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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. I think the whole idea would make for a unique and excellent game title. Its a shame we don't have something like this out already. The part where you are able to rape people may be too extreme and offensive though. I do not think something like that will be allowed to be released. Do you remember that game about some racist clan running around murdering other ethnic groups? I think that game was outlawed but its still distributed around. I would be interested in testing it out for personal reason just to see how good of a game it is. I am not a racist I just like to see what others have made.
  2. I was drinking at an early age. Before 15 and smoking pot everyday too so take it from an alcoholic and past druggie, don't do it. Focus on school and try and find some other interest that will not mess you up in the long run. Life's too short so don't spend it on useless stuff.
  3. sonesay

    Ajax Library

    I remember trying to learn Ajax in the beginning and came across the manual method of creating a new XMLHttpRequest and all the following required steps to complete the request but I found this task tedious and sometimes limited when I wanted to make more complicated requests. I have gone off to just using libraries such as JQuery and Ext since they provide objects that handle most common Ajax calls. It seems to reduce a lot of code you write when using these library calls not to mention you have access to other functions in the library. I am curious what the code would look like when put in use. i.e a working example of the use of function. Maybe that will help other users visualize the functions in practice.
  4. Ah so Java servlets are like programs just run on the application server for example apache tomcat. At the same time Java Server Pages are the same code but with additional libraries and tools designed to make developing the front end much easier? Also there is JSF I think, could you elaborate on anything about that?CheersSone
  5. Search Jtable and Database in google and you should come up with plenty of links and examples. Try them out and let us know how it goes.Good luck.
  6. I don't what the difference is between Servlet programming and JSP but you can easily create JSP projects using the netbeans IDE. It creates a default package and template for you so you can quickly start developing pages. You are also able to run and test your code through the IDE too which is very handy for debugging errors. You can get netbeans at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. Like true fusion I tend to build my sites using as many advanced features as possible. How ever when a user is using an unsupported browser I simply use the method of redirecting them to a notice where they are told they are required to upgrade browsers before being able to view the site. This is bad practice as you lose potential viewers who refuse to upgrade or have no means to but I have no learned a method or tried building sites that degrade gracefully and still offers the view to the site. Unlike truefusion I don't even consider Internet Explorer 6 as there are too many bugs I need to fix for my layout to work correctly.About the requirement of JavaScript, I have always assumed my viewers will have it and create my sites that rely on it. I use Ajax a lot so nothing will work properly without it. For me if my users don't even have JavaScript enabled then its their lose. I do not know anyone who is paranoid enough to disable JavaScript while surfing the web.
  8. Yeah its a sad reality. I've seen a documentary where a woman in US was taking some drugs that would cost her 30 dollars a pill. I do not recall what they were and why she needed them but when she went over the border to another country I think it was mexico for some health care treatment the hospital there was only selling the same pills for 1 dollar or less each. Why is it so cheap in mexico where in the US they charged so much. Its purely about profit these days and not about caring for human beings.
  9. I have not touched much on C++ at all to be honest but if it is similar to java in that you need to have available to you libraries and compilers to start developing then you may like to start looking for an IDE to help you begin your learning processes. The reason I suggest using a IDE is because they usally make life easier by bundling the compilers and libraries for you when you create a project. They will also help setup any files required for a particular of application you are trying to write. In Java for example you have Netbearns but you can also build applications using Eclipse too. Eclipes on the other hand supports many other languages so I would suggest trying that out for C++.
  10. Oh yeah about the dollar being backed by gold. I learned from the videos that since the establishment of the federal reserve in 1913 over the years after gold has been stolen from the treasurey and the money is no longer backed by gold. I don't know the exact year things changed but they did over time so no your dollar is no longer backed by gold. Even if it was it would not by much since its value is much lower now. They refuse to do any audit and publicly release anything about the amount of gold they hold that belongs to the people of America.
  11. The thing is no one really knows unless you are the bankers. The federal reserve bank in the US is owned by private bankers and their names are undisclosed. I think they are already in control of most of the world through debt. There are only 5 nations in the world left who still have control of issuing money through the government. The rest of the world government borrows money from the banks to fund everything they do and are in debt from so much interest that they can only ever repay back the interest. Read up about how rothchilds took controll of the money if you are interested.
  12. There is no absolute premises that a one world government is forming because there are so many things happening and they don't always have clear links to each other. I honestly haven't made up my mind about what I believe about the New World Order and if its real but from what I've seen so far from videos its pretty disturbing to know that people in power who run countries are influenced easily by the banks. I've always known we lived in a messed up world but I didn't really care to think about it much growing up until recently. Its not that I wish to make a huge fuss over it for no reason. I searched this topic here and there was none so I wanted to discuss theses theories with people and see how they think about certain things. I talked to my friends and they have no idea what I'm going on about at times. Maybe your right about certain subjects triggering emotion but does that mean its wrong or right? there's no way to prove anything because we don't know the truth. If it was that simple then we wouldn't have any problems agreeing on anything. I know you believe in god and the bible so maybe you don't have as many questions as I do about the world. I cant say I believe in your god so I'm out here trying to make some sense of the world and what I know. I guess only time will tell and we will learn more as time passes. Maybe we will look back at this in 20 years time and think man that was some crazy idea there's no one world government or maybe we'll end up being slaves to the elites with microchips embedded in our arms and tracked everywhere we go. I hope its not the latter.
  13. That movie "America: Freedom to Fascism" is mostly talking about the tax system and how fraudulent it is that it does not even appear in the constitution. The IRS just cooked it up and use it to exploit you Americans yet there are cases where people have fought and won against this illegal taxation. Its amazing how much your government and the IRS is ripping you off (900 mil a year?) yet there is so much unawareness from the general public. I'm curious truefusion are you still paying taxes? I don't know if I would personally if I was in America. Its a big thing to do what they have done and go up against the IRS. Anyhow on the 9/11 matter it was not covered as much by the video but from what I've observed watching all the conspiracy theory the US government lied about weapons of mass destruction and used it to invade Iraq. They linked Al Quada to Saddam and the 9/11 attacks brain washing people in America to believe that Saddam was a threat to them. The funny thing is I've heard reports that the US was the one who trained these terroist in the first place so maybe they are using them to create terror so that they have excuses to wage war at the same time removing your rights. In the end they got rid of Saddam and control over the oil. I'm sure that was the real objective of the war. Even though the government lied about many things I don't think they were ever held accountable for their lies. If a normal citizen had decieved anyone like that I'm sure they would be looked up for life. I don't see how it can't be too far fetched to believe if you consider that all forms of government are corrupt and run by the people who control the monetary system. They don't care about money they can print as much as they like. They care about resources and control of people. If you were in control wouldn't world domination be on top of your agenda? Obviously this cannot be forced on people and they are brained washed into accepting things as normal and required for their safety. All lies feed to people to blind them from the truth that there is no freedom. The people who stand up and fight them get taken out. If you look at the American history surrounding the power struggle of money between the people and the banks you will understand. In other nations there has probably been the same struggle but since America is more famous there are more stories record of them and are easier accessible. I know they dont teach you about this in school because of course they control what gets taught in school. Again how many Americans really understand their history and look at how much rights they are losing as opposed to the early days. The upper class does not care about the middle or lower class. That's how its been in the past and that's how it is today.
  14. I think the only reason its seen as a bad thing is the lose of money. Eventually these intellectual property creations will be shown for free on tv or what ever media or at a lower price. I personally believe if something is good then its worth paying for. Everything else is just a waste of money. If you don't have money does this mean you should go without it? In my opinion no because we are all equal in this world and the monetary system is corrupt itself so money has no integrity in my eyes. Do what you like you are not hurting anyone financially as the monetary system itself is flawed.
  15. That looks like a spelling mistake to me... Althought kinda off topic I would like to know what auto typing technique is? Anyhow what do you think about the conspiracy?
  16. How many of you when you hear the term NWO and think automatically that its a wresting thing? Ive heard NWO being use before in the past but only from wrestling and did not think too much of it since wrestling is all pretend and I had no real interest in wrestling it self. Recently how ever I came across NWO again but this time it came up while I was looking into how money originally originated and evolved over the years. With all the finical problems we are seeing today and how its affecting everyone in terms of being able to find jobs to feeding your family I thought it was necessary for my self to try to better understand not just money but how the world works and everything else that may be relevant so that I may better make decisions for myself and my family. Most of the information I came across regarding money and everything else relating to it seem logical and reasonable but there were cases where if you wanted to verify anything it was almost impossible because there were no sources given. Anyway I had some questions I wanted answers too and I wanted to know certain things so what better place to start than google. I first when to youtube.com and searched up the term Money and began to pick out videos relating to how money is created and loaned out to people. What I learned was shocking that banks control the money supply are able just to create money out of nothing to loan out to people. If banks can create money out of nothing then what value is there to money? There is no value at all its just paper with printed images and symbols on it. What gives money its value is everyone using it trusts that it can be later traded for something of value. Watch this video here for a clearly picture of what Im explaining http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. After going through the history of money I then learned about the gold smiths being the original bankers. Till this day theyre still in control of the money system we all use and rely on to get by. If you asked your self who is in control of the money supply it seem correct to assume the government in some ways have control over the money supply we rely on but the truth is they have minimal or no control at all as the banks who issue money do. How is money being controlled by banks a problem? Well if you think of it like this money buys almost anything and that includes people. Banks own people in government. Banks own everyone and if you disagree check again. Your loans are from the banks and when they want to collect their money back and you cannot pay they repossess your assets. If you check back in US history there were many presidents assassinated because they wanted the issuing of money in America. These presidents have made publically statements refusing to hand over control of money to the banks. Soon after they were assassinated and the control of money handed over to the banks through corrupt people in power. If you dont believe me look up anything related to money and the Rothchilds. There are plenty of information on youtube just alone. OK so the monetary system we have in this world is corrupt and it only benefits the rich. What does this mean for everyone else? Well wealth is always being distributed unfairly. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The donation boxes at the banks make me laugh every time because I know the banks can just make money out of thin air. All it is just another front to make you believe they are doing something. How many of you understand the monetary system? They have control over all aspects of our life including financial and social areas. They own the media so nothing they do wrong ever gets exposed. The news channels and paper never report anything on them thats why you probably dont know them. They create war so that they can gain control of nations resources. Everythings all related in some way or another, All things wrong in this world leads back to the monetary system because people are greedy. Do you guys really believe there is not enough food in the world to feed everyone? There are people starving in Africa and dying from hunger yet our supermarkets seem stocked full off food every time. All of this doesnt make sense to me. So what is the NWO? Control, The rich want control over us and enslave us from the cradle to the grave. Why do you think your nations are in debt? The monetary system is a form of slavery and we can never repay the debt unless they remove the monetary system. There are none who are more enslaved then those who believe they are free. You are losing your rights everyday by problems caused by the government and the only solution they offer is one that gives them more control. There are many signs show a one world government forming. The European union was formed and now the North American union. If you dont know what Im talking about look it up. People need to wake up and question their reality. I have talked to many of my friends and they have no clue at all on how the world works and in my opinion its an important lesion we all need to learn. Dont just be lead a stray like blind sheeps. Question your existence. Its your choice how you choose to live your life but Ill tell you know we live in a messed up world so watch out for your own and love ones, you have been warned
  17. If you want to extend the current CMS to include more storing of custom information then you would either look at existing extensions available. If there is none available or nothing close that you can further customize then the next step would be to create your own. One way to go about creating your own is to first examine the current database that the CMS uses. Obtain a ERD to help further your understanding of the database, You may need to create your own if the CMS does not share it. I know joomla provides an ERD of their databases. Examine the ERD and extend it to hold fields you require and add tables as needed. Do not include any new fields as to create duplicate data. You must have good knowledge of database design (logical). It helps if you know what your doing. Once tables are created then you go and modify and create new PHP code as your application needs.
  18. I do not know if this depends on your wifi card but my mac does allow me to create wireless networks. I also have the option to share my internet connection to anyone connected to my network. I'm sure you will have to do some googleing if its not that straight forward. Hopefully your wifi card on your computer supports creating a wireless network.
  19. Do you have a link to view the game descriptions or maybe even some screens shots? I don't have an iphone but I would like to see what kind of game we are talking about
  20. Hello all, I would like to find out what are the differences in the files generated in the "Build" and "Dist" folder of netbean projects. I have attached an image screen shot of the folder tree. IndexAppletStartView.html <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Team Yellow</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY><!--*** GENERATED applet HTML launcher - DO NOT EDIT IN 'BUILD' FOLDER ***If you need to modify this HTML launcher file (e.g., to add applet parameters), copy it to where your applet class is found in the SRC folder. If you do this, the IDE will use it when you run or debug the applet.Tip: To exclude an HTML launcher from the JAR file, use exclusion filters in the Packaging page in the Project Properties dialog.For more information see the online help.--><APPLET codebase="classes" code="View/Index/IndexAppletStartView.class" width=800 height=600archive="lib/derbyclient.jar"></APPLET></BODY></HTML>I am able to run the applet with the IndexAppletStartView.html file but I am confused as I've seen other articles online dealing with applets and mentoning you have to include the .jar file in the applet tags for it to run. As you can see on the screen shot the Mapping.jar is also produced in the "Dist" folder. Why is it then that netbeans seperates them and does not include it in the Build folder. I have had a look in the Mapping.jar file and it resembles exactly the files in "Build" without the IndexAppletStartView.html file. If this is what you are suppose to use to run the applet through the browser then how do you do it? Cheers Sone
  21. Hi all, Recently I have been developing a Java Applet with my team for our project. This applet runs inside a browser and needs to read files such as images in directories relating to the source files. I have attached a screen shoot of the directory structure generated by netbeans when you build and run the project. I understand that java applets are not allowed to access the users local file by default unless the applet has been signed by verisign. http://www.verisign.com/?dmn=www.verisign.co.nz The user still has to accept the security certificate I believe before the applet can have access to the local files. This is understandable as you would not want an applet to access things it shouldn't how ever they also seem to block access to remote files as well such as files on the www. My build folder in the picture has folders for images and when the applet is run under netbeans the applet can still access and use them. How ever when I run the applet through the broswer it does not have access to the files and gives a permission denied error. This I believe is where the security policy of applets restricts access to in my case local user files. I have tried to use relative paths but the applet does not find the image files. Instead I have to use the System.getProperty("user.dir") and append on the child folders. This method works in netbeans as applets running on the applet viewer has different access rights compared to when run through your browser. String imgUrl = new String(System.getProperty("user.dir") + pathSep + "src" + pathSep + "bg.png"); How then is one able to create an applet that does not require sign certificates that can allow access to image files stored in the child folders of the class files? This is very frustrating and I need to find a solution as soon as possible as my project deadline is closing. I have looked at singing certificates and they seem like they are not free. Am I wrong?
  22. I'm not sure about the rules on double posting. I've seen users post a reply on their own thread just to just so that their post gets updated as a recent post. This method is obviously discouraged but it seems to be acceptable when used on a thread that has been dead for some time. If you just restrict users to doing edits then how would one know something has been updated without physically going to that thread and viewing it?If how ever on the other hand a user just posted a thread and then immediately goes and reply's to it then it is a double post. Maybe some moderators can clear this up?Back on topic about my problem. I have been able ot fix it because I was able to view the error using java console. Luckily enough we have this option when running applets live through the browser. The problem was a reference problem to the library. Something netbeans does not generate for you. when you build your project.
  23. It is difficult if not almost impossible to achieve cross browser compatibility for all browsers. The reason being standards change and the older browsers cannot render the new standard types of coding. Newer browsers also do not render the older methods of coding properly or handle them entirely differently. But why would you want to support older browsers? True you would like your visitors using an older browser to be access your site but the work involved to get it to display properly for everyone is not worth the hassle in my opinion. The best you can do is try and support the latest versions of Firefox 2-3 and Internet Explorer 7-8. Try and code to the standards your opting to use such as document type. If you do not know what they are then you will have trouble trying to achieve your goal. Read up on them and understand their importance. When building your site test regularly on each browser and eliminate any differences early. They are much more harder to track down the line.
  24. It appears there may be a number of causes of errors when working with applets that are being run through web browsers. One of my team mates has identified that the cause of one error was the fact that somehow applets did not support grouplayouts. This is used by default when creating GUI's in netbeans visual JPanel builder. He was able to identify this through the use of the java console. I am suspected that the applet is also not able to connect to the database due to it not being able to access the derbyclient.jar but I am yet unable to confirm this untill I get on a computer running windows that has javaconsole enabled. I my self am on a mac and I have tired to intalled the Java Console 6.0.02 for firefox addon but it does not seem to work.Are there any other ways to debug applets running through a browser?
  25. That is pretty disgusting. I don't think its got anything to do with evolution but more likely genetic engineering gone wrong. Have you guys heard about the conspiracy theory where the NWO are trying to kill off a billion people by means of war/ virus / poisoning or what ever means. They apparently have a bunker where there is pure seeds of unmodified from where they will use to grow for them selves while the rest of the world is eating genetically modified food that is slowing killing us. Of course this is just a conspiracy theory and there is no proof. Proof is hard to come by when money buys anyone.
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