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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. Hey like most have said its hard to find work out there with so many competition. You need to set yourself apart from the crowd and that means being able to show high quality work and consistent work. I've been struggling too for a number of years trying to build up my portfolio but believe me it pays off in the end. When you start winning jobs over others because you have the skills needed and experience you will feel much joy inside. Don't expect to get jobs all the time as there is always someone out there who is more skilled and experience online. Those big sites will definitely have strong competition so I would recommended you try local sites. This is also better as most clients prefer being able to meet with you and discuss things face to face. Sure its probably cheapier paying someone in the 3rd world country to do a job but they don't get to meet and discuss finer details and communication could also be an issue so that's a few more advantages for being able to meet.One last thing I noticed you want to be both a designer and developer. These two are specialized areas and I'm not saying its impossible to be good in both it just means you have to work twice as hard but it does set you apart form being just a regular designer or developer only. I think a lot of employers do look for being able to get more out of employees so instead of paying a separate designer and a separate developer they just pay one person to do the job. Working for free does suck but it may be an option if you want to get your experience up. Experience is important and if you don't have that you better well have a completed portfolio website showing your able to design, build websites that have all the common features like login system for users, content management e.g articles and commenting system or ratings. not all sites will require all these features but you need to be able to show you can build them. From my own personal experience its been a long and hard road but I have got to the stage where I am capable to take on a project from start till end confidently. In New Zealand we have a lot jobs advertised for php and web development here so I'm sure its the same for most other countries. Just look locally as its more likely you'd get one there. Work hard and don't give up.

  2. Hey all, I am wondering if anyone can assist me in achieving a HTML and CSS layout I have been struggling with. I have looked at many image galleries available over the internet but none suits my needs. They are mostly fixed size widths and will look ugly if I go with that for my site. I need one that is able to expand depending on the users available browsers width and retract accordingly. This is probably a specific layout issue concerning HTML and CSS that I am still not fimilar with since I still cant solve my problem.

    What I have done so far:
    - I am able to fit in my gallery inside the content area which is auto expanding and have buttons for scrolling on the left and right hand side

    What problems so far:
    - I am able to add images in but when I try and control the display type to display-inline etc I get the wrapping of images coming across as shown in the attached image.
    - I have tried putting the images inside a ul and li strcture and controlling them from there with display-inline and inline-block but they all seem to wrap. is there another property/combination I can try?
    - also just having images without the ul li block has no effect

    My current layout structure for the gallery

    <div id="gallery_container_jqParent">                                <div id="si4_btn_gallery_left">                                    <button><</button>                                </div>                                <div id="si4_btn_gallery_right">                                     <button>></button>                                </div>                                <div id="gallery_container">                                   <!--<ul>                                        <li><img alt=""  src="images/gallery/imac.jpg" /></li>                                        <li><img alt=""  src="images/gallery/iphone.jpg" /></li>                                        <li><img alt=""  src="images/gallery/macbook.jpg" /></li>                                    </ul>-->                                        <img alt=""  src="images/gallery/imac.jpg" />                                        <img alt=""  src="images/gallery/iphone.jpg" />                                        <img alt=""  src="images/gallery/macbook.jpg" />                                </div>                            </div>

    Again my requirements for the gallery are:

    - Auto expanding 100% width
    - Auto filling of content as width is resized to fit as many images as possible in the gallery area
    - Auto centering of active gallery image
    - smooth scrolling from left to right of images and loop back

    if you see any examples that fit any of these criteria's please let me know. I have only been able to find fixed sized galleries which are too simple for my liking.

    seems to be an issue with image uploading so http://error404.000webhost.com/?

  3. That sounds wrong if you are trying to pay for hosting with your own money and not with my-cents which is related to the forums. This place does seem like its going down but have anyone of you wondered why? Its probably like this because of the quality of its members. Yeah I said it, I know there used to be a lot more active members around here who were knowledgable and contributed back to helping newer members with website building and other technical issues but they seem to have disappeared. Why do we come to this forum in the first place is it for hosting or is it for the forums? I do not understand why most people come here anymore is it to maintain enough my-cents just to continue hosting or to make use of the forum properly and gain knowledge. Most of the threads I see are not even interesting to me anymore and I don't feel like staying either because there seems to be no benefit I am getting out of this. I was hoping I would be networking with similar people with genuine interest in web development and design but there does not seem to be many that are passionate about it here. I'm beginning to believe that most people pass through the forums and move on once they find better things to do with their time and free hosting is not even a good enough incentive to stay and read through topics they are not even remotely interested in. I'm talking about people who can afford to pay for their own hosting and not rely on my-cents.Anyway dude you seem to have been done wrong and I would suggest you take it up with Xisto - Web Hosting since you paid with pay-pal and not my-cents. I would be pissed too if I paid with real money and not my-cents. Good luck

  4. I highly doubt that something that sophisticated would be available for free to the public. I would imagine there does exist software that will do all your requirements but it would not be free and rather privately owned and licensed out. Converting a 2D image to a 3D model would not be a simple task. Complex logic would be required to work out all the minor details where the 2D image missing.

  5. Hi all, I'm just starting off on learning doctrine from the official getting started guide http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine1/en/latest/index.html

    and have gotten up to the models section. I how ever have come across a road block as the steps given previously seem to miss out something and I get an error when trying to run a script that drops and recreates a database. The error seems to be complaining about an invalid dsn yet the same connection was used in the previous steps to do the tasks etc.


    I have looked at where I can post / request for help in IRC channels and any doctrine official forums but cant seem to find any. I was hoping someone with knowledge in doctrine here can point me to a solution. If you click on the link at the start it will take you tot the page I am currently on. The problem is when I am running the php generate.php script which throws an error when trying to drop the database. It looks as though they have neglected to supply all steps or assume we would know what to do.



    Error Ouput

    si2:doctrine_test sone$ php generate.php Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Doctrine_Connection_Exception' with message 'You must create your Doctrine_Connection by using a valid Doctrine style dsn in order to use the create/drop database functionality' in /Users/sone/si3webportfolio/doctrine_test/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Connection.php:1460Stack trace:#0 /Users/sone/si3webportfolio/doctrine_test/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Manager.php(707): Doctrine_Connection->dropDatabase()#1 /Users/sone/si3webportfolio/doctrine_test/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Core.php(972): Doctrine_Manager->dropDatabases(Array)#2 /Users/sone/si3webportfolio/doctrine_test/generate.php(11): Doctrine_Core::dropDatabases()#3 {main}  thrown in /Users/sone/si3webportfolio/doctrine_test/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Connection.php on line 1460

    my bootstrap.php

    <?php// bootstrap.php/** * Bootstrap Doctrine.php, register autoloader specify * configuration attributes and load models. */require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine.php');// ...spl_autoload_register(array('Doctrine', 'autoload'));// ...$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();$manager->setAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_AUTO_ACCESSOR_OVERRIDE, true);$manager->setAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_AUTOLOAD_TABLE_CLASSES, true);// Setting up DB connection$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=doctrine;host=';$user = 'sonint99';$password = 'C2sHF9Zxq3ULXCTV';$dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);$conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection($dbh,'doctrine');Doctrine_Core::loadModels('models');//$conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection('mysql://sonint99:C2sHF9Zxq3ULXCTV@');

    my generate.php

    <?php// generate.phprequire_once('bootstrap.php');Doctrine_Core::dropDatabases();Doctrine_Core::createDatabases();Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml('schema.yml', 'models');Doctrine_Core::createTablesFromModels('models');

    Like the error suggest its a dsn connection thing but it does not explain why my same connection works for the previous tasks on the tutorial page and I don't remember coming across any steps that required me to alter the connection. A prime example of tutorials not being clean enough to help new members start. Anyone with knowledge on connections could you please explain to me the difference between the PDO connection I made the the inline connection string i commented out


    //$conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection('mysql://sonint99:C2sHF9Zxq3ULXCTV@');

    When using the above connection string I am able to run generate.php and drop the database not but create. This is a very annoying issue and I would like to clear it up. Searching all last night came up with no fixes and only one person reported the same issue on stackoverflow but the solution given was to use the commented out connection string variant above and no further responses to whether it was the right way to do it or not and also no confirmation if it produces anymore errors like mine.


    Edit: forget the database table names as I have both now for testing purposes. They are not an issue as I have full privileges to all on my mysql account.

  6. I think any seriously web developer would want to know how to use a PHP Framework. The learning curve is pretty steep and would require you to learn not just the framework but about software development practices too if you do not already know about them but the benefits are well worth it. I have struggle in the past to pick up zend framework on my own because of lack of knowledge in the area and unable to find help when I hit road blocks along the way. There were many setbacks such as tutorials being out of date and not working for my specific version etc. There are great tutorials now available on video networks such as youtube or even specific sites dedicated to the framework. The best way to learn would be to do tutorials and work with people who also are doing the same thing. If you have a problem you can also ask someone else who is working on it. Two heads are better than one right? I have spent the last two weeks picking up Zend Framework again and I now have a much better understanding of it but I am no way near utilizing it to its full capacity. I have rebuilt my personal portfolio website using the framework and can see it offers a much more structured approach to developing applications allowing modification and changes to be done with minimal effort and lower risk of breaking something in the process. I know a few of the senior members here would have been using these or other variants of PHP frameworks in their projects.I know there is also arguments about PHP frameworks being too over bloated and over kill for smaller tasks but thats where you have to decide when you will use it. PHP frameworks are great for larger applications as it offers many benefits allowing you to create more maintainable and flexible code. You also have the choice to use which components to use and can mix and match them to suit your needs. I understand not everyone is as serious as some when it comes to creating websites in PHP so just writing procedure style code is enough for them but I'm just hoping to encourage those who seek something better to look into them. I also should like to network with anyone else here who works with frameworks as we can share knowledge and progress further as a web developer to a more professional stage in our career path.I have been looking for active communities but sadly I have not yet find one where members are actively contributing and helping new members. I have also been looking into IRC channels while there are usually 100-200 members in them at any given time only 1-3 members seem to be active or respond. The ones that do respond are either new as well or are looking for help also. I think to succeed in this field one requires a lot of ability to self learn because most of the time help is no going to be there. If anyone is looking for networking hit me up I would be happy to discuss any topics relating to web development and PHP frameworks.

  7. well, as you like but i think opaque can help you with that, since he is the owner of xisto and the forums, but only if you can catch him :P or he got the chance to read your email. he did that before, hepled other members to fix such problems. and i think it is your right since you are an old member. any way, hope you luck and this problem will be fixed soon.

    I just got my account fixed 10 minutes ago. everything seems to be reset even my over due balance of 50 dollars if I recall correctly. That's a good thing since I was not even being actively hosting yet the invoices still came in. Sadly though I was hoping my data would still be there but if its looks like a full reset then I've lost all files on my hosting account. :(

    I hope my cents will still continue work as it is.

  8. Thank you for your suggestion. I am reluctant to contact them as I'm not sure its their job to be looking after accounts. I know you can only submit tickets once logged in to the client area but if your having issues with logging in then what? I have just sent and email to sales@Xisto - Web Hosting.com hopefully they will respond.

  9. I think the main reason for the forums inactivity is because the admin (OpaQue) pretty much abandoned this forum. and the reason there's hardly any traffic coming in is because KS isn't being advertised at all. I think Shree should invest in some professional advertising or at the very least but adwords services (google advertising) because without any kind of advertising this forum will never be active.
    on top of all that - have you noticed how after the name change from Xisto... that's when the forum started dying?????
    I TOLD YOU GUYS THIS WOULD HAPPEN. and other said it too if I remember correctly.


    Lack of effort. (Loads of bugs, forum is too default looking)
    Lack of advertising.
    Boring site (Yes, this site is boring, the theme looks default and overall the forum hasn't really been modified other then the myCENTs script.)

    So until OpaQue puts some effort into reviving this forum, it's going to be dead. and more and more people are going to loose their hosting because of it.

    Hell, I would revive this forum/maintain it and all I'd ask for would be free hosting lol... not like it'd ever happen but shree knows he can trust me.

    Whats been happening? I'm sorry I've been away a long time and I cant chase down the whole events during the period I have been gone. I know my hosting account still is not working and I cant even login even with the reset password. Could someone sum up what has happen over the last year with hosting and the forums?

    Where are all the website developers gone? This place does seem very empty.

  10. Hey guys I know its been a while since I posted but I still return because this place is unique. The free hosting is just a bonus because the amount of content you can find here is more vast, diverse and of higher quality than most other forums I have been to. Sure there are others but sometimes they focus on only one topic of interest so you really only go there and leave after you found what you are looking for. In my opinion coming here shouldn't really just be about getting free hosting. You can get it at other sites (not sure i should say that here or even if its allowed). The hosting here isn't perfect but its good from what I remember... I'm not sure what happen to my hosting account but I was inactive for a long time due to stress of work and study so my account went over due and the last I remember I accumulated so much invoices that I couldn't even pay it with my cents. I worked out a deal to pay for a few months off the invoices just to get the data I have on my account since I lost all copies on my end. My portfolio site was up there and I needed it bad to look for a job. I dont particularly like how rude some people come across expecting the owner to cater to their every needs. This isn't a free service so don't expect that. Criticizing the moderators too when I know for a fact they help out when they can. Complaining isn't going to help you get help any quicker. Please just learn to be more patient and considerate. I'm sorry I just had to express my dislike for such behaviors. I was hoping maybe I could start over again in getting my hosting back up using mycents but by the looks of things it seems to be very bad here recently. I cant even log into my billing account using the password recover is this broken? I get the password sent to me but logging does not work. Other then wanting free hosting like most do I would like to network with people who share the same interest. I've progressed a lot during this year and have been developing in java, java fx mainly but I wish to return to PHP and I am currently picking up Zend Framework as well. It seems easier this time round since I have a much better understanding of software development principles. If anyones in need of any help with zend framework or wish to discuss about better programming practices using MVC then hit me up I would be more then happy to help. I have struggled with getting to grips with it in the past and would have liked someone to teach me the ropes in the begging but there was really no one. The best way to learn is through peers and teaching I think.I am pretty excited about progressing more and expanding my knowledge here so I hope this place keeps thriving. I hope to hear about all the exciting projects everyones been working or currently as I am naturally curious about others.

  11. I like the style and overall color scheme of the website. Its not too bard but I think your missing consistency in the overall design. The headings etc should match for all content to make it easier for the eyes to track and give you a sense of the whole site being integrated as one. I'm assuming your using some type of blogging system with plug-ins for calenders and what ever so that would explain the consistency. I would go and try and match everything up personally in the style sheets. Just wondering when you decided to build design this site did you go through the process of story boarding? I'm just wondering how many out there actually do this.

  12. I don't think the problem lies with moderators being active enough. I don't think its fair to expect them to search through all threads looking for inappropriate posts and eliminating them there and now. That's just too much to expect from anyone. I think the current system of users reporting post that are against forum rules and then waiting for the moderators to take a look is perfectly fine. No ones doing to die before the moderators check so just be patient. There is no way to stop people coming in and breaking the rules because not everyone is law abiding. We just have to live with it. The idea of have a perfect forum or anything is unrealistic and these problems should just be accepted. I have to admit i do not always report posts I think are inappropriate or spam because I am lazy to click the report sometimes. This does not mean someone else wont and you don't have to sit there and read the entire post(s) of spam. Just report it and move on.

  13. I am in a similar posistion with my account being suspended and from what I read above delete also by now. I have overdue 45 dollars and will probably not be able to pay it back. If the systems deletes your account and you have no way of retaining it back then what is the point of continually adding in new invoices to the total each month? I came here hoping to get the latest copy of files and sql dumps since I have been sloppy with backups but it looks like I'm out of luck. I may wish to reapply for hosting again here but it does not make sense that I pay the 45 dollars overdue for hosting that I did not have over that period and I am not even able to access files and databases. If that was available and my site would only be showed if I paid my invoices then that would seem reasonable. How am I suppose to reapply for hosting again after these unfortunate events?

  14. I've tried signing up to the website because I thought it would allow me access to download the beta but unfortunately it seems beta testing is closed so its not open to everyone for testing. I've also seen the youtube video captures of this game and it looks awesome. Does anyone know when this will be fully released or have any more information on when everyone else can get a copy of the beta to play?

  15. I've got this annoying problem with my OS X. Yeah its not perfect but its still better then most OS's. What it is doing is updating every time I reboot. Now this is not unusal for an update to occuer if you have previously updated your OS. The last updates I remember were for iTunes and the problem is every time I boot up it always does its update process when the apple logo appears. This is very annoying as there should be no more things to update yet it takes 5 or 10 minutes to complete as a result wasting my time. This has happen in the past before but all it took to resolve it was another update that came by thankfully within a few days. This has been a problem for 3 days now and still no change. Any ideas on a fix?


  16. Thanks for the response rvalkass, The first example appears to work it echos out:

    BP:lsms_cp sone$ sed -l 's/password/dummytext/g' db.php<?php/* * Author: Sone Inthavong * Created: 2007 beginning * Purpose: Store database connection * * Updated:  * 13/10/2008 - reformated code and updated  *  **/$p = $_POST;$g = $_GET;$s = $_SESSION;// set database variables$db_host = '';$db_user = 'sonesayi_admin';$db_pass = 'dummytext';$db_name = 'sonesayi_lsms';// setup link connection$link = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) or die("Could not connect to Database > ". $db_name);// select Databasemysql_select_db($db_name,$link)	or die("Could not find Database > ". $db_name);?>MBP:lsms_cp sone$

    It clearly echos out the dummytext in place of password but when i go and open the file or cat it still shows the old original password unchanged. Is there something else missing?

    The second example I have yet to try.

  17. I'm not sure what a callable statement is but the difference between a statement and a prepared statement is the latter is more flexible as it gets prepared and is able to be used for many different types of databases. We all know that syntax varies from database to database and a prepared statement is intended to remedy this. It is also said that prepared statments perform better but that is all I can recall from what I know about prepared statements. If you are serious about java and sql then you should look into this.

  18. I have a problem that I would like to put forth. Suppose you have a large collection of source files for example if you did PHP and your source files had passwords saved in a db.php file. Obviously you would want to protect them from being viewed by others you do not trust. Heres where the problem lies, you could have multiple sites and they all contain their very own db.php files with the passwords in there but you need to share a copy with others for what ever reason. It would be very tedious to copy a folder containing all the files and go through echo one and removing or renaming the password text. Is there a way to do this with a shell script so that you can recursively scan through all files within a folder and replace the password text with a dummy text so that you can safely give to others for viewing purposes? I'm guessing there is a way and I am wondering if anyone has done something like this before or can point it out to me. I could of course go hunting on the web but I want to save time and be guided if possible by experienced shell script writers.Looking forward to any help cheers.

  19. You have to restrict what the user enters or check that what they have entered is suitable for use in your calculations. If these criteria do not meet then you obviously would not want to proceed. You can either do some validation on the index.php with javascript and then pass it over to the results.php but again it must be validated because javascript can be altered/bypassed. You would probably want all your business logic in the results.php and process the entered information there before displaying the results. I would offer to help but I do not think I have enough time. If you need more help just ask I will try and respond. Good Luck

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