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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. That is somewhat where I was heading but your code does not handle the swapping of position id values. Remember I said I needed it so users can be able to move items(records) around in position and they may also be able to delete entries.

    so If I have

    item1 position id = 1item2 position id = 2item3 position id = 3item4 position id = 4

    if you moved item3 up one position with your code you will have two items (item2 and item3 with position of 2), also you should not be able to move item1 up anymore since its the first in the list. I do appreciate your input but I'm still trying to cover all the bases here so I'm still thinking it through.

    Also consider if you were to delete item3 and then try to move item4 up. It would still be the last item on the list with a new position id of 3. I think the only way to do it is to get the previous or next items id and swap them around. That way gaps are ignored where items used to be.

  2. I get random chest pains too now and then. I cant say accurately how frequent they are but I'm guessing maybe once or twice in a few months I get it. It might be my bad diet that's causing strain on my heart. I eat a lot of unhealthy fatty food so It don't really surprise me. I get sharp pain that seem like something is stabbing at my heart for maybe a second or two and then its gone. Like I said that happens twice maybe in like 3-4 month cycle. Lately though I haven't been getting them since I have been a little more healthier.If it gets worse I would see a doctor or if it happens more frequently

  3. First off sorry for reviving an old topic but I would like to add a few comments. I'm not sure your even around anymore since your last seen status is unavailable. The idea for the whole site is brilliant, There is so many people out there who are looking to learn PHP you would be getting a whole lot of hits. Its too bad that the site appears to be stopped from further development. I think you did a good job integrating those features/sections into joomla (correct me if I'm wrong). I think you did an awesome job as well on the layout since you say you couldn't find an expanding template I do appreciate the full use of window area. I have to give props for some of the articles in there also they are very informative.

    I only have a few dislikes that I would like to point out from what I've seen from the site so far.

    1. as seen with the attached image the ads in the header mess up your layout but its rare. Only the ads with a bigger height mess it up.
    2. Your function http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is lacking a value attribute for the option tag. I think this is required as names and values can differ.
    3. as with the screen shot news articles should have dates listing as it will aid in determining how recent things are and updates made to the site.

    Other then those 3 minor things I like the site. Its a a shame its not complete and up to date with more content.


  4. Interesting discussion. I cant believe I missed this thread, I must of been when I was not as active. I have submitted my votes. I am wondering how your getting on with the company. Any exciting projects your working on right now? I've been progressing a little bit myself but not yet ready to hit the freelance or own company thing. Good on ya through for doing it. I've got a question for you though since you say you got some code already prepared for certain functions. I know its good to have modular code ready to be reused on other projects. I started to write my own since the use of other libraries were either too complicated for my understanding or it did not do exactly what I wanted. I am wondering if you have moved on to OOP style or are you still in procedural programming. Looking forward to discussing further web development topics :D

  5. This has been brought up before and in the end the people who run this forums still do not consider it a viable option. Report spam button is enough. Giving control to post starters on being able to delete reply's runs the risk of legitimate post to be deleted. We don't trust you that's the blunt reality.Oh and the number of post count docent mean nothing. Some people just get there quickly by spamming so you cant really put an argument in for saying this person is contributing just because he has a lot of post. Its the quality remember.

  6. Sorry about that truefusion. I did not post the exact code I just put the structure up there. At the time my code was being messed up abit because I was trying different things. I thought it would have been the same structure as yours except I was looping mine going through the array and I had mistakes on a few places. In the end its basically the same as your. I think I was getting the error of calling on a function on a non object because I didn't properly reference it.

  7. I am trying to create a object of class A that stores a collection of objects of class B. The problem is I cannot figure out how to retain them as objects when added to the array of class A.

    some code for better example.

    Class A{var $arrayHere; function addItem(item) {   $arrayHere[] = item; }}Class B{ function doSomething() { }}

    When I add some items to class A array and try and call the methods of class B it says its undefined. Obviously I am not using it correctly and the array in class A are no long objects of class B. Anyone know how to accomplish this effect? Put an example code as well if you do thanks

  8. That is way too much to ask for every member. Even if we could get them to post there would be similar subjects being posted and the end result would be spam. Can you imagine how tough it would be to moderate that many topics? We don't necessary need new topics like you think it's just that a lot of current topics still lack quality discussions that's why it seems like everything's crap topics.

  9. Gallery and Header updated!I've added a link on the main home page linking to the gallery when you click on the "view full-size image" link. It seems to be working on all browsers (sometimes opera and IE7 fail due to image size not getting obtained. I will need to fix this later when I have some time). I would say it works like 90% of the time on the min-width resizing lol. I changed the header a bit just seeing what will look good. Any bugs I missed please let me know thanks.

  10. Hello fellow developer. I hope you stay and let us know how you get on that GWT. It seems interesting but sadly I do not have the time to experiment with it. Working on too many projects as it is. The hosting here is great and I don't think you will find any better. All you gotta do is just contribute back to the forums with quality post and your set. Good Luck on your stay.

  11. for drawing on the screen they got http://www.wacom.com/en-us/products/pen-displays :D expensive but the real deal. The down size to PC tablets is they would probably not be as accurate as tablets especially designed for drawing. Its probably only designed for pointing and dragging. What about the pressure levels as well? Another thing is you can plug your tablet into other machines and use it.

    The Cintiq 21 is a screen and tablet only. You need a computer to plug it into so you are free to move to different machines and upgrade your computer hardware and still be able to use the screen and tablet.

  12. Best kinds are from Wacom tablets. I've had mine for like 2 years now and its still going well. They usally take about a day to get used to but after that you will never go back to using a mouse again unless you are on someone else's computer.

    get any size you want http://www.wacom.com/en-jp

    I wouldn't recommend buying any other cheaper brand as quality performance would not match a wacom. Prices are higher but you get what you pay for right.

  13. OK first off I do not even know that company so there is no way this would be bias. You guys who think in anyway their security of a website relates to how well their desktop product works is totally wrong. How do you know they did not pay some other company to develop and test their website? That company could of miss sanitizing post or get variables. It may not even be the whole company likely it was one person who missed it or was too lazy to test. Don't be so closed minded in your way thinking people. Your logic is flawed. Don't you think that company would be too busy working on their own products and have some other people build their website?

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