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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. I agree its annoying because I frequently am viewing the most recent topics being discussed and find that either the last poster has not contributed in my opinion to the discussion in any way other then reviving a dead thread for the sake of posting. Even responding to a thread with little value has the same effect. Don't get me wrong when I say this but I think you Echo_of_thunder have done this your self making you a hypocrite. If I'm wrong then I take it back please don't take any offense to it. I just like to say things up front no sugar coating it. I think we all have done it in the past but heck who is keeping count? No I will not state what particular post was it that you or anyone else responded too and did not contribute anything. I think its just all a matter of opinion and what someone may think is a good reply isn't to others. Just like you can take this reply of mine to mean anything. Me personally I find it annoying when others talk about topics that I don't think they have any expertise in but who am I to say they cant discuss it? I hope you get my point if not then what ever I wont stress.

  2. I had a quick look and your table version uses styles in the table tag attributes itself. The reason I wanted CSS classes is so I can reuse them else where. I will have a further look and decide on what version I will go with but at the moment I have somehow managed to mess up my site template so I am frantically trying to correct it right now.Thank you again for your help.

  3. Thanks for spotting that jlhaslip, Also for the example link as well. There are obviously many ways to do it and I'm not sure what is easier to create and maintain but I will stick with my version for now. It is weird that I have to explicitly apply margins and paddings to zero to my left and right columns. I would think they would be passed down from the table selector. I did not create a document type for the page so could that be why margins and padding doesn't get inherited automatically by the child elements?

  4. I've used it back in the days when I first started out with digital imaging. I did not get to use it extensively though so I can not say how good it was. It is different in some ways and also similar to photoshop in other ways. I think how ever photoshop is the better option since its more widely used and a lot more material is available out there when you need to find out something new. I'm also going to say it probably has more features but thats just my assumption based on how many tools photoshop has you can do many things in different ways.

  5. Just a question concerning how its structured. You've used an unordered list for the containers of Div's. Does this help in keeping them displayed inline? I am having trouble trying to find a way to center them. I have tried to apply text-align: center for the container div "slideArea" but still no effect. I can live with not being able to center them nicely but it would be nicer looking centered :P

    you can see it at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  6. Thanks again for the excellent code truefusion. This seems to work perfectly on its own but as I try and integrate it into my existing site it reports function undefined errors under firebug. This could be of course my own fault but I've tried including the jquery file in the header and also just in the body before the acutual slide show begins.

    I am beginning to suspect it may have something to do with my other included .js files in the header conflicting? I have an idea I will try remove them and see how it goes.

    example of problem and one working fine at this stage.

    update 9.19pm NZL Time 24/01/2009

    I have checked and taken some screen shoots to confirm that does appear to be conflicts with the 3 scripts

    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/prototype.js\"></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder\"></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/lightbox.js\"></script>

    When I comment these out there is no error and the page functions fine. Now I'm at a loss at to what to do right at this time. Any ideas welcome ^^

    update 11.10pm NZL Time 24/01/2009

    fixed js conflicted. change functions prev, next to prevItem, nextItem (conflict with next function somewhere).




  7. Most if not all laptop graphics card are fixed onto the mother board? If that is the case and your graphics card is gone then a new laptop would be the more logical option to take. If your lucky and its just your LCD screen then maybe you can verify that it actually boots up by connecting an external monitor to your laptop if it supports that?

  8. Does anyone know how to create this? 1. The Div will be a fix height.2. The Div will be auto expanding with a minimum width of 600px3. The Div will show items depending on the amount of width available. The other requirements like navigating buttons are not as important as the expanding and changing amount of items being displayed at this stage. I will try and get those done once the first 3 requirements are meet.Any links or suggestions on how to go about this appreciated.CheersSone


  9. Hey all, has anyone noticed that when you go to view new topics some of the views count is not right? This isn't a big issue but its something I've noticed a lot. Its the same in firefox 3 and safari. I've attached a image to show what I mean. You have replies to topcis but the view count is still 0. Is this just a setting where the forum is setup not to update views as often just to save on overhead on the servers?


  10. Just google for ASP.Net and Visual Basic tutorials. I personally hate the syntax of Visual Basic so I went with ASP.Net and C#. Basically you can combine ASP.Net Controls and what ever else you have available to you (VB or C# and what ever else is there) to build your web applications. Remember though the controls are only there to help you develop faster and all code generated in its final form is just plain HTML. All your logic code is either in VB.net or C# and they link to the controls etc.

    Depending on what you want to work with look up tutorials on that.


  11. oh wow kinda embarrassed to even say but.I had a car wreck one time. Was not hurt or anything but you ever hear the saying scared beep less?
    needless to say all over me the front seat of the car.

    Lol that is one of my worse nightmares. I have never had that happen and hope it never does. That would be incredibly embarrassing. What did you do after that? I would guess you would have had to trade insurance details with the other drivers involved but that would be uncomfortable lol. Did you at least find a hose to clean up first :P? What about the other peoples faces and their reactions :P? Sorry to hear that happen to you buddy :P.

  12. If you are using PHP then you can use the session variable (I think thats what its called) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']. This will return a string with various values depending on the user agent of the client.

    Now you just need to code what type of broswers your looking for and since its mobile broswers your after heres a list of user agents so far. http://www.zytrax.com/tech/web/mobile_ids.html

    Use preg_match() to check and redirect as needed.

    heres a sample of my code below. I think yours will have to be much longer to include all mobile browsers. That is if you want to check for all right?

    $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];$pattern = "/msie\s(5\.[5-9]|6\.[0-9])/i";if(preg_match($pattern,$ua)){	header("location: redirect.php");}

    edit: I'm not sure if preg_match can take arrays as the pattern, if it can then you can setup an array of all those broswer strings. easy :P.


    Actually someone has already written some code for this. http://detectmobilebrowsers.mobi/ I think this would be alot easier then trying to preg_match all on your own. GL

  13. I think the main problem with your site's wouldnt be the design at all. When I first go there I am lost at to what the purpose of your site is for. I can guess it has something to do with games since your young and obviously kids are into games. The links to games and screen shots tell the same story but seriously there are so many gaming sites out there that provide many services. Why would anyone want to go and join your website when there are better sites out there? Is is the articles you write or maybe pictures or videos you link? I suggest you ask yourself what is the purpose of your sites and make it clear to new visitors what your sites offer because I'm pretty sure that's one of the main rules of having a website. Maybe an 'about us' page will help? What I hate? When I go to your site I have no idea its clear purpose and think its just another waste of web space. The only thing that keeps me there is because I'm giving it a review to try and help you out. Horrible.

  14. Whoa express. How often does your internet connection register a new ip? I know that happens when I have to reconnect my internet because file download sites limit my ip and I have to re log in to Xisto again. I'm just wondering how your ISP works over there with internet connections if it assigns new ips frequently thats annoying and I am glad I dont have your problem. The original poster hasn't even replied so I'm not sure asking any more questions would be worth while.

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