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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. You have a lot higher opinion of the Red Cross than I do. I understand that they really can't discriminate between the truly needy and the truly evil con artists, but they have pulled numerous stunts over the years that they should be ashamed of. Charging our veterans for postage stamps, selling cups of coffee to volunteers at disaster sites when those same volunteers are working for free too, getting free blood and then selling it to hospitals, over paying top executives in the organization, they have pulled a lot of unsavory stunts over the years. This is not an organization I would ever donate to.
  2. sheepdog

    Pc Overboard

    I suppose flame wars have started at one time or another on every single type of forum board there is in existence. If you started a group called "give peace a chance" somebody would start a fight on it! People are just mean! They feel like they can hide behind their computer screens and since they are anonymous they can do or say whatever they want to. Makes the chicken poops real brave. Common sense, common courtesy, and just plain decency have all gone down the toilet with the invention of the internet. They need have courtesy classes taught in school or something. Or preach the golden rule, Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. There is just no point to all this rudeness we see today. It serves no purpose, is detrimental to the health and wellbeing of everyone, including the person doing the bad mouthing, because some day they are going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and get the holy living daylights beat of them.
  3. Since the trailer was in a rural setting, it had it's own well and septic system. The State fire Marshal refused to even come and look at it, said it was a waste of his time since they couldn't prove anything. I did go yesterday to the court house to see if I could get my $77 back since the sheriff never served the eviction notice and I no longer needed the court date to have him thrown out. I think they realized why I was there when I walked in the door, the girl said It burned down didn't it? Guess she saw it in the newspaper. The main person in the office was not in yesterday, so they didn't know if I could get my money back. If I can't get it back, I'm thinking about writing up a nice long speech about how the county and the sheriff and the state and basically the entire government sucks and since I had to pay for it I'll just do that to take up the courts time I had to pay for. With my luck I'll end up in jail for contempt of court. Sure, love to have you come and help with clean up. Though there really isn't anything salvageable. It's mostly going to be a matter of loading up the scrap burnt tin siding. It, and the frame can be sold for scrap metal, and that's about it. Far as I know the only thing salvageable is the stone kick wheel from my pottery wheel.
  4. A lot of the reason for placing the new tires on the rear for I always assumed was the power to propel the car forward in most cars comes from the rear tires. Therefor you would need the better traction on the rear tires. However, there a lot of cars on the road these days that have front wheel drive. In which case it would make more sense to have the better tires on the front. It would certainly make more financial sense to only buy 2 tires at a time, they are certainly not cheap. However, we just ran the whole set of 4 down to where they were not just treadless, but the steel cords where showing, and one even was threw the steel belts and to the inner core. Tires have been a real expense here this year. Had to replace the tires on the old Massey Ferguson tractor. Crazy as it may sound, the new tires cost almost half of what he paid for the tractor to start with. Of course, he did by it nearly 40 years ago, but still, that's pretty crazy expensive. We even had to replace all 4 tires on my 4 wheeler. We put 2 new back tires on it, and it wasn't a week until the front tires started going flat. That sure didn't make me very happy. However, now that that are all new on it, I'm really happy with the way it drives and handles. It cuts much sharper corners and doesn't spin out any more.
  5. Yes, the depravity of the human race never ceases to amaze me. Just like that stupid little twerp I tried to help who ended up robbing my house and burning down my trailer. Now he's going around saying I got what I deserved! Me? People are just completely crazy. Interesting. My autocorrect actually had a suggestion when I misspelled twerp. Think I put a U in it instead of e. Anyway, I didn't realize it was a real word. I should go look up the definition to see if it is in any dictionaries. When I was just a very young child and my parents of course, tried not to use foul language around me, the name calling was limited to calling someone a twerp. Once I asked my Dad what that was and he told me a twerp was someone who sat in the bathtub and farted and bit the bubbles with his teeth. Think that's the real definition?
  6. There is certainly a wide range of opinions on this topic! I did notice quite a few that think it would be "cool" to have a wolf hybrid. These are the ones that would worry me the most. This attitude is far to casual and does not take the possible consequences of owning such an animal into consideration. Jumping into something just to be cool without knowing what you are getting in to is never a very good idea. And owning a wolf to look cool is nothing like current fashion trend to wear your pants hanging half way down below your rear end. While this "cool" fashion statement might cause you to trip and fall down and bruise your ego, having a wolf as a fashion statement is a whole different thing. A lot more dangerous, not only to you but to the people around you. Seriously people, wolves are not fashion statement or something to do for social status. They are dangerous, unpredictable animals that 99% of the general population has no business owning. But you do have that 1%. I disagree with the poster that spouted off the usual animal rights dribble about how 100's come into rescue and nobody should breed them. Yes, if someone gets one because it's cool and then later finds out what a huge responsibility the animal is it could end up in rescue, which is certainly sad for the animal, and should and can be avoided by making the general public understand what is involved with owning a wolf. Not condemning everyone for breeding them. Several people have commented on how wonderful their animals were, these are the 1%er's that probably knew what they were getting into and knew how to handle the wolf. These folks should not be prevented from having what they want because of the stupidity of others. Education is the key here.
  7. I keep getting a little message box at the very bottom of my screen that says "Speed up browsing by disabling add-ons." I have no idea what that means? My choise buttons are Choose Add-ons or Ask me later. I've just been hitting ask me later so I don't accidentally screw something up and then don't know how to fix it.
  8. LOL, I sure don't need to take on anything new to learn right now! This new computer is driving me crazy. I've got most of my stuff working ok, but not my camera and photo editing program, and I miss them horribly. I tried last night to look for some new program, but it seems everything I saw there was virtually no information about it, just a button to click on to download it. I sure don't need to start filling up the new computer with junk I have no use for. I'd like to see what a program looks like and what it does before I down load it. Hopefully I'll come up with something here in the next few days. I still have the old computer set up and running on my desk next to me, I cleared off a table in my office and set the new one up on it, so I'm getting lots of exercise pushing myself back and forth between the 2. I really do need to get the old one finished off so I can have my desk back for the new one. The table is just enough lower than the desk I'm getting a crick in my neck working on the new one. I'm open to suggestions on photo editing software. Preferably a free and simple one. I need one to crop of course, darken/lighten but I also need hue/saturation, a handy adjustment that can take the yellowish cast I get on pups with my camera.
  9. Well, your going to have to work a bit harder at convincing me about quality control with Chinese products. The apple I phone may just be a fluke. With a death toll now of over 600 pets from jerky treats produced in China, they still have a long way to go to improve manufacturing standards and quality control in the country. I wonder what car company built the old Checker cabs? They look like the cars built back in the 50's, all big boxy looking things. But they could take a beating liking nothing else and go for miles and miles. And at least here in the states, we still have salvage yards, or junk yards as they are commonly called. Although several years ago when the prices of scrap metal went up we started having problems finding parts for older cars because they were crushing many of them for scrap metal. Then they did Obama's cash for clunkers, in which case all those cars had to be crushed to qualify for the program, so that too caused a shortage of parts. But for the most part, you can find spare parts easily enough.
  10. I'm not sure how capturing or kidnapping an innocent child who has done nothing wrong is in any way like detaining criminals in Guantanamo Bay, who intended to maim and murder citizens of the United States. In fact the detainees at Gitmo probably had it much better than the poor child, at least they had the ACLU looking out for their well being. They were actually catered to and prepared special food, allowed their prayer times and personal possessions.
  11. Ok, I give up. Can't find it. Everything in Windows 7 is rearranged just enough to drive me crazy. But the one thing I can't find a trace of is the the little down arrow next to the back or forward button that gives you a drop down list of the last several pages you've been on so you don't have to back up one page at a time, you can jump several pages at one click. I used that one a lot, handy little thing, but no clue as to where it is on windows 7.
  12. Wow, that really seems weird to ban bikes especially in this day and age with all the green revolution stuff going on. Would also think bikes make less congestion than cars, since they are so much smaller. One thing about taxi's, they may look old and rough, but chances are they are probably better maintained than the normal persons car. They are probably all as well tuned as they can be to squeeze every last mile out of a gallon of gas. More miles equal more profit of course. But of course, on the other hand they want to wring every last mile out of them they can too. So there are probably quite a few real clunkers out there too. It's no easy way to make a living.
  13. Well that monsoon we had finally slowed down, of course, when it ended, it really ended. After having it rain every day for over 2 weeks I found myself getting completely out of the habit of watering my plants. Nearly killed a couple of my hanging baskets! But I finally remembered and got back to my weather watching and watering. No serious damage done by my forgetfulness. All in all it has been a good growing season. I planted pumpkins a bit late, but boy, they really took off. Most of the plants are dying off now, but last week a few of them still have blooms on them. I'd of been run over with pumpkins if I'd gotten them planted early. I actually just planted them as a kind of experiment, I put them where hubby had pushed up some of the gravel pile where the boys dump the wheelbarrow after they clean the gravel pens. I can safely say that dog doo makes some really good pumpkin fertilizer! And no, I have no intentions of eating them, I mostly wanted a bunch of them to see how well they would store over winter so I would have something to feem my chickens. I've heard they like pumpkins real well, we shall see. I'll have to count them and let you know just how many I do end up with. Sure hope the chickens appreciate all my hard work. The flower bed is winding down now. The zinnia are just about done for. Because of all the rain I didn't get a chance to spray them for fungus, so they got ther season shortened a little. Right now about all I have left for seed harvesting is my cosmos. It worries me every year, doesn't ever set much seed early, but runs it rignt down to the last minute. I'm always afraid it's going to get frozen out before I get enough seed. Lucky it's pretty tough, it will even survive a few real light frosts. My seed harvest this year though is what really takes the cake. I have nearly 50 jars of seed!!!! I am just amazed! One really bad year I only got 7 jars! I use my instant tea jars, they hold almost a quart, so they aren't tiny jars either, and I pack them down pretty tightly too. It's a time consuming job hand shelling all that seed, but I kind of enjoy it, it gives me a chance to sit down and take it a little easy. I shelled seed for nearly 3 hours this afternoon. We had gone to the swap meet and I was tired from all that walking around, so it was kinda nice to be able to sit down and relax, listen to my mp3player and just take it easy for awhile. I did take down one of my small beds of the white cosmos I've been trying to get some extra seed from, and took a walk down the big bed on a seed gathering mission, but most of the time was just spent shelling and listening to music. Need a little rest once in awhile.
  14. Is it just my lousy luck or does everyone else seem to have constant screw up and problems at every turn? We are always so busy, time is valuable, but it seems no matter what we do or how hard we try nothing ever gets done because something or someone else screws up. Nothing, not the simplest little chore comes easy around here. This past week has been particularly bad. It's not just the major projects, it seems like every little thing we try to get acomplised around here. We wanted to get four new tires put on the car this week, finally after months of piddling with it the transmission was back in and it's almost fitting to drive again. This is the "new" car, the one with only 150,000 miles on it, we've still been driving the old car, it has almost 350,000 on it. Hubby drives two towns over to go to his favorite tire shop, they only have 1 tire our size in stock. He still had them go ahead and put it on since the others were so bad he didn't think he would make it home on them. So that means another trip to the tire shop in a few days when the new tires are in. I had a boy here working, painting up and repairing the dog houses, went in to Walmart strictly to get a gallon of barn red paint. Plain old ordinary common barn red. We've bought many gallons of it there. So today they are out of stock! You would think a company as big and establised as Walmart would be able to control their inventory well enough to keep a can of paint on the shelves. The real topper of annoyances for this week though has been my new computer. I've struggled with it all week long, had just pretty much gotten everything installed and was starting to get used to it. Got up yesterday morning to a blank black screen that just said missing operating system. I tried a few things, reboot, control alt delete, nothing worked, the brand new one week old compter was dead as a doornail. Ended up having to drive all the way back to the big city, 50 miles one way to take it back and get another. Now my whole weeks work is down the toilet. Have to get all my favorites back in, my passwords and programs. Just this morning it took me 20 minutes to log in here, I'd managed to forget my password for here...word of advice, make sure you know your password for Xisto, the capchas are a royal pain and almost impossible to read, took me about a dozen tries to get one right. I can't believe I have to start all over now. I also can't believe how bad my memory is. The games in the other computer didn't show in programs, I didn't think they were even here, but they were, I just had to do something to install them, and now I don't remember what I did. I got another computer just like the other one. A little scary, hopefully the other one was just some weird glitch and this one won't do the same dang thing next week.
  15. LOL, how does that saying go, your not really paranoid, people really are out to get you or something like that. I know there are a lot of people out there that really do believe in conspiracy theories and just about every incedent that has ever happened probably has a conspiracy theory to go along with it. I don't buy into most of them but there are some......Lets just say I do think we really did land on the moon, but really, what are they hiding out there in Rosewell New Mexico?
  16. Wow, yes, this is an old post, but I'm glad you offered that solution, I'd of never thought of it. My head has fairly oily skin so that would certainly do more good than licking it and making it dry out worse than it already was. And my forehead is just almost as close as my tongue. Unfortunately, licking it has now become as much as a habit as anything else. I got a new roller ball mouse with my new computer and it's my thumb that moves the ball, but I have already caught myself a dozen times licking my finger when I go to use the mouse. With the new mouse all I do with the index finger is left click. I'll have to work on breaking that bad habit. It will probably be easier to give up than cigarettes.
  17. So sad to hear, I know his family will miss him terribly but it is sadly a kindness to him. You have my deepest sympathies.
  18. I like it if I'm not so tired I just am not in the mood. Hubby and I take turns cooking, and while I am always glad it isn't my night to cook, I really don't mind it if I haven't had a hard day at the kennel and just don't have the energy to get the job done. I have an entire book shelf filled with recipe books, but I virtually never open one. I like to put a pan on the stove, and start rummaging threw the refrigerator and tossing things that seem like they might go good together in it. Believe it or not, I've come up with some pretty tasty results. And of course, some not so hot. Hubby never complains of course. We play by cowboy rules here. Let me explain that to those of you who have no idea what cowboy rules are. A group of cowboys were out on the range on a long cattle drive when the cook got bit by a rattlesnake and died. None of the cowboys wanted the job of cooking. They finally came to an agreement that one of them would do the cooking, but the first time someone else complained about the cooking that person would have to take over the job. It went along ok for awhile, but eventually the cowboy convert cook got real tired of cooking. He tried everything to botch the meals so someone would complain and he could pass the job on to the next cowboy. Nothing seemed to work. The other cowboys would eat their dinners in stony silence, grimacing perhaps, but never saying a word of complaint. The cook finally had all he could take. The next night he dumped an entire 5 pound bag of salt in the beans. One of the other cowboys finally broke at dinner time, exclaiming "Eeew ee these beans are salty!" Instantly realizing his mistake he quickly added, "Just the way I like them!"
  19. Well, you might not like my advice.....get a Schnauzer! They don't shed. Oddly and quite possibly difficult to believe, a big hairy sheepdog will not shed off as much as a lab will. the long hair helps bind the hairs together, they tend to form clumps that hang in there until you brush them out (or shave them off) Short haired breeds like labs have nothing to hold the hair back. I am surprised to hear brushing is not helping, usually that way at least you get all the hair in one place, the brush, where you can pick it out and put it in the trash instead of coating your entire house with it. I have always had Schnauzers as house pets, so I have never really had to deal much with shedding. We did have a pug for some years, and all I can say about that is thank god we had pug colored carpeting in the house because she was a disaster when it came to shedding. Thanks for the question, even if I couldn't be much help, at least it's something to talk about.
  20. Well one mystery solved. And an interesting concept proven. Do any of you every watch the TV show Perception? It's about this crazy genius guy (even spell checking won't help me with what he has) that solves all sorts of crimes, kind of a spin off cross of Sherlock Holmes with the Nutty Professor. He had one episode about how our mind plays ticks on our eyes and how we see what our brain tells us should be there. It has some big fancy name of which I can't recall right now, and probably couldn't spell it if I did. Anyway, a week later I finally found the missing bar of soap. It was on the shower rack, just one space above where I normally put it. Apparently what happened was when I reached up to put it up I turned a little and bumped the built in shelf in the side of the shower and knocked off a little bottle of something else. My mind heard the other bottle hit the floor of the shower, and since I had the slippery bar of soap in my hands, I assumed it was the soap I heard fall. After all, it was not in the space I normally put it. Despite the fact that is was actually only about 3 inches higher on the next shelf I didn't see it. I find this all really really weird.
  21. Ahhh, come on, don't be chicken! The world is going to hell in a hand basket, we might as well have a little fun in the process laughing about how insane the world is.
  22. Well, I chickened out of Windows 8. It's just too weird. Like being dropped off on an alien planet. Went into Best Buy last week and was looking at all the different computers, he told me they all had Windows 8 but then all of a sudden he remembered that some business had ordered too many new computers and they did have a few new ones with Windows 7 on them that the company didn't take. I know I really should of gone with 8, in technology today even if you go to the top of the mountain, it won't be long with all the advances we have until you are back at the bottom again, so just going half way up is probably not a good idea. But it was just bad enough that I had to be out the money for the new computer, then learning a new computer, and then I'm pretty sure none of my current programs would work. Remember guys, I'm still using Microsoft Photo Draw to make my graphics for my web site. That program was dropped years ago. So far I'm getting along ok with the new one. Still having my usual share of issues though. I got them to throw in a rollerball mouse instead of a regular one, and this one is way different than the roller ball I was using, so it's driving me a little crazy. I've gotten some of my software installed, but haven't been brave enough to try my camera stuff yet. I'm sure I'll be in here a lot asking for help. Speaking of that, XP used to have a little down arrow between the forward and back button that would let you jump back several pages at one time, I can't find that on 8 now, and that was something I used a lot. Is it gone in Windows 7 or have they just hidden it from me? I also don't have my Explorer tool bar, or at least all of it, it has a Google one that is not particularly helpful at all. I miss file/open for starting new browser windows.
  23. I didn't call them. It was actually the next day after it burned when the guy from the fire department came and told me about it. We have rural volunteer fire departments in this area, they survive on donations and apparently contributions from arsonists who burn down peoples property so they can collect fees. They do have a program where you can become a member for something like $75 per year, and then if you burn down they put out your fire for free. We just never signed up for it. Another reason I plan on telling them to go take a hike is that the state fire marshal told me they didn't notify him about the fire. I have tried everything I can think of to get them to come out here and do an arson investigation and they simply will not do it. (this is state run, so has nothing to do with the government shutdown.) While I was on the phone with him he gave me the longest line of excuses as to why they would not investigate I couldn't believe it. He even tried to tell me the sheriff's department was supposed to call him, after he called to start with because the sheriff called him and asked him to call me. Then he said he had to have the landowners permission, but he did back track on that one saying well, I guess you are giving me permission. He also said the local fire department was supposed to notify him and since they had not, and hadn't secured the crime scene it would do no good to investigate. He just flat said it would do no good whatsoever, they wouldn't be able to prove anything and was basically a waste of his time. I was really hot by the time I got off the phone with him. In the meantime, the Red Cross is putting up the dirt bag in a motel at the cost of $100 per night, he is online begging for freebees and otherwise milking his tragedy for all it's worth. I couldn't help myself, when I saw his post on Face Book for clothes I just had to make a snide comment about how the only clothes he would be needing was a prison uniform since he was the one that burned down my trailer. Believe it or not all the idiots over there took up for the miserable little asswipe. Eventually they deleted my post. Hope those people don't have to learn the hard way if they help him they are going to be in for screwing, he may come back and rob them if he sees anything he likes while he is at their homes getting his free stuff.
  24. And now for the adding insult to injury part of this sad story, I just got the bill from the fire department, they ae demanding $350 because the MFer burned down my trailer. They are certainly going to get a nasty letter from me.
  25. Fire marshal just left here. THAT MISERABLE LITTLE SON OF A ***** BURNED MY TRAILER DOWN!!!!
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