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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. Alot of people from my culture believe in ghost, I think its because they hear stories from each other about ghost and get scared then start to believe its real. I've been freaked out before I must admit, at my old house there was a scruffle in the bush and it was too dark to make out what. I didnt want to chance it and go find out just incase it was either a ghost, a rapist, or both. Some stories are funny though I'll tell you guys about this one story where there is this one ghost, A female widdow... apparently she would go around and take young men away and they would never return. They said if you go out and play alone in the dark you will get taken by her. They would make penis carvings out of wood and hang it on their doors like a door knocker to keep her away. Thinking back at it now I'm not sure if that story was serious or just a joke.

  2. The best datatype to use for each field would depend on what kind of data you intend to store. You will have to get fimilar with these datatypes before you begin to use it or you may end up with the wrong ones. I'm not sure what your asking on the last question. Do you want to know how to display the data in your database? You mention time in there do you mean time from the database? I'm not sure mysql stores time.

  3. not a bad looking site.

    NewsDate: January 7, 2008Subject:New look and feel, Programming --> CSS Basics No. 2!I've designed a brand new look for 2K ART, so enjoy! Its a little more grungy and ummm... cool looking so enjoy... I have uploaded a new CSS Tutorial today. Like the previous one, it teaches you about some of the basics of CSS.

    I would add some padding here though it loooks messy being too close to the border.The use of image map is cool but if you need to add new sections later you'll need to redo graphics code etc, thats the only downside I see to them.

  4. Ok I will rate this. I think while your still a beginner doing these sorts of things are good since you learn tools and methods on creating things. But I really dont like how you tend to use others images and turn them into your own sig without giving credit to where you got the render from. If i'm mistaken then I'm sorry, if all the image there was yours then good job. I would rate this as nothing special. The one thing i like is the fizzy lighting effect as I've not seen it before.I know not everyone can draw and create their own images and I know it does take alot of time so sometimes its much quicker to take someones render and cut it and use it on your own sig or what ever. I've seen alot here and I'm sure they didnt draw it them selves but they dont give any credit to the original artist. Sometimes even trying to pass it off as their own complete work. The lens flare effect looks like it was just thrown in there for the sake of it. I mean it dosent look like it fits there. The font I dont personally like. This is just my point of view I know you probably disagree since you choose it.

  5. Its a frag fest type of game similar to quake if you have ever played it. The main difference is that its slightly more slower in speed then quake is. The only thing you have to pay for is the game, You can play online as much as you want as there are no monthly subscriptions. I think I've only played up to unreal 2003 so I dont know what else has been added in the new versions. Maybe vehicals and ships?

  6. Wow I'm surprised your still with her when shes already told you shes scared about cheating on you. Why would she tell you that unless she wanted you to know shes unsure about your relationship. She obviously has feelings for this guy, strong enough to leave you for him if she likes him more then you. How old are you guys by the way? How long have you been together? I dont mean to sound like a know it all but by what you've just told everyone here in the post. It sounds like shes getting a chance to pick between two guys and your sticking around to see if its you. If your worried about her cheating and she is too then it sounds like its gonna happen. If you know for sure then I would suggest you leave. No one deserves to be left hanging on the side as second prize like you are at the moment while she gets a chance to decide who she wants more. If I was you I would just leave and move on.

  7. Wow some stories here are too sad. Today me and my friends almost drown in a rip, We were swimming at a Omaha beach just body boarding because we are noobs and cant really swim on our own. We havent not swim in years since high school and stuff so we didnt really know what it was like. The previous day during the week we went swimming too at the same beach but the wave were calmer then.Today was different it was much rougher and there were not as many people as before swimming, The flags set up by the life guards on where you could swim were also abit more narrow then the previous visit. It was abit colder then last time also so I didnt really fancy going in there but my best friend and his wife were going so I thought I would join them anyway. We only had 2 body boards between 3 people I didnt really want one so I just went in but once I felt the water was so cold I needed something to do other then sit there so I asked my friend for his board, he lend me his board and I went off trying to warm up by doing something, A few minutes have passed and I noticed my friends moved over to the other side about 30 metres from me, The area I was in was abit too packed for them I guess. Eventually I caught one wave and had a fun ride all the way back to the shore then I figured thats enough for me I'm too cold and begin going back to find my friends. I wanted to give him his board back so he can have a go instead of sharing with his wife. Eventually I make my way back into the water and find his wife alone of the board, shes yelling at me to go help my friend. I look further back into the water and see hes drowning so I start heading out to him with the board I have. I was amazed I reached him that quickly it was because of the rip pulling you in to the ocean. He looked really bad his head was down and he was taking in a lot of water, he must of been pulled out there for a good 5 mins or so before I got out there. There were alot of people around him also stranded but they had boards and he was the only one I think with nothing to keep him up but his hands and feet. There were people previous waving to the life guards to come help but I didnt know it was my friend who needed help. All up I think there was him his wife 3 children and their father who got caught in the rip, THere may of been a few others but I cant remember fully.When I got out to him I told him to hang on to my board and we both hung on for our lives. I didnt realise the waves were this rough. I still had a bit of energy but as soon as I felt the waves hitting us I knew there was no way we'd be able to paddle back in because the waves would pull us further out then we could swim. I was scared for my friend because he looked like he was going to pass out from being out there for so long with no board. I kept talking to him telling him to hold on to the board but he didnt respond I knew it was because he was tired. A few minutes pass and then the life guards came on their boats but its a small one. They see we are holding on to the board so they attend to the young kids first. Eventually they would run near us and even over us a few times but luckly the boats rubber or it would of hurt. I guess they were trying to manuver around us to get to the kids. At one point they got near us and we thought it was our turn so me and my mate tried to hang on to their boat but they told us no there was anothe rkid they need to attend to so somehow we let go and still had our board to hang on to. At this point I've got tunnel vision and drinking alot of sea water because of the waves hitting us. Sometimes we'd get knoced off the boards or under water if we didnt hold on hard enough. That was very scary, It finally sunk in we were in some serious trouble. At one point his wife was able to put her feet on the ground but she still got draged in and even further then where we were. She tried to give us her board but we told her no it was ok just get back to shore. thats when we got pulled back in. Eventually we driffted out of the rip or closer to shore and we got pulled in by some people helping out. They pulled us in and shortly his wife got pulled in too by the life guards. We were so lucky to have a board to hang on too if we didnt we'd probably be in worse shape.once at shore my friend started puking his guts out, I wasnt too bad I wasnt out there as long and he was and his wife also had a board to hang on to unlike him. We went to the ward and eventually the ambulance came took him in to hospital where he got checked out to make sure he was going to be ok. I have to say the life guards do an amazing job and they dont get paided for it. we know now what a rip is and wont be going back in there anytime soon. I hope this story reminds people to stay safe in the water. I never thought I would experience such a nnightmare like this. At the end of the day we were lucky and we know it. after that incident the beach was closed no more swiming for the day I guess.

  8. Thanks for sharing such an awsome code with us Truefusion, You really are a pro at this. I just tested it out with 2 tab collections and it works fine.The structure is abit different but atleast it works, I'll try using it on my project as soon as I get back later today. Have you thought about adding a persistent state effect for what tabs been selected? I'm not sure how easy it would be for multi tab collections but on the example from dynamic drive they use cookies so when you reload the page the selected tabs stay open. But yeah that was for only 1 tab collection.cheers

  9. I found this cool script on dynamic drive that lets you create tab contents, The only problem I have is it dosent give enough discriptive details on

    how it acutally works it just does.




    It uses a cobination of javascript, html, and css, while you can look at the source code of each language and try and figure out how it all relates to one another I think it would be much easier if someone who knows tells the rest of us how its built and be modified. This is personally my first time working with one so I dont know alot of what bare minimals required at all.


    I've notice the tab menus are <a> links using a 'rel' attribute, I've seen and used this before on some CSS menus but I still dont understand why 'rel' is used. Also does this relate to any javascript code when clicked on in anyway? I know its voking a javascript code when clicked but I'm not 100% sure how its doing it.


    The reason why I want to figure this out is I need to be able to build multiple tab contents and there is no examples out there, just single tab content sections. I cant just build a fix number of character tab contents because this number can change depending on each user.


    Heres a screenshot of what I'm building in the attached file, There are two character sections but the code they provided in Dynamic drive only works for one. Only the top one seems to work.


  10. }
    return count.length;

    count = setTimeout("countElementsByClass('char_node', 'div');", 5000);
    setTimeout('alert(count);',10000); linenums:0'>function countElementsByClass(className, elementTag){var count = new Array();var elements = document.getElementsByTagName(elementTag);for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){if (elements.className == className){count = "";alert('found one!');}}return count.length;}count = setTimeout("countElementsByClass('char_node', 'div');", 5000); setTimeout('alert(count);',10000);

    Thanks for that code Truefusion, I'm not sure what exactly is happening but I always seem to get a return of 5 on 'count', I change the two paramters being passed to that function but it still returns 5 which is weird because I put in an alert in that loop and it does alert the correct number of tagElement + className combination.

    I'm sure this code will come in handy but I think I need to rethink a new approach to my problem, I've got a tab contents style section I am trying to build for each character profile. The problem is the tab contents example I got off dynamic drive http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/tabcontent.htm is only for a single collection of tabs. I need to modify it to work for multiple number of character profiles. I guess this is kinda going off topic but thats the reason I wanted to get the divs with the certain class names. I think I should post another topic on it to futher explain my problem and hopefully get some more assistance on how to go about doing it.

  11. I have a situation where I need to be able to count the number of div elements in a page and then use that number for a loop.I've already tried this but it returns all child div elements.


    I need only the child nodes directly below the parent div 'char_list'.THe structure is like this

    <div id='char_list'><div class='char_node'></div><div class='char_node'></div><div class='char_node'></div></div>

    The problem here is I also have nested div's inside the 'char_node' divs so the first code returns them all. I'm trying to just gather the char_node class divs and use it in my loop/function.

  12. THanks for sharing, I've been meaning to look into a PHP framework sometime in the future but its only because I'm still learning the ropes with it now. A framework will obviously make coding alot easier if its easy to use and understand. Is this the only php framework you've tried out?

  13. Heh the simple answer is not all broswers will render the page the same. They have their own style of buttons, scroll bars etc. This is one of the problems you have to face when building websites intended for use by different broswers. Not only the visual apperance will be different in some cases loose coding can lead to functionality of the website being slightly different across broswers.

  14. Just the frames / border looks funny with the nav, makes it look like a nav dosent belong there thats all. This is just looks not a big deal, I didnt know you could remove the fames/borders well I guess iframes is abit better then I thought. This would be practical for people who arnt able to use server side scripting or just starting off. I think from my own experience I had the same issue with the navigation spread across all the pages. I only just recently moved on to php and include methods so yeah this is definitely something anyone building pages should be fimilar with.keep up the good work :)

  15. This is where pure HTML only has its limitations. The only other method I can think of that can provide you with a similar effect where you need to update only in one place to update your menus is combining HTML + a server side scripting language. For example PHP and include files.The concept isnt too difficult and the benifits are no need for iframes, You just create a template and include your navigation in there. Use your template for as many pages as you like and when you update the navigation you only need to do it in one place. In fact the end effect is similar to what you've shown with this example. I have not worked with iframes at all but your guide is nicely written and easy to understand. I am getting tempted to dl it just to see what it looks like. edit : I just looked at it and I would say it does its job but iframs and menuts are not that nice looking. I would say its more suited for content then holding a menu. But overall a nice example for us to see. thanks

  16. but i don't see how people can't just get up and say I am done.?

    Being a past smoker I can tell ya as simple as that is the addiction is strong :) thats why its called an addiction. It may be easy for some people to quit depending on their addiction level and willpower. When I eventually stoped smoking It took me a preiod of 1 year I think. Every time I was out during that period I would give in to my cravings and have a smoke. The day after I'd feel disgusted by what I did so eventually saying no to smoking just got easier and easier as the more I disliked the taste and feeling afterwards. I had all kinds of addictions growing up smoking, weed, drinking, and playing video games. Lol it seems as of now I've been clean from almost all but I still give into having a drink once in a while. I do want to beable to just say no to alcohol once and for all but its still tough, The attraction of wanting to get drunk is still there and also the taste. This year I think I've drank 3 times still I'm still trying to give up all together as it will be better for my health and pocket.
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