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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. I got this weird email from xisto the other day, (actually, there were 2 just about alike in my inbox) I wish I could paste it here but I still haven't figured how to paste in these forums anymore. Anyway, it said something about This is an automated email from Installatron etc, the udate process for my blog located at (my web site) has succeeded. And I have no blog on my web site and have still been unable to make updates on my site since FP is no longer usable. Anybody tell me what this is about? I am always too paranoid to click on any links sent to me in email, no matter what.
  2. Eeek, it wasn't checked and I made the mistake of checking it and really screwed things up! I've unchecked it now, and finally got everything rearranged, but lets see if it stays where I put them. I'm betting it won't.
  3. sheepdog


    Ok, so have you figured it out yet? I've been here for ages and have never figured it out. But I can roughly guess when I've made a dollar, never the number of posts, it's always about the length of the posts. This post for example is short and probably not worth a nickel.
  4. Finally escaping Sudan, a woman who had been sentenced to death because she was a Christian has finally managed to get out of the country alive! She has made it to Italy, and any rate. I was really shocked to see her make it out of the country alive. I wouldn't of given a nickel for her chances of survival. Even after her death sentence was overturned and they had to release her, they arrested her again at the airport, with some trumped up charge of faking passport documents. What a terrible ordeal this poor woman has gone threw. You can read more about it here. Ok, well, you could of read more about it, but for some reason paste is not working. Anybody know why I can't paste a link to the story?
  5. Not as long as I have rabbits, chickens and goats! I just hatched out another batch of baby chicks in the incubator. Didn't do all that well though. Out of 6 dozen eggs only got about 20 chicks. My own hens had slowed down on laying, so I had to buy some eggs to put in it. You can only hold eggs for about a week if you want to incubate them. With a 100 egg size incubator my own 5-6 eggs a day wouldn't cut it. I still didn't have it full but didn't want to wait any longer. I suppose I should of been more patient. Oh well, maybe things will be better next year. My rabbits are doing pretty well right now, so I'm just as happy eating rabbit anyway. And I have some old hens that need to go in the soup pot this year anyway. I keep hoping we can make it to the sale barn to pick up a weaned age calf. We had pretty good pasture so far this year, and really could of used one. Of course, things are starting to dry up now.
  6. Yes, there's a disaster I didn't even think of, the sun going out. I suppose it could burn up or blow up or just die somehow, again, I am not a scientist. Solar flares are already known to cause some problems, so that is yet another possibility for our extinction. As far as tons of litter, virtually nothing we now consider litter is not reusable/recyclable right now. We just need the will and the wear withal to take care of it. Metal can be recycled, many plastics, paper, glass, etc. I bet if they were made properly you could even compost dirty baby diapers. Placing more emphasis on renewable resources like wood and other plant materials would greatly slow our demise too.
  7. Yes, knew it was a plant. But liberals are forever changing the way we talk and express ourselves, consider the media hype over nonsense topics like changing the name of a ball team the Redskins because it will offend native americans, or no longer using the term freshman for first year collage students because it has the word "man" in it and that might be considered sexist by some idiot. Personally, I think it's stupid. People shouldn't be so whinny and thin skinned.
  8. The beauty of mother nature is her ability to adapt. While it is true that many species are dependent on each other for survival, in most cases if one species goes extinct, mother nature adapts and continues on with what ever survivors there are. This is proven by the fact that all the huge old dinosaurs are now long gone, but the planet has survived quite nicely without them. I suspect thousands, or even millions of species have become extinct since the beginning of life on earth, but it just keeps rolling along as the remaining species learn to adapt to the new or changed living conditions. This is one of the subjects I take offence to the environmentalist who have such temper tantrums any time some slug, salamander, worm, or mouse's environment is threatened by something that is needed for human beings well being. Cutting off water to irrigate fields to grow crops to feed humans to save some worthless carp is a good example. Then you have our insane government officials who try to force a cattle rancher off his rented pastures to save a desert tortoise, but when the funding for the tortoise sanctuary runs out the same government kills over 2/3 of the animals it had been protecting. Now there's crazy for you!
  9. I was wondering if there is a way to fix my desktop icons so they stay where I put them. Seems like every time I rearrange them the next time I go to look for a file it's moved and I have trouble spotting it again. Many of the icons never move, it's mostly the ones I make. I keep word files on my desktop, usually make up one for each litter of pups so I can keep track of how many pups there are and which customer is getting which pup. It's really annoying to not be able to find them. I do have a lot on my desktop to go threw.
  10. Oh, they were quite tasty! Almost surprised me, they ended up tender as any I've ever cooked down. Have 2 more to do in, then I will have an empty chicken pen. But hopefully it won't be empty for too long, I have a bunch of eggs in the incubator.
  11. I always appreciate the time and effort the moderators spend making this a better place to hang out. Only thing is, they haven't had much of anything to do in recent months, it's been ages since we've had any heated topics come up, we hardly have any posts at all, let alone heated arguments. So.....is Ginger the new, politically correct term for Red head? Just asking, I don't get out much.
  12. I think there are a lot of reasons kids loose interest. One might be a big fat reality check. They think training for certain professions are really cool, but then reality bites them in the butt and when they find out that is isn't so easy, or cool or maybe it's actually hard or boring work, or perhaps even if they do get an education, there are no job openings in that field because too many other people are more talented or thought it was cool too so the jobs are all taken. There is also a lot of excitement in going off to collage, many kids getting away from their parent for the first time, they think it's going to be so much fun. They get exposure to things they didn't have so much before. I'm actually talking about drugs and alcohol here. There are some people that fall victim to these things hard and fast. Weak willed individuals quickly get hooked on the poison of their choice. Once those hooks are in a person, they will let everything else go down the toilet, only living for their next high. I just recently lost a young hired hand, he was a decent worker, and had every opportunity and support from his family and friends but he just couldn't leave the booze and dope alone. And there are those individuals who only go to college to get away from home, it's all just a big party to them in the first place.
  13. No, I replaced the washer right away. Just blew all my money on it, didn't think I'd ever get my new stove/fridge. Probably a smart move, I've washed lots of clothes already, but we've had the stove hooked up since Monday and so far all I've done with it is hard boil a potful of eggs. I should of put the roosters I butchered today on to boil tonight, but I was just too tired to mess with them, and since we still have 2 refrigerators in the kitchen I had room to put them in the fridge till tomorrow. But that will give the new stove a good workout, they were old roosters and will have to cook a couple days to be edible.
  14. sheepdog

    Rip Off

    Wow, 10 years and only 25,000 miles!? Don't go much do you? Don't think I've ever bought a car in my life except once that had less miles on it than that. I shudder to think how many hard miles my old Datsun pickup had on it, and my Datsun station wagon had over 200,000. Doesn't matter much about banks, when you buy older high mileage cars you can pay cash for them outright, they aren't worth much so you only have to get liability insurance, saves you tons of money that way.
  15. While I do have a lot of bad driving habits, tailgating is not one of them. It annoys the daylights out of me when someone tailgates me. I have found a good way to get them to back off most of the time, if you lightly tap your brake peddle a couple times real fast they sometimes take notice and will back off a little.(It makes your brake lights come on and wakes them up if they think you are stopping or slowing down.) But what really frosts my cake, since I don't tailgate, there is always a fair sized space between me and the car ahead of me, and inevitably some jerk will swerve in between us, making me look like I'm the one doing the tailgating.
  16. Ok my 2 cents worth, on the part about the post being off topic, I have seen many many posts off topic in these forums over the years, wither this one is or isn't is not the real problem we have here. So that isn't even worth worrying about. As slow as it's been here I'm glad to see any posts anywhere. Which brings us right back to the original topic of slow traffic. Fila has done an excellent job of listing why people should post here. She touches on all the reasons I hang out here for sure. Of course to me the big ones are the free web hosting, and second is probably when I do have a computer type problem, back when the forums were really active I could count on an answer to what ever was driving me crazy at that time to be post in short order. I have no computer experts around me to help, everything I have done on the computer has had to be figured out the hard way, usually pushing keys and clicking until something worked. So I have been very great full for this site. I do hate to see it so slow these days. Now, for myself, I have been gone from here for a couple months. My reason are simply that life has just been too hectic for me. Spring is always my busy season anyway, and this year it just ran longer than normal. Have undergone a change in hired hands, training new ones is always time consuming, and we got behind on a lot of our projects when one of our last helpers started being more absent then here working, we tried to cut him some slack hoping he would get his head out of his *bottom* but that didn't happen. I could go way off topic at this point and start a rant about how in the hell can people let drugs and alcohol take control of their lives and let them ruin their lives but I won't do that right now, will save it for another post. I can only speak for myself. I don't know about the effects of search engines and all that. I'd just like to see this forum get back to the way it used to be.
  17. For quite some time now I have wanted a new stove and refrigerator. Our stove caught fire awhile back, and burned off all the temperature control knobs, so it was impossible to know what settings you were putting it on, and you had to turn what was left of the knob with a pair of needle nose pliers , and then the burners kept breaking, I was down to 2 small burners. My refrigerator was in just about as bad shape, so old the finish on the door was worn off and starting to rust, and so was the bottom of it under the crisper tray, and it was going crazy on the temperature settings, it would freeze everything solid on the top shelf in the back, and one day I found all my vegetables in the crisper tray frozen! Nothing worse than frozen lettuce! Not much good after that. And besides, I am sick and tired of constantly fighting with ice cube trays, make enough ice to keep up with our cold drinks is a big pain in the rear. I kept hoping I would get enough ahead to get new ones. So...what happens? My washing machine shoots craps! Out of the clear blue sky, no warning or anything. I was really upset. And since I refuse to go to the laundry mat, I would put my clothes in the bathtub and stomp on them before I went the laundry mat, the only other option was to buy a new washer. So I feared my visions of having a new stove and refrigerator were down the tubes. But things have actually been going pretty good as far as sales go, so when Lowe's had an appliance sale with 30% off, and my hubby also gets a 10% military discount, he convinced me to go in and look, and we were able to get both a stove and refrigerator about as cheap as I could of gotten just the refrigerator before all the discounts, so this past Monday Lowe's delivered my new stove and fridge. They hooked them all up and they do have a haul off service, but I wanted the old frig to set up down in the kennel at least until it dies completely, it would be handy to have a place for the help to keep snacks and drinks and stuff and I can keep some of the ice cube trays I won't be needing so badly now that I finally have an automatic ice maker. So right now the old and new fridge are in my kitchen, and I can hardly walk around it. I still have a little stuff in the old one to transfer over to the new fridge. And then I need to give it a good cleaning before we move it, since it would be easier to clean up here. So now the house is in a total uproar, but hopefully soon everything will be taken care of. I just wish the wheels of progress didn't move so slowly around here.
  18. 10 reasons why Dogs are better than sloths. 1. Who would want something with claws like that curled up in your lap? 2. Sloths are too slow to fetch a stick. 3. Sloths are too slow to bite a burglar. 4. Really, how do you know if a sloth is agitated? 5. Who knows how to house train a sloth? 6. Sloths do not come in a huge variety of sizes and colors and temperaments. 7. Dogs are not picky about what they eat. 8. You can't get any exercise walking a sloth 9. They don't sell sloth food at Walmart. 10. You can't teach a sloth to come, sit, stay, roll over or shake hands.
  19. Well, many moons have passed and still no sign of that plane. Sad for all the family members left behind, never really knowing what happened to their loved ones. I still find it hard to believe that Google can take a picture of the tools hanging on my garage wall but we could loose an entire big jet plane.
  20. My Luffa's from the goard I saved still haven't sprouted, I'm rapidly loosing all hope. Though the temperatures in the house have not been all that stable. It's mostly been warm but pretty cold overnight. Since propane is nearly $5 a gallon I refused to buy anymore when we ran out a few weeks ago. Hubby hasn't been feeling all that great and cutting firewood is becoming quite a challenge for the both of us. I loaded some up this morning that he had just cut and it near killed me. I am constantly reminded of the old saying, "If I knew I was going to live this long I would of taken better care of myself." We made a trip to the big city a few days ago, and I looked for a package of luffa seed but there was none to be had anywhere. Very discouraging. I did pick up some seed starter flats. Have decided to start in the house a bunch of low growing yellow marigolds to put in a row along the outside edge of my flower bed, think it will add a nice touch. But since the flower bed is 193 feet long it's going to take a lot of little plants, even if they are just spaced one foot apart. Haven't even started hauling manure to the flower bed yet, though the hired man filled up one of our little wagons we have that we pull behind the 4 wheeler yesterday. Was going to try to spread it today but after loading wood and fighting a crazy goat into the barn to milk I'm just too tired today. Still have to make a run to the vets for a health certificate for a puppy I'm shipping out this week.
  21. Welcome to Xisto! Hope your a real new person and not another spammer! Sure would like to see some new blood around here! Tell us a little more about yourself, like where you are from and what your interests, hobbies, or job is.
  22. Well, the TV under normal circumstances would of been a good idea, except she doesn't have cable or satellite service, so we don't watch any of the same shows. And what few shows we do have in common I don't like the same ones she does so that doesn't work either. I actually just got off the phone with her, she had a doctors appointment so I wasn't on too long with her, so at least I was able to keep it light for a few minutes.
  23. Some things in life are a great mystery to me. For example, this morning I went out and ran the log splitter for a little while. I was lifting BIG chunks of wood out of the little trailer and putting them on the splitter to get them small enough to fit in the wood stove. They were great big pieces, probably 50lbs each or so. I can also pick up and carry off 50lb bags of dog or rabbit or goat feed out of the car and put it into whatever containers it needs to go into. So why is it when I need a glass of ice tea, I simply cannot for the life of me twist those little ice cube trays enough to break the ice loose? Makes no sense at all.
  24. Well K_nitin_r, that is certainly an interesting theory, and sounds a lot more reasonable than some who claim it was scooped up by aliens! Your right, people will do just about anything for enough money. Now yesterday, with no more information then they have had for the past 2 weeks or so, the Malaysian government has just come out and said according to their information the plane was just lost at sea. Funny how they just now decided that with no new information or any real conformation as to what they thought might of been a debris field spotted by satellite. I certainly do feel terrible for the families involved in this tragedy. Do you think we will ever know the truth? I'm kind of doubting it myself.
  25. Thanks, no your being helpful not snappy, I just couldn't find your link yesterday. Must of been having a blonde moment. Wish they would put that link somewhere at the top of the main page of the forum so I wouldn't have to hunt threw posts to find it.
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