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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. Thats a good idea, I had something similar but more of a thread of hosted members and their sites. Like a local directory listing where you can go to and look at all the websites hosted by members on Xisto. I think this would be faster way to have a nosy around other peoples sites. There may be people who do not want their websites to be known to the public for what ever reason so I do not know what we'll do there. I'm sure we have

  2. Wow 1700 dollars for 5 hours work, quick everyone lets all go be doctors and charge people an arm and a leg for removing their ear wax. Thats a bit over kill for something so simple and for it to take that long is even worse. I'm sorry you had that bad experience I myself hate hospitals too but fortunately where I live its not as bad as you describe. I do not know why its so bad over where you are maybe they just don't give a damn and only care about making money for the hospital. Its sad when hospitals meant to be a place to help people only add to their suffering.Stay well and avoid going to the hospital if you can, same thing for your teeth keep them clean then you wont need to get costly treatment from the dentist.

  3. Just curious how much money would someone be getting for this? I'm trying to weigh out the work/paid ratio as I have looked at your request for a template but you did not say anything about the back end programming functionality required. What will your site do will you do it yourself or expect it to be done? Building a complex CMS from scratch or even a custom on is no easy task even for seasoned programmers depending on complexity and the cost is relatively high. In 2 weeks someone working their butt off might be able to do it if they are skilled and experienced but again this all depends on the functionality. But I'm not sure if your asking for a template build of the site only minus all the back end functions.please clarify what your after.

  4. I have an index array

    $array[0] = 10;$array[1] = 12;...

    Its kinda late and I'm falling asleep now but I had a quick look through PHP.net, and could not find what I'm after, Maybe I'm too sleepy, sorry, but if anyone knows off the top of their head a way to removed members in that array based on its value, i.e. I wanna remove values 12. I don't really want to do a loop but if I cant find any existing function to do it, then I may have to.

    Thanks for any help.

  5. Truefusion is right we know where the problem is Forbez

    </div>1<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/gradualfader.js">/************************************************ Gradual Element Fader- ? Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (dynamicdrive.com;* Visit [url=http://http://www.dynamicdrive.com/; for hundreds of DHTML scripts* This notice must stay intact for legal use***********************************************/[/html]

    You have to look through your php code and find out whats being outputed before that javascript. It could be a miss type or even an echo of '1' or echo of boolean will result in 1. Just something to keep in mind when checking. Since you have not supplied us any code you will have to look yourself or if you still have problems post that section. But it should be straight froward to find.Good luck.

  6. More mods would be good and its not a bad suggestion to fill in during times where none are on but finding one who is qualified would be difficult. A mod needs to be mature, reliable, and knowledgeable enough about the rules to enforce them. There is probably some more important skills too like self control not to end up flaming noobs when they ask stupid questions and also very good people skills. I do not know anyone who would be suited at this role to be honest. I would not want us to have another mod just for the sake of it we may end up with more trouble cause by an unqualified mod if you know what I mean.

  7. How many people actually done this when they were young? There could be many reasons why they do it, to get drunk and have fun even though some may not see it as being fun it can be. yeah the after effects suck like throwing up and feeling sick the next day but some people could care less about it. Another reason could be for them to deal with their problems, yeah its the wrong way to go about it but some people do not have any other way of dealing with it. I used to be like those kids you described so I know some reasons why they might be doing it. At that age you do not think about the future only living for the day, week waiting for the next time to go out and get drunk, do drugs. For a lot of people the reasons for doing it will vary. If they are you friends I would suggest you try talking to them and try and encourage them not to do those kinds of things let them know you are there for them to talk about anything if they need to resort to using alcohol and drugs if they are doing any of those things. I've had friends tell me smoking is bad but I was too big headed to listen I just wanted to do it because it felt good. Growing up your faced with a lot of pleasure to do well in school and other things in life. Some people will resort to this kind of activity just to deal with it, It could be they do not have the kind of support or will power like you do to deal with it. Thats a good thing you have such will power and common sense to not get tempted to try and do those kind of things. I admire that since I know a lot of people have made mistakes and become addicted to this kind of social activity. I've quit myself from all kinds of addiction and one of my friends said I had great will power to be able to stop but I disagree It would of been greater if I never started but I did not mind the experience its just the amount of time I spend doing it that was a waste.Maybe your friends are experimenting and thats OK but yeah some who say they are too young, I started at that age or a bit younger so be careful with your friends try and help them from not becoming too dependent on these kinds of activity. Of course some people will not want to be helped and you cant help everyone.Good luck and take care around alcohol accidents can happen around drunk and stupid people.

  8. Ahh, there's so much you missed!
    You can't forget special effects that follow your mouse! Giant letters are always a plus. Ooh, go with the Webdings font while you're at it! Also, if someone ever tells you they cannot see your site properly IGNORE THEM! They are clearly lying since you can see the site just fine. Make sure you never attempt backwards compatibility for older browsers. A very intricate system of links so long that you forget what you're looking for is always a very important feature.

    I think more people need to read this thread :o

    lol yeah theres so much more, too many to list actually. this could be merged with that thread "worlds ugliest website" or what ever it was called. the most annoying features I can remember off it was

    rainbow backgrounds
    everything shaking/moving on hover
    very bad contrast of font and background color
    other animating backgrounds lol

    oh yeah webdings gotta have those.

  9. Most people do not like it because it requires so much CPU power and Memory space to run efficiently. On slower computers you will not be able to run windows vista. I think another problem is people find it packed with too many software/features they would not use. I remember when vista came out my mate playing final fantasy xi could not install the game on his vista laptop. I've use windows vista personally for a short time on a friends computer. It looks great but I have not really had the time to explore the features in it. Her computer was new so it did seem to run fine but I doubt it would run smoothly when more programs are installed and hard disk space taken up. I think its a great OS for new people since it is more user friendly then say Linux. Its still hard to compare Vista to Mac OS x as to what is more user friendly, I think Windows is still more user friend just because more software people use like the office suites are being used widely. I do hate Microsoft personally for having poor software thats being exploited. One example was with internet explorer just late last year there was a flaw in its active x with real player that allowed scripts to be run on the host machine and a Trojan loaded later to log passwords. This was used on the FFXI online game community and i think hundreds or maybe more players got their accounts stolen. The exploit was loaded on many trusted final fantasy resource websites that provided players with guides and information regarding the game. It was sad that the add companies displaying banners got hijacked and then the exploit code was loaded from there.My friend lost his account through that, The symptoms he gave me was his computer was running slow and he thinks hes got a virus. I thought it was nothing then and told him to stop visiting porn sites and downloading their stuff. He had a good laugh at him thinking that was the case but it turns out it was internet explorer being hijacked, I should of paid more attention and asked him what browser he was using. If I knew I would of told him to use Firefox but its too late now hes lost his account because of using internet explorer.Thats another reason why I hate windows and its software.

  10. Like most people who have already said it is a matter of preference between each game as they are different in genre and game-play. I personally don't like the mindless leveling that Diablo seems to make you do. I've only played part 1 and got sick of it after a few hours. With Starcraft I enjoyed playing vs human players that to me was more exciting every minute knowing I was being challenged to my limits. I agree blizzard makes great games and cannot wait for starcraft 2 to come out.

  11. Although I can see why you would want to limit the use of a site to one login per user for security, limiting chance of second account from making modifications affecting other account or what other reasons I'm sure theres a lot more out there but if the second person had the password and login id in the first place this should not be a problem having two logins. I know most sites let you log in more then one time from different machines, I've logged into Xisto from two different browsers and machines before and I find it quiet handy. Maybe you did not think of it this way, just something to consider before you do all the work trying to make it otherwise.I'll be coming back to this issue again soon when I am going to be building the login system. I'm still not sure if I'll use a PHP framework for this yet, I do not know any frameworks very well and I have been looking at one but documentation is very vague and examples are next to none. Also going about building pages how I would want to I would not know how to even begin in the frameworks.

  12. Nice story man I always love hearing about these kinds of stories. I'm amazed at how many people hold positions where they are not even near qualified for when theres qualified people out there with no jobs because its taken up by unqualified people. Stick it out maybe you will ended up with his job eventually.

  13. I came across this problem before and found a link that showed one possible solution, It uses another table to hold users currently logged in. So when a user logs in they entry is entered into the table of logged in users. This table can also be used for showing all users logged in.When the same user tries to login again you can check this table and then display an appropriate message for them if the same user is already logged in. I did not read too much of it but I think whats lacking in this solution is how to deal with users who log off without clearing their name from the logged in users table. i.e by closing their browser without choosing the logout link. I think you may be able to use a timeout for their login session.It seems pretty complicated just to handle a login session but thats what I think is the only way if you were to write it yourself. maybe google for ways to do it or hopefully someones who has done a complete login system to handle this can explain to us.

  14. This is indeed a problem and I agree with that large organizations exploit the poor but I do think the problem existed before. I think in poorer countries there is no job available and the pay would of been about the same if they were to get paid for a similar local job. It is this bad and its because of poor economy in their country. Why would you work somewhere for 1 dollar a day if you could get more else where, for many there is no other option. The people to blame are their corrupt leaders who do little to develop their country and fill only their pockets.

  15. Hmm that price tag looks like a mid range headphone to me. From my experience they dont last very long as the drivers or wires fail sooner then higher quality ones. Maybe you just got a very bad set sometimes that happens, If its still under warranty you should have it replaced but you didn't say when you got it.


    I see your phones look like this

    Posted Image


    my current headphones is this one

    Posted Image

    I paid 179 nzl dollars for it i think but its lasted me over 3 years

    before that I had one that cost about the same from Plantronics or something I cant remember it was good quality also but only lasted me 2 years.


    I have brought many headphones over the years growing up and noticed a trend if I brought 50dollar pairs they always loose quality or break after a few months so i started just putting in the money into more quality ones and it does pay off. In 2 years you could spend 150 dollars on 3 headphones that break or 150 on a quality one that you can enjoy with also very good quality sound compared to cheaper version.


    My Philips headphones are the best I've ever owned and although it looks silly lol as its huge i don't care because the sound quality is so good. I've had musicians come up and ask me where i got them from and ask about the sound quality. I tell them its the best I've ever had. There are even higher priced ones there there costing 300+ dollars if I ever have the cash and need a new one I may save up for one of them when my current one needs replacing.

  16. I'm trying this now on my windows xp machine. I think there is also the mac version called mamp. Is it possible to install more then one web server like these kinds on your machine, for example xampp and mamp but you obviously would have trouble running both at once. I mean for testing to see which gives better features and performance.

  17. We can only hope web standards get better. I remember back in early 2003 I did a short course on graphic design and one project was to implement it in html. so the project was to build a webpage nothing fancy. I think i have the site still somewhere in my portfolio I may even look at the code and laugh at myself since I did not know there was even web standards then. I think I only tested it on IE too lol. I'm only starting to understand what web standards are now and its hard to even imagine what it was like back then. I think the main problem holding us back is the different broswers not all conforming to the web standards. If they all could just agree on a model and stick to it we would be able to advance forward with new technology instead of worrying about what will not work for what broswer. I think right now its the best its ever been and we can only hope it only gets better in the future.

  18. I dont know how many are actice to but from what I've seen the most online members at once have been around 10 or so. Thats not many considering we have 40,000 members. I see alot of guest on forums though, around 100-300 guest so this site is getting alot of hits. I dont know why we have so many guest and so few logged on members. Another thing I think is most who pay for thier hosting no longer need to be actively posting for credits so we lose members that way also. I think its a shame we have so many members here for the sole purpose of free hosting but our database of web development post/issues with it dosent really reflect it. I'm surprised by this since Xisto is the best free hosting and a very good place for people to learn. There is of course very knowledgable people here but the more the better since not everyone will know everything about web and be online at the same time. I mean thats really the only post I'm interested in and I do find it hard to gain credits that way so i have to look for other means. Writing a tutorals for that would be a good idea but I'm not ready yet and I dont want to post any weak tutorials. Thats just my opinion on our state at Xisto of course I'm probably wrong in some sense as I'm purely speaking from my feelings and frustration with learning web dev.

  19. I dont think we need Xisto on wiki. If people want to find out about Xisto there is always Xisto.com. I dont think we'll be included in wiki because we are a very small community IMO. Sure we have almost 40,000 members but only a small percentage of us are active. Who knows maybe if they have time they will include us in there but I doubt that because I'm sure theres still more popular things out there that are inline to be added still.

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