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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. Oddly, I don't mind the actual job. I rather enjoy being out in the woods where it might be peaceful and quiet if it wasn't for the roaring of the chain saw. It is extremely tiring though, some of those rounds off the log probably weigh 50 lbs. or more and lifting them up into the trailer and wrestling them around so it all fits is no job for a weakling. Hubby has been letting me run the saw a little here lately. That can be a bit nerve wracking. Those things are bloody dangerous. Let your foot slip or loose your concentration for just a second and you would be in a world of hurt.
  2. Once again I find myself unable to log into and update my web site. I just get an error message that says Front Page servers may not be installed. And yes, last week I did find my way into the client area and started a ticket but now I can't even get back in there, or check the balance of my mycents totals, which have not been updated in ages. I did get a response to my ticket, but I didn't really understand what it meant, I spent some time today researching about ftp and I think to the best I can figure out, I can't change my ftp settings in Front Page unless I can log into FP, which I can't do. I am at a total loss and really need to do some updateing on my web site. Sure hope somebody can help me out here.
  3. And our little group of posters gets smaller and smaller. I think we get more spam topics now a days than we do legitimate posts from members here. Use to be if I just stayed away a couple days when I logged back in there were several posts I could respond too, but now I can stay gone 2 weeks and there's nothing new.
  4. Well now my back door way into checking my mycents doesn't work any more, I just get a 404 file not found page with no link to the log in page to check my totals, or start a support ticket. I'm still having problems with my web site, can't update it and I'm at a complete loss as to what to do now. Dang, I didn't need this right now!
  5. I find myself in a rather difficult situation and would really like some ideas, or maybe just moral support on handling a little problem I have. I have had this friend for many years, she is elderly and lives alone. I know she needs friends to call and check in on her, but I keep finding it more and more difficult to bring myself to call her. Reason is because she is always so down in the dumps. I call and try to cheer her up but I end up just getting depressed myself, and I've got so much going on right now I don't need much to put me over the edge either. I know I need to call her. And I know that it is important for me to do that, but it is just so hard to do. I try to bring up upbeat topics, or at least neutral ones, and find things to discus that might make her feel better but it's really hard to do. The fact that we have totally opposite political views certainly doesn't help the situation, she is one person I sure can't even share Obama jokes with. Honestly, the older she gets the more bitter she gets. Really hard to come up with any happy topics. I do of course, understand why she is unhappy, she has virtually no family or friends left, most have passed on already, and when you get older you have all those old age aches and pains that drag you down, but I'm just getting to more and more of a loss as to what to do about it. Sure could use some ideas for this one. I have to get my own feelings under control too. It's harder to cheer somebody up when you don't feel all that cheerful yourself.
  6. LOL, shoe size and hair, that's a good line! Well, as if I wasn't already sick enough of winter, we are getting more snow today. how depressing. I've been looking for Luffa seed (dishrag gourd) to get started, it has a long growing season and needs to be started indoors, now I can't find any anywhere. I did find one off my plant from year before last, and managed to dig a few seeds out of it, but I don't know if it's a hybrid and will grow from seed from the previous year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
  7. Ok, who has a theory about what happened to the Malaysian jet that has literally vanished off the face of the earth? Personally I'm having a hard time believing it could even happen in the first place. With all the satellite coverage the earth has, and all the tracking gizmos and technology we have in this day and age, how on earth could a whole airplane disappear? Sure has me baffled. What are everyone else's thoughts on this subject? Right now it sounds like they don't even know what direction it went in after a little while into the flight. And why would someone want to steal a plane? Not like you could use it yourself. If it was done as an act of terrorism, why has no one claimed responsibility? Sure is one heck of a big mystery! I hope and pray for all the families of the people that were on the plane that the answers are coming soon. What an ordeal to have to go threw for the families. Very sad for them.
  8. Yes, maybe someday, but I'm not holding my breath. There is actually a lot of this country I've never seen, let alone get started on the rest of the world. I just thought it was really pretty and loved the look of the castle. Pretty cool to look at, though I'd hate to have their heating bill in the winter! We finally got a decently warm day today, a lot of that nasty snow melted away, now we have lots of nasty mud. I did at least manage to finish the last of the pruning on my fruit trees today. Should of had that done last month, but oh well, it's finally finished. Now I'm sore and hurting all over.
  9. Thought Demon Boy would like this one. Thursday I took a run by the post office to check my mail box, it's always stuffed full of junk, sale flyers and the like, but I find all that junk useful as I run it threw my paper shredder and use it for shipping pups, the shredded paper really works well for keeping them clean in transit. I usually take my handful of junk over to one of the tables to sort threw it on the odd chance their is anything important in it, which there virtually never is, but while I'm sorting threw it I also eyeball the trash can next to the table and usually grab a few extra newspaper type adds to supplement my stash for paper shredding. Much to my delight, there was a copy of Organic Gardening in the trash can, so I snatched that up too. I used to subscribe to that magazine years ago and was very fond of it, but haven't seen it in quite some time, the dogs keep me too busy to consider doing very much gardening. Anyway I thought of Demon Boy when I say an article in the magazine about Kylemore Abby in Ireland. It had pictures of the Abby itself, and all the gardens around it. It is absolutely spectacular! Wonder if you've ever had the opportunity to see it? It was built in the 1860's, and is on a 15,000 acre historical site. The article gives some of the Abby's history and the pictures of the gardens and stone work are really wonderful. Might be worth a trip to see it if you haven't.
  10. Yea, that's what I ended up doing last time. Probably the best idea, then maybe I can get a little ahead of the game for a change. Surly spring will be here pretty soon. Despite the ice storm predicted for this weekend. I'd still like to know why the copy/paste isn't working. If I am going to type a post of any length I like to do it in word so I can save as I go and not worry about loosing it.
  11. sheepdog

    E Cigs

    Ok, I'll bite, what is hookah? Never heard of it. Don't suppose that is another new name for something that might still be illegal in some states? I really have no desire to smoke much of anything except tobacco. Sure don' t want any part of any mind altering drugs, my mind is in bad enough shape as it is without screwing around with it. I like what brain cells I have and really need to keep them. Oh, just thought of something else I wouldn't mind smoking. Chicken. :-) Put a nice whole bird in the smoker and leave it to slow cook for 4 or 5 hours, now there's some good eating!
  12. In Springfield Missouri we have an 80% chance of sleet on Sunday, with a high of 23 and low of 3. That's as of right now on weather.com So be careful if you are coming threw Missouri. I am still undecided about my trip to Texas. Not sure when it would be best to try to go. Need to do it soon because next weekend is the seminar, and I can't miss that. That's really weird about your plumber disappearing. I wouldn't think stealing a fixture would be a good enough motive for loosing a good customer.
  13. Well, I don't use chrome, but it is installed in my new computer. Just a dumb question, what is "New incognito window"? Never heard of that one.
  14. Well shoot, now the mycents haven't updated lately and I'm $1.90 in the hole. All my blubbering about e-cig and the like should have run up enough credits to pay it if it would only update. Seems I just can win around here. And I hate being in the rears. Especially with spring near at hand, or at least supposed to be near, then I really get busy and don't have time to be in here. Oh, and the paste thing is still not working. I was going to start working on some dog breed descriptions, but I wanted to work on them off line and then just paste them into the Pet forum, because it will take some time to type them up and I would hate it if I was working right on the forum and we lost power for a second and I lost everything I had typed up, which happens pretty often here.
  15. sheepdog

    E Cigs

    Might want to cross your toes too! LOL. Geeze, it's not easy. I was also wearing those nicotine patches too when I first started, but I got to thinking I was probably taking in more nicotine with the patch and the e cigs than I was when I was just smoking, so for the last 4-5 days I haven't used a patch. And it's made it more difficult, I'm up several smokes a day, although I'm still under a pack a day.
  16. Gosh, that sucks! Your homecoming was even worse than ours! Our furnace malfunctioned while we were away this year too. The fan wouldn't kick on and force the warm air threw the duct work. Of course, it was kicking on and burning up all that expensive propane. The house was freezing cold when we got home, but nothing had actually frozen up like your plumbing. We had to suffer threw a few cold days because we couldn't exactly figure out what was wrong with the furnace, and although we had some wood, it was all big stuff that needed to be split to fit into the wood stove, and the very first time Hubby yanked the rope on the wood splitter it pulled out. We had to beat a few chunks apart with a splitting maul, but that is work for a youngster, not old fat people. We finally got the furnace working again, and at least had a little relief, that is until we ran out of propane. And at it's current price there's no way I'm buying more, it's now over $5 a gallon. The weather man is not helping the situation. I keep thinking we will be able to tough it out, and then along he comes with a forecast of more ice and cold weather. It looks like this coming weekend is going to be a real pain, ice and sleet and freezing rain and all that jazz. And here I was planning a trip to Texas! Think I should probably sit this one out and wait for better days.
  17. Yes, this place has always been a great help for me. I'm not great with computers, oh heck, I'm not even good with them, let alone great, and no matter what stumbling block these confounded machines would throw at me I could get answers from someone here. A great benefit because everyone else I know is an old foggy like me too, and nobody I associate with knows any more about computers than I do. I sure wish things would pick back up again. I'm running out of anything interesting to talk about. So.... to keep conversations going, I have to resort to things like, How do you feel about dogs? Do you have a dog? If not, why not?
  18. I just have a well worn Sony Cyber Shot. I have no idea on how to change the settings, and to be perfectly honest, I'm afraid to even try. Seems like every time I get in there and start changing things it only makes it worse. Then I don't know what I did and can't get it back the way it was.
  19. This has really been a miserable winter. Still no end in site. And now we have the gas companies giving us a royal screwing, propane is up to $5 a gallon in many places. It seems they exported it to some other countries and don't have enough here for us, so they are gouging the daylights out of their US customers. That has me royally ticked off. Fortunately we still have some left at the kennel. But we ran out at the house over a week ago. There is no way I'm giving those thieves $5 a gallon when we live in the woods and own a chain saw! Granted, being old and fat isn't exactly conducive to cutting and hauling wood, but it beats the alternative, which is freezing or paying the thugs $5 a gallon. We cut several little trailer loads today, did ok until the last load when we were trying to get it to the house and got stuck in the mud with the 4 wheeler. Tried pulling the hubbies 4 wheeler with a chain and my 4 wheeler, that didn't even work, so I ended up having to unload over half the wood I'd already put in the trailer twice. ( the catch that keeps the trailer from dumping had already slipped once and dumped half the load.) So I am really tired and sore tonight.
  20. Ok, well, in a round about way I found my way there. When I clicked on my red mycent total there was a link on the page that did come up that takes me to where I can log in. I'm sure there is an easier way, but for now it is eluding me. But as long as I can occasionally check my total I'm ok.
  21. sheepdog

    E Cigs

    I suppose this would best be posted in this forum for addictions. Seems like the proper place for a discussion of E cigs, in the event anyone is working on ways to quit smoking. I'd just like to share my experiences with these new fake cigarettes that are all now the rage. I've tried several different products now, each has it's own advantages, hopefully my experimenting will help someone else decide which would work best for them. First off, let me be perfectly clear. I am not going to quit smoking. Just the thought of quitting sends me into a panic and fit of nervous rage. For right now my goal is only to cut down on smoking. That I can mentally deal with. I'm going at this in baby steps. Maybe once I have cut down I'll take it a step further, but for right now lets just start off with a goal that I at least have a fighting chance to attain. I should mention at this point I am smoking probably more than 2 packs a day. WAY too much. My first E cig was what I believe is the original e cig. It looks like a real cigarette, just a bit longer and heavier. When you puff on it the orange/red plastic tip glows red, simulating the burning end of a real butt. You plug it into your computer to charge it up. It has cartridges you can purchase for refills. I got my first one on one of those promotions where you just pay $5 for it and your starter kit, but when I got it they didn't have menthol cartridges available. So I got regular cartridges, and honestly they tasted really bad. I never got a chance to try the menthol refills made by the E cig company. I did however, after trying it, purchase a couple of those disposable e cigs, the non refillable type that come pre filled and already charged and ready to "smoke." I did get the menthol and let me just say, the taste left a lot to be desired. Now I have one of those eGo-t refillable models. It has cartridges you can buy little bottles of fluid and fill them yourself. The company was a pain to work with. They didn't send out my cig until long after my credit card was charged with the purchase. I was supposed to have a trail period and I never got the dang thing to try before they charged me. It took some precious time and phone calls to get that fixed. Also, the e-cig came with no instructions whatsoever. Just the parts and some refill containers. While they are pretty simple contraptions, not having any clue as to how to fill and charge and all that stuff was quite annoying, and calls to the company with numerous promises to email me directions that were never kept, it took nearly a week of wasting time on the phone with them before I finally did get some directions. Their customer service is extremely poor to say the least. As for the cigarette it 'self, I have to say, I like the little cheap ones better. This one has a button on the side you have to press when you want to take a toke off of it. I find that rather annoying. It is also much heavier than the cheap ones, and instead of being shaped like a regular cigarette it has a small mouth piece. If you are one of those people who like to leave a cigarette dangling from your lip when your hands are busy doing something else, you won't care much for this style. It's far too heavy for lip dangling, and of course, you actually have to have a hand on it to press the little button. The button lights up blue when you press it by the way, instead of the orange glow you get from the other types. There is also the problem of only having one. The batteries last awhile on a charge, but it takes awhile to charge back up, a person really needs 2 of them, one smoking and one charging. If you only have one it would probably be wise to keep one of the disposable types handy for charge times. I suppose the good side to this type is the cost, they are cheap enough to operate and the fluid refills are fairly easy to come by. But over all, if you want to quit (or in my case cut down) on smoking, these E-cigs may be just the thing. They keep you supplied with a level of nicotine, which helps reduce the cravings and they also give you the cigarette to have in your hands to fiddle with, which is also somewhat helpful. Part of the addiction is having those things in your hands. They fulfill the "motions" of smoking, you inhale, feel the vapor, exhale and see the vapor coming out. Just like with a real cigarette. Another up side is that they are handy when you just have time for a couple puffs. Instead of smoking a whole cigarette like you usually do if you light one, this one you can stick back in your pocket after just a puff or 2. They do have a slick advertising campaign going on how you can smoke anywhere, since it isn't really smoke but steam, though I have heard that certain places are trying to prohibit their use. (which I find totally insane, considering they are legalizing pot in many places now, but go figure....) It's really nice to have one when you are stuck somewhere that you can't get out of for a little while you can take a couple quick puffs off of and then just drop it back in your pocket. The down side to all models is that they just don't taste all that great. You would think with todays modern sciences they could come up with something that really did taste like smoke, tobacco and menthol. The good thing is that if you can keep on puffing on one and ignore the nasty taste for awhile, it eventually grows on you. Now I'm finding it less offensive all the time, but it takes awhile to get to that point. Oh, and how am I doing? Pretty good actually, or at least I think so. I've gone from over 2 packs a day to about a half pack or a little over, some days a little less than half a pack, so I think that's a pretty big cut back. If you want to quite I think these things are a good option to try.
  22. Ok, you know I'm a complete dummy about this, where do I find this log in at? Is there a link anywhere on the forums page?
  23. Welcome back Deaziz, glad you found your way back. It's been pretty slow here lately, I keep hoping things will pick up.
  24. I can no longer find my way into the section where we can see what our balance of mycents is. I used to be able to click on the red number below my name in any of my posts and it would take to to the log in screen so I could check my balance. Now when I click on that number all I get is a error message that says that page can't be found. I don't have a clue as to any other way to get there and check my credit balance. And also, the paste function is no longer working here. I tried to make a post awhile back and the screen froze up so I copied it and later tried to paste it into a new message thread and it wouldn't work. I just tried to paste some other stuff here in this post from my notepad, and it didn't work either. I hate it when I type up a big long post and then loose it, or save it and then still can't use it without completely retyping it.
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