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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. Heh there is no books that offer complete education on PHP. There are just too many things to cover in just one book you may end up buying 1-2. I got one book about 2 years ago it was ok but not the best. I still use it for reference because I prefer reading pages then screen. I think the closest thing would be the php manual at http://php.net/ but if your new it might seem hard to understand just reading form php.net so thats where books are good for beginners. It starts off easy and gets more complex as you progress through the chapters teaching you what/how to use PHP.I think buying a book would be a better option as you can read it anytime without needing a computer right there to learn. But you have to be careful because some books are just junk. i.e they contain really weak material to learn from so spending $100 dollars on it(thats roughly how much books cost here) ainit worth it. What i usally do before buying any text is go out and try and read though all the books I can. Its kinda hard to see what each book is all about so if you have an idea of what your looking for it helps alot. After looking through all the books on the subject I decide on one that I think would best suit me. Most of the time after I progress I find the book hasnt really got enough material or examples so I try not to buy any books unless I have to now.

  2. I know the problem here .. the external pages you are loading even though it has CSS styles attached to it dont render all properly when its fetched from outside the parent document.THe only way I've found out a fix is to have the javascripts and CSS on the parent document then when the ajaxed document is pulled in it should work.I found this out when working on my own project.

  3. Thats very bad lol. I've been charged a few hundred dollars for going for my capped internet allocation amount be before and since then switched to unlimited plans. 85,000 dollars lol thats too much, it just shows how much the phone companies are charging too much for internet acess. Comon 1-2 months worth of interent even over mobile files ending up to 85,000 is rediculous.

  4. Its a known fact that if you rely on the use computer you gotta protect them yet many people just dont have to time or funds to do it. I can understand why schools dont want to spend a lot of money setting up secure computer system. The reason is time and money, If you have to pay a proffesional to do this and I mean a real professional not just anyone who knows abit about computers it will cost schools alot. At schools where young people are you wouldnt expect there to be much security as spending alot of money to protect against hacks from kids is not worth the time and money because not many kids will be able to do much damage if any at all. Now on the other hand you can expect Universities and other types of colleges to have a solid security system in place. If they dont they I suggest you dont go to that school your records might get lost and all your owrk would be for nothing.

  5. I think the best thing to do if you havent already is make your website about something that interest you. This way you wont lose interest and want to give up when things get hard. Its much easier to give up on something you dont have much interest in. For example most people would make a website about them or their porfolio work. My current project now is a online community (called linkshell) in FFXI management system/website. Its going to be custom for organizing events in game and daily running of the linkshell. There is none available so I decided to build my own to keep track of all kinds of things including members profiles, characters they own their points based on their attendance to events and whats left after items obtained from the linkshell. Blah theres too many to list but yeah its all gotta be custom to the needs of a linkshell. I'll be spending the next few months building it I probably will share it will the rest of the FFXI community if It turns out good so they can manage their own linkshells.Then my next project would be just a home page to include all my porfolio work. again something custom for my needs and easy to maintain/update and add new content. A few years back I didnt want to even get into web development but lol my options arnt that great atm. I already have decent knowledge in this area so I may as well try make something out of it. Plus skills in most areas of IT can be used in other areas if you are good enough at it. It can lead to other areas of work.

  6. I have dreams now and them that seem to repeat or are similar/ continue from previous dreams in a way. The frist kind is really messed up I dont know how it starts but everything just seems to go bad and then I start losing my teeth like wtf. First one falls out then another its like my gums just rot away or somethiing and I cant stop it. When I'm totally scared out of my pants I waked up and the dream ends. My teeth are all there and I make sure I dont forget to brush it asap.The second type is another messed up one. I'm alone by myself doing w/e I do then all of a sudden things and I mean all kinds of things, people, monsters, robots and all types crap come after me attacking me trying to kill me. I am able to fend them off and beat a few but theres just too much so I end up having to flee. They dont stop coming so there isnt much I can do I'm overwhelmed and can only do so much by myself. Again I'm freaked out through out the whole time, I have to run across everything you name it, jumping over what ever I have to. I do realize I have some un natural powers but it still aint enough to make a stand. I shoot out energy blast and all that like Dragon ball Z, Hell I can even fly lol but its not enough they keep coming. Eventually when I realize this cant be for real I wake up and I think damn I should of done more cooler stuff.The last kind that kinda repeats is I always have this dream where I meet a girl somewhere and shes alone. She is incredibly hot of course exactly my type in every way. I cant get over how beautiful she is and why shes alone just sitting there by herself. I keep checking her out just to see if I can find out any more about her but not trying to make it too obvious. I know I should just go and talk to her but damn I never have the guts shes too intimidating. Something happens its either time for her or me to go our seperate way. Just as we are parting we meet eyes and she smiles as if she knows me and I smile back as if I know her. The face isnt fimilar its too blury for me to make out who it is but I got this gut feeling I know her from somewhere. But its already too late, Shes already gone on the next bus and I'm only seeing her through the window or its the other way around Im on the bus and she's gotten off it. I wanna just jump through the window or chase after the bus at this stage and go talk to her find out who she is but I know its impossible and I dont want to embarrass myself infront of all these people who would obviously stare if that happen. Of course I realise its a dream and wake up annoyed like usual.

  7. A few years back one of my tutors pointed out to me there was a program that will run on your local machine. It will get your ip and send it to a server. this server will hold a url name you sign up e.g yourname.dynamicip.com so all you would need to do is type in that url and it will automatically redierect it to your IP address. I cant reemember the name though its been a long time.

    [hr=noshade] [/hr]
    I think this is it http://www.dnsexit.com/Direct.sv?cmd=11

  8. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I've done somee more updates today. The template is getting closer to finished and to my liking. I am how ever still undecided how I plan to have all the pages set up. For example home.php members.php etc... or just one single file index.php and have ajax calls update each div section since all layout is in div.

    The CSS navigation I'm using is utilizing anchor tags <a> so when one is clicked the whole page is reloaded and having ajax with that kind of full page reload dosent make sense but its how its setup now. Is there a way to still use the same navigation without the full reload so just having ajax calls run onclick events instead of the anchor tags firing off a rull page reload?

    I think one solution to thise if you cant disable the anchor tags doing full reload would be to use buttons. This would require rebuilding the navigation to use buttons then it would enable no full page reloads while making ajax calls. I'm not a big fan of full page reload as you can see see as how my site has kinda alot of imagea also I would pefer not to have to do that.

    I just want to understand all my options before I go in the deep end and start building. I want to get it right first time round because changing stuff later down the line is too time consuming so planning is the key here. Any insight into this is much appreciated


    edit: Also Whats the proper way to handle changing classes of li elements. Because its being set as 'active' for the li element for 'home' as you can see. If I was doing a full page reload to a new page it would matter as I could just set it as active depending what page it was. With no page reloads to change it I would think its gotta be javascript ? Just need comfirmation. I dont doubt myself or my ability with all these questions, I'm asking because these are design and programming problems that I'm sure would be common but most arnt documented. I'm sure you will come across these similar questions one day if you have not already.


  9. Good stuff man. I envy you young kids no offense intended when I was your age I had a computer but I was more into games then learning lol. Its only now I'm starting to focus on learning so if you keep it up you'll only grow in knowledge. Your sites very good for your age / experience, I'm sure the Xisto community will be hoping you improve more and stick with them to better help others out in the community. There are very knowledage people here but sadly there are times when they arnt on all the time or too busy to help. Having more people contributing wont hurt. Well thats my expectations from our cummnity anyway.Dont worry about what people think if your into computers, If they think its nerdy or that they just hating because they dont have enough brains to understand lol. Theres nothing wrong with liking computers just have a balance between life and computers. I mean if you sit on front of the computer everyday your gonna get sore joints and stuff so keep active and dont stare too close to the screen or you'll end up wearing glasses like me lol(big ones too). not many girls find that attractive.anyway gl and work hard we'll be expecting news bthaxor makes 100mil selling some crazy *bottom* program in a few years.

  10. sorry for late reply. I already went with just full div reload and I dont have my previous versions of it backed up to test out ; ; . This does look like it will work though ajax is whacked in messing up displays I remember I had similar problems in the past and putting inline styles did work to some extent. If anyone is working with sometime similar try what alex pointed out. If I do come across this bridge again i will probbaly give it another go.

    heres my final merit system now http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I probably wont do any more work on there It was only ment to be a test for my database structure and its seems sufficent enough to support my queries so right now i'm just working on template for my site layout after that its on to bulding my linkshell management system :P.

  11. Thanks I like it too but I think its too plain on the panels I will try and paint some wear and tear on it when I get a chance. Right now I'm trying to figure out a good way to slice it up and put it into xhtml and css.

    Heres what I've done so far http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The upper panels seem to be ok because it does not need to stretch unlike my left, center and right panels they need to be expandable vertically depending on how much content is there so I need to come up with a method for doing that. I was thinking have top section and footer of it as an image and the middle part as a scalable image. Still not 100% what will work but atleast I have an idea lol.

    I changed the orange color panel to red. It looks more evil in red. Oh yeah the glossy black panel for my headings are from a link someone put on itrap. Thanks for sharing it saved me alot of time since creating them is time consuming.

    I realised one major flaw though the whole witdh is like 1022 it dosent allow any room for scrolling bars on 1024x768 so theres an ugly horizontal scrolling bar for you 1024x768 users. I know its bad practice to do that but going back to change things now would be work I dont want to do at this time. I just wanna carry on seee if I can get a working and complete template.

    heres a screen shot just incase I update the site later


  12. I never used file maker pro before. I've only used oracle and mysql and MS access. I think one disadvantage to filemaker pro is that its not as widely used as others and maybe the cost too. But I have not personally used it so I dont know how good it is and if its worth the money when mysql is free depending on what type of licence I think. Is filemaker pro similar to acess with a GUI?

  13. This is my new template I'm going to be using for my new site. It took me 3 days to do. I spend day 1 drawing it up sorry I cannot upload my draft sketch as my scanner is not working. The next 2 days I spent drawing it up in photoshop. The colours are kinda generic I know but thats my style. I cant seem to create anything other then grey toned things. I think adding some decay onto the panels will give it some depth something my style of drawing lacks. The panels - I like as many panels as I can so I went with the 3 column layout and extra 2 side header panels for shouts and login information maybe. Directly below the header panel will be navigation which should just be text and CSS.Content center panel is for content what else. Side left and right panels for extra controls maybe login section.Now the tough part now is figuring out a way to cut and build it in xhtml and css.Tiling background - I dont know if its been coverd in tutorials here but I couldnt find any in our forums when I was looking to make some of my own. The key for tiles without much work in PS using filters is to have dimensions to the power of 2. For example 16,32,64,128,256 etc. I only just learned this myself from reading online tutorials on it. Some of them I couldnt get to work but the key is having them to the power of 2. Most filters will render tiling images by default if your documents match that dimensions. I used 512 x 512 since smaller sizes would be noticable repeats once tiled. well let me know what you think? any tips for improvements? Also I'm looking for any good links for creating textures in PS. The good ones are hard to find if you know any please tell me.



  14. I dont use flat files well files on their own just to hold data. Although I do keep a few arrays stored in a PHP file just to use it may be considered the same thing. There is an advantage here since its in a PHP file there is no wait time for retriving it from a database. If you have static data that seldom changes and is required often by many processes having this setup will be more effect then having them stored in a database. If on the other hand you have to update it often then flat files are very bad as its much slower to update because the program will have to read each line untill it finds the correct entry then perform the update. If the list gets very long it can be very slow. In this case a database is more effective.

  15. Im sorry but your not very clear please rewrite it so we can understand better what you are trying to do exactly. I got the part about you wanting to have an input text box and button for submitting.

    it looks for the file and create it with a php extension

    I dont know what you want to do here exactly. Create a whole new php file? or just add the entry to your case switch.
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