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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. Thats a nice flash site. I will take a good thorough look a little later on. I just happen to fix my rendering problem with images larger then the screen on IE7 and Opera. I found out there are differences on how they read images sizes compared to firefox and safari hence the min-width value not kicking in. You can look at the source code of the si.js if you really want to see.Anything else I missed? I'm interested in building a flash gallery like the one you showed me too so maybe that will be my next project. I have to say flash has advanced a lot since I touched on it a few years back.edit: I just saw your other post. Thats not a bad layout design. I don't think I can change it as easily now even if I really wanted to, since it seems to be ok as of now I will carry on but I would like to create a flash gallery soon just to see what it can do.

  2. I used to go there a lot last year and it was free. The last few weeks when I went back I noticed they have limits and the way they limit it was by allowing you to view only a certain in a period. I think it was like 90 minutes total viewing in one session before you needed to wait 50 mins. This was dumb because if you started to view a new movie and even though you have loaded the full video your time limit would run out and the loaded video would be unusable until 50 minutes later.One way around is to just get a new ip and view again but it can be annoying especially if changing ips would get your internet throttled because you have been over your monthly cap :D. I dont know about the cookies method but if they blocked by ip then I'm sure cookies wouldn't work it docent seem logical since removing cookies is so much easier. Plus if that was the case then just have multiple browsers there.

  3. Just an update. I seem to have fixed the rendering problem of the layout box when images are loaded via Ajax that is too large for the current screen. It will load the image then get the image size then set min-width of body.

    function loadCanvas(id){		jQuery("div#portfolio_canvas").addClass("min_height300");	jQuery("div#portfolio_canvas").removeClass("min_height100");	jQuery("div#portfolio_canvas img").hide();	var canvas = jQuery("div#portfolio_canvas").css("background-image","url('./images/loading.gif')");			canvas.load("includes/portfolio/loadCanvas.php",{image_id: id},				function(){								   jQuery("div#portfolio_canvas").css("background-image","none");	   				jQuery("div#portfolio_canvas img").fadeIn("slow");				   				setBodyMinWidth();	   									  	 			}		);	}

    My solution is rather crude because I had to use a setTimeout() or 500 just so it will force a delay. If I did not force a delay the script will not pick up the correct image size for some reason even though the ajax call is supposedly completed and fired the callback function.

    I have only tested on Opera, Safari, and FF3 and it seems to work. anyone with IE7 can check for me please?

    updated: I am using the animate() from jquery to smooth the transitions and so far only opera out of the 3 fail.

  4. Yeah that does suck but wouldn't they have told you before hand about how much the service call charge was going to cost? If they don't then that is a pretty shady way to do business. I remember when I had to call someone to fix our washing machine they specifically had to make sure you understood what the service call would cost even if you decided not to go ahead with the fix.

  5. Hey this is semi replying to your comment on my thread haha!I used flash/iframes/lightboxes on my old website to (i think) great effect, I like lightboxes because they can display any image in its original size without opening a new window. That frees you up to use any thumbnail style you like...

    I previously had a light box gallery but I've chosen to move away from that. Flash gallery I might consider if this doesn't work out well.

    I think your scroller box setup is good but the way the window resizes doesnt seem clean, especially since I have to scroll to see the whole image afterwards. It might work better if your window contained the main text description and then was replaced with the image when you clicked on a thumbnail.

    Yeah the re size problem is something I just realized since truefusion mentioned it. I'm working on and tested out a javascript solution to get the width of the image and reset the min-width of the body and it seems to work but currently Its buggy since the image is being retrieved by ajax and I get inconsistent width values 0 or its real value. A problem I am currently working on.
    You mean create a text description gallery then replace it with full size images when clicked on? Or do you mean show text descriptions on hover then replace with image when selected? that would be a good way to do it. I was considering javascript pop up windows for more description/info but that last idea isn't bad either.

    Also make the window a fixed size, and put the scroller thing at the bottom to balance out the layout. If you have no idea what im blathering on about say so and i'll do a photoshop sketchup to make myself clear smile.gif I think it would look good! Also If your thumbnail slider was flash based it would be much smoother and almost as quick to load...

    I am going for a layout where it will use the maximum width of a users screen resolution so I will definitely not be using any standard fix width sizes. If it doesn't work then I may have to resort to that.
    Also I'm curious to what screen resolution and browser your are using?

  6. Cheers guys!
    Pasten: The last one was actually pretty awesome feature and uptime-wise, except for the not existing anymore part... Zendfree.com. This time I plan to take out a .com domain though so I can swap hosts if it happens again!

    Echo: I see you fixed the spelling :D Thanks for the welcome :P

    Sonesay: Yeah for sure! I'm pretty good at Flash/AS3 so I look forward to helping out... Are you any good at back end systems by any chance? I've been meaning to learn MySQL etc. for-freaking-ever!

    Yeah I've been working with MySQL for a while. Done 3 database papers at AUT. I'm not an expert but I know enough to get by. Still learning as I go. Pretty cool you know FLash and AS3. I would like to learn that eventually.

    Have you got any work live online? Would be interested to see what you have so far.

  7. After looking at your site and working on my portfolio I would say you should move your site to a wordpress as you can do a lot more with it in less time, especially with images, about page, resume and stuff like that. take a look at my portfolio to get an idea how to set it up or at least the pages and the images and what not and if you need plugin suggestions if you do decide to move over to wordpress let me know and I give you all the ones that I am using/

    I think you got me all wrong. I'm into learning how to work with code and layout/designs from scratch. I think it teaches you more and enables you to become more flexible in your work. Sure wordpress is quick but I do not like those generic layouts. There are themes but I don't like the designs either by others.

    See that gallery? Written by Truefusion originally. I got the idea and he showed me how to do it. I made it into an expanding width. I would have not been able to do that if I did not seek to be different. The reason why my site isnt done is because I'm learning and refining alot of areas as I go along. You may not know it but the site started out and is still being built with a CMS that I use to manage it with.

    I'm not only getting into design only and require pre-made solutions. I want to be able to write my own. I've seen your site all I see is wordpress.

    The Internet Explorer 7 i have on here doesn't seem to be working for me right now (can't even access LOCALHOST/ ), but the Internet Explorer 6 that i have installed on here works; however, your site says to upgrade to Internet Explorer 7. I can see why you mention Internet Explorer 7 specifically. tongue.gif I'll figure out why Internet Explorer 7 isn't working in Wine later.

    Thank you for checking that. Yes I have decided it is not worth the effort to fix IE6 Bugs since an upgrade to IE7 is free. I will need to get my self access to IE7 and test more.

    As for the portfolio, interesting gallery script; nice use of the fade in effect. However, there seems to be a problem when viewing the big images in Opera 10 and Firefox 3: the content goes beyond its border and therefore hides part of the gallery. In Opera i can scroll to the right to view the button again, but not in Firefox 3. Maybe you have a bigger screen resolution than i do, which allows for more space; i'm using 1280x1024.

    Yes in FF3, Safari and Opera 9 which I have there is a redraw problem when images loaded are much larger then the current window width (box and gallery is centered and side edges hidden until you resizing and reveal more.). This could be a potential problem with people with smaller resolutions but at this stage I will have to think about how I will go about it. My resolution is 1440x900 so more testing with lower resolutions will have to be done :D

  8. Do not suggest pre-made solutions especially for a site that is going to be promoting someone who is going to work as a specialist in the web development industry. If you use pre-made CMS it will show you have no creativity. Sure there is no need to re invent the wheel but you need to differentiate yourself from the rest. Write your layouts and do your designs from scratch you will learn more this way.Shadow the layout problems you are having in IE are common and they should be expected. You will begin to remember what works and what doesn't for IE the more you make layouts from scratch on your own. Use specific CSS fixes for that that affect IE only. You didnt mention what version by the way.

  9. Apart from the header logo and the bottom right hand corner pattern everything else looks too generic. Your solid background color and the transition to the page content is too abrupt in my opinion. I think if you added a smooth gradient background it would ease that a little. Go ahead and build the design. Make sure you split images and layout out in a way where it will be easy to make further adjustments and tweaks. Cant wait to see how it turns out.

  10. well don't need to make any additional folders, thats just to keep things tidy and organized. You can just place your php files inside the www directory and it will run if you have the web server started and there are no errors.Viewing your php file - After you have placed the file in the www directory you need to open up a web broswer and enter your web servers address. In this case it whould be lhttp://localhost Still lost? post where your lost at exactly.

  11. I've made some updates and have decided to lose the lightbox gallery. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I think its much more subtle and elegant this time round. Any comments appreciated. I have tested the layout in IE7 using http://browsershots.org/ and see no errors but I cant test out the ajax calls since it only takes screenshots. If anyone can test it on IE7 much thanks.

    I will be changing it a bit so check back in a day or two :P (using JQuery now. great library if you haven't already tried it )

  12. What do you believe is the Web 2.0 standard? How would one define that boundaries from the past and the section that leads to the future?

    I believe that one can divide it into three parts:
    1. Logo/Name
    2. Template/Design
    3. Content Management System

    1a. Logo
    A logo of the Web 2.0 represents a minor 3-D or partial animation, at most. It is usually a sillhoute, with rounded edges, and must be vector based. It should represent an aspect of the name, and incorporate the name or initials of the company into the logo. It should be able to be branded easily and integrated throughout the site. Logos must also be rendered, and reflect no more than 3 colors, that form the basis of the site. Logos should be integrated with the name, where the name is synonymous with the logo.

    1b. Name
    Comming Soon....
    Add what you wish, but it's rather late now, so I will finish another day.

    I don't think web 2.0 has anything to do with logos and how they are categorized. I think its more to do with what web pages offers in terms of functionality and response to the end user.

  13. Thanks a lot for pointing that out.

    I got it working nicely with

    function shiftLeft(){	jQuery("div#portfolio_gallery_image_container img:first-child").insertAfter(jQuery("div#portfolio_gallery_image_container img:last-child"));}function shiftRight(){	jQuery("div#portfolio_gallery_image_container img:last-child").insertBefore(jQuery("div#portfolio_gallery_image_container img:first-child"));}

    If it can be shorten any further let me know thanks :P

  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - mine

    I've been trying to make a new type of gallery. The one I have requested help for previously is nice but I would still like to refine it a little bit so I set out to try and build one from scratch using TrueFusions idea. I dont mind using the JQuery library to help me build it but the problem is I have pratically no experience with it. I looked up API http://api.jquery.com/remove/ but it seems to remove all child nodes.

    I have written my own shiftLeft() and shiftRIght() functions and it seems to work with no errors but it doesent seem to respond like when one clicks quickly. Is it trying to register double clicks or something? On TrueFusions original code using JQuery it doesn't seem to have this problem. i.e double clicks will cycle through images twice where is mine is ignored.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - truefusions code

    I would like help in figuring out how to write my version of shiftLeft() and shiftRIght() in JQuery. I think with JQuery I would not have that miss click effect when I click twice. JQuery seems to be a very nice and light library.

    function shiftLeft(){	var pf_thumb_items = document.getElementById('portfolio_gallery_image_container');	var temp_pf_thumb_item = pf_thumb_items.removeChild(pf_thumb_items.firstChild);	pf_thumb_items.appendChild(temp_pf_thumb_item);	}function shiftRight(){	var pf_thumb_items = document.getElementById('portfolio_gallery_image_container');	var temp_pf_thumb_item = pf_thumb_items.removeChild(pf_thumb_items.lastChild);	pf_thumb_items.insertBefore(temp_pf_thumb_item, pf_thumb_items.firstChild);}

    Update: Actually I just realized TrueFusion's method was just changing the visibility of div's/nodes. My current way is actually removing and adding them to the other end. That is probably why the no response on every second click.

  15. I think a blog type of a website will just not work for this type of website. Visitors need to be able to easily navigate and find what they are looking for. I think you need to organize your clocks into a gallery type or at least a directory type of listing all on one page. Thumb nail views would help. The way its organized now I cannot see the clock until I view the "Post" in full. Other wise all I see a textual description of it. The fact that I never liked them (Blogs) and I have only gone there to read them if I really needed to read article from there. They are good for articles but for any other type of media I don't know. I still think you need a custom website with layout and structure to properly present your clocks. Maybe try another CMS like joomla or something else that supports a gallery?

  16. Apache is just a web server application. What you want is a webserver with PHP module included to run php so I would suggest you go the easy route and install "wamp" http://www.wampserver.com/en/ or xampp for OS X if you happen to be using that.


    They are quick installers and provides almost everything a common web developer needs to start building without worrying about the long process of installing them manually.

  17. I think you should change the title to "Trying to be a ninja" because real ninjas don't use harnesses. They probably do it holding a weapon(s) too, carry tool's and ninja stars etc. They probably don't have a crowd cheering them on calling them ninja lol. Bruce lee was a legend....Yes I'm a hater :P I think its in my nature sometimes I cant hold it back :P

  18. That is great you have a number 1 ranking page. Great job so far. I remember you doing a few re design's of the website over the years but too be honest visually they were not that impressive. I think it would be best to find a professional designer to give it a real professional look or you can find a better looking template that the current one.I will outline what I think is not working (This is probably due to the template you are using).1. The content width for your site is too narrow. Your google ads are cut off on the end.2. no clear indication of location. only the title really gives a hint to where you are and where you've just clicked. You sort of have to read the page title and look at the content to try and guess where you are and where you want to go next. I think your template is missing a header location and you need to group news updates and clocks separately. They seem all mixed.3. The whole idea of calender dates for site entries I'm not used to. Why would I be interested in that particular date? does it mean something to me? I would rather just view list of updates by news or clocks uploaded.4. I would suggest you use the top navigation where "Home" and "About" is for all your main pages. add clocks and news there. then use the vertical left column for sub menus of that page. Overall every thing looks jumbled up and not so professional so I hope you can see it from my point of view. You don't need links on the left column all the time sometimes its best just to have as little content as you can.Edit: Oh yeah since your a number 1 ranking page you need a logo to help brand your site. People will better remember you if you have a professional looking logo. Logo > theme > design

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