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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. I cant say I believe in everything I've read so far in the bible but I have to say something strange happen during the times I did pray recently. First time was a few months ago, I've had some nice church people visit me and give me bible lessons at home. They came like every two weeks or so and read a few paragraphs with me and It was nice. I always get inspired by what I hear from them. They we talked about prayer and they suggested I should try it. Most all know its a way to open up to god and such things.So I gave it a shot. at the time I was feeling down and unmotivated with my work plus alot of stress in day to day life. that night I prayed and asked him for strength to get by and the next day I was able to get alot done. fixed some programming problems that had been slowing me down for weeks and made progress. At that time I was starting to believe and remeber some wise words from one of my friends 'perseverance' he was right hard work pays off. The next ocasion was last night I was again not doing too well so I did a prayer before I went to sleep. I asked for help to learn more about him so I could try and make up my mind if I was going to believe or not. The more you know the more you beleive. This morning I got up pretty early took out the rubbsih for collection, had breakfast. I tried to do some work but it was too early so I ended up broswing the internet. I got tired then went to bed again :). I was half asleep till almost mid day then I heard people knocking on the door. It was the church people. They didnt visit me in while and it was strange that I prayed and then they came that morning. I was kind of freaked out but still sleepy. My lil brother came in and saw me still in bed so he told him I was asleep. THey left and I was still amazed and trying to figure out what happen. Some may say its a coincidence and I thought about it too but I dont know.what do you guys think?

  2. /**     * Remove from the club's collection all members who     * joined in the given month, and return them stored     * in a sparate collection object.     * @param month The month of the membership.     * @param year The year of the membership.     * @return The number of members.     */    public ArrayList<Membership> purge(int month, int year)    {               if(month >= 1 && month <= 12)        {             Iterator it = members.iterator();             ArrayList<Membership> purged;             purged = new ArrayList();             int counter = 0;                  while(it.hasNext())                 {                    Membership member = (Membership) it.next();                    if((member.getMonth() == month) && (member.getYear() == year))                    {                       purged.add(member);                       members.remove(counter);                    }                    counter++;                }                return purged;        }        System.out.println("Invalid month of "+month);        return null;    }

    This is what I've got so far. there is bascially two classes involved here:Membership and ClubA club holds membershipsMembership holds details of name, join month, join year.The method is suppose to take a month and year then look through the clubs membership collection and return the ones at match as an array of Membership. THe ones that match also need to be removed from the clubs collection. I think whats happening while I'm observing in the debugger is when It loops through the ones that match and start removing it messes up the iterator so no more loops happen and only 1 match is return. Any ideas on how to go about this? I'm still fairly new to java :)edit:Ok I looked iterator method remove() ; ; that did the job. Sorry guys for posting this up it was my own fault. I read this method first round but the description didnt sound right. I thought it was gonna remove the whole iterator. Probably a good idea to delete this Mod since I dont think its gonna be any valuable.

  3. I dont really like the design to be honest, It looks kinda boring and too generic with just black background and blue boxes as containers. I like all the content you have though it shows alot of work has been put in and the use of tables too you are very patient and good to be able to build table layouts :). I never realy finished a table site or even a full site yet ; ;. Overall good job on a nice site.

  4. Lots is like an item being sold at the auction house. sorry I didnt want to paste the entire code/classes its too long :). I think I've found the solution now on the net. The website for the book is so cheap they got text based discussions lol. I hate those its so hard to read and find info.

    anyway heres the sulotion I found in PDF format. it only covers chapter 4 of the book. if anyone else needs it.

  5. Ok at my Uni they teach you OOP with java, They used to do with C++ i believe but swiched to java because its easier to teach people OOP with java apparently.


    Anyway I've been working on some exercises with java (book is 'objects first with java'). I've got this one exercise which I cant understand.


    Exercise 4.29


    Rewrite getLot so that it does not rely on a lot with a particular number being stored at index (number - 1) in the collection. For instance, if lot number 2 has been removed, then lot number 3 will have been moved from index 2 to index 1, and all higher lot numbers will also have been moved one index position. You may assume that lots are always stored increasing order of their lot number.

    this is the existing getLot method

    /**     * Return the lot with the given number. Return null     * if a lot with this number does not exist.     * @param lotNumber The number of the lot to return.     */    public Lot getLot(int lotNumber)    {        if((lotNumber >= 1) && (lotNumber < nextLotNumber)) {            // The number seems to be reasonable.            Lot selectedLot = (Lot) lots.get(lotNumber - 1);            // Include a confidence check to be sure we have the            // right lot.            if(selectedLot.getNumber() != lotNumber) {                System.out.println("Internal error: " +                                   "Wrong lot returned. " +                                   "Number: " + lotNumber);            }            return selectedLot;        }        else {            System.out.println("Lot number: " + lotNumber +                               " does not exist.");            return null;        }    }

    I dont get what the exercise is asking me to do :) any help apprecaited

  6. The reason I like mouse contorl over a control pad is with a mouse I could turn to a target with one movement. Like in CS if I ran past a camper and hes spamming bullets at me I just jump do wone sweep to do a 180 and pawn him, or if I'm rushing like I do most of the time I would be able to quickly turn and look corners in one sweep. This is because with a mouse you can have a very high sensitivity setting and still not loose accuracy. With a mouse you have like 20 x 20 cm or more area to sweep in depending on how far you can reach.I cant do that with a gamepad its just too hard for me to try and bump up the sensitivty and control my target with little nudges lol. I've tried playing before and I totally suck, Some people are custome to it and are great players on it but I think a mouse just makes it easier. Ok If I was to verus someone on game pad vs me on mouse I think I would have and advantage because mouse is more accurate I think. But I cant think of any games right now that supports both PC and console based play. I only have a ps3 by the way and hardly play it because of the lack of good games out yet. Waiting for FF XIII

  7. PC > all.. it just depends on how much money your willing to spend on the latest hardware. You cant upgrade a console the graphics card is fixed same with the memory. Intalling might be a pain and can take long depending on how fast your system is but you only have to do it once. After that it should generally load quicker then reading from a CD or DVD which is what consoles do. Again that all depends on how fast your PC is. I personally would prefer a top end PC over a console anyday but the price difference is so high.On some games like FPS or some other styles a mouse and keyboard combination of play is always quicker. Sure you can get keyboards and mouse for consoles but then there is the resolution thing. PCs and monitor combinations have higher resolution then console and tv combos so you cant fit as much detail as you could on a tv. text tend to be more blocky if its too small so you need to make them larger which takes up more space. You end up with less space for displays on TV because of this.All in all Unless consoles + TV combo can equal PCs in resolution and ability to upgrade PC will always be ahead in terms of graphics power.

  8. Mine is aAcer Aspire 3500 Series
    Intel Celeron M 1.5GHz Processor
    256MB RAM
    40Gb Hard Drive
    52x CD Burner
    15.4" LCD Widescreen
    Soundblaster LIVE Sound Card
    64Mb Graphics card
    Inbuilt wireless networking card

    You didnt hold back I see :).

    Mines not that great:
    P4 2.4 Ghz FSB 533?
    1GB DDR 1?
    3 x 80 GB ata
    1 DVD/CD burner
    sound blaster platium?
    21 inch CRT lol yeah its huge.
    used to have 100dollar lazer mouse from logitech it went missing ; ; that owned for FPS
    had a working left handed keyboard too that owned for most games because numpad was close to left hand so right hand stayed on mouse.
    9600 radeon (yeah i know lame but its cheap lol)
    that pc is like 5 years old or more?

    Then I got my macbookpro
    1.8 Ghz duo core
    512 mb memory (yeah I was cheap and didnt want to pay for 2gb when i first got it. Its cheap to upgrade to 2gb now.)
    x1600 or was it x1800 graphics card?
    80gb HDD
    Wacom tablet :)
    wireless keyboard (second one first broke)

  9. I agree with you there, I'm not the best writer myself in the world but I'm trying to write correctly most of the time. It will help in work where you have to write clearly and consisly so that people will understand better. Its also good practice to try and enforce this on members so we do not get too many bad use of english on our forums. Sometimes it is hard to tell if a person is writing bad on purpose or if its their english.

  10. wow thats pretty bad. where are you from? over here if your very experienced and specialize in a number of good areas theres demand for you. THey always want senor developers with 4+ years commercial experience but offer you pretty good pay 50k-100k a year maybe depending on your experience.one of my friends graduated and got a job doing sales/support and configs for an It company I think and is getting 52k a year starting. I'm like *BLEEP* I dont know I dont think I can do those types of jobs I just like making things so i never went for it. Shes telling me I should apply but I dont think i have customer service skills lol to deal with people.

  11. Yeah the question is which one are you going to learn? I dont want to learn on then find out its not as good as the other :). You know what I mean it takes a while to learn how to use something very well. I dont know what I like atm I'm looking in to them now.

    Just looking at adobes flex examples i'm impressed. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    It looks like its integrated with flash? because when you right click on it it gives you the flash 9 player settings.

    microsofts silverlight demos look crap imo. I also got errors too and it seems to require MS dev suites to build, sounds like alot of money and also you need the highest price suite to get all features /yuk.

    Flexible Programming Model with Collaboration Tools    * Based on the Microsoft .NET Framework, Silverlight enables developers and designers to easily use existing skills and tools to deliver media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web.    * Simple integration with existing Web technologies and assets means Silverlight works with any back-end Web environment or technology. No "rip and replace" required. Silverlight integrates with your existing infrastructure and applications, including Apache, PHP, as well as JavaScript and XHTML on the client.    * Choice of development languages including JavaScript, Ruby, Python, C#, Visual Basic .NET, and more.    * Role-specific tools for both designers and developers that take advantage of Web standards and the breadth of the Microsoft .NETconnected software features.    * For designers: Microsoft Expression Studio for creating interactive user interfaces and media rich experiences, preparing media for encoding and distribution, and creating World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards-compliant sites using modern XHTML, XML, XSLT, CSS, and ASP.NET.    * For developers: Microsoft Visual Studio for developing client and server code with full Microsoft IntelliSense, powerful cross-platform debugging, rich language support, and more.    * Consistent presentation model by using XAML, the declarative presentation language used in Windows Vistabased applications. Controls, visual designs, media, and other elements can be presented with full design fidelity in both Silverlight and Windowsbased applications.    * Extensible control model makes it easy to add rich content and behaviors while enabling efficient code-reuse and sharing.    * Dramatically improved performance for AJAXenabled Web sites with the power, performance, and flexibility of Silverlight and .NET-connected software.

  12. I've hand similar dreams where you fall down somewhere steep and wake up just as you are about to hit the bottom. But lately I havnt had any dreams at all. I dont know if its because of my bad memory where I did have a dream and just woke up and didnt remember having them or what. I do miss having dreams often though it gives you something to think about while your sleeping and keeps you entertained ^^. As long as they are not nightmares they should be ok. In a way I do think dreams happen for a reason, trying to tell you something maybe or even re inacting something thats happen in your past or maybe even just mean nothing.

  13. I think all schools in USA should have one security guard with a gun to deal with people who bring them to school. That way if someone goes on a killing spree atleast you have someone to fight back and hold them off until the cops arrive. It may even save a few lives instead of the crazy person being able to roam around freely and kill people till the cops arrive and he kills himself.

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