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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. got an update. I think I'm getting there with the EER model, still not 100% sure if its correct enough to implement but I will make a test database and see if it handles all my required transaction queries once I finish the EER model. I'm guessing not many people use ER or EER models for database development since there isnt many response. There are alot of sites out there and books on this topic but like most things you need to practice yourself to understand it better hence why I'm doing this as a project.
  2. Hey all. I'm in the process of building an EER model of a merit system for my custom player management system which will be a php/mysql website when its done. The problem I have been having is that this is a very complex system. It started off being very simple but when I identified all the features I wanted to include into the website it turns out to be alot and complex. This is why its very important that I acurrately describe EER model so it can be used to build a database to supoort my website in the end. My background in EER modeling is very limited but I do understand that it needs to be done if I am going to have any chance of building a database capible of supporting my users. I need assistance from anyone who can help me finish this EER model of the merit system accurately. Here is what I have come up with so far. wiki ffxi merit reference: http://ffxiclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Merits Entities: Members, Chars, Jobs classes, merits Constraints: A member can have 1 or more characters. A character has 1 or more job classes. A character has 'General Merits' which is used and affected by all jobs classes. A job has 'Job Specific Merits' which only affects the particular job classes. Each Merit type 'General Merits' and 'Job Specific Merits' have 3 basic constraints and rules: Max combo (total number of upgrades per merit category). Max per item (max number of upgrades per item). Cost per upgrade (each item has an upgrade cost that can increase. the more you upgrade a merit item the points it will cost for the next upgrade e.g 1st upgrade may cost 1 merit points, 2nd upgrade of same item may cost you 3 merit points.) General Merits have 5 main types merits HP / MP - Max combo: 8, Max per item: 8, Cost per upgrade [1>2>3>4>5>5>5>5] >HP (+10 per upgrade) >MP (+10 per upgrade) Attributes - Max combo: 5, Max per item: 5, Cost per upgrade [3>6>9>9>9] >STR (+1 per upgrade) >DEX (+1 per upgrade) >VIT (+1 per upgrade) >AGI (+1 per upgrade) >INT (+1 per upgrade) >MND (+1 per upgrade) >CHR (+1 per upgrade) Combat Skills - Max combo: 20, Max per item: Varies depending on item, Cost per upgrade [1>2>3>3>3>3>3>3] /* here is when it gets tricky. the Combat skills are divided into 2 sub categories (Weapon Skills, Defensive Skill) which inherit its parent constraints of Max combo and Cost per upgrade. */ Combat Skills>Weapon Skills - Max per item: 8, Cost per upgrade [1>2>3>3>3>3>3>3] >Hand-to-Hand Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Dagger Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Sword Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Great Sword Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Axe Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Great Axe Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Scythe Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Polearm Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Katana Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Great Katana Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Club Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Staff Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Archery Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Marksmanship Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Throwing Skill (+2 per upgrade) Combat Skills>Defensive Skills - Max per item: 4, Cost per upgrade [1>2>3>3] >Guarding Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Evasion Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Shield Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Parrying Skill (+2 per upgrade) /* end of sub categories for Combat Skills */ Magic Skills - Max combo: 16, Max per item: 8, Cost per upgrade [1>2>3>3>3>3>3>3] >Divine Magic Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Healing Magic Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Enhancing Magic Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Enfeebling Magic Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Elemental Magic Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Dark Magic Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Summoning Magic Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Ninjutsu Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Singing Skill (+2 per upgrade) >String Instrument Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Wind Instrument Skill (+2 per upgrade) >Blue Magic Skill (+2 per upgrade) Other - Max combo: 8, Max per item: 4, Cost per upgrade [1>2>3>4] >Enmity Increase (+1 per upgrade) >Enmity Decrease (-1 per upgrade) >Critical Hit Rate (+1% per upgrade) >Enemy Critical Hit Rate (-1% per upgrade) >Spell Interruption Rate (-2% per upgrade) /* I wont get into the Job specific types for now since I think this is already complicated enough. I have also left out the job entity in the EER*/ I am using the chen notation for EER modeling since I only have acess to that. I hope theres someone out there you can help me.
  3. that requirements for popups is kinda lame. I personally am not willing to disable my popups just to see this page.
  4. This original post is from april. Hes either given up on it or hasnt bothered to update.
  5. you are using $loc but you havent assigned it?looks like you need to set the var from get before you can start comparing it. $loc = $_GET['loc'];
  6. Thats pretty good work. If you are gonna use photoshop to paint it I would recommend you get a wacom tablet if you dont have a tablet already. I have one that I have been using for about 1 year it beats a mouse when it comes to drawing/painting on the computer, much quicker and more accurate.
  7. Hmm I would try removing the new cd drive you installed so pretty much reverting back to old setup. See if it still works if not try resetting bios to default setting. good luck.
  8. Its true you cant trust where your food comes from if you didnt grow / raise it yourself. It dosent bother me so much if it looks clean I'll eat it. Hell I was so hungry one time I droped my food on the ground, I picked it up and blew the dirt off it and ate it. You cant be 100% clean with food, some people have weak stomach and would probably get sick but I didnt. Think someone spit on it give it a good wash.
  9. After feeding yourself for so many years I dont think you need an expert to tell you what to eat and what not to eat. Again this is just our different opinions on things. I think I can decide for myself thanks.I eat some form of meat everyday all kinds depends whats available. To me eating only veggies wont do as I dont consider them full meals alone. You see where I'm coming from by saying I eat meat because its food? If you dont get it its ok.
  10. I eat meat because its food.. whats wrong with that? Sometimes people dont have a choice and meat is food.Im saying its kept me alive this far so yeah I'll continue to eat it. I dont need to be an expert to know what food is good for me and what isnt. I just eat it and let my tummy do the rest.
  11. I eat meat because its food. If it wasnt good for me I wouldnt eat it.
  12. Lol we are still going with this. Thats too bad you think people who eat meat is wrong. I think if you only need veggies your wrong. You are wasting alot of good meat that gets thrown out because it goes off. If you feel so strongly about it you must feel disgusted about hearing and seeing people eat meat everyday. Hearing about veggies saying meat eaters is wrong does annoy me a ilttle but its not everyday I will hear it so It dosent bother me that much. I would hate to be you because I know for a fact there will always be people who eat meat and you cannot change them all. Hell if I felt so strongly about not eating meat I would probably be doing what you are doing lol. Trying to make people see it my way. try to change them.I'm so glad I am a meat eater.
  13. Yeah can anyone whos used it make some comments? I've seen the ads on tv and want to try it but still not sure I am willing to spend money on these kinds of thing? My skin is pretty horible so i'm looking to take care of it.
  14. Hmm I would say FFXI for me since its an online MMORPG. Can we include that? This game has been going on for 4 years maybe more and there is a new expansion being released. If beating the game means beat every boss do every mission/quest get every rare item for your class then you cannot beat FFXI. 1 there is an impossible boss to kill. 2 the rare items can take 1-2 years to obtain even then you'll be working full time.Hmm this game might not be in the same leauge because you are dependant on other players unlike no MMORPG.
  15. well as much as i respect all views on this, saying Im to blame for all the suffering to animals because I eat meat is not on. What about what that guy talked about with the harvesting? If you really cared about preventing suffering to animals stop buying produce and grown and pick your own that way no animals will get kill. Like he said theres a double standard and you seem to draw a line for yourself when it becomes inconvient. It was nice to hear the other views but when fingers start pointing to blame you gotta point back.This reminds me of those annoying church people trying to preach to you. They come around to your house telling you you are not whorshiping a true god. Who are they to say my god is not real. The point is everyone is entitled to their own opinions but the ones who believe they are right and dont respect others views tend to try and shove their ideas down your throat and change you. I heard your ideas but I still believe mine isnt that enough? You want to change me? Come to my house show me how to live on beans, show me how I can feed my family on weed then maybe I'll change my mind about not eating meat. Even then I may not like it and still eat meat.one last thing I eat both veggies and meat but I cant imagine eatting only veggies. They are too light and I'd have to eat so much just to get full. Event then i would probably get sick before i get full. IMO you need a balance.
  16. hmm the part about taking on a job you cannot do by yourself and hiring someone else to do is pretty sad. They do tend to ask you when you apply for jobs if you have the experience and skills to do it and also any proof of similar work. I dont think "No i dont have the skilsl but I plan to hire somone who does to do the job and paying them after you take a cut" is gonna go down nice. I mean what do you tell the person hiring you "Yes I can do it" (lie) just to get the job? I have no experience in buisness but I would imagine how this would happen often. The jobs being advertised is probably already been through an agency and that agency is the one hiring you and taking a cut of the original payment for the job. This is what i tend to notice about many jobs being advertisted atm but I guess its in the nature of the business world the agency is providing a service for many clients looking for workers and workers looking for jobs.I dont think I would do well running my own business personnaly but I do want to run my own business one day so it is something I definitely need to learn more about.Edit:Ok lets say you get the job, One of the big problems with the jobs being advertised here for students is they specify a deadline usally its not much to give an example: 2-4 hours per day for 1-2 weeks to complete a website. This may not be a problem if the website is simple but the hours they give you to complete a job is rediculous and the pay is usally not much. These are IT jobs and they are paying labour rates. I dont think getting the job and planning to hire someone else to do it would work in this situation because of the small timeframe given and the low payrate it would be hard to fine someone to do it and accept a low pay. If that person fails then your responsible for the blame.I guess this is the reason why I havent tried getting any of these jobs. I'm just working on getting more experience at home doing this one project it covers database and web development. I'm thinking another 6 months and id have the confidence to take on these jobs myself. I have already done papers on these topics but I need more experence I feel but thats just me. If you are confident you can take on and complete a job then do it.After you get the job you'll have to deal with the person who hired you, they will be expecting alot from you so be prepared to deal with their inquires and request. So having good people skills to deal with them is good. Sometimes theyd be annoying and you will want to tell them "Look $%^& I will get it done stop asking me" . When I get experience / skills and confidence I will charge them what i think is fair and tell them when its going to be finished by. /end rant
  17. Looking forward to stealing your idea... i mean hearing about it.
  18. I want to hear this idea... comon not like i have the skills/resources/experience to go out and build it myself.
  19. Im not sure whats it like over there for you but where I'm from we have a alot of job advertisements for web development area. Theres always jobs on offer but some dont pay much, the ones that do always require more experience and skill so I never event try to get them. They either seem not worth doing or too complex for me to do. What i mean is they want you to work on their sites but they want to pay you less so theres always jobs for this area. If you had your own business doing it you can charge them what you like and wont seem cheated. The way student job services works over there is they list jobs with description and pay rate usally low rates. If you are experience you can ask for more pay.I think to get good business coming in you have to have good promotions or advertising. People want to see examples of your work before they will consider paying you to do it so having an online portolio show off your work. If you want to do well in the web development area you need a good strong portfolio. Being better then the next person will get you the jobs I believe. True there are alot of businesses already doing this type of service but considering how long it takes to design and build these websites I dont think theres enough supply for the demand. I think this is especially true in the area of skill and experience. Lets face it anyone can setup website with a few pages but when it comes to real professional sites theres only a handful who can deliver. If your real good no matter what you do theres always people willing to pay for your services. Keep doing websites / flash if you want to be good pro at it and enjoy building things. you still very young so time is on your side but take it from an old person if you work hard on it now you'll be more skilled and experienced when your older and earning more money.
  20. heres my thoughs on this interesting topic..I would eat only veggies but meat is soo yummy XD lol seriously though we are animals we kill each other. Killing an animal is abit better then each other. after you kill it you eat it so it dosent go to waste. sure we can live off only nuts and beans but meat is food too. how about the omega 3 we get off fish can we get that off a nut? you gotta eat everything how about if you are traped and the only thing to eat was an animal would you kill it eat it and live or wait for some beans to drop out of the sky.Yeah we treat animals badly but I think it wont ever change its in our nature I just accept it. In new zealand where I live there are native people who used to eat each other. When the white people first came here to settle they would get eaten. I dont know about you but I'm more concerned with people not killing each other then people killing animals. Maybe if that changes one day then animals will get a break too but I highly doubt it.
  21. Ok thank you for the info. I guess i'll just use firefox when ever i want to use the shout box.edit: haha i named this topic itraps shout box.. Damn apple and their i products.
  22. Anyone using safari and having problems with shout box not working for you? I am using safari because im on a mac book pro, yeah theres firefox and it does work under firefox but I use safari because its the native broswer for mac and it loads faster. I do like safari better too so I would like to enjoy my safari and shoutbox so i dont miss out on all the talk. Any ideas? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title modified.
  23. I just want to find out how many use it and how much help its been for them. I've started a project a while back and I find I've not planned it fully in the early stages i.e. requirements wasnt fully identified so I'm constantly having to go back and recode many parts as I discover its missing something. At this stage I've stop completely in my development and going back to the drawing board to try and plan it out as best as possible so I wont have to redo alot of it because of poor planning.I think depending on your project size and complexity you may or may not need to use any SDLC. A project can take months to build if your working alone and have little experience or knowledge. If you have really good defined requirements and a good plan it can speed up development time. I've spend like a week now reading up on SDLC processes and trying to understand and use them. When i think about it all the times I have gone back to readd things I could of easily have used that time to properly plan a project and would have spent little time fixing things.
  24. I dont remember php date function having multi language abilties but I may be wrong not 100% sure. If it doesnt and you really want to use it you could probably write a function to do the translation but depending on how well its writting updating and making further changes could be alot of hassle. On your other post I updated my replay on it did you get past that point?cheers.update: $day = date("D");if($day == "Mon") { $day = "Zon";}else if($day == "Tue") { $day = "Maa";} then use it later in your output.
  25. You probably could run it but with the new games these days you need lastest hardware to get the best results. I've got a 9600 graphics card myself and have horible graphics Im too scared to try any new games on it. Edit: looking at the minimal requirements specs again... I think you should borrow a copy and try running it first before you buy. Im pretty sure the game is going to run very slow on your machine. Might be better to save that money for an upgrade.
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