "Flying in the wind"), also known as "Chicken Supreme".


    It can be eaten as a starter or as a main meal, on its own or served in a pastry case.


    Anyway, here is how you make it:



    A whole chicken

    2 dessert spoons of flour

    50 grammes (353 oz.) of butter

    2 carrots

    1 onion

    1 leek

    1 clove of garlic

    2 dl (7 fluid oz.) of cream

    0.5 pound of mince

    Some parsley

    1 lemon

    (The vegetables, as you will see later, are optional).




    Boil the chicken in water, to which you have (optionally) added the chopped carrot, leek, onion and garlic.

    (I say "optional", as you can boil the chicken in plain water, but it gives a nice chicken stock and more flavour to the chicken if the vegetables are used).


    Take the chicken off the bone and put to the side.

    Make little balls of the mince, roll then through flour and boil them in water, put to the side.


    Start making a white sauce by melting the butter in a saucepan and then stirring in the flour until it begins to look like it is drying a bit.

    Then, slowly (to avoid lumps forming) pour in the chicken stock (with vegetables removed if you used them) and stirring continuously.


    When you have a nice thick sauce, add the chicken and the meatballs, also stir in the cream.

    Let everything simmer for 15-20 minutes, while often stirring.

    Just before serving, add some lemon juice and garnish by adding chopped parsley.


    When eaten as a main course, you are now ready to serve the vol au vent with chips, mashed potato or rice.


    To use as a starter (although it can still be eaten as a main meal in this way, but then serve it as described above), use pastry cases known as bouchées a la Reine or vidée, put them in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees Centigrade and then fill with the vol au vent and serve garnished with some lettuce.


    As mentioned before, you can of course still use the pastry case and serve it as a main course with chips, mashed potato or rice.


    Give this one a try, a lot of work involved, but well worth it.

  22. I'm afraid I have to write an update on a lesser note now:Earlier today, nanna had to take Dido to the vet.We noticed the poor animal had developed a diarrhoea, it was literally like water running out of her.We started with the obvious remedy by putting her on a diet of rice and some chicken, but that made no difference.I then noticed that Dido had a fever too, so we thought it would be best to take her to the vet.He gave her an injection and gave us some antibiotic pills and a bottle of liquid for her to take.He said that the diarrhoea is sometimes caused by the stress of feeding the puppies, so he advised us not to let her feed the puppies anymore and to put the puppies on solid food completely now.He also noticed Dido was very thin, her weight has dropped to 19 kilos (about 41 pounds) and he says it is essential to gain some weight as soon as possible.He said that having a big litter has taken a lot of weight out of her.However, we were also told there is a lot of this condition going around among dogs at the moment.So, we will keep doing what we have been told to do and hope for the best, and see what happens when we take her back on Friday morning.

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