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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. I saw highlights on the news and it looked like a awsome game. I enjoy alot of sports including american football, I can see why you guys need helmets lol running full speed and keeping your eye on the ball trying to catch it while some defender is lining you up is something we call a hospital pass over here. Its ashame I didnt get to watch the entire game though.

  2. now a days I guess people should be more aware of buying computers and what to look for since its more of a common thing. But back 10 years back or more when I was a kid I didnt know anything about computers and neither did my dad. One of my friends had a amiga 2000? other friend had comodore 64 and had some cool games on it so I begged my dad for one of my own. He paided 2000 for it and I ened up only using it for games and not learning anything. That was a waste of money really but we didnt know anything about computers. I think the computer industry makes a killing off people who dont know much about computers. I've seen techies charge 80+ dollars an hour for service. I got a network installation one time when i was a noob and it costed abit. Now I know and I'll do it myself. When people ask my to fix their computer I only take what they offer (Friends friends). I feel so bad charging them too much when I know the job is not that difficult. It just takes a long time to install/reinstall/remove viruses.

  3. Yeah eatting out is costly, I heard on the news the other day food prices keep rising so the cost of food always get past on to the consumers. If you have time to make your own lunch I would recommend you do your shopping and prepare your own meals. It will save alot of money and may even be more healthy for you. I'ma be going back to uni soon and thats probably what I'll do this time round instead of blowing 5 dollars on a burger I could have 5 sandwiches lol.

  4. yeah that sounds like a rotten deal man. for that much dollars you should of got a decent laptop with like 80gb hdd atleast. If you have money I would suggest you buy a 300gb hdd or something they are still kinda top of the range but middle range ones like 200gb should be reasonable in price like 200 dollars maybe?Atleast you know what to look for now when buying computers. I'm sure most of us have brough computers first time without knowing much so dont kick your self over it too much.my laptop is only 80 gb and i know i will upgrade soon just waiting for hdd to drop more and also memory too. its getting pretty cheap like 40 dollars for 1gb memory but I'll wait till it drops abit more.

  5. Thats great that they are trying to improve the standards in web but let us not forget that its also up to the broswer makers to build broswers capable of supporting them. I am pretty sure fire fox will keep their reputation as being the best broswer When new standards come out you can almost bet they will deliver. As for microsoft I doubt they will make IE any much better then it already is now, I dont know what it is about them but maybe its because they make so many wide range of software they dont do so great in certain areas. I'm having a very hard time now trying to make my site work on IE7 but atleast I'm learning what I can and cannot do in it.

  6. Yeah this is a great feature of gmail. On Hotmail you dont get as much control over the filters as Gmail offer. For example in Hotmail it only allows you to block email addresses and there is no other filter facility. I got spam everyday on hotmail so I stoped using it awhile. I got worse spam on my yahoo account as it was one of my first emails. I dont even use it now. I'm not sure what yahoo offers in terms of spam control.

  7. Span tags are great for controlling something you need inline. I'm not sure if I've been using it right but how I do my headers I use <Hn> for them. But say I need to futher change output in your heading line. Heres an example


    Hello by author.


    For the above example you would use a <Hn> with a nested <span> inside it for the 'by author' formatting. I beleive this is still correct usage of the span tag right? I mean I really think of other reasons why we have them.

  8. That would probably work on my mum, dad, sister, brother, and some friends but i wouldnt recommend this method if you really want to keep confidential material. Also if you do a search in E: for files wouldnt it show up as well. I think the best option is to use a 3rd party program to lock your files, I'm not sure if windows provides any facilities for doing so. They have encrpt function I think but its a pain because if you need to acess it you have to uncrypt it.

  9. I would say figure out who you want to be with more and if its worth the risk of losing your current mate then go for it. But before you do that make sure you are certain that you do want to be with them and its not just a temporary feeling. Try and think about your current partners feelings too not just your own. You owe them the truth and the longer you keep this a secret the longer your relationship will suffer. If its not working out then end it and stop wasting other peoples time. Being with someone and having stronger feelings for another person is just wrong and unfair to your partner.

  10. I think firefox is a great broswer its been every well made and supported unlike internet explorer that suffers from alot of security holes with its active x. I use it most of the time even though I have safari on my mac thats on there by default. Safari isnt bad but somehow firefox with its plugins beats safari no doubt. They are also abit different when it comes to rendering pages but its not as bad as Internet explorers support. I would say firefox > safari > all other broswers > internet explorer last. From my own experience of course. IE is last because Its so crap.

  11. That is very disturbing that a 10 year old would do that. Maybe hes too young to realise the effects of his action. I dont think the kid is all to blame for his actions here I think it all was the result of bad parenting. The kid obviously did not like staying with the grandma and who ever was there to be trying to poison them. This happens way too often people have kids and cannot take care of them then they go and dump it on their grandparents who are forced to deal with kids that arnt even theirs. We dont know the full story so who knows when all this trouble started. Atleast the grandma tried to take the kid in, his parents left him who else does he have? now hes gone and done something stupid he'll be with no real family. I just hope he dosent turn out to be a serial killer or something when he grows up.

  12. lets say you want to use a qoute in a string

    $string = "a double looks like this " ";

    the above statement will cause an error because it will expect the double qoute at 'this "' to be the closing end. you need to escape it so it ignores it as a closing end and treats it as a double qoute.

    $string = "a double looks like this \" ";

    now string will be

    a double looks like this "

  13. Ever try and read through some javascript framework source code and see blocks and blocks of code nested in each other then get confused at why its like that? Thats JSON. I was trying to read documentation on a javascript framework last night and came across JSON again. This time I actually got a link to a useful article that explains what it is and how its used.

    when your script contains 100's of functions it will be too confusing to look at each function and determine what it does and where its related to. With JSON you can group functions into an object this also helps with naming conflicts since it will have its own scope. Also if your working in teams this helps also with the naming conflicts.

    If you use alot of javascript and your not using JSON your serisouly limiting yourself IMO, Learning to write javascript in JSON is very simple and once you get used to the structure you will be enjoying writing cleaner javascript code. It will also help you reading code used in javascript frameworks.

    a must read introduction to JSON

    more reference and structure diagrams for JSON

  14. nice videos I've seen the first one before. Hes pretty good but I'm not sure hes a real ninja i mean real ninjas I would imagine doing all that while holding a weapon in one hand lol. They would be training with weapons all day and live out in the jungle somewhere. They wouldnt share their training on video. The second video was too funny thanks for sharing.

  15. Yeah complex layouts can get abit hard to achieve in CSS where as in tables you seem to have somewhat more control. But the one thing I have learned about tables is once stacked I beleive there is a off set unlike divs. I've seen very nice CSS layouts over time and wondered how they did it. Looking at their code it soon went over my head so I'm sure if you stick to buliding with CSS over time you will learn how to build sites around bugs in different broswers.Theres sites out there that at are professional sites but they still break at certain conditions. for example when window is resized small things get crazy and out of order.If your site contains alot of different elements and your planning to make it look the same across all broswers it will take alot of time to identify how to display each element correctly in all brosewrs. This is unpractical as it will take so long to get a website out. It is easier to make your site look consistent over different broswers if it contains few elements. But this is never the case we all know how boring it can be if you dont add more in.

  16. all it is is just a section of code being included. THat section of code can be what ever you'd like included and you can place it where ever you likefor exampleindex.php---------------*page start*include('stuff.php');*page end---------------thats how it works. You can apply includes to all individual files you want included or you can make 1 template and include it there, that way the template can be used for all your web pages.

  17. Sorry to bump up an old thread but I've found a problem with IE7 and this solution. IE 7 does not support display:table-cell (one of manythings IE 7 really sucks at). The only way to get <li> elements displaying in the same line similar to the effect of display:table-cell solution in this post isdisplay:inline;But there is still another problem in IE7.

    li.col1 {width:120px;

    The width class we have been using to give our widths dont work also. So you see IE 7 offically is the worse compliant broswer out there. I have no doubt I will find more features it does not support and it will continue to make life for us designing webpages as painful as possible.If anyone has a solution to the width spacing for 'display:inline;' method please share.edit:Ok I'm still looking for a suitable sultion that works in IE 7 but the only thing I know is tables now. I'm trying to test out if I can use more divs inside to structure it but with truefusions code it hides all div by default as you can see in the source code in the screen shot. I'm still not fimilar with how to modify it to not include the inner divs.



    gender = Ext.get('race_gender').dom.value;

    face = Ext.get('race_face').dom.value;

    hair_id = Ext.get('race_hair').dom.value;

    // race



    race_letter = Array('H','E','T','M','G');


    race = race_letter[race_id];





    if(race == 'G' || race == 'M') {

    gender = '';



    if(hair_id == 1) {

    hair = 'a';


    else {

    hair = 'b';



    image = '80px-'+race+gender+face+hair+'.jpg';



    url linenums:0'>function reload_char() { race_id = Ext.get('race').dom.value; gender = Ext.get('race_gender').dom.value; face = Ext.get('race_face').dom.value; hair_id = Ext.get('race_hair').dom.value; // race race_letter = Array('H','E','T','M','G'); race = race_letter[race_id]; /* //gender if(race == 'G' || race == 'M') { gender = ''; } //hair if(hair_id == 1) { hair = 'a'; } else { hair = 'b'; } image = '80px-'+race+gender+face+hair+'.jpg'; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'includes/forms/char_image.php', params: {img:image}, method: 'POST', success: function (response, options) { div = Ext.get('char_img'); div.dom.innerHTML = response.responseText; } }); */ }

    ok I've commented out the code that throws an error in IE7. does anyone have any ideas why because this whole function seems to work fine in everythign else execpt IE 7.


    the line

    race = race_letter[race_id];

    is throwing the error.






    replacing that line with var race = race_letter[race_id]; did it. very weird thing I thought 'var' keyword in javascript was only needed for decalring global vars.


    another problem

    anyway with that fix still is another problem with that same page and 1 ajax call. The first field where users are asked to enter a character name and then it runs a check to see if the character already exist in the database. if it dosent then the 'add' button is enabled for users to add the character.

    Again in IE7 it doesnt work but other broswers seem to be ok with it. The button dosent get enabled in IE7 when its suppose to.






    url linenums:0'>function ck_char_name() { name = Ext.get('char_name').dom.value; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'includes/forms/char_name_ck.php', params: {name:name}, method: 'POST', success: function (response, options) { div = Ext.get('char_name_result'); div.dom.innerHTML = response.responseText; if(div.dom.innerHTML == '<span class="ok_header">Available</span>') { Ext.get('btn_insert_char').dom.disabled = false; } else { Ext.get('btn_insert_char').dom.disabled = true; } } });}

    WOW IE 7 is so crap look at what it does with my test code on second attached image. I know I shouldnt really compare strings for something like this but I didnt want to create a hidden input just for that. If IE 7 gonna be retarded I may have to. It thinks its doing me a favour by converting my lower case span tag to upper case. Good job MS you really messed up on IE 7.







    url linenums:0'>function ck_char_name() { name = Ext.get('char_name').dom.value; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'includes/forms/char_name_ck.php', params: {name:name}, method: 'POST', success: function (response, options) { div = Ext.get('char_name_result'); div.dom.innerHTML = response.responseText; alert(div.dom.innerHTML); /* if(div.dom.innerHTML == '<span class="ok_header">Available</span>') { Ext.get('btn_insert_char').dom.disabled = false; alert("false"); } else { Ext.get('btn_insert_char').dom.disabled = true; alert("true"); } */ } });}



  19. I've never played this game but I'm thinking of trying it out just because it was wirtten in java. I dont know many games that were written in java so I just wanna see how good it looks and plays. As for complaining about how much you hate it I dont think its bad. Look at the location of post 'vent' A place where you can vent out so if you hate hearing about it then just dont read it.

  20. One of the tier 1 programming papers I took at uni taught us java but it was using a custom application called blue j. That approach took us into learning about OOP first because thats what it java uses. So you got taught comcepts about OOP but if I was to go and try write java code now I wouldnt know where to begin as I only been taught the concepts of OOP in the book.I've only gone through 100 pages of it so far but I can see where this approach is handy because if you cannot understand how objects are created and used then it would be very hard to program in java. The syntax is very stricted unlike php so it can throw alot of errors thats where the book and blue j helped. I think most tutorials on java would expect you to know abit about OOP or even C or C++.

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