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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. I found the file using the search feature under Eclipse IDE. I wonder why I did not think of that in the first place. Anyway I have taken a screen shot of it and would like to hear from anyone who has some insight to this kind of customization. In particular where the file is located and reasons why / how joomla would use it in a certain way. I'm sure joomla developers would find this interesting ^^Sone


  2. Hello all, I am looking for assistance in finding out where a particular source file is under joomla. For example I have the link at example.com/order/ which takes you to an order page. The order page renders with the other templates like header, left column, right column, and center being specific to the order page. This content consist of a form I need to edit.I am having a problem locating the source file for it as there is no folder under my joomla root folder for 'order'. I am puzzled as you would expect a folder and appropriate files for that section to be there but it is not. How is this being rendered in joomla and how can I find the source files? I have thought about maybe if it was an extension but have been told by the owners that the previous programmer did not use any extensions for that section but wrote it from scratch. Where would one look to located the source files for this to be able to make changes.ThanksSone.

  3. I'm having problems with fabrik too. I dont know what the problem is but I have followed the installation steps outlined here for joomla 1.5.8 and fabrik 2.0rc1


    the problem it seems at first when trying to install it was permissions. I had to set folders to 777 and it was not even mentioned in the installation steps. Why do they leave these things out? By default my joomla installation seems perfectly fine but had trouble adding fabrik in without setting permissions to certain folders. I am using xampp so maybe that is the issue?

    It would not even install fully either as I have attached a screenshot. When I try to view its form i get errors. What is up with lack of information on joomla and fabrik for new people.


  4. Hey guys, I'm reviewing an existing joomla site that was built by someone else who did not leave any documentation what so ever. They have added extensions obviously and I am somewhat new to joomla and cannot distinguish what is core joomla stuff and what has been added on. Any help would be appreciated in identifying whats been added and what is already there by default. Joomla version is 1.5.8 I believe.

    Heres a listing of database tables;

    suffix is tm_

     op_database tm_avrbak_avr_player  tm_avrbak_avr_ripper tm_avrbak_avr_tags tm_avr_player tm_avr_popup tm_avr_ripper tm_avr_tags tm_banner - CORE tm_bannerclient - CORE tm_bannertrack - CORE tm_categories - CORE tm_ccnewsletter_acknowledgement tm_ccnewsletter_newsletters tm_ccnewsletter_subscribers tm_components - CORE tm_contact_details - CORE tm_content - CORE tm_content_frontpage - CORE tm_content_rating - CORE tm_- CORE_acl_aro - CORE tm_- CORE_acl_aro_groups - CORE tm_- CORE_acl_aro_map - CORE tm_- CORE_acl_aro_sections - CORE tm_- CORE_acl_groups_aro_map - CORE tm_- CORE_log_items - CORE tm_- CORE_log_searches - CORE tm_easyfaq tm_easyfaq_categories tm_easyfaq_tags tm_easyfaq_tags_mapping tm_fabrik_calendar_events tm_fabrik_connections tm_fabrik_cron tm_fabrik_elements tm_fabrik_formgroup tm_fabrik_forms tm_fabrik_form_sessions tm_fabrik_groups tm_fabrik_joins tm_fabrik_jsactions tm_fabrik_packages tm_fabrik_plugins tm_fabrik_tables tm_fabrik_validations tm_fabrik_visualizations tm_groups - CORE tm_jce_extensions tm_jce_groups tm_jce_plugins tm_jp_exclusion tm_jp_inclusion tm_jp_profiles tm_jp_registry tm_jp_stats tm_jp_temp tm_jvideo_thumbnails tm_menu - CORE tm_menu_types - CORE tm_messages - CORE tm_messages_cfg - CORE tm_migration_backlinks - CORE tm_modules - CORE tm_modules_menu - CORE tm_newsfeeds - CORE tm_ops_agents tm_ops_menu tm_ops_menulinks tm_ops_pages tm_ops_permissions tm_ops_permissionsrel tm_ops_rostering tm_ops_suburbs tm_ops_user tm_phocagallery tm_phocagallery_categories tm_phocagallery_comments tm_phocagallery_user_category tm_phocagallery_votes tm_phocagallery_votes_statistics tm_plugins - CORE tm_polls - CORE tm_poll_data - CORE tm_poll_date - CORE tm_poll_menu - CORE tm_quickfaq_categories tm_quickfaq_cats_item_relations tm_quickfaq_favourites tm_quickfaq_files tm_quickfaq_files_item_relations tm_quickfaq_items tm_quickfaq_tags tm_quickfaq_tags_item_relations tm_redirection tm_rokcandy tm_rquotes tm_sections - CORE tm_session - CORE tm_sh404sef_aliases tm_sh404SEF_meta tm_simplyFlashGallery tm_stats_agents - CORE tm_sv_apptpro_bookoffs tm_sv_apptpro_categories tm_sv_apptpro_config tm_sv_apptpro_errorlog tm_sv_apptpro_paypal_transactions tm_sv_apptpro_pp_currency tm_sv_apptpro_requests tm_sv_apptpro_resources tm_sv_apptpro_services tm_sv_apptpro_timeslots tm_sv_apptpro_tokens tm_sv_apptpro_udfs tm_sv_apptpro_udfvalues tm_templates_menu - CORE tm_tmp_jvideos_categories tm_tmp_jvideo_thumbnails tm_to_agentproducts tm_to_bookings tm_to_deletedproducts tm_to_ipn tm_to_products tm_to_vars tm_users - CORE tm_vm_affiliate tm_vm_affiliate_sale tm_vm_auth_group tm_vm_auth_user_group tm_vm_auth_user_vendor tm_vm_cart tm_vm_category tm_vm_category_xref tm_vm_country tm_vm_coupons tm_vm_creditcard tm_vm_csv tm_vm_currency tm_vm_export tm_vm_function tm_vm_manufacturer tm_vm_manufacturer_category tm_vm_module tm_vm_orders tm_vm_order_history tm_vm_order_item tm_vm_order_payment tm_vm_order_status tm_vm_order_user_info tm_vm_payment_method tm_vm_product tm_vm_product_attribute tm_vm_product_attribute_sku tm_vm_product_category_xref tm_vm_product_discount tm_vm_product_download tm_vm_product_files tm_vm_product_mf_xref tm_vm_product_price tm_vm_product_product_type_xref tm_vm_product_relations tm_vm_product_reviews tm_vm_product_type tm_vm_product_type_1 tm_vm_product_type_parameter tm_vm_product_votes tm_vm_shipping_carrier tm_vm_shipping_label tm_vm_shipping_rate tm_vm_shopper_group tm_vm_shopper_vendor_xref tm_vm_state tm_vm_tax_rate tm_vm_userfield tm_vm_userfield_values tm_vm_user_info tm_vm_vendor tm_vm_vendor_category tm_vm_visit tm_vm_waiting_list tm_vm_zone_shipping tm_weblinks - CORE tm_xmap tm_xmap_ext tm_xmap_sitemap

    I've I identified one so far I think and its http://fabrikar.com/ . I appears to be some kind of app builder but I still do not know how much of the site has been using it. Any information and help much appreciated thanks.


  5. I agree Flash needs its own forum sub category. This along with other web development and programming category's has been requested in the past but I do not know the exact reasons why it hasn't been changed yet. How ever where would you put it? Think about how some related topics are arranged now at present:


    Open Discussion ? MODERATED AREA ? Computers ? Programming Languages

    Here We have many programming languages but of course they are not perfect.


    Open Discussion ? MODERATED AREA ? The Internet ? Web Design

    Here Flash would probably go better under web design because thats what flash is but the back end stuff is more programming. One problem is Web Design does not have any sub category so if you just dump flash topics in that it will be mixed up with other topics related to Web Design.


    Open Discussion ? MODERATED AREA ? Computers ? Multimedia

    Flash can also be classed as Multimedia but probably not a good idea in our forums at its current state.


    Its not a simple thing to do and we need to consider where to put it and how it will affect the rest of the existing topics if we do decide to add in more forums. I cannot think of a suitable place for putting Flash related discussion as well as Actionscript so I would not suggest any. Remember Actionscript comes under programming languages but Flash does not. If you look at it in a different way Flash does involve scripting/programming in some way so there goes another dilemma.


    Maybe when you guys suggest new forums think about where you intend to put it as well and maybe then it may be more convincing to the people in control.

  6. I was viewing this site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and noticed they use links in the address bar in an uncommon way. Is this kind of linking done by the CMS or web server level? I am trying to figured how this works and what language supports it. I have noticed all the pages seem to end in .html but are preceded by index.php first. I did not know this type of linking was valid as compared to the common appended get variables method. There are even some cases where deep linking is done with two or more parent folders. Any one familiar with this?


  7. Post your code please so we can see where there might be a problem and fix. It makes it a lot easier otherwise someone would have to write a generic page with the example of something similar just to show you and that will take up more time. I am willing to help but show me your code as I do not want to write it all from scratch and may even get it wrong from what you are after.

  8. Very nice design by truefusion. I think its probably the best one so far. I have started mine early on but I went for a code and design at the same time method. I just went and added things as I went along with the initial idea of header and there columns. Since there was no deadline and I had other things to do as well I did not work on it as much after the first two days but I will post the screen shot just for you all to see. I don't think I will continue it unless I have time and am sure I can come up with a better design :D. at this stage its pretty plain but the layout is exactly how I wanted it.


    Posted Image

  9. The hexagon on the header does not go well. Also the search icon should be on the right hand side. it seems a bit awkward being on the left hand side if you have to click it to perform the search. There is still a lot of elements you are missing like time and dates for articles, headings even. Drawing up a photoshop design is easy but making a good design that functions well and gives users relevant information is key. Eventually you want your design to be used on the web right so even though you are just playing around with design keep in mind this. I think you can either try and improve it or do more designs and think about how you can be a bit more original. The rounded square blocks have been used a lot on the web and it is so easy to look like "Just another square box design with rounded corners" if you do not add more to it. I would consider more textures or even shapes. To me it just is too simple and the colors make it even more like things just been thrown together without a sense of theme or look you are aiming for.

  10. So you wanted to have records of 08-001, 08-002, 08-001... and then 09-001, 09-002... ? If that is the case then you would need to use the date function in php to return the year (last two digits) and add it onto the -### part before inserting a new record. To get the -### part you would need to query and count the number of records for that year first and generate the next one appropriately. That is the simplest way I can think of doing it. Sorry I cannot provide any code at this time since I am working on something at the moment.

  11. OK I've read this over twice just to be sure I didn't miss anything. I would like to stress you make clear the topic title and include the economy in USA to be more specific. Don't forget this is an international forum and being more specific helps SEO and such. I have very little knowledge of economy but I was interested in all this talk about how it is effecting everybody so I did some searching and came across an interesting number of videos on youtube.com by a guy I still have not found out his name. The series is titled "the money masters" and is split into 22 segments. I have watched 1-12 (9-10 minutes each) last night and learned so much about money and how it works in this world. The history of it and how it has become a problem because people who have it are always wanting more. They want control, money = power. You can control the masses with money and have very powerful influence. It powers war and pretty much everything. I have no idea how accurate it is but I trust this guy is telling the truth since it does seem logical when you think about it. This problem has been around for a long time and did not just start in the USA.In the early ages people used gold and silver to trade for goods. I think the reason for this was because the metals were rare and much easier to carry around then other items. Everything had a value so people would trade flour for fruits or gold/silver pieces etc. If you were just exchanging produce then you would have to eat it right away or it will spoil so having precious rare metals was another form of value. Bare in mind that the only reason money has value is that we all agree that it is valuable. It is nothing more then paper when you think about it but it is valued because we all agree it is. How money came about is because it was a much easier form to carry then heavy gold coins.The earliest bankers were the gold smiths. They would take your gold and issue you paper with printed money on it. You would then use this money and buy or trade what ever you like. Now if you wanted your gold back you just go bring those notes back to the gold smith and he would give you your gold back. The gold smiths quickly learned that not everybody came for their gold and they can issue notes more then was available in gold safely without worrying about people coming back for their gold and not being able to give them it back. They made money of course by loaning out money they did not have and earning interest. They quickly became very rich and powerful groups. These bankers who issue money control it. They determine how much money is in circulation and therefore control the economy. They reduce money in circulation and do not give out loans so that you will be forced to sell your land for cheap and they make a killing of that. There were how ever leaders kings/queens/emperors in that time that understood this problem and tried to remove it but money influences people and corruption/assignations etc happen. A country that has it's money being controlled by privately owned banks are at their mercy. I believe all countries today owe money to private banks.. I could be wrong but I doubt it. This just didn't happen over night its been repeated over and over in the past. When America was colonized it was issuing its own paper currently for its own people. It was circulating enough as needed currency for things to be traded fairly they were prospering Now the bankers back in Europe didn't like this and wanted control over it. This caused war and many problems for America. Eventually the power of the banks got control so now all your money is controlled by them. The federal bank of America is not government but private. I bet they didn't teach you that at school because they don't want you knowing about it. The power switch from private banks to America a number of times but now private banks own it. Its not hard to see how money affects us all when we all depend on it so they pretty much control us. I'm sorry if my writing seem jumbled but I think that covers the main points about the world economy and who controls it. The Banks own us all. Please view the you tube videos and tell us what you think.

  12. If you don't believe you can achieve anything then you will achieve nothing. I have to just say that because that's what I think is holding all of us back. We as humans have so much potential but we are unable to utilize it because we have not been learning at our full capacity. We are not efficient enough and too divided in our own personal goals to really progress as earthlings. The word is connected but yet we do not have a standard level of living for everyone. We still have many problems like war and poverty. This affects us all in some way some how. I don't think I have a simple answer for you about life but I know its because we our should I say have been living in a imperfect world in the first place. You may think you have a bad problem but if you consider what the world is like or could be like and compare that to your own problems its nothing. I do understand your feelings as I have felt like that in the past growing up and feeling like nothing is working for you and you aren't getting anywhere. The only advice I can think of that has worked for me is this. Don't make any excuses for why things aren't working out for you. Nothing is going to be handed to you so just don't expect it. When things do work out you will be amazed. You have to work hard and remember that nothing in life comes easy. You cant be the best in everything but that doesn't mean you cant be the best in something. You have to find something that means a lot to you for you to stay focus and do it. Something you love really. Learn as much about life as you can and how the world works around us. This may even open up your eyes to things you have never imagined. You are still young so don't expect to learn everything or know it all.

  13. I want the image to take up the entire page. It will be on the first few pages of my website. It is a picture of a TV with my website name on it. It will be used as sort of an introduction page. Someone mentioned not making it a fixed size. How do I make it adjustable? Is it an HTML script I have to use to make it vary in size depending on the users screen?

    Rvalkass has described to you basically the method used to achieve your desired layout.


    To make it work for any width, and expand with the user's browser, you'll need to split your TV image into at least three parts:

    Left side

    Central repeating section

    Right side

    The left and right side will be fixed to the left and right sides of the window. The gap between them is filled with a repeating central 'stripe' that gets automatically repeated horizontally.


    To make it fill the whole page would be slightly more complicated, but entirely possible.

    There are two common ways to achieve this and its using Tables or Divs. The Table method you would obviously want a minimum of 3 columns for each area (Left, Center, Right). You place the respective images in their Table cells. Don't forget you are building the layout row by row so you start from the top to bottom.


    The Div method is similar to Table layout except you do not have cells but you float Div's left and right. You then have a Center Div with appropriate margins of the left and right floats to maintain that Div's are displayed correctly and do not over lap each other.


    The table method would be the easiest to create if you already know a little bit about tables but it becomes harder to manage when you have done all the work inserting 10+ rows and find out you need to change the layout a bit. Have an attempt and ask any questions you need.

  14. if You want to design for 800x600 screen then design your images to just under that to be safe including any margins you require. Also keep in mind the width of the scroll bar when your content gets long and requires scrolling. This is about 15px - 30px ? to be safe. Just for an example my site uses width of 990px min so I don't get any horizontal scrolling even with scroll bars down the side unless I am displaying content that is explicitly wide.

  15. I think what someone considers good music may not be necessary good to someone else. Just like we all have our own taste in Art and sports or what ever activity in life. You guys call main stream music crap but its only your opinion don't forget that. I bet you like bands or groups that I don't even like be it main stream or not that does not affect weather I like the music or not. I can like one track from a group but hate the rest. Music is Music it doesn't matter what race or language. In the end it just air pressure changing that our ears pick up and interpret. Its true that media control does have a leverage on what is played and not but how does that stop you from listening to the music you enjoy? MP3 players are cheap now so just listen to your own music on there and stop complaining about what is being played on the radio. If you want to change it then do something about it. I never really listen to the radio anyway since they advertise a lot. Today at my university it was the first day of the semester for this year and we have a staged setup for groups to play. I had my mp3 on listening to my own music. Rap at this time, Yes you don't like rap but some people like it. You cant discriminate any genre because there is always going to be good and bad in all. Even then its pretty much up to your taste. I like all kinds of music from rock - techno/dance - hiphop and rap. I don't even know why you would complain come on not everyone likes the same thing how silly is it to try and say something is crap when it all comes down to taste. I listen to all kinds mainstream and many lesser known groups. Music is Music just enjoy it and don't expect everyone else to like what you like.

  16. The previous post your question is so vague I have no idea what you are trying to do. I have been using the $_POST array to loop through and string together my insert query. I have a very long list of text areas so it saved me a bit of typing by using the array instead of explicitly referencing each field name. I have how ever found out that if you include an input image type for the submit button this also gets added on to the array so you need to strip them off properly to be able to get the correct amount of array elements.It usually adds on two values image_x and image_y coordinates of where you clicked on the image to the end of the array. You cannot just trim it on the right as string length differs depending on where you clicked on the image button.


  17. Yeah you have got my problem solved truefusion and surprisingly with little code. I am just reviewing your javascript code and am still a little confused on how the variable 'index' the the function call of index() is used.

    Could you please explain how it works in your javascript code, in the http://api.jquery.com/index/ example I am guessing the index() returns an index number based on the current position it is in of similar elements in our case divs?

    I've managed to get my version of the code to work correctly minus the ajax and mysql update at this point but the code is very long and there may be some code I can remove. I will post it up just for the sake of sharing but I am still in the process of improving it and reviewing your method then I will choose what to carry on with.

    function moveItem(direction, id, obj){		var parent = obj.parentNode;		var grandParent = parent.parentNode;		var ipHidden;		var hNodes = parent.childNodes;			for(var i=0;i<hNodes.length; i++)			{				if(hNodes[i].tagName == 'INPUT')				{					ipHidden = hNodes[i];					break;				}			}							// get nodes.		var div_headerNode = obj.parentNode;		var div_methodContainerNode = div_headerNode.parentNode;		var div_methodContainerOtherNode;		var div_methodContainerAll = div_methodContainerNode.parentNode;								// move items around		if(direction == 'down')		{					if(id <= div_methodContainerAll.childNodes.length - 1)			{				for(var i=0; i < div_methodContainerAll.childNodes.length; i++)				{					if(div_methodContainerNode == div_methodContainerAll.childNodes[i])					{						div_methodContainerOtherNode = div_methodContainerAll.childNodes[i+1];					}				}				// set other nodes values				div_methodContainerOtherNode.firstChild.lastChild.value--;				var imageButtons = div_methodContainerOtherNode.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('img');							imageButtons[0].setAttribute("onclick","moveItem('up', "+(id)+", this)");				imageButtons[1].setAttribute("onclick","moveItem('down', "+(id)+", this)");								// set current nodes values and shuffle				jQuery(grandParent).insertAfter(jQuery(grandParent).next());				jQuery(obj).prev().attr("onClick","moveItem('up', "+(id+1)+", this)");				jQuery(obj).attr("onClick","moveItem('down', "+(id+1)+", this)");				jQuery(ipHidden).attr("Value",id+1);							}					}		else if(direction == 'up')		{			if(id > 1)			{				// get other node				for(var i=0; i < div_methodContainerAll.childNodes.length; i++)				{					if(div_methodContainerNode == div_methodContainerAll.childNodes[i])					{						div_methodContainerOtherNode = div_methodContainerAll.childNodes[i-1];					}				}							// set other nodes values				div_methodContainerOtherNode.firstChild.lastChild.value = id;				var imageButtons = div_methodContainerOtherNode.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('img');							imageButtons[0].setAttribute("onclick","moveItem('up', "+(id)+", this)");				imageButtons[1].setAttribute("onclick","moveItem('down', "+(id)+", this)");								// set current node and shuffle around				jQuery(grandParent).insertBefore(jQuery(grandParent).prev());				jQuery(obj).attr("onClick","moveItem('up', "+(id-1)+", this)");				jQuery(obj).next().attr("onClick","moveItem('down', "+(id-1)+", this)");				jQuery(ipHidden).attr("Value",id-1);			}		}}

    Thanks yet again for another awesome code truefusion. One last thing I have not been able to find out about is using jQuery selectors. Typically you would pass it a string expression to get your object for instance $('#idhere'); but I am trying to find a way where I can pass it an existing object and then filter it down some more with another string expression like $(object+"new expression here"); but it does not obviously work that way. Is there another method of achieving this?

  18. OK I have attached an image of the structure of the HTML. I need help on figuring out a good method to be able to:
    1. move div sections up or down the order.
    2. change div sections child attributes depending on their position in the order
    3. update order to database with Ajax (State of order has to be save to MySQL).

    There is only one function 'moveItem(direction, id, this)' that is used to move items (div_method_container_n*) around. These div_method_container_b* sit inside a parent div div_method_container_all so it makes grouping them a lot easier.

    I am using images for the buttons and have use an onclick="moveItem(direction, id, this)" attribute assigned to them. the current state I have it up to so far is I am able to move items around but I can only get access to the current div that I am working on so I can only change the attributes there. i.e modify the moveItem() only for the div with the button being clicked on.

    I cannot figure out a way to transverse to the next div and modify its moveItem() according so its up to date and will function correctly when clicked on. I am after suggests on ways to do this or even a complete rework on the solution so I can get a better functioning application.

    function moveItem(direction, id, obj){		var parent = obj.parentNode;		var grandParent = parent.parentNode;		var ipHidden;		var hNodes = parent.childNodes;			for(var i=0;i<hNodes.length; i++)			{				if(hNodes[i].tagName == 'INPUT')				{					ipHidden = hNodes[i];					break;				}			}					// move items around		if(direction == 'down')		{			jQuery(grandParent).insertAfter(jQuery(grandParent).next());			jQuery(obj).attr("onClick","moveItem('down', "+(id+1)+", this)");			jQuery(ipHidden).attr("Value",id+1);		}		else if(direction == 'up')		{			jQuery(grandParent).insertBefore(jQuery(grandParent).prev());			jQuery(obj).attr("onClick","moveItem('up', "+(id-1)+", this)");			jQuery(ipHidden).attr("Value",id-1);		}}

    I had to use a combination jQuery and regular javascript because somethings seem easier to do with one or the other. like I said any suggestions for improvement appreciated thank you.


  19. I think the overall production was good. The scenes looked good but seem to be rushed at some points. Like missing shots maybe? It kinda look like you cut bits off here and there. I think the filming was great but the acting sucked. I know they are not professional actors and you can tell lol. It looked like a play fight but yeah what can you expect from regular people acting. Great job though.

  20. Can we see a picture :D? lol back to reality it is wrong considering she is married there should be none of that going on. If you really are a friend you will avoid behavior like that since if anything was to happen you will create problems for his family. Put aside your desires and think about your friend. There are plenty of girls and there is no need to chase after someone who is already married unless you are totally in love with them and believe they are the right one for you (your soul mate). If you both feel that way towards each other then who are we to tell you other wise. Just curious how old are you, your friend and his mum?

  21. I think that is true in the sense that it would not matter that you have items ordered in 1,2,3,,6,8,10,100. It is still ordered.. I agree on that part but you will still need to determine a value for a newly inserted record depending on where you want to insert it. Having them ordered just looks cleaner and the code you write to do other functions may or maybe benefit from having it nicely ordered. I think you are totally right though that it doesn't matter and it would probably create more overhead than more benefit to the program. I will take a look at the MooTools library but I think that will be later on when I finally decide on these early steps. Thank you for your insight in to this discussion.Update: ORDEREDOK this just popped up in my head. What if the say I had position id's of 1,2,3,....100 (1 - 100) I add a new record after 3 so everything else after it needs to shift up 1. That is going to alot of overhead on updating those records. UNORDEREDNow what if I had position id's of 1,3,7,8,21,57,89. I add a new record in after the 3rd item (position id 7), new position id = 8 for the newly inserted record. Now Checks have to be made for the next item which is position id = 8, If they are the same then you need to increase by 1 and check the next one. You have to keep checking to see until the current record position id is not equal to the next. This seems like its going to get complex either way. Do you see any thing I have missed or got wrong let me know.

  22. Add in some handling for the first and last items and that's what I've got so far. I'm more asking about ideas rather then code. how one would handle records being removed. You will obviously have gaps in the in the position list. Would you reorder the position right away on delete so that no gap exist. I think I gave a clear description of what I intended to build on the previous posts. There is so many ways to do it right, I'm just trying to figure out the best possible solution. I think after an items is deleted the records after it will need to be shifted back 1 in position id. That way my existing add function still works where it will insert the position id correctly of number of records plus 1. What about if I wanted to be able to choose where I inserted new records later on. I will obviously need to reorder the proceeding records with new position id's +1. I know this is getting a bit more complicated but I sort of had this idea of what I wanted from the start. I still want to be able to add the ability to edit records directly on the same page listing without a refresh so I still haven't thought about how I am going to do that. Not to mention I am considering to make it Ajax based. Hm I would even want to be able to drag my records and move them into positions interactively :D. If anyone has come across something similar and it has been coded before that would save a lot of time let us know. Other wise it seems that I will have to write it all from scratch. I've seen drag gable user interfaces in ext js library but I am not too keen to using such a big JavaScript library. So if anyone would like to work on it lol I can give you the source code and sql table I have so far.

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