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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. In Todays world , the Biggest network which we all witness is The Internet ! Internet can be said in simple terms as "Network of Networks : That is many ( Billions ) of networks are put together to form the internet. Now we do witness something like a Small network is down at times, and at certain times even a large network is down. Eg : Google Mail ( gmail ) was down few months back for few hrs. There are several reasons why a network can be down, So is it possible to bring the entire network down ?? By entire network i mean "The Internet" . If the internet is down what will be the consequences ? Is there any Backup plan available if the entire Internet is brought down ? According to my Knowledge i think the entire Internet may come to a stand still ( Partially ) If the Domain Naming System is hacked badly, If the root Domain Name Servers gets hacked then there may be a partial shut down of the internet.
  2. Dear friends, So what are the celebrations we have every year ? I am sure when we utter the term celebrations the first thing which comes to our mind is that festival celebrations. Leave alone that , what else do we have to celebrate in a year, we can list it out like Children's day , teacher's day , father's day , mother's day , friendship day etc. etc. So we know what is done on all these days. Now i am gonna introduce to you, may be for some it is not new but i am pretty sure for many it is new, the most awaited "System Administrator Appreciation Day". So the name explains it all we have to appreciate all our system admins. So let it be any one the one who is the System/ Network admin in your school , college , work place and the most important is Xisto. We know pretty well Trap 17 is administered by a wonderful team and for sure there are gonna be many system admins behind the success of Xisto . So now let me explain to you what is all about this System Administrator Appreciation Day. It is celebrated on the last friday of July. So this year it is gonna be on July 31, 2009. And surprisingly this year it is the 10th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day. So friends what we are gonna do this year for this day ? Think about it . And how can this day be celebrated on Trap 17 ? Any one have any idea regarding the same. May be this year lets bring it to every ones notice that such a System Administrator Appreciation Day exists and lets be aware and thank all our admins. Because they are the one responsible for a great task and we often forget the task they do and we keep ourself busy in complaining about the things they do.. So for this 10th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day my heart full Appricieation and Thanks to all the System Admins in the world, and in particular the ones whom i came across in my life , those in my college and those who work with Xisto and Trap 17.. Your work is commendable !!! RoCk on ...
  3. So friends this is yet another area where people make money , money i mean more money in less time. Jobs in Ships. What i have known is that the only drawback is that we dont see land for around 6 months , but on the other hand we have 6 months of vacation in a year after a long voyage. So how about working in ships ?? What are all the computer related jobs available in ships ? and where to search for the same ? Please dont reply saying search in google . I am kinda asking it more specifically how to approach for a job in ship , in particular a computer related one. Like System Administrator , System related work. And im pretty sure in a ship they dont wanna hire people for developing software rather they need people for admisistration . So if any one of you are aware about the same , come on raise your ideas over here.
  4. So let me start off by asking one simple question, why do we work ? The answer which will be raised is quite simple , we work for money. If i raise another question like why do we shift jobs ? The answer may be for money. So money is the ultimate aim or goal.So now lets discuss on how to get this money in a lump sum .We work , are we paid for what we work ? yeah we are paid for our work. And once we earn we pay something to some one , i hope you got it right. It the tax i am talking about. In India Tax is really high and so as in many countries. So we are aware that the amount which we earn cannot be enjoyed fully, but for we have to pay a part of it to the government and we can enjoy the remaining. So how the tax which we pay indirectly or rather directly reduces the income. So to avoid this , by "to avoid" what i mean is that , to enjoy what we earn we have to move to countries in the middle east where they dont levy taxes to a large extent and even we can say it as they dont levy taxes. The Middle east countries. These are the places where the government have its rich oil resources so they are not dependent on the people to pay the money in the form of taxes so the government can run itself, on the other hand in the middle east countries like Dubai , Saudi, Muscat the government pays its citizens for their living.Now what i am about to ask you people is that how is it all about going to middle east countries like dubai, saudi, muscat and working there. May be for the citizens of those countries it is quite easy to earn there. Now my question is that how is it for a person who is a foreigner to the middle east country ( eg. citizen of india ) to work in that country and earn money. How will the culture be ? will he face much difficulty ? how is the job oppurtunities for freshers in those countries.??Moreover we have to put our trust on the agents who get our passport for visa stamping etc. how to go about it saftely. So people if you have good knowledge or any idea about the same raise it out .
  5. Dear Brothers & Sisters, Greetings to you . I Just wanna ask you one thing, Where do we really stand ?? Those who have Patience please read this, else at least pray to God to give you patience to read this, and if you have belief in your prayers, some day you will read this, .. and please don't be the one who'll pray : "God i want patience, and give me that immediately" .. Moving on ........ They say i am an Indian, Yes i am proud of it . It is said that India is a place where we have Unity in Diversity, a place where people of caste,language etc. live together. On the other hand i call myself a Christian, at this point what comes to my mind is that , Christianity is a place where we have Diversity in Unity. Hope you can recognize what i mean . Yes, the Denominations we follow in Christianity. United as Christians we divide ourselves into denominations. Now i just wanna bring out the fact on this issue of Denominations, so that we can recognize ourselves where we really stand.Christianity is composed of, but not limited to, five major branches of Churches: Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant; I Just wanna take 2 denominations as examples and wanna bring out where we really stand. And the two major denominations are taken as examples: The Catholics and the Protestants. Did God ask us to follow this Divide and Conquer Algorithm ?? No way !! First we have to understand that it is we people who started this Denomination Concept. I would say we have not interpreted or rather understood the word of God properly which has led to the evolution of denomination in Christianity. Are Catholics against Protestants ?? or vice verse ?? No !! I recently happened to get to know about both the denominations clearly and hence i bring out this issue now. The fact is that there is just a Thin Line difference between Catholics and Protestants and i would say its just because of the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the Word of God. The sad part in this is that instead of erasing this Thin Line difference we put ourselves busy in pulling one from the other side to our side. Please Note that i have no intention in offending either of the denominations, but just wanna ask where we Christians really stand. I wanna talk about this thin line difference which i see between Catholics and Protestants. Issue 1 : In the Protestant church few are confused about one thing, that is Baptism. Whether it has to be by submersion, immersion, pouring, or sprinkling (pouring water three times on the forehead) . Few people of the Protestant Church believe that Sprinkle Baptism is enough, but the Catholic Church strongly believe that immersion Baptism is highly necessary. So a Protestant is not allowed to take part in the Holy Communion of a Catholic Church if he has not undergone an immersion Baptism. I do not argue over this issue saying which one is right, but just wanna urge Protestants to Pray to God so that his will may be perfectly revealed to us so that we are not misled. Issue 2 : In the Catholic Church people believe in (i) Praying to Mary and the Saints. (ii) Also one of the 7 Sacraments (Please Note : The word "Sacrament" is NOT even found in the Word of God, nor is it found in the Douay version (the Catholic Bible) insists in confessing sins to the father (Parish Priest) that he has the power to forgive sins, these two the Protestants don't agree .Other than these two things, almost both Catholics and Protestants walk hand in hand. So Pray to God so that his will may be perfectly revealed to us so that we are not misled. (i) Praying to Mary and the Saints : Is Mary, the Blessed mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Dead in this earth ? Are all the saints Dead ?? A protestant will answer yes to both, where as a Catholic will answer, yes the saints are Dead to this earth where as Mary is not Dead in to this earth. The issue of Catholics praying to Mary and the saints is one that is full of confusion. If some one is dead in the earth the bible clearly says you cannot call them and pray. So lets examine this issue. Catholics say we can pray to Mary - the Blessed mother of Jesus, they say this because they believe in the "Assumption of Mary". So does this "Assumption of Mary" have any Biblical reference ?? No way ! The Assumption of Mary is the traditional belief held by Christians of the Roman Catholic and by some other denominations, even few Protestant Churches. So what is this "Assumption of Mary" ?- Mary - the Blessed mother of Lord Jesus, at the end of her life was physically taken up into heaven. Here what i feel is that one verse is misunderstood. In his August 15, 2004 Pope John Paul II quoted John 14:3 from the Bible as a scriptural basis for understanding the issue of the Assumption of Mary. In this verse, Jesus tells his disciples at the Last Supper, - Here in this what do you sense ?? The second coming ? or something else ? Jesus said "and will receive you" , is it limited to those 12 ?? Definitely Not ! There is No Clear Biblical Proof for "Assumption of Mary" and i am Sure !! about that Recently i had an opportunity to visit a place "Holy Land" in Chalakudy which is situated in Kerala ( India ) There is a Catholic Church and they have replica of the things which are there in the Holy Land . There you can see the representation of the entire Life of Jesus Christ in different stages in the form of statues and sculptures. It starts with the Birth of Jesus Christ and it went on, i thought it will end with the Crucifiction of Jesus Christ or the resurrection of Jesus Christ, But was surprised that one of the final stage was "Assumption of Mary" .But here i noted one thing Clearly, For all the stages there was a caption given in a metal plate and beneath the caption there was a Bible reference quoted. But for this stage of "Assumption of Mary" there was a metal plate in which the caption was quoted as "Assumption of Mary" BUT THERE WAS NO BIBLE REFERENCE QUOTED !!!! Hence i conclude that There is No Clear Biblical Proof for "Assumption of Mary" . So this Proves that the Blessed Mother of Lord Jesus Christ was dead in the earth and she is not omnipotent or omniscient. If this is the case please get to know what the Bible says :: Deuteronomy 18:10-12 : And for sure all Catholics will agree that all the Saints are dead in this earth and the above verse clearly says that don't call them and pray to them. Catholics argue that praying to Mary and the saints is no different than asking someone here on earth to pray for you. This is not correct because the Bible says that some one on earth can pray for you :: James 5:16 : Please Note : It is written "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another" (James 5:16) and in another verse it is written (John 20 : 23 ), So Just think please. Is it Legal to cook up a verse by taking half from one and half from another and combining it and following it ?? The Cooked up verse can be put in this "Confess all your sins to the Priest and he will forgive you" Just because of cooking up a verse by combining two halves, Catholics are led to another issue that is "Confessing sins to the father (Parish Priests) and believing that he can forgive taking the place of Lord Jesus Christ". So Pray to God that his will may be perfectly revealed to us so that we are not misled. (ii) Confessing sins to the father (Parish Priests) : John 20 : 21- 23 The Verse 23 clearly talks about forgiveness and there is no such indication asking a man (Priest) to take up the place of God . If what the Catholic church teaches that Confession (to the Priest ) is true i.e., that priests have been given the power to forgive sin, then it must also be true that they have been given the power to REFUSE to forgive your sins. During confession to a Catholic priest what is done ?? The Priest is assumed or seen as the Lord himself and confession is made to him. Think again ! What is done here ? Simple ! Some one is being given the place of Jesus and any one/anything who takes Jesus Christ place in your life he/she is an Idol and i am pretty sure that every Christian knows about idolatry. To whom should we confess our sins? 1st John 1:9 states, A sinner cannot forgive a sinner on behalf of God. You need Jesus Christ, God Almighty, to forgive your sins and save your soul. So Pray to God that his will may be perfectly revealed to us so that we are not misled. Conclusion : I am not the one to judge what is right and what is wrong saying Catholics are wrong or Protestants are wrong. So i just wanna Urge you to Pray regarding these issues so that the thin line difference can be erased and we can prove that " We Christians are not just a collection or Catholic individuals or Protestant individuals, but we are and we will be the UNITED CHRISTIANS [/b]
  6. Man over the years has built up a wrong notion that material possessions makes for his importance and contribute to his happiness. He must, instead, look into himself and understand what he really needs in order to live happily. The pressure of adverse circumstances moulds his character as gold is purified within fire. This may cause pain and may hurt him. But it helps him to realize that many things that he thought essential are inessential. A man should live from within himself, doing what he wants to do and not what others want him to do. He must have an aim in life and must be focused. Temptations and distractions may arise. But this shouldn?t take him away from the track. Truth is one can?t prevent a crow from flying over the head but surely can prevent it from building a nest on head. Temptations may come. But the Lord God Almighty has given him the power to say ?NO?. Instead of whining and complaining set the focus straight define priorities and continue with the race. Remember it is better to light a Candle than curse the darkness. Once this is done he will be happy, and ready to help others in need.
  7. Where's VLC and media player classic ?? By far, those two are the best I have used thus far..... Especially , VLC is too good for playing broken media files... Supports a number of media formats and has a good UI too. Anyday, I would recommend VLC / Media player classic... On your list though, I prefer Windows Media Player
  8. You have to move your hamachi vlan up the list in your my network places list.... You can view the list under my network places --> advanced settings... only when you move the connection to the top, you would be able to play the game...Another good option for you would be to try game ranger. It s an easy to use software... GUI is pretty easy to work on. Try Gameranger if you get stuck up with hamachi..
  9. Yo! Indians must be aware of this i guess. The Indian railways is one which is started by The Great Britan when they conquered India. And after independence in the year 1947 the railways has shown a considerable improvement. One of this is GPS has been installed in all the Trains, and the passengers can see in a electronic display where they are and how many more KM are there for the next stop. and what is the next stop. and other related information. And because of this all the Railway stations can have a good grip on the running trains. Before this system there was an old system which was intorduced by the British " Token Passing " in the Trains . That is when one train crosses a station they will pass a Key to the station and inturn get another key from the railway station. I remember watching this scene when i was a small kid. As the train approached the station, if the train has a halt there then it is well and good. The key is passed in a simpler manner. Just imagine if the train dosent have a stop in the railway station, they will throw the Key to the ground ( The key is a small ball here which is tied up in a bamboo frame which looks like a shuttle racket ) . Now in the moving train too the driver has to get a key for this a guy stands near the moving train and raises the key and gives it to the engine driver of the moving train. The engine Driver grabs the bamboo striucture with much force. This was the previous system. In this system just imagine the key passing thing which is done at night. At night the guy standing in the railway station will hold a torch lit by flame in one hand and the key in the other hand and the key pass is done.This is how they used to track the running trains before in India. But now with GPS being installed in the running trains all this old system is no longer into existence. Yeah India is Developing.
  10. ah , they are gonna solve snake problem ?? then how are they gonna solve mongoose problem ?? who knows ? This wont be an apt solution to solve snake problem. This is like one problem leads to another problem.
  11. I wanted to start of this with a scenario. At home i do have an internet connection ( Broad Band ) and it runs through phone line. The Phone line uses an RJ -11 socket. The Router provided to me at home takes RJ-11 input ( that is the phone line ) and gives out RJ-45 Pin as output from which i get internet connection. Here, an UTP cable crimped with RJ 45 is used and i connect my computer with this router. This router does NATing, packet forwarding etc. So i have an dummy IP assigned for my computer ( 192.***.***.**) where as my external IP is a private one, that is 59.***.**.** . Now i am sure that this is not a dedicated IP which has been assigned to me , because every time when i turn off and turn on the router i am assisgned a new external IP. Here what confuses me is that how come this private IP behaves like a public IP ?? what i mean here is that with this 59.**.**.** IP address i am able to run a webserver at home. How is that happening. Then without getting a Dedicated public IP address everyone can easily run servers at home with the connection which they use and with the IP which is provided. All that you need to do is, Just hold the IP address which is assigned to you, that is see to that the router is not switched off. Because when you switch off and on the router. Then the old IP goes back to the IP POOL and new IP may be assigned from the POOL .
  12. ah, i guess this is one of the biggest problem which many people face today. I would say the best solution for this is go for swimming, if you dont know swimming ..just learn it and do it . It is one of the easiest way to accomplish your task of reducing tummy weight.
  13. My friend please remember one thing, being and Atheist is fun .. may be from your side. As long as everything goes right you may feel that beliving in God is not necessary. But when something goes terribly wrong then that is the time when you are gonna look back at the words which have used. On the other hand i just want to tell you something. Look what is a religion ? Who created it ? Did God Create Religion ? Nooo is the answer. Look Christianity is NOT A RELIGION. It is a relationship between the individual and the Lord God Almighty. Because of some one is gonna be born in a Chistian Family he is not a Christian. When every one is born he/she is born as a sinner. Its the relationship between the individual and God which really matters. Many often I because of my failures fail in this relationship with God. It is his unfailing mercy and Love which restores this relationship. For when we fall his mercy is there to pick up up. So the answer is A|theism is not a religion and i would personnel y request you to put you to come out of that.
  14. Do you know something, at last when Darwin was in his last days on this earth, he himself told that all his findings were not the one which is to be followed or something like that. I am not sure about the exact words which he used but the message which he tried to convey was that his findings are nor true.He was Baptized an Anglican and steeped in his mother's Unitarianism.
  15. Recently we have been witnessing that Indians are being badly thrashed in australia . So what would you comment on this ?? I would say This is one of the most intolerable act which can occur in a developed country like Australia. Australia is known for its higher education where people from different countries go there and study, but now times have changed . People have to go there study and get thrashed too. What can be done for this ?? The gov. of Australia has been saying that it has taken necessay steps to ensure safety. But still the same thing is going on. A 23 yr oldf Indian student was beaten up for the second time in a fortnight . A student complained saying that it is very bad because we pay a lot of money and we are living far from our country and we face all these situation. So what can be done about this ?? What is the solution ??
  16. oh , ya i guess Dragon never existed. Its only in cartoon we see Dragons and in some animation movies, On the other hand we can have a question like , when the existance of Dianozars is true why not Dragons ? But personnaly i feel Dragons never existed. In all cartoons Dragons are depicted with a chatecter like when they open theri mouth fire has to come, lol do u think this is ever possible ?? Noway , Nature is not created and established in that way. The sources of Fire, water etc. are gonna be different and not from the mouth of any animal. This clearly proves that Dragons Never existed. If there were dragons in our older days there must be good number of Scientist who must be breaking their heads on it, trying to figure out the bones of them etc. like how they do to Dianosours. But in todays world no one does any work like that , So this also clearly proves that Dragons never existed
  17. does any one have any idea when will this Google Bot crawl across ones website ? To be clear i wanna know does it do a random crawling or does it have regular intervals or does it see when the traffic is less to the site?? I Just wanna know when and all will the Bot crawl, moreover how much bandwidth does these bots take when they crawl a site ? Especially how much bandwidth is consumed by google bot when it crawls and takes that snap shot ?
  18. ah ha .. i was expecting this, that's why long back i had started a topic where it reads, P2P isnt it illegal. Anyway i wont say that the Pirate Bay are to be punished for this. And i would appreciate their words which states that they wont pay anything to those entertainment company. In such a case arent Copy Right Videos being uploaded in You Tube everyday ?? They will they go and charge Lary Page and Sergy Brin one day ?? lol that really sounds funny, All that these p2p and these video sharing sites have is a Policy which says "Users should not share copyrighted stuffs" . And in such a case its the problem with the end users if they share. Then why to bust the owners ?? Go search for the end users. LoL this too would be crazy .. anyway there needs to be a centralized authority to monitor these things, so that if a copyrighted content is shared, it has to be deleted automatically, i mean some new Technology has to evolve for this.
  19. So hope every one over here is familiar with Google adsense and their policies. So let me explain to you a scenario, before that i wanna tell you one of the most important thing which Google checks out is for Fraudent Clicks and im pretty sure that they track this based on IP address from which the click comes and nothing else can track them, for example i guess if the click comes continuously from the same IP address then they themselves assume that its fraud and they close the account. So now lets go to a scenario. Suppose im hosting a particular website for a college and that college has 6000 + students. So all the students come to know about this website and they visit the website and they click the adv. But every one must be aware in a college they use LAN and in a LAN every on is assisgned just dummy class C IP addresses and it goes for NAT'ing and NAT ing takes place in the firewall and to the external world only the static IP of the college will be displayed. No matter who out of this 6000+ students access the internet, to the external world only 1 IP that is the college static IP address will be displayed.So patching up this scenario with Google Adsense, If the 6000+ students access the site where one has subscribed to Google adsense and if the Adv are clicked, Google is gonna take note of the external IP , that is the source IP from where the clicks have come and here in this case its gonna be the static IP of the college and not the individuals dummy class C IP address. So in such a case if 6000 + different people click the adv too Google is gonna say Fraudent Click because the IP address is the same.So in such a case is Google failing to be True ?? Or is there no Technology to overcome this problem or is the Website owner is a looser in this case ???
  20. Hello, im aware that all of us, that is all online users have an IP address and we are tracked by that, so i have an issue regarding tracking IP address. Tracking is really simple if the user has an static IP address, even though if an user has an dymanmic Ip address then too its gonna be really simple for the network admins, all they need to do is that check up their DHCP server as at what time the particular IP was assigned and to whom it was assigned.But what if some one runs a network and it involves those class c Dummy IP's which falls under NATing. Suppose there is a very large network with 3000 nodes in it, the nework is connected to the external world through a router and the router is assigned a static IP and that particular static IP is shown to the outside world. Lets suppose behind the router we have the firewall and it hold the resposiblility of NATing . The entire network has been assigned with class c IP's that is 192.168.***.*** with the required subnet maskNow here in this scenario i understand that when a packet moves form a Node to the outside world the packet cannot move with the class C dummy IP, if the router sees that IP its gonna discard the packet. So for this purpose the packets IP is falling under NATing and the static IP if assigned to the packet and it travels into the internet. Now for all the 3000 will fall under NATing for all the 3000 people the external IP is the same. So lets leave the concept of DHCP like assigning IP address with MAC address etc. The network is so simple that nothing of resolving IP address for the MAC address or something like that takes place. All 3000 have just one IP and they use the internet.Now when some one sends a packet to the external world the packet has the source and the destination address, im sure the destination address is gonna be the address to which the node wanna connect and the source IP is gonna be the Static IP of the router ( the external IP ) .So when a packet out of the 3000 computer in the LAN gets its Source IP translated and moves out of the private network and returns how it gets NATed back and the sender recieves the packet he need ?? I do understand that the MAC address in the data link layer plays a maijor role in this regard.My main doubt is, suppose if someone sends some prank emails or anything from such a large network, all the officials can do is track the static IP and come to the server room ( from where the 3000 nodes access internet ) and in the server room they will maintain a log, showing which IP was assigned to whom. here from this LOG how will the officials find out from which computer that the particular mail was sent ??
  21. So every one who are into computer networks, a very familiar object which you come across daily is the LAN Cable. This they call it as the UTP Cable that is Unshielded Twisted Pair or the Ethernet cable. This particular cable has 4 pairs of twisted wires in it, but however only 2 pairs of twisted wire only is used for the transmission of data in a Network and over the internet. So every one is aware that this UTP cable can transmit only 100 Mbps (general speed of any LAN), but few days ago i came across a LAN Cable which has the same look, same RJ-45 jack was crimped in both the ends, but the manufacturer of the cable claims that it can transmit 1 Gbps. This cable has been released by a company Finolex. When i looked deep i found that this cable is also made of same copper stranded wires, that is the twisted wires, and there were only 4 pairs of twisted wires in this cable, just like any other UTP cable had, but now in this case the transfer rate which has been promised by the manufacturer is 1 Gbps. So how is this possible ?? 1 Gbps transfer rate in UTP cable. What would have been the technology which might have been used behind this. I do understand that the quality is different, but what is that thing which makes this cable so special that it can transfer upto 1 Gbps...
  22. So ..miladinoskim, thats it ?? is it so simple as that ?? If so if every one follows that i guess google spider will have no place to crawl then right ?
  23. As of now there are 54,079 Registered users, so 17 MB each runs to 919343 MB of space, moreover if that is done every one will start signing up with Xisto just for that 17 MB, Im sure the main objective of Xisto is to create a good community and to provide people a free webhosting service, please note that the objective is not only providing free hosts but also about creating a good community, so i dont think that giving 17 MB of free space just like that wont help Xisto to fullfill its objective.Anyway these decisions are taken by Mr.OpaQue and im sure he wont step into that kinda decision, still try asking him
  24. So how to give a person a velocity greater than 11.2 km/s ?? is it possible to make a setup, so that i can have a chair and make people to sit on it and a velocity greater than 11.2 km/s must be given to the person who sits on that chair possible ???
  25. I am sure that every person in this world who use Google service will be aware of the Google Caching system, especially those who have hosted websites must have had a detailed study about that, Google caching service is one where its so called ?Google Spider? crawls the web and takes snap shots ( a kind of snap shot I would call it ) and stores it in its cache, not only stores it, but it also gives it to the public to view it, so every one must have notices it, whenever you search something in Google the search results display the links too, and near the link we can find a small word ?Cached?, and when we click it we can see the cached pages of that particular website. So not only this, Google also updates these cached pages at regular intervals.Now my question is that, how can this be legal, It also gets the snap shot of several copyrighted stuffs, isn?t it ?? So if some one has some sensitive data, it caches that too and stores it and gives it to the public. So how come caching of copyrighted data be legal?? Moreover is there anyway where one can stop or prevent Google spider entering his/her website so that the contents wont be cached. What I mean here is that if some one is hosting some sensitive data such as personnel information or so and if the concerned person doesn?t want Google to cache that particular page and store it in its cache, then what must the person do ??
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