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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. No silly mistake, you DID include the '' to include the argument in.

    Can't send any errors, couldn't set up a log file.

    However, here are the changes I made in my php.ini:

    [mail function]; For Win32 only.SMTP = smtp.o2.co.uksmtp_port = 25auth_username="frankie_deschacht@o2.co.uk"auth_password="**********"; For Win32 only.sendmail_from ="frankied@jazzmusic.plus.com"; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").;sendmail_path =

  2. I run PHP 5.2.17 on my laptop (so, a local machine).

    In the php.ini file, the functions for mail and smtp say the following (for as far as I know, as i am a PHP novice):

    [mail function]; For Win32 only.SMTP = localhostsmtp_port = 25; For Win32 only.;sendmail_from = frankied[at]****music.plus.com; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").;sendmail_path =; Force the addition of the specified parameters to be passed as extra parameters; to the sendmail binary. These parameters will always replace the value of; the 5th parameter to mail(), even in safe mode.;mail.force_extra_parameters =

    I don't know what I need to change, also, I changed the original to my own email address (here masked out for security reasons), but that line is still commented.

    I also uploaded two scripts, one called mail.php, code below:
    <?php$to = "fd******[at]gmail.com";$subject = "Test mail";$message = "Hello! This is a simple email message.";$from = "webbie[at]v****-f******.org.**";$headers = "From:" . $from;mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);echo "Mail Sent.";?>

    Once again, i have masked my email address for security reasons.

    and mailform.php, code below:

    <?phpif (isset($_REQUEST['email']))//if "email" is filled out, send email  {  //send email  $email = $_REQUEST['webbie[at]vl***-f********.org.**'] ;  $subject = $_REQUEST['Proberen'] ;  $message = $_REQUEST['Ratatatatatatatataaaaaaaaaaaaaa'] ;  mail("fde*******[at]gmail.com", "$subject",  $message, "From:" . $email);  echo "Thank you for using our mail form";  }else//if "email" is not filled out, display the form  {  echo "<form method='post' action='mailform.php'>  Email: <input name='email' type='text' /><br />  Subject: <input name='subject' type='text' /><br />  Message:<br />  <textarea name='message' rows='15' cols='40'>  </textarea><br />  <input type='submit' />  </form>";  }?></body></html>

    Same here, emails masked for security reasons.

    Now, when I run both scripts, not one error is generated, and I get the message the mail has been sent successfully, but no mail ever arrives.

    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong and how I can make the mail() function work so I can test scripts locally, scripts that involve sending emails?

    Any help will be much appreciated.

  3. Yes, things are very confusing with our MyCent total (on the forum) being on 0.It makes it impossible to have control over what you are doing and how much more you need to get to get to your required total.Also, at least in the past, when your amount of credit on the forum reached $1, it was then transferred to your total on the Xisto website, and, as I said, that were WHOLE DOLLARS only.A few days ago i had accumulated 25 cents on the forum (which are not showing here, due to the balance being at 0), but, lo and behold, they were added to my grand total on the Xisto site.I am also wondering where Velma has gone, we usually used to get a reply to posts such as those here from her, but I have not seen any postings from her on here for a while.Anyway, I have raised a ticket to ask for some clarification about the 0 balance, but I am awaiting a reply from Xisto - Support.I think it is very confusing.

  4. Today, I also noticed tha my MyCents credits (and nanna's as well) showed 0.Never seen that before and it does not seem to be the case with other members.Also, I had a credit of 55.42 and had made a very substantial post, but my credit here shows 0, and it looks like i have accumulated 1 dollar in total on my credit total.So, does that mean that, for all my posts, among which a very big one, I have received the grand sum of 44.58 cents?It must be, as my total is 0 and 1 dollar was added to my grand total.Can someone please explain a biy further?Thank you.

  5. Hello Konrad,welcome to the Xisto community.You like web design and blogging, well, there is a big section about the internet, with lots of subforums, such as web design, multimedia, software, browsers, website reviews, website discussions and more.If you want to read up on things you will definitely find lots of informaion there, and if you want to share secrets of web design with others, there is also a section where you can post tutorials.and teach people how to do things.You can also ask questions here if you have problems with certain things, there are people on here who are specialised in various things, and who will be able to answr your queries.So, have a great time here.

  6. Singer Whitney Houston died today in the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel at the age of 48.


    Whitney was found drowned in her bath by her bodyguard, and a substantial amount of prescribed medicines.

    No drugs or alcohol were found, but, according to eye witnesses, the star would have had a wild party in the hotel bar the night before.


    It is said that alcohol flowed richly at the party and Whitney and her friends were very noisy.


    A short biography:


    Whitney Elisabeth Houston was born in Newark, New Jersey on August 9, 1963, goddaughter to Aretha Franklin and cousin of Dionne Warwick.


    Her mother was background and gospel singer Cissy Houston (among other things to be heard on hits by Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin).

    As a teenager, Whitney toured nightclubs together with her mother.


    In 1977, at the age of 14, Whitney sang the lead on the number "Life's A Party" by the Michael Zagers Band. Zagers arranged a recording contract for her, but mother Houston thought that Whitney should finish her school first.


    The following years, Whitney sang backing vocals on recordings by Jermaine Jackson and Chaka Khan among others. In the beginning of the 80s, her carreer as a model got off the ground too.


    In 1983, Gerry Griffith (who worked for the label Arista Records) saw Houston perform with her mother in a New York nightclub. Griffith brought Houston in touch with Clive Davis, the owner of the label, and after a showcase, he too was smitten by her talent, and very soon a recording contract followed. During The Merv Griffin Show, Houston made her American television debut.


    It was not until the late 80s (1986-1987) her albums began to become successes in both the USA and Europe.

    Her album "Whitney" sold 25 million copies worldwide.


    Her career reached very impressive heights, and even made the Guinness Book of Records, with:

    2 Emmy Awards

    6 Grammy Awards

    30 Billboard Music Awards

    22 American Music Awards

    In total, Whitney got 415 awards and sild 170 million records (more than for example Frank Sinatra or U2).


    One thing that contributed to the deterioration of her career was her marriage to Bobby Brown, a torture that went on for far too long (1989 - 2007).

    On March 4, 1993, Whitney gave birth to her daughter Bobbie Kristina Brown.


    In January 2000, Houston and Brown were caught with marihuana in their luggage on an airport in Hawaï. During the 30th Anniversary Special for Michael Jackson in September 2001, a far too thin Houston appeared in front of the audience and the pictures filled the papers the days after. Houstons spokesperson commented: "Whitney suffers from stress due to personal problems within her family and because of that stress, she is not eating".


    End 2002 thet album "Just Whitney" came out, but due to her personal attitude and poor promotion it sold "only" 4 million copies. The singles "Whatchulookinat", "Try It On My Own" and "One Of Those Days" became flops. End 2003 the Christmas album "One Wish: The Holiday Album", followed, but that did not get very high, neither.


    After long rumours and speculations in the press, the divorce between Whitney and brown became a fact in 2006.

    However, her career never came back on the rails after that: the sales of her releases kept going down and during her comeback in 2009, during the Nothing But Love World Tour, the audience booed her, and in England, people left the venue before the end of the performance, in the Sportpaleis in Antwerp, Whitney was unable to get a single high note (despite her 5 octave range) and left the chorus of some songs entirely to her backing group.


    Some final thoughts:


    This is a story like we have seen them before, a story of someone very talented, who, through connecting with the wrong people, and, who knows, because of not being able to pay the price of success, and not being able to cope with the stress, in other words, being a victim of her own success, became completely wasted.


    This is the second example in a short time, an example of how not to do it, as young people look up to artists like Whitney Houston and the recently deceased Amy Winehouse.


    Hopefully they should learn the right lessons, and along with admiring all the glamour and the glitter, also learn what not to do in order to become and remain successful.


    Nevertheless, I want to wish Whitneys loved ones all the strength in the world.


    RIP Whitney.


    Sources: Het Laatste Nieuws, IMDB, The Telegraph.

  7. I am sorry, but this is getting ridiculous, it is really getting beyond a joke.


    Once again the credits have not updated for a number of days, as a result of that my invoice is only partly paid.

    This is the second month in a row that happens.


    I am really wondering now what happened to the replies we got saying "the script never gets a day off" and "we run the script manually every day"?


    Before this happened, the script did not run for almost a week, and on this occasion, it has also been about 4 or 5 days since the script was last ran (or so I assume, because that is how long it has been since the credits were last updated).


    Raising a ticket about it does not help you much further neither, as all you get is "make sure you have not posted in a 'NO POST COUNT' forum, as that does not add any credits", as if you (especially when you have been here for some time) not going to know when you post in forums that do not pay any credits.


    Come on, Xisto, pull your finger out!!!!

    Things are going down hill fast now!!!


    At least try to keep the old members here!

  8. It is indeed high time honour killings were tackled once and for all.After all, I do not see any reason at all that could justify a murder (which is, plain and simple, what a honour killing is).The second thing that springs to mind is that it is not always about the honour of the family, or, not just about the honour of the family, but about money.In some cases, a honour killing happens because a girl refuses to be forced into an arranged marriage, ie. marrying a man the girl has never even seen in some cases.As it happens, there is also a lot of money involved, in the form of a dowry that has to be paid, which explains why quite a few families are so keen on arranged marriages, just because it can leave them with stacks of money.So, it is not always clear whether the honour of the family is the main thing hey are concerned about when the commit an "honour killing", or if it is the anger because of the missed money.However, whatever the reason, there is never any justification for murder, as I said before.The other problem is, Vintimehta mentions Northern India, and refers to the habit also beginning to spread to Southern india, but there is more to it than that: I have read quite a few cases of honour killings in Europe as well, that were committed by emigrated Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi or Afghan families.Now, in Europe, murder is not tolerated in any shape or form, but, as many of those people just do not want to integrate into the country that gives them a new and better life, they just go on committing those horrible crimes, even thinking they will get away with it like they sometimes do in their country of origin.I do agree whole-heartedly with the fact that those things have to be stamped out once and for all.

  9. My thought exactly, Sheepdog.There are hardly any posts worth replying to lately, and when you post a topic for support, even one that concerns a mod having a look at it, you do not even get a reply, just like I posted something some weeks ago about a suspected bug in the forum here, but I never received any reply whatsoever.I am not even sure where the mods are lately, as there are quite some new contributions in the shape of spam, but it looks like those posts are not being dealt with.But yes, I normally do not like nagging, but in the case of MyCents, I am afraid it has to be done, as it is happening too often lately.While I understand the script is in a BETA stage at the moment, I think it is NOT ACCEPTABLE that the script does not run for 4-5 days, or even up to a week, even jeopardising peoples' payments.Like this week, for example, it has taken from last Wednesday until yesterday (Monday) for the MyCents credits to be updated.While I, at the risk of repeating myself, understand this can occur because of the script being a BETA script and still being tested, when it happens too frequently that the MyCents updates are taking too long, I think there is definitely a problem.I think it is high time something got done to et some life back into this place.

  10. I was wondering if the following is possible, or, which software needs to be used to achieve it:


    I have an .avi file, and I also have two sets of subtitles (.srt format), in two different languages to go with it.


    Both subtitle files are fine and run in perfect sync with the film, as i can see in VLC video player.


    I would like to know now (the first one I used to know, but I forgot), which software to use to burn the film with the subtitles on it, as I know Nero does not support subtitles (not the version of Nero I use anyway), so, if anyone could remnd me of the name of the software to do that, that would be a great help.


    However, here is a second thing I would very much like to do (if it is possible, of course), and that is o burn the film to a DVD, with a menu, giving you an option to choose whether you want

    No subtitles.

    Subtitles in one language

    Subtitles in the other language.

    If anyone knows of a way, or a program to achieve his, would they please let me know?


    I would be very grateful for any possible solutions offered.

  11. I start the topic with an apology in the title, just because I seem to be forced to repeat myself.


    I know I will probably get some opposition, but I feel I have to point this out, because what I want to have a nag about is repetitive too.


    I am aware of the fact that a new MyCents script is in its beta stage and is being tested, however, I feel we should not be made to suffer because of this.


    It is now Friday, February 3, 012.


    I have, alongside others, probably, made some posts, among which there is at least one of considerable length.

    which was started on Wednesday, February 1.


    My MyCents counter is still the same as it was then, no update seems have to be taken place yet, and I need to be able to monitor how I am getting on to reach my amount of MyCents to pay for my hosting.


    Another member here had the same problem and raised a ticket about it, being about 80 cents short, and having had a 3rd and final warning for being overdue, without even having had a second one.

    According to the ticket, Xisto gave her a seven day extension so her hosting would not be suspended, and they also told her that the script was ran manually every day to avoid any issues.


    Nevertheless, the issues continue to exist.

    The member I am talking about owes 80 cents, and needs less than 11 cents to get to her next dollar so the debt could be paid off.

    There have already been a number of posts made by her, as advised by Xisto, and in that particular ticket they assured her "by posting you should certainly be able t clear what you owe easily and on time", but nothing has happened so far.


    The same goes for me too, I am doing my best to comply to the rules, but this situation makes it very difficult to have proper control over what I am doing.


    So, sorry for the nagging (some people might see it like that), but I honestly wish things would get a bit more effective from now on.

  12. People sometimes say "it is better to be a criminal, as, when you are the victim of a crime, you come off second best".


    How true that sometimes proves to be.


    It is with disgust that I read an article in Het Laatste Nieuws (a Flemish newspaper) about the treatment of the imprisoned child molester and murderer (serial killer) Marc Dutroux, (Probably Belgium's most hated criminal).


    Before getting into the article itself, it might be good to give a little bit of background information on Dutroux and his crimes, so that people would understand why the article in question is causing quite a bit of commotion.


    The man Dutroux:



    Marc Dutroux (born November 6, 1956) is a Belgian serial killer and child molester, convicted of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls during 1995 and 1996, ranging in age from 8 to 19, four of whom he murdered. He was also convicted of having killed a suspected former accomplice, Bernard Weinstein, later proved insane. He was arrested in 1996 and has been in prison ever since. His widely publicised trial took place in 2004. A number of shortcomings in the Dutroux investigation caused widespread discontent in Belgium with the country's criminal justice system, and the ensuing scandal was one of the reasons for the reorganisation of Belgium's law enforcement agencies.

    Source: Wikipedia

    His crimes in a bit more detail:



    In February 1986, Dutroux and Michèle Martin (the woman he married in 1989, divorced in 2003, they had 3 children together) were arrested for abducting andraping five young girls. In April 1989, he was sentenced to thirteen and a half years in prison. Martin received a sentence of five years. Showing good behaviour in prison, Dutroux was released on parole in April 1992, having served only three years. On his release the parole board received a letter from Dutroux's own mother to the prison director, in which she stressed concern that he was keeping young girls captive in his house - which was essentially ignored.

    Following his release from prison, Dutroux was able to convince a psychiatrist that he was psychiatrically disabled, resulting in a government pension. He also received prescriptions of sleeping pills and sedatives, which he would later use on his victims.

    Julie Lejeune and Mélissa Russo (both aged eight) were kidnapped together from Grâce-Hollogne on June 24, 1995, probably by Dutroux, and imprisoned in Dutroux's cellar. Dutroux repeatedly sexually abused the girls and produced pornographic videos.

    On August 22, 1995 Dutroux kidnapped 17-year-old An Marchal and 19-year-old Eefje Lambrechts who were on a camping trip in Ostend. He was probably assisted by his accomplice Michel Lelièvre, who was paid with drugs. Since the dungeon already contained Lejeune and Russo, Dutroux chained the girls to a bed in a room of his house. His wife was aware of all these activities. Dutroux killed the two girls several weeks later by drugging them and burying them alive at one of his properties in Jumet.

    In late 1995, Dutroux was arrested by police for involvement in a stolen luxury car racket. He was held in custody for three months between December 6, 1995 and March 20, 1996. During this period, Lejeune and Russo starved to death in the dungeon. There is documented reports that police searched Dutroux's house on December 13, 1995 and again six days later in relation to his car theft charge. During this time, Julie Lejeune and Mélissa Russo were still alive in the basement dungeon, but the Police failed to discover them. Since the search was unrelated to kidnapping charges, police searching the house had no dogs or specialised equipment that may have discovered the girls' presence, and they failed to notice the significance of the freshly plastered and painted wall that concealed the dungeon, in an otherwise decrepit and dirty basement. While in the basement, officers heard children's cries, which they decided had come from the street outside.

    Two months after his release, Dutroux, with help from Lelièvre, kidnapped 12-year-old Sabine Dardenne who was on her way to school on May 28, 1996. She was imprisoned by him, once again, in the dungeon where he had kept his previous victims.

    On August 9, 1996, the two men kidnapped 14-year-old Laetitia Delhez when she was walking home, from a public swimming pool. But an eyewitness identified part of a license platewhich matched a vehicle registered to Dutroux. He, his wife and Lelièvre were all arrested on August 13, 1996. An initial search of his houses proved inconclusive. But two days later, Dutroux and Lelièvre both made confessions. Dutroux led the police to the basement dungeon where Dardenne and Delhez were found alive on August 15, 1996. In an interview conducted several years later, Dardenne revealed that Dutroux had told her that she had been kidnapped by a gang but her parents did not want to pay the ransom and the gang was planning to kill her. Dutroux said he saved her, and that he wasn't one of gang she should fear. He let her write letters to her family, which he read but never posted.

    On August 17, 1996 Dutroux led police to another of his houses in Sars-la-Buissière (Hainaut). The bodies of Julie Lejeune and Mélissa Russo as well as another accomplice Bernard Weinstein were found in the garden. An autopsy found that the two girls had died from starvation. Dutroux said he had crushed Weinstein's testicles until he gave him money, he then drugged him and buried him alive. Later Dutroux told the police where to find the bodies of An Marchal and Eefje Lambrechts. They were located on September 3, 1996 in Jumet (Hainaut), buried under a shack next to a house owned by Dutroux. Weinstein had lived in that house for three years.

    Hundreds of commercial adult pornographic videos, along with a large number of home-made sex films that Dutroux had made with his wife Michelle Martin were recovered from his properties.

    Investigations and trial:

    ​A number of errors (cover-up or human error? This was never specified further) were made during the investigation:

    While investigations went on against Dutroux for car theft, Julie and Mélissa were still alive in their cell, but they were never found, since that particular investigation was unrelated to kidnapping charges, police searching the house had no dogs or specialised equipment that may have discovered the girls' presence, and they failed to notice the significance of the freshly plastered and painted wall that concealed the dungeon, in an otherwise decrepit and dirty basement. While in the basement, officers heard children's cries, which they decided had come from the street outside.

    Several incidents suggested that Dutroux's intentions were not properly followed-up. Dutroux had offered money to a police informer for providing girls, and told him that he was constructing a cell in his basement.

    His mother also wrote a second letter to the police, claiming that he held girls captive in his houses.

    It is obvious that, under these circumstances, there was widespread anger and frustration in the country, du to the slowness with which the investigations were conducted and the police errors.

    When the judge in charge was dismissed, it lead to a massive protest march of 300,000 people in Brussels in October 1996, during this march, demands were also made for reforms in the police and justice system.

    A Parliamentary Investigation in February 1998 concluded that Dutroux did not have accomplices in high places, but that he took advantage of corruption, sloppiness and incompetence.

    In April of the same year, there was commotion again, when Dutroux was transferred to a court house without handcuffs, he overpowered a guard, took his gun and escaped, but he was caught a few hours later.

    This incident caused to ministers and a chief of police to resign.


    The trial began in March 2004, Dutroux admitted the abductions, but denied the killings of the girls, while he admitted having killed one of his accomplices.

    On June 22, Dutroux received a sentence of life imprisonment, while his former wife got 30 years imprisonment and another accomplice got 25 years.


    All the above shows we are dealing with a monster, a dangerous psychopath, who should never see the daylight again.


    Before going on to the article: I consulted the following sources for the above insight: press articles from the archives of Het Laatste Nieuws, Het Nieuwsblad and De Standaard.

    I also consulted Wikipedia.


    The article:

    In this morning's edition of Het Laatste Nieuws (February 1, 2012) we read:

    "The culinary life of a Prince Marc Dutroux leads in his cell"

    Marc Dutroux is serving a life sentence in the prison of Itter.

    In jail, he leads a culinary life like a prince, much to the annoyance of prison staff and fellow inmates.

    The condemned paedophile Marc Dutroux -about the most despised Belgian ever- is making his gastronomic demands.

    He demands to be served according to his every wish.


    Officially, he gets preferential treatment because his health conditions warrant this, but there are certainly some bizarre contradictions to be found:


    He does not want fish in bread crumbs, but croquettes are fine.

    Some yoghurts are taboo, others are not, even if they are of exactly the same substances, but only different in taste.

    He does not like mince, sausages or spaghetti bolognese, but he does like ham.


    Poultry is his absolute favourite, he will eat that in any form or shape.

    Cheese is all right, but only if it comes in slices, otherwise it can be taken back to the kitchen.


    If they serve him any undesired meal, he often complains to the prison management.



    (The above was translated from Dutch from Het Laatste Nieuws, February 1, 2012).


    Now, who does he think he is?

    Did his victims get a choice of food? NO! They were left to starve to death.


    What is the penal system up to?

    Why treat a monster like Dutroux with kid's gloves?

    Has he ever shown any mercy with any of his victims?


    For all I care, he should count his blessings there is no death sentence in Belgium, which is a punishment I think he would definitely deserve.

    Instead of fulfilling his every wish, they should just keep him on water and bread, which is still better than what his innocent victims got.


    As i said in the opening of this post: it seems like crime does pay, it seems that nowadays the criminals come off better than their victims.


    What has happened to real justice?

  13. And what is even worse, Sheepdog, it looks like you jinxed me too (see my answer to your other post). :wub:


    I NEVER had a similar problem before, and after reading your post, I decide to give it a try: BANG!!!!!!!!

    I am greeted with "about:blank" in my URL bar.


    I do not know whether that is because the Xisto - Support website is down, although it looks like it, as, when I type the URL in directly, I cannot seem to get the website to come to life.



    So, what's next?

    Maybe I should say to you "Thanks a lot, Sheepdog, thank you for jinxing me" :), or, in the words of a great American comedian of many years ago: "That's another fine mess you got me into".


    No offence, mind you. ^_^

  14. Hi, Sheepdog,


    about the MyCents: it appears Opaque is testing a new script to calculate and allocate the MyCents credits, so, that could be a reason for your MyCents problem.


    If it carries on, I would raise a ticket with Xisto - Support if I were you.


    I have not come across this problem myself, however, the things I have encountered recently were:


    -MyCents not upadating, sometimes for a week on the trot, however, the support staff said that was due to the new script, and until the testing was done and the script was ready to run automatically, they were running it manually every day for the time being.


    -The site being down, I came across this a few times, and, as Nanna mentioned, on at least one occasion we were unable to get on for a whole day.


    I have also noticed lately that the place seems to become quite "lifeless" again, with no new posts, or no posts worth reacting to for a long time, or even your own posts remaining unanswered for a long time or even indefinitely.

    I also noticed quite a few spam posts (reported some of them too), which seemed to be left undealt with by the mods.

    Hardly inviting to use the place, wouldn't you agree?


    They also seem to have made more changes which are not really for the better, as I notice most of the editing and BBCode functions are gone, or at least hidden.


    I can't even include a list in my postings, had to mimic one manually.

    However, have a look at the top of the place where you are typing and see all the things that have disappeared.


    I really do hope they turn this place around again, and fast.


    I edited my post to add the following:

    I do have the same problem for the first time now. The page where I check my credit total (Xisto) refuses to open.

    In this screen (the full editor) I at least have all the editing functions, including the ones I use often and love to use.

  15. First of all, Casper, welcome to the Xisto community.


    If web hosting (decent web hosting) is what you are after, you have definitely come to the right place, and as you have seen for yourself, he price is right.


    First of all, never mind what your website subject is, as long as it is legal, above board and appropriate (the usual terms and conditions that go about anywhere), it does not matter what your website is about.


    Now the problem I run into with free servers isn't CPU memory.. because even though my scripts are run pretty frequently (each user rechecks a php page every 1-2 seconds (script takes about .1-.2 seconds to run and load) (just simple SELECT from mysql stuff). It's the fact that a lot of free web hosts limit you based on CPU time... So with a decent amount of users I hit the CPU time limits pretty frequently causing major lag issues as it waits for the next minute to pass. (My current host... bytehost allows me 40 seconds of cpu time every minute) Now that's decent until you get 10 people on the IRC server at the same time.)

    Now, it is unlikely you will run into this kind of problem here, there is no CPU time based time limit here.

    Another common problem, usually had with free webhosts, does not exist here: the PHP SAFE MODE is not turned off here.


    That was a problem which has proven to be extremely annoying to me on some free web hosts (some of which I only used for testing things anyway), because of the SAFE MODE restriction, sometimes even the simplest scripts refused to run, showering me with errors all over the place.

    Once the script was ran here (unaltered), it ran good as gold and without generating any errors.


    So here's sorta my question, are the packages hosted with Xisto (the site I had to sign up for to get myCENTS) restricted like this? And if they are, what plans are restricted and/or by how much.

    As far as I am aware, none of the Xisto plans know those restrictions.


    There are a number of plans, but all of them are quite generous and, what is more, very reliable.

    There are also quite a few extras, such as ready-made scripts to run on your site, and Wordpress and Joomla support, and the best one is, none of them will break the bank.


    Even if you start with the Logic Plan at $1.95 per month (I started with it and then upgraded to Logic Pro at still only $6.66 a month) you will find there is a lot you can do.


    Not only is the web space and bandwidth quite generous, it is also good in the way of the number of MySQL databases you get, the SAFE MODE issue, which I mentioned earlier, and the uptime.


    So, if I were you, I would register with Xisto soon and start collecting MyCents credits.


    Have fun.

  16. Welcome to Xisto, Lisly.What exactly do you want to become a professional at?It is always nice when new people on here give us a bit of information about themselves, and especially their professional activities and hobbies and interests.From what you write, I take you have already had a browse through the different topics.Would you let us know which ones caught your eye especially, in other words, which ones are of special interest to you?Are you also aware of the fact that, by posting here, you can accumulate MyCents credits, which you can use, just like real money, to pay for web hosting, domain names and more goodies?Just keep posting here to increase your credits and then use them to get your generous and reliable web hosting at Xisto.Have lots of fun here.

  17. Hello, leegrace.Welcome to the Xisto community.I am sure you will have lots of fun here, and learn new things, and find answers to certain problems you might have (technical or otherwise).Please give us a bit more information about yourself, like where you come from and some of your other interests and specialities.Also, do not forget to post regularly, so you can build up MyCents credits, which can be used to bu web space, domain names and more.Have fun.

  18. OK, Velma.It seems like we are getting somewhere now.My MyCents have updated a few minutes ago.Hope Opaque gets it sorted soon and it gets past the BETA stage soon.Anyway, I have now been able to pay the balance of what was owed on my invoice and I can now continue posting to build up my credits for the next one that comes along.Thank you for your explanation, Velma, I shall now take it from here.

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