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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. In my opinion evolution of the galaxy is a process of creation of smaller solar systems out of bigger ones. At the same time materia is being transformed into energy – light with releasing of nuclear energy. Egyptian myth about Osiris, Isis and Horus will help us illustrate this process. Osiris and Isis had been brother and sister, who became husband and wife. They also had a brother Seth (Satan). Jealous Seth tricked Osiris and managed to lock him inside a wooden box in which Osiris died. Isis found this wooden box and managed to bring Osiris back to life for a short time with her magical powers. After that Seth torn apart Osiris’ body and scatter his limbs everywhere. Isis collected these parts of Osiris’ body, united with them and had a son, named Horus. During this time, Osiris became the master of the kingdom of the dead. He returned and armed his son Horus so he could fight Seth. Horus defeated Seth, captured him and hand it over to Isis. After that Horus claimed his heritage and ruled the world of living. In this myth, cosmic circulation is described. First we have to explain relations between planets in the solar system. Moon is planet’s sister and planet is moon’s brother. Planets are also brothers. Planet, who was transformed into the sun, is a father to the moon, who now became a planet. And sun is a husband of his planet, who managed to transform into the sun and become sun’s wife. Seth or Satan symbolizes the cognition of good and bad – escape from paradise. Egyptians worshiped Amon as their main god, who created the world. This God is the only reality and His body is cosmos. Ptah was a smaller god than Amon, follower by Osiris, Isis, Re and finally Horus. Ptah was the first sun in the family tree of planet Earth, which evolved in the first phase (exhalation – reality). His solar system was made of planets, which had their own moons. One of Ptah’s planets was Osiris. Osiris had his own moons and one of them was Isis. They were like brother and sister. In the process of evolution Osiris became the sun and left Ptah’s solar system together with all his moons in order to create his own solar system. In this new solar system, his moons became his planets. After that sun Ptah completed his evolutionary process, became a super nova (dying sun) and exploded into pulverized matter. This pulverized matter was then caught in the orbit of suns, which were once Ptah’s planets. Osiris condensed pulverized matter and formed moons around his planets. This is how Isis got her moons and sun Re as one of them. In the process of evolution planet Isis became the sun, left Osiris’ solar system and created her own. In this solar system, Isis’ moons became her planets. One of them was Re. When Isis became the sun, she became Osiris’ wife. After that Osiris completed his evolutionary process, became a super nova (sun extinguishes and shrinks – “locked inside a wooden box”) and exploded (brought back to life for a short time) into pulverized matter (Osiris’ body torn apart). This pulverized matter was then caught in the orbit of suns, which were once Osiris’ planets. Isis condensed pulverized matter and formed moons around her planets. This is how Re for his moons and Horus (planet Earth) as one of them. Horus was created from Osiris and this is why Osiris is Horus’ father. Isis became Horus’ mother as she formed him out of pulverized matter (Osiris’ semen). In the process of evolution Re became a sun, left Isis’ solar system and created solar system Helios. Re’s moons became it planets and one of them was also Horus – planet Earth. After that sun Isis completed her evolutionary process, became a super nova (dying sun) and exploded into pulverized matter. This pulverized matter was then caught in the orbit of suns, which were once Isis’ planets. Sun Re condensed pulverized matter and formed moons around the planets of Helios solar system. Horus (Earth) also got his sister – Moon, which was created out of dying sun Isis – Horus’ mother. His sister, who will become his wife in the process of evolution, was formed out of a part of Horus’ mother, and so on.This story describes the process of circulation in the cosmos and in nature. Wife becomes a mother, husband becomes a sun, mother becomes a sister, sister becomes a wife, son becomes a father and father becomes a son… The same goes for all beings on planets.This is why Horus, who is reborn, has a sign of Isis – moon in the iris of the left eye and a sign of sun in the iris of the right one. This sign is also known as “the sign of Horus”, the sign of “The All Seeing Eye” or a sign of “beginning and the end”. Mass of the sun is a lot bigger than the mass of all the other materia inside a certain solar system. This is why every following sun is smaller. From huge solar system, smaller and smaller ones are created. In the beginning, there were few huge solar systems and today there is a huge amount of smaller solar systems. Before sun can complete its evolutionary process and die, it has to decompose most of its materia. This is why there is less and less materia in the cosmos. When a certain critical point is reached, total destruction of materia will take place and all the materia will be transformed back into energy. This will end the second phase – inhalation. From the beginning till the end of the second phase (decomposition), there are seven solar systems (suns) in the family tree of the last solar system (sun). Helios is the forth solar system in his family tree. The second phase is about 1/3 from the end. What happens in a few seconds, when a human is transformed into an angel, lasts for a few millions of billions of years in cosmos because of the relativity of time.Description of birth of smaller solar systems out of bigger one will help us understand the creation of fine (cosmic) atoms in human body in the process of self-culture. Even though there is no visible difference, the structure of molecules inside a human body is constantly changing. Instead of few rough, many fine atoms are created, which form a molecule. Sun is a reflection of vibration of planet’s Spirit (light), which is also called “heaven”. Angel is a reflection of vibration of human Spirit – light, which is hidden in the average vibration of planet’s Spirit.In the Bible, creation of moons is described in the following words: “When [heat has caused] the dust to run into a mass and the clods to cleave fast together?” This is a short description of the evolution of galaxies in the cosmos; birth and dying of suns through which materia turns into energy – light.What do you think? Doesn't that sound quite possible?
  2. huuh this is a hard one...it could almost be in a JErry Springer show or something:) I hope it is not real because this type of relationshship is very hardly goin to work! Usually it is the best that man and women are about 2 years apart with a man 2 years older, because girls mature faster and a 2 years older man is just about her mental age. Other than that, there is our lovely society who is judging you all the time that this sort of relationship is not OK, not normal (normal btw. means the way most people do it or the sociological definiton - just 30% of people is NORMAL!!?). So if something is not normal in a certain society it is hard to work. BUT we should also ask ourselves why is something normal in our society...it is not just something that poped out in ones head and than he put it on a paper and people started acting that way. NO it is something that is natural...and a 35 years old guy and 16 years old girl...hm that is not natural nor normal!So if i was her parent, i'd try to explain that to her in a way that wouldn't hurt her too much. I'd try to find her a guy of her age and make it as impossible as possible for her to meet that 35years old pervert, who is cheating his wife and kids.Even if he is 35 years old, he should not be so irresponsible that he went cheating on his wife with a kid and espacialy not because he has his own children for gods sake!I dunno...stupid situation..stupid people..but the world as it is the best version of it in the present moment!
  3. I like your site and yeah the only thing that is kinda bothering me is this form on the right...try to get that fixed and you have a perfect site for your needs!
  4. Yeah there are millions of these *BLEEP*y customers that usually just walk around and try to cause a great deal of headaches. Well i worked as a degustator in one of the supermarkets and there is this guy that just doesn't stop cruising around the shop, buying nothing or maybe one or two milks (on he drink while he is in the shop so he doesn't have to pay for it). I was in that super market for a few times now and he is there always + i have seen him in many other markets too...People are really going crazy or they are so f"#!$ bored that they have to walk around the shop and degustate everything they can...I told the security and i think they cannot do much about it, because he doesn't do anything illegal except drinking milk (for what he had to pay). World is going nuts..greetz
  5. Interesting but i think that if we know it, programmers and other people that should be concerned knew about that a lot earlier than us. So this is not going to be a problem, a few updates and everything will work fine + 22 years is a lot of time. MAybe new systems will come, internet might be totaly renewed by than and many other things are sure to take place before this date so any panic is totally unnecessary.greetz
  6. FORZA ITALIA I am saying that because i am against France not because I like Italy! This is why i am happy that italy won yesterday. The way Zidane finished his career was not a good or magnificent one but a very weard and ugly one - with a RED CARD, becuase of hitting opponent with his head in his chest. Italy played their tipical game with lots of passes and mostly trying to NOT get a goal but this is their style. You don't like it? BEAT IT! This is the only thing i have to say here...greetz and i am looking forward to the next world cup in africa!
  7. I think, that we have to define what world is first. There is another question adn that is: "From where did it come from??" only than we can talk about where it is going! People often talk about the end of our lil' earth, but nothing like that really matters to our life and joy in it. We will never be happy even if the world is not about to end because we are surely going to die so why bothering with things like that. Just try to live joyfully and believe me if one lives really joyfully, that is only possible by respecting the nature and everything including earth - if everyone respected themselves and tried to live a really joyfull life than they would respect earth and live according to all the natural laws that are easy to follow...DON'T TRY TO SAVE THE NATURE, TRY TO LIVE BY HER RULES, BECAUSE EVERYTHING BUT US IN NATURE IS WORKING PERFECTLY!
  8. Hahaha, yea I always felt weard when two girls went in the whater closet together. We guys never do that and i don't think we have lots of problems doing it alone:) Maybe they feel more secure or something...I certainly wouldn't like to see someone watching me peeing or something...maybe they're sick:)))
  9. Yeah this is a very common situation and it usually happens earlier than in about a year! The thing is that you start to take things including her for granted. You know you have her, you don't see her as much as you did and a loooot of topics you two have gone through...You as yourself...What is next? Acctually just try not to be concerned with what is happening and wait for some time if things will get ok again maybe a bit different but ok! If not you have to talk to her, because usuallly that is first spotted by one of the partners and the other one doesn't have a clue of what is going on. I guess she was the one that acctually started the relationship, because usually the one that is not as "active" in trying to get the partner, is usually the one that feels earlier that relationship is getting cold...Here is my advice: You go to her, surprise her with something but not too surprising and try to put yourself in the same position you were when you two have started...I think that everything is going to get OK, because you like her and you don't want to loose her!Just one more thing, be cautious that if you really don't have fun spending time with her any more, just tell her and let it go! She is not the right girl if it is so...Greetz and may God help you on your way..
  10. Yeah thats a good question and very hard to answer, because eve though nowadays it seems impossible that google lost his 1st position in search-engine rankings but we dont know what will happen in the future. Maybe someone will find out a better solution and faster & deeper searching mechanism than google's. For now i don't see any reason why someone would want to beat goolge and especially not how would he succeed!I use GOOGLE as my homepage and it has proved effective so many times that i am not planning to change it for quite some time.greetz
  11. Very nice info you found there! I heard once that google was made by two students and was very low-budghet at the beginning. I think that this is the reason for its simplicity and as far as i am concerned, the best business strategy on internet! They really know what they are doing, simple yet effective!greetz
  12. Well here i dissagree with you completely! It is often represented that god and faith are only something that makes you life easire because you are not strong enough to cope with the situation that you are facing.IT IS JUST NOT SO!! GOD DOES EXIST as I've said earlier, he is the one thing that is everywehere and is the same for all the beings and trees and flowers on this planet...you want proof? Why do you feel guilty when you do something wrong? And why are you happy when you help you mum? From where comes this inner joy you feel if not from G O D?
  13. Yeah passwords are one of the things that one should be very careful with. It is easy to make a good password but it is much easier to make a bad one and risk loooots of your money, work and god know what more if hackers really get into you. So take all the advices that were said up there and use them so you'll be safe..
  14. hoohthat certainly does not seem to be a man to fool around with! OK, lets get seroius, I think that first impression is the most important and you should not blew that...Try to be nice and not to nice so you won't be all sleezy and that because they will notice that! If he is over-protecting about his daughter than that is a little problem but hopefully when he sees you and you manage to convince him that she has nothing to loose if she is with you but rather gain something! Don't be scared, thats first, because her father knows that his daugther would kill him if he does soemthing to you, other than that just be yourself, maybe a bit politer version of yourself Good luck
  15. I voted for hearts because i think that it is the most complx game of those that you have enoumered. Minsweeper is also a legend, but it gets boring faster than hearts which is a REAL game and in our family we are playing it all the time live not on computer...
  16. Well this is a tough question for me! Why am I born here with everything that i need and the only problem I have is not being happy with what i have...Than we have Africa and MANY MANY places around the world, where kids are not happy but they were born there just as we are born here! IS THAT A COINCIDENCE?? I don't think so...it can't be - because everything in nature works completely perfect - only this would be unfair? NOT POSSIBLE IMO...So, i belive, that we are born where we have to be because of our previous actions in our past lives...yes this has something to do with REINCARNATION and DESTINY! It acctually is the sole essence of it!It is often understood wrong what DESTINY or KARMA is! It is not just something that hits us and we can't do anything about it - it is the result of our previous (good or bad) actions! DO GOOD AND GOOD WILL COME TO YOU! For example Hitler is going made so much bad karma that after he is in one of the hell places where there is suffer without single doubt...So I am born here, beacuse this is the most appropriate place for me considering all my previous actions. The one and only explanation that makes sense to me and is completely fair!WHAT DO YOU THINK?
  17. Yeah this is the only thing I'd like to know! Is he a big old man with a beard somewhere above us (interstingly what is UP on one side of the earth is DOWN on the other side of it - so where is God then if we point up there?)??? Is he inside of us? Are we all a part of god? Is God present in everything that surrounds us?Isn't it interesting that GOD is very close to GOOD? Maybe it is a metaphore for being and doing GOOD things?? That is something we have inside of us - every normal human being has this feeling for what is good and bad and is tryin' to follow the good..if we don't do good things we feel bad - is that a coincidence? Or is maybe that the GOD "GOOD" that is inside of everyone of us?Please write down WHAT IS GOD IN YOUR OPINION?? PLAIN AND SIMPLE..
  18. Well I think that Jesus was understood wrong! In the first place he was human, he had a wife i guess, because this is the most normal way and such a great person and teacher as he was, certainly had one. This is natural and not having a wife is nothing good...Other than that, it is clearly visible from the things that were not deleted out of the bible later on, that he believed in reincarnation and if you look from that point of view, bible really has meaning. His suffering was suffering of a normal human being, maybe a bit bigger so we'd understand that TO LIVE MEANS TO SUFFER and he suffered as any other human being. But he had faith, he did good things and that is what than metaphorically brought him back to life...that saved him! So if we just believe in Jesus that is not enough. In my humble opinion we should only follow his path or the path he showed to us! And than when we ourseles are on the path of believing in divine, god and doing good things without bothering for everyday problems all the time (but still having compassion for everything that lives, including things like trees, stones), Jesus is only the one we should be grateful for showing us the path.His life story is just a metaphore so is the whole bible! And it must not be literaly understood...It shows the way of life...GO FOLLOW IT..
  19. Well I think NOT and YES! This is a though question and need to bee seen from different perspectives. First of all there was Hussein and he had to be removed in order to prevent killings that occurred under his government! BUT we shouldnt forget that what leads countries in war is something like money or similar (oil). And this is exactly why bush went there - believe me he didnt want to safe those lives, because he should first take care for his own ameican people...but he went there and he did it for oil..IMO he divides Iraq only according to the number of octans that are in the gas in that particular area So yes something had to be done, but not in that way as it has been by bushy! He is killing innocent people in order to secure his damn oil..
  20. Yeah I think that things like ghosts do exist, but not in a way they are often represented by the media and movies. They are around us and animals are very good at sensing them. Growing up, I only had a dog as a pet, and he could sense when something was around..it really gives you the spooks when it is very late at night, the house is dark, you are watching tv and the dog wakes up from a sound sleep abruptly, jumps up and slowly walks to the dark hallway or next room with all the fur on his back up and then slowly backs up and looks at you like he just saw a ghost. This used to happen all the time. I used to get terrified by looking at the terror in his eyes...he also never slept downstairs alone. He would sleep at the top of the stairs, as if guarding all of us sleeping during the night.Well all in all...there are some sort of forces either divine or of the dead people and they are protecting as well as haunting us, but it is not as spooky as movies present them!
  21. Well my name is Mark and as far as i know i got it from Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest Roman leaders and philosophers. I like it very much, because it is short and people don't have to give me nicknames. It is also quite rare here in Slovenia so people only know one or two Marks
  22. Well I think this is a very good idea if it is technically possible. Yeah maybe it is a little problem of privacy, but a bigger problem is I think with someone driving in a car and not driving or driving with trains and stuff like that. It would be very hard to find out who is acctually driving and is forbidden to call or recieve calls. Because if someone is sitting in a train than there is no real reason for him not to talk with his mother. If that is to be execepted one day somewhere, most of the population is going to have to agree with it and just sacrifice some of their own comfort for the safety of everyone including themselves. But i really like the idea! greetz
  23. Well I think it can become even greater than microsoft, because of it's politics which are better than microsofts. It is the best at what its doing, but I think they are starting to have same issues as Microsoft has...they want to be everywhere (mail, calendar, messenger, ...). This is a sort of dissease of these big firms I think and eventhough ppl love things that already work the best way possible (like gmail), they want to expand and expand...in a way this is natural, but from the other point of view this is not good because I prefer small amount of things with good quality!!
  24. Hehe..I did that about a year ago (i mean i wasnt active for a year and then i lost my hosting here) and then i got back because i need this best service again. I have to say that this is a very good sign for Xisto, because poeple are coming back and use their hosting again and again even if they didnt need it somewhere in between...Well nice to have you back with us :)greetz
  25. Well there are numerous ways to do it, most of all it is important that you are yourself! Then another things is your age...if you are not around 17,18 years old than you shgould not be worrried if you havent had any experiences with girls!But nevertheless, one way is to think about the three to five male friends you know who are successful in dating and relationships...rite down their names and two to three things they do to be successful. See if you can do any of their ideas in your own search for a girl..Maybe you should just a lil' bit change the way you look...i dont think about radical, reconstructive plastic surgery here...but if you have one or two features maybe capable of modernization like your hair, chlotes, go for it. You'll feel more confident and girls will notice that for sure..I personally found this strategy to work out well: Ask her to help you with something she is good at or finds a lot of interest in. For example... ask her to take you shopping. BUT, AND THIS IS IMPORTANT... don't make it look like you need help, make it look like you would appreciate her judgement in the decision process...just try it out and good luck
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